# $Id$ # post action for xetex to handle system font stuff. # Copyright 2008-2024 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # We create the fontconfig configuration file with all TL fonts. On Windows, # we also run fc-cache to make the fonts available. # https://tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/texlive-en.html#xetexfontconfig my $texdir; my $mode; my $skip_gen; # not used for (un)install BEGIN { $^W = 1; $mode = lc(@ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : "no-argv0??"); $texdir = $ARGV[1] || "no-argv1??"; $skip_gen = (defined $ARGV[2]) ? 1 : 0; # not used with normal installs # make Perl find our packages first: unshift (@INC, "$texdir/tlpkg"); } use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(wndws mkdirhier conv_to_w32_path log info); if ($mode eq 'install') { do_install(); } elsif ($mode eq 'remove') { do_remove(); } else { die("unknown mode: $mode\n"); } sub do_remove { # do nothing } sub do_install { # fontconfig-related stuff. # use these TL-specific variables, supported by TL's XeTeX on Windows, # so we don't touch a true system directory such as /etc/fonts on Unix, # as we would do if we used FC_CACHEDIR and FONTCONFIG_PATH. chomp( my $fcachedir = `kpsewhich -var-value=XE_FC_CACHEDIR` ) ; chomp( my $fconfdir = `kpsewhich -var-value=XE_FONTCONFIG_PATH` ) ; chomp( my $fconffile = `kpsewhich -var-value=FONTCONFIG_FILE` ) ; if (-r "$texdir/bin/windows/xetex.exe") { # Windows binaries are installed, so copy the tlpostcode/xetex/* # subdirs into the TL dirs above. # # We (weirdly) create the directories and then remove them to ensure # that any intervening subdirs are created, but the actual dir we # copy into is non-existent. mkdirhier($fcachedir); mkdirhier($fconfdir); TeXLive::TLUtils::rmtree($fcachedir); TeXLive::TLUtils::rmtree($fconfdir); my @cpycmd = (); if (wndws()) { push @cpycmd, "xcopy", "/e", "/i", "/q", "/y"; } else { push @cpycmd, "cp", "-R"; } # copy trees from install area. my $postxetex = "$texdir/tlpkg/tlpostcode/xetex"; system(@cpycmd, (wndws() ? conv_to_w32_path("$postxetex/conf") : "$postxetex/conf"), (wndws() ? conv_to_w32_path($fconfdir) : $fconfdir)); system(@cpycmd, (wndws() ? conv_to_w32_path("$postxetex/cache") : "$postxetex/cache"), (wndws() ? conv_to_w32_path($fcachedir) : $fcachedir)); if (open(FONTSCONF, "<$postxetex/conf/fonts.conf")) { my @lines = ; close(FONTSCONF); if (open(FONTSCONF, ">$fconfdir/$fconffile")) { my $winfontdir; if (wndws()) { $winfontdir = $ENV{'SystemRoot'}.'/fonts'; $winfontdir =~ s!\\!/!g; } foreach (@lines) { $_ =~ s!c:/Program Files/texlive/YYYY!$texdir!; $_ =~ s!c:/windows/fonts!$winfontdir! if wndws(); print FONTSCONF; } close(FONTSCONF) || tlwarn("close($postxetex/conf/fonts.conf) failed: $!"); } else { tlwarn("open(>$fconfdir/$fconffile) failed: $!"); } } else { tlwarn("open($postxetex/conf/fonts.conf) failed: $!"); } } if (wndws()) { if (!$skip_gen) { # call fc-cache -- but only if we're actually running under Windows, # not merely installing its binaries. info("Running fc-cache -v -r\n"); log( `fc-cache -v -r 2>&1` ); # run it, log output } } else { # non-Windows: merely create a texlive-fontconfig.conf file, # in (the TL directory) XE_FONTCONFIG_PATH. mkdirhier("$fconfdir"); if (!open(FONTSCONF, ">$fconfdir/texlive-fontconfig.conf")) { tlwarn("open(>$fconfdir/texlive-fontconfig.conf) failed: $!"); } else { print FONTSCONF ' '; for my $t (qw/opentype truetype type1/) { print FONTSCONF " $texdir/texmf-dist/fonts/$t\n"; } print FONTSCONF "\n"; close(FONTSCONF) || tlwarn("close($fconfdir/texlive-fontconfig.conf) failed: $!"); } # cygwin-specific warning # we don't have our platform name available ... chomp(my $un = `uname`); if ($un =~ m/cygwin/i) { if (! -r "/usr/bin/cygfontconfig-1.dll") { print STDERR <