# # haranoaji-tlpost.pl: # Post action for haranoaji to link or copy files for TeX Live tlgs # https://gist.github.com/trueroad/f83f2fbf68aa49ea7f3ab0708bf5fb9e # # Copyright (C) 2020 Masamichi Hosoda. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use feature 'state'; use Encode; my $verbose = 0; if (wndws ()) { # These packages are not necessarily available on non-Windows, so # read them at runtime instead of compile time. require Encode::Locale; Encode::Locale->import (); # ':encoding(console_{in|out})' requires Encode::Locale package. binmode (STDIN, ':encoding(console_in)'); binmode (STDOUT, ':encoding(console_out)'); binmode (STDERR, ':encoding(console_out)'); require Win32::API; Win32::API->import (); require File::Compare; File::Compare->import (); } else { # for non-Windows, silently do nothing, to avoid tl-update-tlnet failure. exit 0; } # Font list: PostScript name => File name in TEXMF my %font_list = ( 'HaranoAjiMincho-ExtraLight' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-ExtraLight.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-Light' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-Light.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-Regular' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-Regular.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-Medium' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-Medium.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-SemiBold' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-SemiBold.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-Bold' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-Bold.otf', 'HaranoAjiMincho-Heavy' => 'HaranoAjiMincho-Heavy.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-ExtraLight' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-ExtraLight.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Light' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Light.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Normal' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Normal.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Regular' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Regular.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Medium' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Medium.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Bold' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Bold.otf', 'HaranoAjiGothic-Heavy' => 'HaranoAjiGothic-Heavy.otf' ); # CMap list for install my @cmap_list_install = ('2004-H', '2004-V'); # CMap list for snippet my @cmap_list_snippet = ( 'H', 'V', '2004-H', '2004-V', 'UniJIS-UTF16-H', 'UniJIS-UTF16-V', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-H', 'UniJIS2004-UTF16-V', 'UniJIS-UCS2-H' ); my $mode = lc (decode ('locale', $ARGV[0])); my $texdir = decode ('locale', $ARGV[1]); unshift (@INC, "$texdir/tlpkg"); require TeXLive::TLUtils; my_log ("haranoaji-tlpost\n"); my $resourcedir = "$texdir/tlpkg/tlgs/Resource"; my $cidfontdir = "$resourcedir/CIDFont"; my $cmapdir = "$resourcedir/CMap"; my $fontdir = "$resourcedir/Font"; if ($mode eq 'install') { do_install(); } elsif ($mode eq 'remove') { do_remove(); } else { die ("unknown mode: $mode\n"); } my_log ("\ndone.\n"); exit 0; # Install sub do_install { my_log ("\ndo_install\n"); tlgs_check (); install_cidfont (); install_cmap (); install_snippet (); } # Remove sub do_remove { my_log ("\ndo_remove\n"); tlgs_check (); remove_cidfont (); # We don't remove CMaps because other components may use them. #remove_cmap (); remove_snippet (); } # tlgs directories existence check sub tlgs_check { wrapper_isdir ($resourcedir) or die ("Not found: tlgs Resource directory: ${resourcedir}\n"); wrapper_isdir ($cidfontdir) or die ("Not found: tlgs CIDFont directory: ${cidfontdir}\n"); wrapper_isdir ($cmapdir) or die ("Not found: tlgs CMap directory: ${cmapdir}\n"); wrapper_isdir ($cmapdir) or die ("Not found: tlgs Font directory: ${fontdir}\n"); } # Link or copy CID font sub install_cidfont { my_log ("\ninstall_cidfont\n"); for my $psname (sort keys %font_list) { my_log ("\nFor $psname ...\n"); my $fontpath_in_texmf = search_fontpath ($font_list{$psname}); if (! $fontpath_in_texmf) { my_log ("Not found: Font in TEXMF: $font_list{$psname}\n"); next; } my $fontpath_in_cidfontdir = "$cidfontdir/$psname"; if (wrapper_isfile ($fontpath_in_cidfontdir)) { my_log ("Already exists: ${fontpath_in_cidfontdir}\n"); if (file_compare ($fontpath_in_texmf, $fontpath_in_cidfontdir)) { my_log ("Different from the file in TEXMF. Deleting.\n"); wrapper_unlink ($fontpath_in_cidfontdir); } else { my_log ("Same as the file in TEXMF. Skipping.\n"); next; } } link_or_copy ($fontpath_in_texmf, $fontpath_in_cidfontdir); } } # Link or copy CMap sub install_cmap { my_log ("\ninstall_cmap\n"); foreach my $cmapname (@cmap_list_install) { my_log ("\nFor $cmapname ...\n"); my $cmappath_in_texmf = search_cmappath ($cmapname); if (! $cmappath_in_texmf) { my_log ("Not found: CMap in TEXMF: $cmapname\n"); next; } my $cmappath_in_cmapdir = "$cmapdir/$cmapname"; if (wrapper_isfile ($cmappath_in_cmapdir)) { my_log ("Already exists: ${cmappath_in_cmapdir}\n"); if (file_compare ($cmappath_in_texmf, $cmappath_in_cmapdir)) { my_log ("Different from the file in TEXMF. Deleting.\n"); wrapper_unlink ($cmappath_in_cmapdir); } else { my_log ("Same as the file in TEXMF. Skipping.\n"); next; } } link_or_copy ($cmappath_in_texmf, $cmappath_in_cmapdir); } } # Create snippet sub install_snippet { my_log ("\ninstall_snippet\n"); for my $psname (sort keys %font_list) { my_log ("\nFor $psname ...\n"); foreach my $cmapname (@cmap_list_snippet) { my $snippetpath = "$fontdir/$psname-$cmapname"; if (wrapper_isfile ($snippetpath)) { my_log ("Already exists: ${snippetpath}\nDeleting.\n"); wrapper_unlink ($snippetpath); } my $contents = <<"EOS"; %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-Font %%DocumentNeededResources: $cmapname (CMap) %%IncludeResource: $cmapname (CMap) %%BeginResource: Font ($psname-$cmapname) ($psname-$cmapname) ($cmapname) /CMap findresource [($psname) /CIDFont findresource] composefont pop %%EndResource %%EOF EOS create_file_with_contents ($snippetpath, encode ('UTF-8', $contents)); my_log ("Created: ${snippetpath}\n"); } } } # Remove CID font sub remove_cidfont { my_log ("\nremove_cidfont\n"); for my $psname (sort keys %font_list) { my_log ("\nFor $psname ...\n"); my $fontpath_in_cidfontdir = "$cidfontdir/$psname"; if (wrapper_isfile ($fontpath_in_cidfontdir)) { wrapper_unlink ($fontpath_in_cidfontdir); my_log ("Removed: ${fontpath_in_cidfontdir}\n"); } else { my_log ("Not exist: ${fontpath_in_cidfontdir}\n"); } } } # Remove snippet sub remove_snippet { my_log ("\nremove_snippet\n"); for my $psname (sort keys %font_list) { my_log ("\nFor $psname ...\n"); foreach my $cmapname (@cmap_list_snippet) { my $snippetpath = "$fontdir/$psname-$cmapname"; if (wrapper_isfile ($snippetpath)) { wrapper_unlink ($snippetpath); my_log ("Removed: ${snippetpath}\n"); } else { my_log ("Not exist: ${snippetpath}\n"); } } } } # Check Windows environment sub wndws { return ($^O=~/^MSWin(32|64)$/i); } # Log sub my_log { my ($msg) = @_; print $msg if ($verbose); TeXLive::TLUtils::log ($msg); } # Warn sub my_warn { my ($msg) = @_; TeXLive::TLUtils::tlwarn ($msg); } # Search TEXMF font path sub search_fontpath { my ($filename) = @_; my $foo = kpsewhich ($filename); if ($foo eq "") { my_log ("Not found font path: ${filename}\n"); return; } my_log ("Font path is ${foo}.\n"); return $foo; } # Search TEXMF CMap path sub search_cmappath { my ($cmapname) = @_; my $foo = kpsewhich ("-format=cmap $cmapname"); if ($foo eq "") { my_log ("Not found CMap path: ${cmapname}\n"); return; } my_log ("CMap path is ${foo}.\n"); return $foo; } # Invoke kpsewhich sub kpsewhich { my ($name) = @_; # We use perl's active code page for invoking kpsewhich # because perl passes the command line string to the invoking API. my $cmdline = encode ('locale', "kpsewhich $name"); chomp (my $result = `$cmdline`); # !!!FIXME!!! # We can not know the character code output by kpsewhich. # So we assume that it is the same as perl's active code page. # The active code pages for perl and kpsewhich may be different, # in which case non-US-ASCII characters are garbled. # There is no problem when the path name contains only US-ASCII. $result = decode ('locale', $result); return $result; } # Try symbolic link, hard link, copy sub link_or_copy { my ($existingfilename, $newfilename) = @_; if (wrapper_symlink ($existingfilename, $newfilename)) { my_log ("Symbolic link succeeded: ${newfilename}\n"); return; } if (wrapper_hardlink ($existingfilename, $newfilename)) { my_log ("Hard link succeeded: ${newfilename}\n"); return; } if (wrapper_copy ($existingfilename, $newfilename)) { my_log ("Copy succeeded: ${newfilename}\n"); return; } my_warn ("Link/copy failed: ${newfilename}\n"); } # Create file with contents sub create_file_with_contents { my ($filename, $contents) = @_; # TODO: Create file by -W API on Windows open (my $fh, ">:raw", encode ('locale_fs', $filename)) or die ("Open failed: ${filename}\n"); print $fh $contents; close $fh; } # File compare sub file_compare { my ($filename1, $filename2) = @_; # TODO: Compare file by -W API on Windows my $result = compare (encode ('locale_fs', $filename1), encode ('locale_fs', $filename2)); if ($result == -1) { die ("File compare failed: ${filename1}, ${filename2}\n"); } return $result; } # Directory existence check sub wrapper_isdir { my ($dirname) = @_; # TODO: Directory existence check by -W API on Windows if ( -d encode ('locale_fs', $dirname) ) { return 1; } return; } # File existence check sub wrapper_isfile { my ($filename) = @_; # TODO: File existence check by -W API on Windows if ( -f encode ('locale_fs', $filename) ) { return 1; } return; } # Remove file sub wrapper_unlink { my ($filename) = @_; # TODO: Remove file by -W API on Windows return unlink (encode ('locale_fs', $filename)); } # Create symbolic link sub wrapper_symlink { my ($existingfilename, $newfilename) = @_; # We use CreateSymbolicLinkW API directly for creating symbolic link # because perl's symlink function may not work in Windows. state $createsymboliclinkw = load_createsymboliclinkw (); $existingfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; $newfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; my $r = $createsymboliclinkw->Call ( encode ('UTF-16LE', $newfilename), encode ('UTF-16LE', $existingfilename), 0 ); if (ord($r) != 0) { return 1; } my $msg = decode ('locale', Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ())); $msg =~ s/[\r\n]+\z//; my_log ("CreateSymbolicLinkW failed: ${msg}\n"); return 0; } # Create hard link sub wrapper_hardlink { my ($existingfilename, $newfilename) = @_; # We use CreateHardLinkW API directly for creating hard link # because -W API is not affected by the perl's active code page. state $createhardlinkw = load_createhardlinkw (); $existingfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; $newfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; my $r = $createhardlinkw->Call ( encode ('UTF-16LE', $newfilename), encode ('UTF-16LE', $existingfilename), 0 ); if ($r) { return 1; } my $msg = decode ('locale', Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ())); $msg =~ s/[\r\n]+\z//; my_log ("CreateHardLinkW failed: ${msg}\n"); return 0; } # Copy file sub wrapper_copy { my ($existingfilename, $newfilename) = @_; # We use CopyFileW API directly for copying file # because -W API is not affected by the perl's active code page. state $copyfilew = load_copyfilew (); $existingfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; $newfilename =~ s|/|\\|g; my $r = $copyfilew->Call ( encode ('UTF-16LE', $existingfilename), encode ('UTF-16LE', $newfilename), 1 ); if ($r) { return 1; } my $msg = decode ('locale', Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ())); $msg =~ s/[\r\n]+\z//; my_log ("CopyFileW failed: ${msg}\n"); return 0; } # Load CreateSymbolicLinkW API sub load_createsymboliclinkw { my $createsymboliclinkw = Win32::API::More->new ( 'kernel32.dll', 'BOOLEAN CreateSymbolicLinkW( LPCWSTR lpSymlinkFileName, LPCWSTR lpTargetFileName, DWORD dwFlags )' ) or die ('Failed: Win32::API::More->new CreateSymbolicLinkW'); return $createsymboliclinkw; } # Load CreateHardLinkW API sub load_createhardlinkw { my $createhardlinkw = Win32::API::More->new ( 'kernel32.dll', 'BOOL CreateHardLinkW( LPCWSTR lpFileName, LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, UINT_PTR lpSecurityAttributes )' ) or die ('Failed: Win32::API::More->new CreateHardLinkW'); return $createhardlinkw; } # Load CopyFileW API sub load_copyfilew { my $copyfilew = Win32::API::More->new ( 'kernel32.dll', 'BOOL CopyFileW( LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, BOOL bFailIfExists )' ) or die ('Failed: Win32::API::More->new CopyFileW'); return $copyfilew; }