category TLCore longdesc This package contains configuration options for the TeX Live archive longdesc If container_split_{doc,src}_files occurs in the depend lines the longdesc {doc,src} files are split into separate containers (.tar.xz) longdesc during container build time. Note that this has NO effect on the longdesc appearance within the texlive.tlpdb. It is only on container level. longdesc The container_format/XXXXX specifies the format, currently allowed longdesc is only "xz", which generates .tar.xz files. zip can be supported. longdesc release/NNNN specifies the release number as used in the installer. longdesc For information on the 00texlive prefix see longdesc 00texlive.installation(.tlpsrc) depend container_split_src_files depend container_split_doc_files depend container_format/xz depend release/2009