# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file is machine-generated by mktables from the Unicode # database, Version 7.0.0. Any changes made here will be lost! # !!!!!!! INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY !!!!!!! # This file is for internal use by core Perl only. The format and even the # name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice. Don't # use it directly. Use Unicode::UCD to access the Unicode character data # base. # This file is for the use of Unicode::UCD # Highest legal Unicode code point $Unicode::UCD::MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT = 0x10FFFF; # Hangul syllables $Unicode::UCD::HANGUL_BEGIN = 0xAC00; $Unicode::UCD::HANGUL_COUNT = 11172; # Keys are all the possible "prop=value" combinations, in loose form; values # are the standard loose name for the 'value' part of the key %Unicode::UCD::loose_to_standard_value = ( 'age=1.1' => '1.1', 'age=2.0' => '2.0', 'age=2.1' => '2.1', 'age=3.0' => '3.0', 'age=3.1' => '3.1', 'age=3.2' => '3.2', 'age=4.0' => '4.0', 'age=4.1' => '4.1', 'age=5.0' => '5.0', 'age=5.1' => '5.1', 'age=5.2' => '5.2', 'age=6.0' => '6.0', 'age=6.1' => '6.1', 'age=6.2' => '6.2', 'age=6.3' => '6.3', 'age=7.0' => '7.0', 'age=na' => 'na', 'age=unassigned' => 'na', 'age=v11' => '1.1', 'age=v20' => '2.0', 'age=v21' => '2.1', 'age=v30' => '3.0', 'age=v31' => '3.1', 'age=v32' => '3.2', 'age=v40' => '4.0', 'age=v41' => '4.1', 'age=v50' => '5.0', 'age=v51' => '5.1', 'age=v52' => '5.2', 'age=v60' => '6.0', 'age=v61' => '6.1', 'age=v62' => '6.2', 'age=v63' => '6.3', 'age=v70' => '7.0', 'ahex=f' => 'n', 'ahex=false' => 'n', 'ahex=n' => 'n', 'ahex=no' => 'n', 'ahex=t' => 'y', 'ahex=true' => 'y', 'ahex=y' => 'y', 'ahex=yes' => 'y', 'alpha=f' => 'n', 'alpha=false' => 'n', 'alpha=n' => 'n', 'alpha=no' => 'n', 'alpha=t' => 'y', 'alpha=true' => 'y', 'alpha=y' => 'y', 'alpha=yes' => 'y', 'bc=al' => 'al', 'bc=an' => 'an', 'bc=arabicletter' => 'al', 'bc=arabicnumber' => 'an', 'bc=b' => 'b', 'bc=bn' => 'bn', 'bc=boundaryneutral' => 'bn', 'bc=commonseparator' => 'cs', 'bc=cs' => 'cs', 'bc=en' => 'en', 'bc=es' => 'es', 'bc=et' => 'et', 'bc=europeannumber' => 'en', 'bc=europeanseparator' => 'es', 'bc=europeanterminator' => 'et', 'bc=firststrongisolate' => 'fsi', 'bc=fsi' => 'fsi', 'bc=l' => 'l', 'bc=lefttoright' => 'l', 'bc=lefttorightembedding' => 'lre', 'bc=lefttorightisolate' => 'lri', 'bc=lefttorightoverride' => 'lro', 'bc=lre' => 'lre', 'bc=lri' => 'lri', 'bc=lro' => 'lro', 'bc=nonspacingmark' => 'nsm', 'bc=nsm' => 'nsm', 'bc=on' => 'on', 'bc=otherneutral' => 'on', 'bc=paragraphseparator' => 'b', 'bc=pdf' => 'pdf', 'bc=pdi' => 'pdi', 'bc=popdirectionalformat' => 'pdf', 'bc=popdirectionalisolate' => 'pdi', 'bc=r' => 'r', 'bc=righttoleft' => 'r', 'bc=righttoleftembedding' => 'rle', 'bc=righttoleftisolate' => 'rli', 'bc=righttoleftoverride' => 'rlo', 'bc=rle' => 'rle', 'bc=rli' => 'rli', 'bc=rlo' => 'rlo', 'bc=s' => 's', 'bc=segmentseparator' => 's', 'bc=whitespace' => 'ws', 'bc=ws' => 'ws', 'bidic=f' => 'n', 'bidic=false' => 'n', 'bidic=n' => 'n', 'bidic=no' => 'n', 'bidic=t' => 'y', 'bidic=true' => 'y', 'bidic=y' => 'y', 'bidic=yes' => 'y', 'bidim=f' => 'n', 'bidim=false' => 'n', 'bidim=n' => 'n', 'bidim=no' => 'n', 'bidim=t' => 'y', 'bidim=true' => 'y', 'bidim=y' => 'y', 'bidim=yes' => 'y', 'blk=aegeannumbers' => 'aegeannumbers', 'blk=alchemical' => 'alchemical', 'blk=alchemicalsymbols' => 'alchemical', 'blk=alphabeticpf' => 'alphabeticpf', 'blk=alphabeticpresentationforms' => 'alphabeticpf', 'blk=ancientgreekmusic' => 'ancientgreekmusic', 'blk=ancientgreekmusicalnotation' => 'ancientgreekmusic', 'blk=ancientgreeknumbers' => 'ancientgreeknumbers', 'blk=ancientsymbols' => 'ancientsymbols', 'blk=arabic' => 'arabic', 'blk=arabicexta' => 'arabicexta', 'blk=arabicextendeda' => 'arabicexta', 'blk=arabicmath' => 'arabicmath', 'blk=arabicmathematicalalphabeticsymbols' => 'arabicmath', 'blk=arabicpfa' => 'arabicpfa', 'blk=arabicpfb' => 'arabicpfb', 'blk=arabicpresentationformsa' => 'arabicpfa', 'blk=arabicpresentationformsb' => 'arabicpfb', 'blk=arabicsup' => 'arabicsup', 'blk=arabicsupplement' => 'arabicsup', 'blk=armenian' => 'armenian', 'blk=arrows' => 'arrows', 'blk=ascii' => 'ascii', 'blk=avestan' => 'avestan', 'blk=balinese' => 'balinese', 'blk=bamum' => 'bamum', 'blk=bamumsup' => 'bamumsup', 'blk=bamumsupplement' => 'bamumsup', 'blk=basiclatin' => 'ascii', 'blk=bassavah' => 'bassavah', 'blk=batak' => 'batak', 'blk=bengali' => 'bengali', 'blk=blockelements' => 'blockelements', 'blk=bopomofo' => 'bopomofo', 'blk=bopomofoext' => 'bopomofoext', 'blk=bopomofoextended' => 'bopomofoext', 'blk=boxdrawing' => 'boxdrawing', 'blk=brahmi' => 'brahmi', 'blk=braille' => 'braille', 'blk=braillepatterns' => 'braille', 'blk=buginese' => 'buginese', 'blk=buhid' => 'buhid', 'blk=byzantinemusic' => 'byzantinemusic', 'blk=byzantinemusicalsymbols' => 'byzantinemusic', 'blk=canadiansyllabics' => 'ucas', 'blk=carian' => 'carian', 'blk=caucasianalbanian' => 'caucasianalbanian', 'blk=chakma' => 'chakma', 'blk=cham' => 'cham', 'blk=cherokee' => 'cherokee', 'blk=cjk' => 'cjk', 'blk=cjkcompat' => 'cjkcompat', 'blk=cjkcompatforms' => 'cjkcompatforms', 'blk=cjkcompatibility' => 'cjkcompat', 'blk=cjkcompatibilityforms' => 'cjkcompatforms', 'blk=cjkcompatibilityideographs' => 'cjkcompatideographs', 'blk=cjkcompatibilityideographssupplement' => 'cjkcompatideographssup', 'blk=cjkcompatideographs' => 'cjkcompatideographs', 'blk=cjkcompatideographssup' => 'cjkcompatideographssup', 'blk=cjkexta' => 'cjkexta', 'blk=cjkextb' => 'cjkextb', 'blk=cjkextc' => 'cjkextc', 'blk=cjkextd' => 'cjkextd', 'blk=cjkradicalssup' => 'cjkradicalssup', 'blk=cjkradicalssupplement' => 'cjkradicalssup', 'blk=cjkstrokes' => 'cjkstrokes', 'blk=cjksymbols' => 'cjksymbols', 'blk=cjksymbolsandpunctuation' => 'cjksymbols', 'blk=cjkunifiedideographs' => 'cjk', 'blk=cjkunifiedideographsextensiona' => 'cjkexta', 'blk=cjkunifiedideographsextensionb' => 'cjkextb', 'blk=cjkunifiedideographsextensionc' => 'cjkextc', 'blk=cjkunifiedideographsextensiond' => 'cjkextd', 'blk=combiningdiacriticalmarks' => 'diacriticals', 'blk=combiningdiacriticalmarksextended' => 'diacriticalsext', 'blk=combiningdiacriticalmarksforsymbols' => 'diacriticalsforsymbols', 'blk=combiningdiacriticalmarkssupplement' => 'diacriticalssup', 'blk=combininghalfmarks' => 'halfmarks', 'blk=combiningmarksforsymbols' => 'diacriticalsforsymbols', 'blk=commonindicnumberforms' => 'indicnumberforms', 'blk=compatjamo' => 'compatjamo', 'blk=controlpictures' => 'controlpictures', 'blk=coptic' => 'coptic', 'blk=copticepactnumbers' => 'copticepactnumbers', 'blk=countingrod' => 'countingrod', 'blk=countingrodnumerals' => 'countingrod', 'blk=cuneiform' => 'cuneiform', 'blk=cuneiformnumbers' => 'cuneiformnumbers', 'blk=cuneiformnumbersandpunctuation' => 'cuneiformnumbers', 'blk=currencysymbols' => 'currencysymbols', 'blk=cypriotsyllabary' => 'cypriotsyllabary', 'blk=cyrillic' => 'cyrillic', 'blk=cyrillicexta' => 'cyrillicexta', 'blk=cyrillicextb' => 'cyrillicextb', 'blk=cyrillicextendeda' => 'cyrillicexta', 'blk=cyrillicextendedb' => 'cyrillicextb', 'blk=cyrillicsup' => 'cyrillicsup', 'blk=cyrillicsupplement' => 'cyrillicsup', 'blk=cyrillicsupplementary' => 'cyrillicsup', 'blk=deseret' => 'deseret', 'blk=devanagari' => 'devanagari', 'blk=devanagariext' => 'devanagariext', 'blk=devanagariextended' => 'devanagariext', 'blk=diacriticals' => 'diacriticals', 'blk=diacriticalsext' => 'diacriticalsext', 'blk=diacriticalsforsymbols' => 'diacriticalsforsymbols', 'blk=diacriticalssup' => 'diacriticalssup', 'blk=dingbats' => 'dingbats', 'blk=domino' => 'domino', 'blk=dominotiles' => 'domino', 'blk=duployan' => 'duployan', 'blk=egyptianhieroglyphs' => 'egyptianhieroglyphs', 'blk=elbasan' => 'elbasan', 'blk=emoticons' => 'emoticons', 'blk=enclosedalphanum' => 'enclosedalphanum', 'blk=enclosedalphanumerics' => 'enclosedalphanum', 'blk=enclosedalphanumericsupplement' => 'enclosedalphanumsup', 'blk=enclosedalphanumsup' => 'enclosedalphanumsup', 'blk=enclosedcjk' => 'enclosedcjk', 'blk=enclosedcjklettersandmonths' => 'enclosedcjk', 'blk=enclosedideographicsup' => 'enclosedideographicsup', 'blk=enclosedideographicsupplement' => 'enclosedideographicsup', 'blk=ethiopic' => 'ethiopic', 'blk=ethiopicext' => 'ethiopicext', 'blk=ethiopicexta' => 'ethiopicexta', 'blk=ethiopicextended' => 'ethiopicext', 'blk=ethiopicextendeda' => 'ethiopicexta', 'blk=ethiopicsup' => 'ethiopicsup', 'blk=ethiopicsupplement' => 'ethiopicsup', 'blk=generalpunctuation' => 'punctuation', 'blk=geometricshapes' => 'geometricshapes', 'blk=geometricshapesext' => 'geometricshapesext', 'blk=geometricshapesextended' => 'geometricshapesext', 'blk=georgian' => 'georgian', 'blk=georgiansup' => 'georgiansup', 'blk=georgiansupplement' => 'georgiansup', 'blk=glagolitic' => 'glagolitic', 'blk=gothic' => 'gothic', 'blk=grantha' => 'grantha', 'blk=greek' => 'greek', 'blk=greekandcoptic' => 'greek', 'blk=greekext' => 'greekext', 'blk=greekextended' => 'greekext', 'blk=gujarati' => 'gujarati', 'blk=gurmukhi' => 'gurmukhi', 'blk=halfandfullforms' => 'halfandfullforms', 'blk=halfmarks' => 'halfmarks', 'blk=halfwidthandfullwidthforms' => 'halfandfullforms', 'blk=hangul' => 'hangul', 'blk=hangulcompatibilityjamo' => 'compatjamo', 'blk=hanguljamo' => 'jamo', 'blk=hanguljamoextendeda' => 'jamoexta', 'blk=hanguljamoextendedb' => 'jamoextb', 'blk=hangulsyllables' => 'hangul', 'blk=hanunoo' => 'hanunoo', 'blk=hebrew' => 'hebrew', 'blk=highprivateusesurrogates' => 'highpusurrogates', 'blk=highpusurrogates' => 'highpusurrogates', 'blk=highsurrogates' => 'highsurrogates', 'blk=hiragana' => 'hiragana', 'blk=idc' => 'idc', 'blk=ideographicdescriptioncharacters' => 'idc', 'blk=imperialaramaic' => 'imperialaramaic', 'blk=indicnumberforms' => 'indicnumberforms', 'blk=inscriptionalpahlavi' => 'inscriptionalpahlavi', 'blk=inscriptionalparthian' => 'inscriptionalparthian', 'blk=ipaext' => 'ipaext', 'blk=ipaextensions' => 'ipaext', 'blk=jamo' => 'jamo', 'blk=jamoexta' => 'jamoexta', 'blk=jamoextb' => 'jamoextb', 'blk=javanese' => 'javanese', 'blk=kaithi' => 'kaithi', 'blk=kanasup' => 'kanasup', 'blk=kanasupplement' => 'kanasup', 'blk=kanbun' => 'kanbun', 'blk=kangxi' => 'kangxi', 'blk=kangxiradicals' => 'kangxi', 'blk=kannada' => 'kannada', 'blk=katakana' => 'katakana', 'blk=katakanaext' => 'katakanaext', 'blk=katakanaphoneticextensions' => 'katakanaext', 'blk=kayahli' => 'kayahli', 'blk=kharoshthi' => 'kharoshthi', 'blk=khmer' => 'khmer', 'blk=khmersymbols' => 'khmersymbols', 'blk=khojki' => 'khojki', 'blk=khudawadi' => 'khudawadi', 'blk=lao' => 'lao', 'blk=latin1' => 'latin1sup', 'blk=latin1sup' => 'latin1sup', 'blk=latin1supplement' => 'latin1sup', 'blk=latinexta' => 'latinexta', 'blk=latinextadditional' => 'latinextadditional', 'blk=latinextb' => 'latinextb', 'blk=latinextc' => 'latinextc', 'blk=latinextd' => 'latinextd', 'blk=latinexte' => 'latinexte', 'blk=latinextendeda' => 'latinexta', 'blk=latinextendedadditional' => 'latinextadditional', 'blk=latinextendedb' => 'latinextb', 'blk=latinextendedc' => 'latinextc', 'blk=latinextendedd' => 'latinextd', 'blk=latinextendede' => 'latinexte', 'blk=lepcha' => 'lepcha', 'blk=letterlikesymbols' => 'letterlikesymbols', 'blk=limbu' => 'limbu', 'blk=lineara' => 'lineara', 'blk=linearbideograms' => 'linearbideograms', 'blk=linearbsyllabary' => 'linearbsyllabary', 'blk=lisu' => 'lisu', 'blk=lowsurrogates' => 'lowsurrogates', 'blk=lycian' => 'lycian', 'blk=lydian' => 'lydian', 'blk=mahajani' => 'mahajani', 'blk=mahjong' => 'mahjong', 'blk=mahjongtiles' => 'mahjong', 'blk=malayalam' => 'malayalam', 'blk=mandaic' => 'mandaic', 'blk=manichaean' => 'manichaean', 'blk=mathalphanum' => 'mathalphanum', 'blk=mathematicalalphanumericsymbols' => 'mathalphanum', 'blk=mathematicaloperators' => 'mathoperators', 'blk=mathoperators' => 'mathoperators', 'blk=meeteimayek' => 'meeteimayek', 'blk=meeteimayekext' => 'meeteimayekext', 'blk=meeteimayekextensions' => 'meeteimayekext', 'blk=mendekikakui' => 'mendekikakui', 'blk=meroiticcursive' => 'meroiticcursive', 'blk=meroitichieroglyphs' => 'meroitichieroglyphs', 'blk=miao' => 'miao', 'blk=miscarrows' => 'miscarrows', 'blk=miscellaneousmathematicalsymbolsa' => 'miscmathsymbolsa', 'blk=miscellaneousmathematicalsymbolsb' => 'miscmathsymbolsb', 'blk=miscellaneoussymbols' => 'miscsymbols', 'blk=miscellaneoussymbolsandarrows' => 'miscarrows', 'blk=miscellaneoussymbolsandpictographs' => 'miscpictographs', 'blk=miscellaneoustechnical' => 'misctechnical', 'blk=miscmathsymbolsa' => 'miscmathsymbolsa', 'blk=miscmathsymbolsb' => 'miscmathsymbolsb', 'blk=miscpictographs' => 'miscpictographs', 'blk=miscsymbols' => 'miscsymbols', 'blk=misctechnical' => 'misctechnical', 'blk=modi' => 'modi', 'blk=modifierletters' => 'modifierletters', 'blk=modifiertoneletters' => 'modifiertoneletters', 'blk=mongolian' => 'mongolian', 'blk=mro' => 'mro', 'blk=music' => 'music', 'blk=musicalsymbols' => 'music', 'blk=myanmar' => 'myanmar', 'blk=myanmarexta' => 'myanmarexta', 'blk=myanmarextb' => 'myanmarextb', 'blk=myanmarextendeda' => 'myanmarexta', 'blk=myanmarextendedb' => 'myanmarextb', 'blk=nabataean' => 'nabataean', 'blk=nb' => 'nb', 'blk=newtailue' => 'newtailue', 'blk=nko' => 'nko', 'blk=noblock' => 'nb', 'blk=numberforms' => 'numberforms', 'blk=ocr' => 'ocr', 'blk=ogham' => 'ogham', 'blk=olchiki' => 'olchiki', 'blk=olditalic' => 'olditalic', 'blk=oldnortharabian' => 'oldnortharabian', 'blk=oldpermic' => 'oldpermic', 'blk=oldpersian' => 'oldpersian', 'blk=oldsoutharabian' => 'oldsoutharabian', 'blk=oldturkic' => 'oldturkic', 'blk=opticalcharacterrecognition' => 'ocr', 'blk=oriya' => 'oriya', 'blk=ornamentaldingbats' => 'ornamentaldingbats', 'blk=osmanya' => 'osmanya', 'blk=pahawhhmong' => 'pahawhhmong', 'blk=palmyrene' => 'palmyrene', 'blk=paucinhau' => 'paucinhau', 'blk=phagspa' => 'phagspa', 'blk=phaistos' => 'phaistos', 'blk=phaistosdisc' => 'phaistos', 'blk=phoenician' => 'phoenician', 'blk=phoneticext' => 'phoneticext', 'blk=phoneticextensions' => 'phoneticext', 'blk=phoneticextensionssupplement' => 'phoneticextsup', 'blk=phoneticextsup' => 'phoneticextsup', 'blk=playingcards' => 'playingcards', 'blk=privateuse' => 'pua', 'blk=privateusearea' => 'pua', 'blk=psalterpahlavi' => 'psalterpahlavi', 'blk=pua' => 'pua', 'blk=punctuation' => 'punctuation', 'blk=rejang' => 'rejang', 'blk=rumi' => 'rumi', 'blk=ruminumeralsymbols' => 'rumi', 'blk=runic' => 'runic', 'blk=samaritan' => 'samaritan', 'blk=saurashtra' => 'saurashtra', 'blk=sharada' => 'sharada', 'blk=shavian' => 'shavian', 'blk=shorthandformatcontrols' => 'shorthandformatcontrols', 'blk=siddham' => 'siddham', 'blk=sinhala' => 'sinhala', 'blk=sinhalaarchaicnumbers' => 'sinhalaarchaicnumbers', 'blk=smallforms' => 'smallforms', 'blk=smallformvariants' => 'smallforms', 'blk=sorasompeng' => 'sorasompeng', 'blk=spacingmodifierletters' => 'modifierletters', 'blk=specials' => 'specials', 'blk=sundanese' => 'sundanese', 'blk=sundanesesup' => 'sundanesesup', 'blk=sundanesesupplement' => 'sundanesesup', 'blk=suparrowsa' => 'suparrowsa', 'blk=suparrowsb' => 'suparrowsb', 'blk=suparrowsc' => 'suparrowsc', 'blk=superandsub' => 'superandsub', 'blk=superscriptsandsubscripts' => 'superandsub', 'blk=supmathoperators' => 'supmathoperators', 'blk=supplementalarrowsa' => 'suparrowsa', 'blk=supplementalarrowsb' => 'suparrowsb', 'blk=supplementalarrowsc' => 'suparrowsc', 'blk=supplementalmathematicaloperators' => 'supmathoperators', 'blk=supplementalpunctuation' => 'suppunctuation', 'blk=supplementaryprivateuseareaa' => 'suppuaa', 'blk=supplementaryprivateuseareab' => 'suppuab', 'blk=suppuaa' => 'suppuaa', 'blk=suppuab' => 'suppuab', 'blk=suppunctuation' => 'suppunctuation', 'blk=sylotinagri' => 'sylotinagri', 'blk=syriac' => 'syriac', 'blk=tagalog' => 'tagalog', 'blk=tagbanwa' => 'tagbanwa', 'blk=tags' => 'tags', 'blk=taile' => 'taile', 'blk=taitham' => 'taitham', 'blk=taiviet' => 'taiviet', 'blk=taixuanjing' => 'taixuanjing', 'blk=taixuanjingsymbols' => 'taixuanjing', 'blk=takri' => 'takri', 'blk=tamil' => 'tamil', 'blk=telugu' => 'telugu', 'blk=thaana' => 'thaana', 'blk=thai' => 'thai', 'blk=tibetan' => 'tibetan', 'blk=tifinagh' => 'tifinagh', 'blk=tirhuta' => 'tirhuta', 'blk=transportandmap' => 'transportandmap', 'blk=transportandmapsymbols' => 'transportandmap', 'blk=ucas' => 'ucas', 'blk=ucasext' => 'ucasext', 'blk=ugaritic' => 'ugaritic', 'blk=unifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabics' => 'ucas', 'blk=unifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabicsextended' => 'ucasext', 'blk=vai' => 'vai', 'blk=variationselectors' => 'vs', 'blk=variationselectorssupplement' => 'vssup', 'blk=vedicext' => 'vedicext', 'blk=vedicextensions' => 'vedicext', 'blk=verticalforms' => 'verticalforms', 'blk=vs' => 'vs', 'blk=vssup' => 'vssup', 'blk=warangciti' => 'warangciti', 'blk=yijing' => 'yijing', 'blk=yijinghexagramsymbols' => 'yijing', 'blk=yiradicals' => 'yiradicals', 'blk=yisyllables' => 'yisyllables', 'bpt=c' => 'c', 'bpt=close' => 'c', 'bpt=n' => 'n', 'bpt=none' => 'n', 'bpt=o' => 'o', 'bpt=open' => 'o', 'cased=f' => 'n', 'cased=false' => 'n', 'cased=n' => 'n', 'cased=no' => 'n', 'cased=t' => 'y', 'cased=true' => 'y', 'cased=y' => 'y', 'cased=yes' => 'y', 'ccc=0' => 'nr', 'ccc=1' => 'ov', 'ccc=10' => 'ccc10', 'ccc=103' => 'ccc103', 'ccc=107' => 'ccc107', 'ccc=11' => 'ccc11', 'ccc=118' => 'ccc118', 'ccc=12' => 'ccc12', 'ccc=122' => 'ccc122', 'ccc=129' => 'ccc129', 'ccc=13' => 'ccc13', 'ccc=130' => 'ccc130', 'ccc=132' => 'ccc132', 'ccc=133' => 'ccc133', 'ccc=14' => 'ccc14', 'ccc=15' => 'ccc15', 'ccc=16' => 'ccc16', 'ccc=17' => 'ccc17', 'ccc=18' => 'ccc18', 'ccc=19' => 'ccc19', 'ccc=20' => 'ccc20', 'ccc=200' => 'atbl', 'ccc=202' => 'atb', 'ccc=21' => 'ccc21', 'ccc=214' => 'ata', 'ccc=216' => 'atar', 'ccc=218' => 'bl', 'ccc=22' => 'ccc22', 'ccc=220' => 'b', 'ccc=222' => 'br', 'ccc=224' => 'l', 'ccc=226' => 'r', 'ccc=228' => 'al', 'ccc=23' => 'ccc23', 'ccc=230' => 'a', 'ccc=232' => 'ar', 'ccc=233' => 'db', 'ccc=234' => 'da', 'ccc=24' => 'ccc24', 'ccc=240' => 'is', 'ccc=25' => 'ccc25', 'ccc=26' => 'ccc26', 'ccc=27' => 'ccc27', 'ccc=28' => 'ccc28', 'ccc=29' => 'ccc29', 'ccc=30' => 'ccc30', 'ccc=31' => 'ccc31', 'ccc=32' => 'ccc32', 'ccc=33' => 'ccc33', 'ccc=34' => 'ccc34', 'ccc=35' => 'ccc35', 'ccc=36' => 'ccc36', 'ccc=7' => 'nk', 'ccc=8' => 'kv', 'ccc=84' => 'ccc84', 'ccc=9' => 'vr', 'ccc=91' => 'ccc91', 'ccc=a' => 'a', 'ccc=above' => 'a', 'ccc=aboveleft' => 'al', 'ccc=aboveright' => 'ar', 'ccc=al' => 'al', 'ccc=ar' => 'ar', 'ccc=ata' => 'ata', 'ccc=atar' => 'atar', 'ccc=atb' => 'atb', 'ccc=atbl' => 'atbl', 'ccc=attachedabove' => 'ata', 'ccc=attachedaboveright' => 'atar', 'ccc=attachedbelow' => 'atb', 'ccc=attachedbelowleft' => 'atbl', 'ccc=b' => 'b', 'ccc=below' => 'b', 'ccc=belowleft' => 'bl', 'ccc=belowright' => 'br', 'ccc=bl' => 'bl', 'ccc=br' => 'br', 'ccc=ccc10' => 'ccc10', 'ccc=ccc103' => 'ccc103', 'ccc=ccc107' => 'ccc107', 'ccc=ccc11' => 'ccc11', 'ccc=ccc118' => 'ccc118', 'ccc=ccc12' => 'ccc12', 'ccc=ccc122' => 'ccc122', 'ccc=ccc129' => 'ccc129', 'ccc=ccc13' => 'ccc13', 'ccc=ccc130' => 'ccc130', 'ccc=ccc132' => 'ccc132', 'ccc=ccc133' => 'ccc133', 'ccc=ccc14' => 'ccc14', 'ccc=ccc15' => 'ccc15', 'ccc=ccc16' => 'ccc16', 'ccc=ccc17' => 'ccc17', 'ccc=ccc18' => 'ccc18', 'ccc=ccc19' => 'ccc19', 'ccc=ccc20' => 'ccc20', 'ccc=ccc21' => 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'seen', 'jg=semkath' => 'semkath', 'jg=shin' => 'shin', 'jg=straightwaw' => 'straightwaw', 'jg=swashkaf' => 'swashkaf', 'jg=syriacwaw' => 'syriacwaw', 'jg=tah' => 'tah', 'jg=taw' => 'taw', 'jg=tehmarbuta' => 'tehmarbuta', 'jg=tehmarbutagoal' => 'tehmarbutagoal', 'jg=teth' => 'teth', 'jg=waw' => 'waw', 'jg=yeh' => 'yeh', 'jg=yehbarree' => 'yehbarree', 'jg=yehwithtail' => 'yehwithtail', 'jg=yudh' => 'yudh', 'jg=yudhhe' => 'yudhhe', 'jg=zain' => 'zain', 'jg=zhain' => 'zhain', 'joinc=f' => 'n', 'joinc=false' => 'n', 'joinc=n' => 'n', 'joinc=no' => 'n', 'joinc=t' => 'y', 'joinc=true' => 'y', 'joinc=y' => 'y', 'joinc=yes' => 'y', 'jt=c' => 'c', 'jt=d' => 'd', 'jt=dualjoining' => 'd', 'jt=joincausing' => 'c', 'jt=l' => 'l', 'jt=leftjoining' => 'l', 'jt=nonjoining' => 'u', 'jt=r' => 'r', 'jt=rightjoining' => 'r', 'jt=t' => 't', 'jt=transparent' => 't', 'jt=u' => 'u', 'lb=ai' => 'ai', 'lb=al' => 'al', 'lb=alphabetic' => 'al', 'lb=ambiguous' => 'ai', 'lb=b2' => 'b2', 'lb=ba' => 'ba', 'lb=bb' => 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'nchar=no' => 'n', 'nchar=t' => 'y', 'nchar=true' => 'y', 'nchar=y' => 'y', 'nchar=yes' => 'y', 'nfcqc=m' => 'm', 'nfcqc=maybe' => 'm', 'nfcqc=n' => 'n', 'nfcqc=no' => 'n', 'nfcqc=y' => 'y', 'nfcqc=yes' => 'y', 'nfdqc=n' => 'n', 'nfdqc=no' => 'n', 'nfdqc=y' => 'y', 'nfdqc=yes' => 'y', 'nfkcqc=m' => 'm', 'nfkcqc=maybe' => 'm', 'nfkcqc=n' => 'n', 'nfkcqc=no' => 'n', 'nfkcqc=y' => 'y', 'nfkcqc=yes' => 'y', 'nfkdqc=n' => 'n', 'nfkdqc=no' => 'n', 'nfkdqc=y' => 'y', 'nfkdqc=yes' => 'y', 'nt=de' => 'de', 'nt=decimal' => 'de', 'nt=di' => 'di', 'nt=digit' => 'di', 'nt=none' => 'none', 'nt=nu' => 'nu', 'nt=numeric' => 'nu', 'nv=-1/2' => '-1/2', 'nv=0' => 0, 'nv=1' => 1, 'nv=1/10' => '1/10', 'nv=1/16' => '1/16', 'nv=1/2' => '1/2', 'nv=1/3' => '1/3', 'nv=1/4' => '1/4', 'nv=1/5' => '1/5', 'nv=1/6' => '1/6', 'nv=1/7' => '1/7', 'nv=1/8' => '1/8', 'nv=1/9' => '1/9', 'nv=10' => 10, 'nv=100' => 100, 'nv=1000' => 1000, 'nv=10000' => 10000, 'nv=100000' => 100000, 'nv=1000000' => 1000000, 'nv=100000000' => 100000000, 'nv=10000000000' => 10000000000, 'nv=1000000000000' => 1000000000000, 'nv=11' => 11, 'nv=11/2' => '11/2', 'nv=12' => 12, 'nv=13' => 13, 'nv=13/2' => '13/2', 'nv=14' => 14, 'nv=15' => 15, 'nv=15/2' => '15/2', 'nv=16' => 16, 'nv=17' => 17, 'nv=17/2' => '17/2', 'nv=18' => 18, 'nv=19' => 19, 'nv=2' => 2, 'nv=2/3' => '2/3', 'nv=2/5' => '2/5', 'nv=20' => 20, 'nv=200' => 200, 'nv=2000' => 2000, 'nv=20000' => 20000, 'nv=21' => 21, 'nv=216000' => 216000, 'nv=22' => 22, 'nv=23' => 23, 'nv=24' => 24, 'nv=25' => 25, 'nv=26' => 26, 'nv=27' => 27, 'nv=28' => 28, 'nv=29' => 29, 'nv=3' => 3, 'nv=3/16' => '3/16', 'nv=3/2' => '3/2', 'nv=3/4' => '3/4', 'nv=3/5' => '3/5', 'nv=3/8' => '3/8', 'nv=30' => 30, 'nv=300' => 300, 'nv=3000' => 3000, 'nv=30000' => 30000, 'nv=31' => 31, 'nv=32' => 32, 'nv=33' => 33, 'nv=34' => 34, 'nv=35' => 35, 'nv=36' => 36, 'nv=37' => 37, 'nv=38' => 38, 'nv=39' => 39, 'nv=4' => 4, 'nv=4/5' => '4/5', 'nv=40' => 40, 'nv=400' => 400, 'nv=4000' => 4000, 'nv=40000' => 40000, 'nv=41' => 41, 'nv=42' => 42, 'nv=43' => 43, 'nv=432000' => 432000, 'nv=44' => 44, 'nv=45' => 45, 'nv=46' => 46, 'nv=47' => 47, 'nv=48' => 48, 'nv=49' => 49, 'nv=5' => 5, 'nv=5/2' => '5/2', 'nv=5/6' => '5/6', 'nv=5/8' => '5/8', 'nv=50' => 50, 'nv=500' => 500, 'nv=5000' => 5000, 'nv=50000' => 50000, 'nv=6' => 6, 'nv=60' => 60, 'nv=600' => 600, 'nv=6000' => 6000, 'nv=60000' => 60000, 'nv=7' => 7, 'nv=7/2' => '7/2', 'nv=7/8' => '7/8', 'nv=70' => 70, 'nv=700' => 700, 'nv=7000' => 7000, 'nv=70000' => 70000, 'nv=8' => 8, 'nv=80' => 80, 'nv=800' => 800, 'nv=8000' => 8000, 'nv=80000' => 80000, 'nv=9' => 9, 'nv=9/2' => '9/2', 'nv=90' => 90, 'nv=900' => 900, 'nv=9000' => 9000, 'nv=90000' => 90000, 'nv=nan' => 'nan', 'patsyn=f' => 'n', 'patsyn=false' => 'n', 'patsyn=n' => 'n', 'patsyn=no' => 'n', 'patsyn=t' => 'y', 'patsyn=true' => 'y', 'patsyn=y' => 'y', 'patsyn=yes' => 'y', 'patws=f' => 'n', 'patws=false' => 'n', 'patws=n' => 'n', 'patws=no' => 'n', 'patws=t' => 'y', 'patws=true' => 'y', 'patws=y' => 'y', 'patws=yes' => 'y', 'qmark=f' => 'n', 'qmark=false' => 'n', 'qmark=n' => 'n', 'qmark=no' => 'n', 'qmark=t' => 'y', 'qmark=true' => 'y', 'qmark=y' => 'y', 'qmark=yes' => 'y', 'radical=f' => 'n', 'radical=false' => 'n', 'radical=n' => 'n', 'radical=no' => 'n', 'radical=t' => 'y', 'radical=true' => 'y', 'radical=y' => 'y', 'radical=yes' => 'y', 'sb=at' => 'at', 'sb=aterm' => 'at', 'sb=cl' => 'cl', 'sb=close' => 'cl', 'sb=cr' => 'cr', 'sb=ex' => 'ex', 'sb=extend' => 'ex', 'sb=fo' => 'fo', 'sb=format' => 'fo', 'sb=le' => 'le', 'sb=lf' => 'lf', 'sb=lo' => 'lo', 'sb=lower' => 'lo', 'sb=nu' => 'nu', 'sb=numeric' => 'nu', 'sb=oletter' => 'le', 'sb=other' => 'xx', 'sb=sc' => 'sc', 'sb=scontinue' => 'sc', 'sb=se' => 'se', 'sb=sep' => 'se', 'sb=sp' => 'sp', 'sb=st' => 'st', 'sb=sterm' => 'st', 'sb=up' => 'up', 'sb=upper' => 'up', 'sb=xx' => 'xx', 'sc=aghb' => 'aghb', 'sc=arab' => 'arab', 'sc=arabic' => 'arab', 'sc=armenian' => 'armn', 'sc=armi' => 'armi', 'sc=armn' => 'armn', 'sc=avestan' => 'avst', 'sc=avst' => 'avst', 'sc=bali' => 'bali', 'sc=balinese' => 'bali', 'sc=bamu' => 'bamu', 'sc=bamum' => 'bamu', 'sc=bass' => 'bass', 'sc=bassavah' => 'bass', 'sc=batak' => 'batk', 'sc=batk' => 'batk', 'sc=beng' => 'beng', 'sc=bengali' => 'beng', 'sc=bopo' => 'bopo', 'sc=bopomofo' => 'bopo', 'sc=brah' => 'brah', 'sc=brahmi' => 'brah', 'sc=brai' => 'brai', 'sc=braille' => 'brai', 'sc=bugi' => 'bugi', 'sc=buginese' => 'bugi', 'sc=buhd' => 'buhd', 'sc=buhid' => 'buhd', 'sc=cakm' => 'cakm', 'sc=canadianaboriginal' => 'cans', 'sc=cans' => 'cans', 'sc=cari' => 'cari', 'sc=carian' => 'cari', 'sc=caucasianalbanian' => 'aghb', 'sc=chakma' => 'cakm', 'sc=cham' => 'cham', 'sc=cher' => 'cher', 'sc=cherokee' => 'cher', 'sc=common' => 'zyyy', 'sc=copt' => 'copt', 'sc=coptic' => 'copt', 'sc=cprt' => 'cprt', 'sc=cuneiform' => 'xsux', 'sc=cypriot' => 'cprt', 'sc=cyrillic' => 'cyrl', 'sc=cyrl' => 'cyrl', 'sc=deseret' => 'dsrt', 'sc=deva' => 'deva', 'sc=devanagari' => 'deva', 'sc=dsrt' => 'dsrt', 'sc=dupl' => 'dupl', 'sc=duployan' => 'dupl', 'sc=egyp' => 'egyp', 'sc=egyptianhieroglyphs' => 'egyp', 'sc=elba' => 'elba', 'sc=elbasan' => 'elba', 'sc=ethi' => 'ethi', 'sc=ethiopic' => 'ethi', 'sc=geor' => 'geor', 'sc=georgian' => 'geor', 'sc=glag' => 'glag', 'sc=glagolitic' => 'glag', 'sc=goth' => 'goth', 'sc=gothic' => 'goth', 'sc=gran' => 'gran', 'sc=grantha' => 'gran', 'sc=greek' => 'grek', 'sc=grek' => 'grek', 'sc=gujarati' => 'gujr', 'sc=gujr' => 'gujr', 'sc=gurmukhi' => 'guru', 'sc=guru' => 'guru', 'sc=han' => 'hani', 'sc=hang' => 'hang', 'sc=hangul' => 'hang', 'sc=hani' => 'hani', 'sc=hano' => 'hano', 'sc=hanunoo' => 'hano', 'sc=hebr' => 'hebr', 'sc=hebrew' => 'hebr', 'sc=hira' => 'hira', 'sc=hiragana' => 'hira', 'sc=hmng' => 'hmng', 'sc=imperialaramaic' => 'armi', 'sc=inherited' => 'zinh', 'sc=inscriptionalpahlavi' => 'phli', 'sc=inscriptionalparthian' => 'prti', 'sc=ital' => 'ital', 'sc=java' => 'java', 'sc=javanese' => 'java', 'sc=kaithi' => 'kthi', 'sc=kali' => 'kali', 'sc=kana' => 'kana', 'sc=kannada' => 'knda', 'sc=katakana' => 'kana', 'sc=kayahli' => 'kali', 'sc=khar' => 'khar', 'sc=kharoshthi' => 'khar', 'sc=khmer' => 'khmr', 'sc=khmr' => 'khmr', 'sc=khoj' => 'khoj', 'sc=khojki' => 'khoj', 'sc=khudawadi' => 'sind', 'sc=knda' => 'knda', 'sc=kthi' => 'kthi', 'sc=lana' => 'lana', 'sc=lao' => 'laoo', 'sc=laoo' => 'laoo', 'sc=latin' => 'latn', 'sc=latn' => 'latn', 'sc=lepc' => 'lepc', 'sc=lepcha' => 'lepc', 'sc=limb' => 'limb', 'sc=limbu' => 'limb', 'sc=lina' => 'lina', 'sc=linb' => 'linb', 'sc=lineara' => 'lina', 'sc=linearb' => 'linb', 'sc=lisu' => 'lisu', 'sc=lyci' => 'lyci', 'sc=lycian' => 'lyci', 'sc=lydi' => 'lydi', 'sc=lydian' => 'lydi', 'sc=mahajani' => 'mahj', 'sc=mahj' => 'mahj', 'sc=malayalam' => 'mlym', 'sc=mand' => 'mand', 'sc=mandaic' => 'mand', 'sc=mani' => 'mani', 'sc=manichaean' => 'mani', 'sc=meeteimayek' => 'mtei', 'sc=mend' => 'mend', 'sc=mendekikakui' => 'mend', 'sc=merc' => 'merc', 'sc=mero' => 'mero', 'sc=meroiticcursive' => 'merc', 'sc=meroitichieroglyphs' => 'mero', 'sc=miao' => 'plrd', 'sc=mlym' => 'mlym', 'sc=modi' => 'modi', 'sc=mong' => 'mong', 'sc=mongolian' => 'mong', 'sc=mro' => 'mroo', 'sc=mroo' => 'mroo', 'sc=mtei' => 'mtei', 'sc=myanmar' => 'mymr', 'sc=mymr' => 'mymr', 'sc=nabataean' => 'nbat', 'sc=narb' => 'narb', 'sc=nbat' => 'nbat', 'sc=newtailue' => 'talu', 'sc=nko' => 'nkoo', 'sc=nkoo' => 'nkoo', 'sc=ogam' => 'ogam', 'sc=ogham' => 'ogam', 'sc=olchiki' => 'olck', 'sc=olck' => 'olck', 'sc=olditalic' => 'ital', 'sc=oldnortharabian' => 'narb', 'sc=oldpermic' => 'perm', 'sc=oldpersian' => 'xpeo', 'sc=oldsoutharabian' => 'sarb', 'sc=oldturkic' => 'orkh', 'sc=oriya' => 'orya', 'sc=orkh' => 'orkh', 'sc=orya' => 'orya', 'sc=osma' => 'osma', 'sc=osmanya' => 'osma', 'sc=pahawhhmong' => 'hmng', 'sc=palm' => 'palm', 'sc=palmyrene' => 'palm', 'sc=pauc' => 'pauc', 'sc=paucinhau' => 'pauc', 'sc=perm' => 'perm', 'sc=phag' => 'phag', 'sc=phagspa' => 'phag', 'sc=phli' => 'phli', 'sc=phlp' => 'phlp', 'sc=phnx' => 'phnx', 'sc=phoenician' => 'phnx', 'sc=plrd' => 'plrd', 'sc=prti' => 'prti', 'sc=psalterpahlavi' => 'phlp', 'sc=qaac' => 'copt', 'sc=qaai' => 'zinh', 'sc=rejang' => 'rjng', 'sc=rjng' => 'rjng', 'sc=runic' => 'runr', 'sc=runr' => 'runr', 'sc=samaritan' => 'samr', 'sc=samr' => 'samr', 'sc=sarb' => 'sarb', 'sc=saur' => 'saur', 'sc=saurashtra' => 'saur', 'sc=sharada' => 'shrd', 'sc=shavian' => 'shaw', 'sc=shaw' => 'shaw', 'sc=shrd' => 'shrd', 'sc=sidd' => 'sidd', 'sc=siddham' => 'sidd', 'sc=sind' => 'sind', 'sc=sinh' => 'sinh', 'sc=sinhala' => 'sinh', 'sc=sora' => 'sora', 'sc=sorasompeng' => 'sora', 'sc=sund' => 'sund', 'sc=sundanese' => 'sund', 'sc=sylo' => 'sylo', 'sc=sylotinagri' => 'sylo', 'sc=syrc' => 'syrc', 'sc=syriac' => 'syrc', 'sc=tagalog' => 'tglg', 'sc=tagb' => 'tagb', 'sc=tagbanwa' => 'tagb', 'sc=taile' => 'tale', 'sc=taitham' => 'lana', 'sc=taiviet' => 'tavt', 'sc=takr' => 'takr', 'sc=takri' => 'takr', 'sc=tale' => 'tale', 'sc=talu' => 'talu', 'sc=tamil' => 'taml', 'sc=taml' => 'taml', 'sc=tavt' => 'tavt', 'sc=telu' => 'telu', 'sc=telugu' => 'telu', 'sc=tfng' => 'tfng', 'sc=tglg' => 'tglg', 'sc=thaa' => 'thaa', 'sc=thaana' => 'thaa', 'sc=thai' => 'thai', 'sc=tibetan' => 'tibt', 'sc=tibt' => 'tibt', 'sc=tifinagh' => 'tfng', 'sc=tirh' => 'tirh', 'sc=tirhuta' => 'tirh', 'sc=ugar' => 'ugar', 'sc=ugaritic' => 'ugar', 'sc=unknown' => 'zzzz', 'sc=vai' => 'vaii', 'sc=vaii' => 'vaii', 'sc=wara' => 'wara', 'sc=warangciti' => 'wara', 'sc=xpeo' => 'xpeo', 'sc=xsux' => 'xsux', 'sc=yi' => 'yiii', 'sc=yiii' => 'yiii', 'sc=zinh' => 'zinh', 'sc=zyyy' => 'zyyy', 'sc=zzzz' => 'zzzz', 'scx=aghb' => 'aghb', 'scx=arab' => 'arab', 'scx=arabic' => 'arab', 'scx=armenian' => 'armn', 'scx=armi' => 'armi', 'scx=armn' => 'armn', 'scx=avestan' => 'avst', 'scx=avst' => 'avst', 'scx=bali' => 'bali', 'scx=balinese' => 'bali', 'scx=bamu' => 'bamu', 'scx=bamum' => 'bamu', 'scx=bass' => 'bass', 'scx=bassavah' => 'bass', 'scx=batak' => 'batk', 'scx=batk' => 'batk', 'scx=beng' => 'beng', 'scx=bengali' => 'beng', 'scx=bopo' => 'bopo', 'scx=bopomofo' => 'bopo', 'scx=brah' => 'brah', 'scx=brahmi' => 'brah', 'scx=brai' => 'brai', 'scx=braille' => 'brai', 'scx=bugi' => 'bugi', 'scx=buginese' => 'bugi', 'scx=buhd' => 'buhd', 'scx=buhid' => 'buhd', 'scx=cakm' => 'cakm', 'scx=canadianaboriginal' => 'cans', 'scx=cans' => 'cans', 'scx=cari' => 'cari', 'scx=carian' => 'cari', 'scx=caucasianalbanian' => 'aghb', 'scx=chakma' => 'cakm', 'scx=cham' => 'cham', 'scx=cher' => 'cher', 'scx=cherokee' => 'cher', 'scx=common' => 'zyyy', 'scx=copt' => 'copt', 'scx=coptic' => 'copt', 'scx=cprt' => 'cprt', 'scx=cuneiform' => 'xsux', 'scx=cypriot' => 'cprt', 'scx=cyrillic' => 'cyrl', 'scx=cyrl' => 'cyrl', 'scx=deseret' => 'dsrt', 'scx=deva' => 'deva', 'scx=devanagari' => 'deva', 'scx=dsrt' => 'dsrt', 'scx=dupl' => 'dupl', 'scx=duployan' => 'dupl', 'scx=egyp' => 'egyp', 'scx=egyptianhieroglyphs' => 'egyp', 'scx=elba' => 'elba', 'scx=elbasan' => 'elba', 'scx=ethi' => 'ethi', 'scx=ethiopic' => 'ethi', 'scx=geor' => 'geor', 'scx=georgian' => 'geor', 'scx=glag' => 'glag', 'scx=glagolitic' => 'glag', 'scx=goth' => 'goth', 'scx=gothic' => 'goth', 'scx=gran' => 'gran', 'scx=grantha' => 'gran', 'scx=greek' => 'grek', 'scx=grek' => 'grek', 'scx=gujarati' => 'gujr', 'scx=gujr' => 'gujr', 'scx=gurmukhi' => 'guru', 'scx=guru' => 'guru', 'scx=han' => 'hani', 'scx=hang' => 'hang', 'scx=hangul' => 'hang', 'scx=hani' => 'hani', 'scx=hano' => 'hano', 'scx=hanunoo' => 'hano', 'scx=hebr' => 'hebr', 'scx=hebrew' => 'hebr', 'scx=hira' => 'hira', 'scx=hiragana' => 'hira', 'scx=hmng' => 'hmng', 'scx=imperialaramaic' => 'armi', 'scx=inherited' => 'zinh', 'scx=inscriptionalpahlavi' => 'phli', 'scx=inscriptionalparthian' => 'prti', 'scx=ital' => 'ital', 'scx=java' => 'java', 'scx=javanese' => 'java', 'scx=kaithi' => 'kthi', 'scx=kali' => 'kali', 'scx=kana' => 'kana', 'scx=kannada' => 'knda', 'scx=katakana' => 'kana', 'scx=kayahli' => 'kali', 'scx=khar' => 'khar', 'scx=kharoshthi' => 'khar', 'scx=khmer' => 'khmr', 'scx=khmr' => 'khmr', 'scx=khoj' => 'khoj', 'scx=khojki' => 'khoj', 'scx=khudawadi' => 'sind', 'scx=knda' => 'knda', 'scx=kthi' => 'kthi', 'scx=lana' => 'lana', 'scx=lao' => 'laoo', 'scx=laoo' => 'laoo', 'scx=latin' => 'latn', 'scx=latn' => 'latn', 'scx=lepc' => 'lepc', 'scx=lepcha' => 'lepc', 'scx=limb' => 'limb', 'scx=limbu' => 'limb', 'scx=lina' => 'lina', 'scx=linb' => 'linb', 'scx=lineara' => 'lina', 'scx=linearb' => 'linb', 'scx=lisu' => 'lisu', 'scx=lyci' => 'lyci', 'scx=lycian' => 'lyci', 'scx=lydi' => 'lydi', 'scx=lydian' => 'lydi', 'scx=mahajani' => 'mahj', 'scx=mahj' => 'mahj', 'scx=malayalam' => 'mlym', 'scx=mand' => 'mand', 'scx=mandaic' => 'mand', 'scx=mani' => 'mani', 'scx=manichaean' => 'mani', 'scx=meeteimayek' => 'mtei', 'scx=mend' => 'mend', 'scx=mendekikakui' => 'mend', 'scx=merc' => 'merc', 'scx=mero' => 'mero', 'scx=meroiticcursive' => 'merc', 'scx=meroitichieroglyphs' => 'mero', 'scx=miao' => 'plrd', 'scx=mlym' => 'mlym', 'scx=modi' => 'modi', 'scx=mong' => 'mong', 'scx=mongolian' => 'mong', 'scx=mro' => 'mroo', 'scx=mroo' => 'mroo', 'scx=mtei' => 'mtei', 'scx=myanmar' => 'mymr', 'scx=mymr' => 'mymr', 'scx=nabataean' => 'nbat', 'scx=narb' => 'narb', 'scx=nbat' => 'nbat', 'scx=newtailue' => 'talu', 'scx=nko' => 'nkoo', 'scx=nkoo' => 'nkoo', 'scx=ogam' => 'ogam', 'scx=ogham' => 'ogam', 'scx=olchiki' => 'olck', 'scx=olck' => 'olck', 'scx=olditalic' => 'ital', 'scx=oldnortharabian' => 'narb', 'scx=oldpermic' => 'perm', 'scx=oldpersian' => 'xpeo', 'scx=oldsoutharabian' => 'sarb', 'scx=oldturkic' => 'orkh', 'scx=oriya' => 'orya', 'scx=orkh' => 'orkh', 'scx=orya' => 'orya', 'scx=osma' => 'osma', 'scx=osmanya' => 'osma', 'scx=pahawhhmong' => 'hmng', 'scx=palm' => 'palm', 'scx=palmyrene' => 'palm', 'scx=pauc' => 'pauc', 'scx=paucinhau' => 'pauc', 'scx=perm' => 'perm', 'scx=phag' => 'phag', 'scx=phagspa' => 'phag', 'scx=phli' => 'phli', 'scx=phlp' => 'phlp', 'scx=phnx' => 'phnx', 'scx=phoenician' => 'phnx', 'scx=plrd' => 'plrd', 'scx=prti' => 'prti', 'scx=psalterpahlavi' => 'phlp', 'scx=qaac' => 'copt', 'scx=qaai' => 'zinh', 'scx=rejang' => 'rjng', 'scx=rjng' => 'rjng', 'scx=runic' => 'runr', 'scx=runr' => 'runr', 'scx=samaritan' => 'samr', 'scx=samr' => 'samr', 'scx=sarb' => 'sarb', 'scx=saur' => 'saur', 'scx=saurashtra' => 'saur', 'scx=sharada' => 'shrd', 'scx=shavian' => 'shaw', 'scx=shaw' => 'shaw', 'scx=shrd' => 'shrd', 'scx=sidd' => 'sidd', 'scx=siddham' => 'sidd', 'scx=sind' => 'sind', 'scx=sinh' => 'sinh', 'scx=sinhala' => 'sinh', 'scx=sora' => 'sora', 'scx=sorasompeng' => 'sora', 'scx=sund' => 'sund', 'scx=sundanese' => 'sund', 'scx=sylo' => 'sylo', 'scx=sylotinagri' => 'sylo', 'scx=syrc' => 'syrc', 'scx=syriac' => 'syrc', 'scx=tagalog' => 'tglg', 'scx=tagb' => 'tagb', 'scx=tagbanwa' => 'tagb', 'scx=taile' => 'tale', 'scx=taitham' => 'lana', 'scx=taiviet' => 'tavt', 'scx=takr' => 'takr', 'scx=takri' => 'takr', 'scx=tale' => 'tale', 'scx=talu' => 'talu', 'scx=tamil' => 'taml', 'scx=taml' => 'taml', 'scx=tavt' => 'tavt', 'scx=telu' => 'telu', 'scx=telugu' => 'telu', 'scx=tfng' => 'tfng', 'scx=tglg' => 'tglg', 'scx=thaa' => 'thaa', 'scx=thaana' => 'thaa', 'scx=thai' => 'thai', 'scx=tibetan' => 'tibt', 'scx=tibt' => 'tibt', 'scx=tifinagh' => 'tfng', 'scx=tirh' => 'tirh', 'scx=tirhuta' => 'tirh', 'scx=ugar' => 'ugar', 'scx=ugaritic' => 'ugar', 'scx=unknown' => 'zzzz', 'scx=vai' => 'vaii', 'scx=vaii' => 'vaii', 'scx=wara' => 'wara', 'scx=warangciti' => 'wara', 'scx=xpeo' => 'xpeo', 'scx=xsux' => 'xsux', 'scx=yi' => 'yiii', 'scx=yiii' => 'yiii', 'scx=zinh' => 'zinh', 'scx=zyyy' => 'zyyy', 'scx=zzzz' => 'zzzz', 'sd=f' => 'n', 'sd=false' => 'n', 'sd=n' => 'n', 'sd=no' => 'n', 'sd=t' => 'y', 'sd=true' => 'y', 'sd=y' => 'y', 'sd=yes' => 'y', 'sterm=f' => 'n', 'sterm=false' => 'n', 'sterm=n' => 'n', 'sterm=no' => 'n', 'sterm=t' => 'y', 'sterm=true' => 'y', 'sterm=y' => 'y', 'sterm=yes' => 'y', 'term=f' => 'n', 'term=false' => 'n', 'term=n' => 'n', 'term=no' => 'n', 'term=t' => 'y', 'term=true' => 'y', 'term=y' => 'y', 'term=yes' => 'y', 'uideo=f' => 'n', 'uideo=false' => 'n', 'uideo=n' => 'n', 'uideo=no' => 'n', 'uideo=t' => 'y', 'uideo=true' => 'y', 'uideo=y' => 'y', 'uideo=yes' => 'y', 'upper=f' => 'n', 'upper=false' => 'n', 'upper=n' => 'n', 'upper=no' => 'n', 'upper=t' => 'y', 'upper=true' => 'y', 'upper=y' => 'y', 'upper=yes' => 'y', 'vs=f' => 'n', 'vs=false' => 'n', 'vs=n' => 'n', 'vs=no' => 'n', 'vs=t' => 'y', 'vs=true' => 'y', 'vs=y' => 'y', 'vs=yes' => 'y', 'wb=aletter' => 'le', 'wb=cr' => 'cr', 'wb=doublequote' => 'dq', 'wb=dq' => 'dq', 'wb=ex' => 'ex', 'wb=extend' => 'extend', 'wb=extendnumlet' => 'ex', 'wb=fo' => 'fo', 'wb=format' => 'fo', 'wb=hebrewletter' => 'hl', 'wb=hl' => 'hl', 'wb=ka' => 'ka', 'wb=katakana' => 'ka', 'wb=le' => 'le', 'wb=lf' => 'lf', 'wb=mb' => 'mb', 'wb=midletter' => 'ml', 'wb=midnum' => 'mn', 'wb=midnumlet' => 'mb', 'wb=ml' => 'ml', 'wb=mn' => 'mn', 'wb=newline' => 'nl', 'wb=nl' => 'nl', 'wb=nu' => 'nu', 'wb=numeric' => 'nu', 'wb=other' => 'xx', 'wb=regionalindicator' => 'ri', 'wb=ri' => 'ri', 'wb=singlequote' => 'sq', 'wb=sq' => 'sq', 'wb=xx' => 'xx', 'wspace=f' => 'n', 'wspace=false' => 'n', 'wspace=n' => 'n', 'wspace=no' => 'n', 'wspace=t' => 'y', 'wspace=true' => 'y', 'wspace=y' => 'y', 'wspace=yes' => 'y', 'xidc=f' => 'n', 'xidc=false' => 'n', 'xidc=n' => 'n', 'xidc=no' => 'n', 'xidc=t' => 'y', 'xidc=true' => 'y', 'xidc=y' => 'y', 'xidc=yes' => 'y', 'xids=f' => 'n', 'xids=false' => 'n', 'xids=n' => 'n', 'xids=no' => 'n', 'xids=t' => 'y', 'xids=true' => 'y', 'xids=y' => 'y', 'xids=yes' => 'y', ); # String property loose names to standard loose name %Unicode::UCD::string_property_loose_to_name = ( 'bidimirroringglyph' => 'bmg', 'bidipairedbracket' => 'bpb', 'bmg' => 'bmg', 'bpb' => 'bpb', 'casefolding' => 'cf', 'cf' => 'cf', 'decompositionmapping' => 'dm', 'dm' => 'dm', 'isc' => 'isc', 'isocomment' => 'isc', 'lc' => 'lc', 'lowercasemapping' => 'lc', 'na' => 'na', 'na1' => 'na1', 'name' => 'na', 'namealias' => 'namealias', 'nfkccasefold' => 'nfkccf', 'nfkccf' => 'nfkccf', 'perldecimaldigit' => 'perldecimaldigit', 'scf' => 'scf', 'sfc' => 'scf', 'simplecasefolding' => 'scf', 'simplelowercasemapping' => 'slc', 'simpletitlecasemapping' => 'stc', 'simpleuppercasemapping' => 'suc', 'slc' => 'slc', 'stc' => 'stc', 'suc' => 'suc', 'tc' => 'tc', 'titlecasemapping' => 'tc', 'uc' => 'uc', 'unicode1name' => 'na1', 'uppercasemapping' => 'uc', ); # Keys are Perl extensions in loose form; values are each one's list of # aliases %Unicode::UCD::loose_perlprop_to_name = ( 'all' => [ 'All', ], 'alnum' => [ 'Alnum', 'XPosixAlnum', ], 'any' => [ 'Any', 'Any', 'Unicode', ], 'ascii' => [ 'ASCII', ], 'assigned' => [ 'Assigned', ], 'blank' => [ 'Blank', 'XPosixBlank', 'HorizSpace', ], 'cntrl' => [ 'Cntrl', 'XPosixCntrl', ], 'digit' => [ 'Digit', 'XPosixDigit', ], 'graph' => [ 'Graph', 'XPosixGraph', ], 'horizspace' => [ 'Blank', 'XPosixBlank', 'HorizSpace', ], 'perlspace' => [ 'PosixSpace', 'PosixSpace', 'PerlSpace', ], 'perlword' => [ 'PosixWord', 'PosixWord', 'PerlWord', ], 'posixalnum' => [ 'PosixAlnum', ], 'posixalpha' => [ 'PosixAlpha', ], 'posixblank' => [ 'PosixBlank', ], 'posixcntrl' => [ 'PosixCntrl', ], 'posixdigit' => [ 'PosixDigit', ], 'posixgraph' => [ 'PosixGraph', ], 'posixlower' => [ 'PosixLower', ], 'posixprint' => [ 'PosixPrint', ], 'posixpunct' => [ 'PosixPunct', ], 'posixspace' => [ 'PosixSpace', 'PosixSpace', 'PerlSpace', ], 'posixupper' => [ 'PosixUpper', ], 'posixword' => [ 'PosixWord', 'PosixWord', 'PerlWord', ], 'posixxdigit' => [ 'PosixXDigit', ], 'print' => [ 'Print', 'XPosixPrint', ], 'punct' => [ 'Punct', ], 'spaceperl' => [ 'XPosixSpace', 'XPosixSpace', 'XPerlSpace', 'SpacePerl', ], 'title' => [ 'Title', 'Titlecase', ], 'titlecase' => [ 'Title', 'Titlecase', ], 'unicode' => [ 'Any', 'Any', 'Unicode', ], 'vertspace' => [ 'VertSpace', ], 'word' => [ 'Word', 'XPosixWord', ], 'xdigit' => [ 'XDigit', 'XPosixXDigit', ], 'xperlspace' => [ 'XPosixSpace', 'XPosixSpace', 'XPerlSpace', 'SpacePerl', ], 'xposixalnum' => [ 'Alnum', 'XPosixAlnum', ], 'xposixalpha' => [ 'XPosixAlpha', ], 'xposixblank' => [ 'Blank', 'XPosixBlank', 'HorizSpace', ], 'xposixcntrl' => [ 'Cntrl', 'XPosixCntrl', ], 'xposixdigit' => [ 'Digit', 'XPosixDigit', ], 'xposixgraph' => [ 'Graph', 'XPosixGraph', ], 'xposixlower' => [ 'XPosixLower', ], 'xposixprint' => [ 'Print', 'XPosixPrint', ], 'xposixpunct' => [ 'XPosixPunct', ], 'xposixspace' => [ 'XPosixSpace', 'XPosixSpace', 'XPerlSpace', 'SpacePerl', ], 'xposixupper' => [ 'XPosixUpper', ], 'xposixword' => [ 'Word', 'XPosixWord', ], 'xposixxdigit' => [ 'XDigit', 'XPosixXDigit', ], ); # Keys are standard property name; values are each one's aliases %Unicode::UCD::prop_aliases = ( 'age' => [ 'age', 'Age', ], 'ahex' => [ 'AHex', 'ASCII_Hex_Digit', ], 'alpha' => [ 'Alpha', 'Alphabetic', ], 'bc' => [ 'bc', 'Bidi_Class', ], 'bidic' => [ 'Bidi_C', 'Bidi_Control', ], 'bidim' => [ 'Bidi_M', 'Bidi_Mirrored', ], 'blk' => [ 'blk', 'Block', ], 'bmg' => [ 'bmg', 'Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph', ], 'bpb' => [ 'bpb', 'Bidi_Paired_Bracket', ], 'bpt' => [ 'bpt', 'Bidi_Paired_Bracket_Type', ], 'cased' => [ 'Cased', 'Cased', ], 'ccc' => [ 'ccc', 'Canonical_Combining_Class', ], 'ce' => [ 'CE', 'Composition_Exclusion', ], 'cf' => [ 'cf', 'Case_Folding', ], 'ci' => [ 'CI', 'Case_Ignorable', ], 'compex' => [ 'Comp_Ex', 'Full_Composition_Exclusion', ], 'cwcf' => [ 'CWCF', 'Changes_When_Casefolded', ], 'cwcm' => [ 'CWCM', 'Changes_When_Casemapped', ], 'cwkcf' => [ 'CWKCF', 'Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded', ], 'cwl' => [ 'CWL', 'Changes_When_Lowercased', ], 'cwt' => [ 'CWT', 'Changes_When_Titlecased', ], 'cwu' => [ 'CWU', 'Changes_When_Uppercased', ], 'dash' => [ 'Dash', 'Dash', ], 'dep' => [ 'Dep', 'Deprecated', ], 'di' => [ 'DI', 'Default_Ignorable_Code_Point', ], 'dia' => [ 'Dia', 'Diacritic', ], 'dm' => [ 'dm', 'Decomposition_Mapping', ], 'dt' => [ 'dt', 'Decomposition_Type', ], 'ea' => [ 'ea', 'East_Asian_Width', ], 'ext' => [ 'Ext', 'Extender', ], 'gc' => [ 'gc', 'General_Category', 'Category', ], 'gcb' => [ 'GCB', 'Grapheme_Cluster_Break', ], 'grbase' => [ 'Gr_Base', 'Grapheme_Base', ], 'grext' => [ 'Gr_Ext', 'Grapheme_Extend', ], 'hex' => [ 'Hex', 'Hex_Digit', ], 'hst' => [ 'hst', 'Hangul_Syllable_Type', ], 'hyphen' => [ 'Hyphen', 'Hyphen', ], 'idc' => [ 'IDC', 'ID_Continue', ], 'ideo' => [ 'Ideo', 'Ideographic', ], 'ids' => [ 'IDS', 'ID_Start', ], 'idsb' => [ 'IDSB', 'IDS_Binary_Operator', ], 'idst' => [ 'IDST', 'IDS_Trinary_Operator', ], 'in' => [ 'In', 'Present_In', ], 'isc' => [ 'isc', 'ISO_Comment', ], 'jg' => [ 'jg', 'Joining_Group', ], 'joinc' => [ 'Join_C', 'Join_Control', ], 'jt' => [ 'jt', 'Joining_Type', ], 'lb' => [ 'lb', 'Line_Break', ], 'lc' => [ 'lc', 'Lowercase_Mapping', ], 'loe' => [ 'LOE', 'Logical_Order_Exception', ], 'lower' => [ 'Lower', 'Lowercase', ], 'math' => [ 'Math', 'Math', ], 'na' => [ 'na', 'Name', ], 'na1' => [ 'na1', 'Unicode_1_Name', ], 'namealias' => [ 'Name_Alias', 'Name_Alias', ], 'nchar' => [ 'NChar', 'Noncharacter_Code_Point', ], 'nfcqc' => [ 'NFC_QC', 'NFC_Quick_Check', ], 'nfdqc' => [ 'NFD_QC', 'NFD_Quick_Check', ], 'nfkccf' => [ 'NFKC_CF', 'NFKC_Casefold', ], 'nfkcqc' => [ 'NFKC_QC', 'NFKC_Quick_Check', ], 'nfkdqc' => [ 'NFKD_QC', 'NFKD_Quick_Check', ], 'nt' => [ 'nt', 'Numeric_Type', ], 'nv' => [ 'nv', 'Numeric_Value', ], 'patsyn' => [ 'Pat_Syn', 'Pattern_Syntax', ], 'patws' => [ 'Pat_WS', 'Pattern_White_Space', ], 'perldecimaldigit' => [ 'Perl_Decimal_Digit', 'Perl_Decimal_Digit', ], 'qmark' => [ 'QMark', 'Quotation_Mark', ], 'radical' => [ 'Radical', 'Radical', ], 'sb' => [ 'SB', 'Sentence_Break', ], 'sc' => [ 'sc', 'Script', ], 'scf' => [ 'scf', 'Simple_Case_Folding', 'Sfc', ], 'scx' => [ 'scx', 'Script_Extensions', ], 'sd' => [ 'SD', 'Soft_Dotted', ], 'slc' => [ 'slc', 'Simple_Lowercase_Mapping', ], 'stc' => [ 'stc', 'Simple_Titlecase_Mapping', ], 'sterm' => [ 'STerm', 'STerm', ], 'suc' => [ 'suc', 'Simple_Uppercase_Mapping', ], 'tc' => [ 'tc', 'Titlecase_Mapping', ], 'term' => [ 'Term', 'Terminal_Punctuation', ], 'uc' => [ 'uc', 'Uppercase_Mapping', ], 'uideo' => [ 'UIdeo', 'Unified_Ideograph', ], 'upper' => [ 'Upper', 'Uppercase', ], 'vs' => [ 'VS', 'Variation_Selector', ], 'wb' => [ 'WB', 'Word_Break', ], 'wspace' => [ 'WSpace', 'White_Space', 'Space', ], 'xidc' => [ 'XIDC', 'XID_Continue', ], 'xids' => [ 'XIDS', 'XID_Start', ], ); # Keys of top level are standard property name; values are keys to another # hash, Each one is one of the property's values, in standard form. The # values are that prop-val's aliases. If only one specified, the short and # long alias are identical. %Unicode::UCD::prop_value_aliases = ( 'age' => { '1.1' => [ '1.1', 'V1_1', ], '2.0' => [ '2.0', 'V2_0', ], '2.1' => [ '2.1', 'V2_1', ], '3.0' => [ '3.0', 'V3_0', ], '3.1' => [ '3.1', 'V3_1', ], '3.2' => [ '3.2', 'V3_2', ], '4.0' => [ '4.0', 'V4_0', ], '4.1' => [ '4.1', 'V4_1', ], '5.0' => [ '5.0', 'V5_0', ], '5.1' => [ '5.1', 'V5_1', ], '5.2' => [ '5.2', 'V5_2', ], '6.0' => [ '6.0', 'V6_0', ], '6.1' => [ '6.1', 'V6_1', ], '6.2' => [ '6.2', 'V6_2', ], '6.3' => [ '6.3', 'V6_3', ], '7.0' => [ '7.0', 'V7_0', ], 'na' => [ 'NA', 'Unassigned', ], }, 'ahex' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'alpha' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'bc' => { 'al' => [ 'AL', 'Arabic_Letter', ], 'an' => [ 'AN', 'Arabic_Number', ], 'b' => [ 'B', 'Paragraph_Separator', ], 'bn' => [ 'BN', 'Boundary_Neutral', ], 'cs' => [ 'CS', 'Common_Separator', ], 'en' => [ 'EN', 'European_Number', ], 'es' => [ 'ES', 'European_Separator', ], 'et' => [ 'ET', 'European_Terminator', ], 'fsi' => [ 'FSI', 'First_Strong_Isolate', ], 'l' => [ 'L', 'Left_To_Right', ], 'lre' => [ 'LRE', 'Left_To_Right_Embedding', ], 'lri' => [ 'LRI', 'Left_To_Right_Isolate', ], 'lro' => [ 'LRO', 'Left_To_Right_Override', ], 'nsm' => [ 'NSM', 'Nonspacing_Mark', ], 'on' => [ 'ON', 'Other_Neutral', ], 'pdf' => [ 'PDF', 'Pop_Directional_Format', ], 'pdi' => [ 'PDI', 'Pop_Directional_Isolate', ], 'r' => [ 'R', 'Right_To_Left', ], 'rle' => [ 'RLE', 'Right_To_Left_Embedding', ], 'rli' => [ 'RLI', 'Right_To_Left_Isolate', ], 'rlo' => [ 'RLO', 'Right_To_Left_Override', ], 's' => [ 'S', 'Segment_Separator', ], 'ws' => [ 'WS', 'White_Space', ], }, 'bidic' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'bidim' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'blk' => { 'aegeannumbers' => [ 'Aegean_Numbers', ], 'alchemical' => [ 'Alchemical', 'Alchemical_Symbols', ], 'alphabeticpf' => [ 'Alphabetic_PF', 'Alphabetic_Presentation_Forms', ], 'ancientgreekmusic' => [ 'Ancient_Greek_Music', 'Ancient_Greek_Musical_Notation', ], 'ancientgreeknumbers' => [ 'Ancient_Greek_Numbers', ], 'ancientsymbols' => [ 'Ancient_Symbols', ], 'arabic' => [ 'Arabic', ], 'arabicexta' => [ 'Arabic_Ext_A', 'Arabic_Extended_A', ], 'arabicmath' => [ 'Arabic_Math', 'Arabic_Mathematical_Alphabetic_Symbols', ], 'arabicpfa' => [ 'Arabic_PF_A', 'Arabic_Presentation_Forms_A', ], 'arabicpfb' => [ 'Arabic_PF_B', 'Arabic_Presentation_Forms_B', ], 'arabicsup' => [ 'Arabic_Sup', 'Arabic_Supplement', ], 'armenian' => [ 'Armenian', ], 'arrows' => [ 'Arrows', ], 'ascii' => [ 'ASCII', 'Basic_Latin', ], 'avestan' => [ 'Avestan', ], 'balinese' => [ 'Balinese', ], 'bamum' => [ 'Bamum', ], 'bamumsup' => [ 'Bamum_Sup', 'Bamum_Supplement', ], 'bassavah' => [ 'Bassa_Vah', ], 'batak' => [ 'Batak', ], 'bengali' => [ 'Bengali', ], 'blockelements' => [ 'Block_Elements', ], 'bopomofo' => [ 'Bopomofo', ], 'bopomofoext' => [ 'Bopomofo_Ext', 'Bopomofo_Extended', ], 'boxdrawing' => [ 'Box_Drawing', ], 'brahmi' => [ 'Brahmi', ], 'braille' => [ 'Braille', 'Braille_Patterns', ], 'buginese' => [ 'Buginese', ], 'buhid' => [ 'Buhid', ], 'byzantinemusic' => [ 'Byzantine_Music', 'Byzantine_Musical_Symbols', ], 'carian' => [ 'Carian', ], 'caucasianalbanian' => [ 'Caucasian_Albanian', ], 'chakma' => [ 'Chakma', ], 'cham' => [ 'Cham', ], 'cherokee' => [ 'Cherokee', ], 'cjk' => [ 'CJK', 'CJK_Unified_Ideographs', ], 'cjkcompat' => [ 'CJK_Compat', 'CJK_Compatibility', ], 'cjkcompatforms' => [ 'CJK_Compat_Forms', 'CJK_Compatibility_Forms', ], 'cjkcompatideographs' => [ 'CJK_Compat_Ideographs', 'CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs', ], 'cjkcompatideographssup' => [ 'CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup', 'CJK_Compatibility_Ideographs_Supplement', ], 'cjkexta' => [ 'CJK_Ext_A', 'CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_A', ], 'cjkextb' => [ 'CJK_Ext_B', 'CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_B', ], 'cjkextc' => [ 'CJK_Ext_C', 'CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_C', ], 'cjkextd' => [ 'CJK_Ext_D', 'CJK_Unified_Ideographs_Extension_D', ], 'cjkradicalssup' => [ 'CJK_Radicals_Sup', 'CJK_Radicals_Supplement', ], 'cjkstrokes' => [ 'CJK_Strokes', ], 'cjksymbols' => [ 'CJK_Symbols', 'CJK_Symbols_And_Punctuation', ], 'compatjamo' => [ 'Compat_Jamo', 'Hangul_Compatibility_Jamo', ], 'controlpictures' => [ 'Control_Pictures', ], 'coptic' => [ 'Coptic', ], 'copticepactnumbers' => [ 'Coptic_Epact_Numbers', ], 'countingrod' => [ 'Counting_Rod', 'Counting_Rod_Numerals', ], 'cuneiform' => [ 'Cuneiform', ], 'cuneiformnumbers' => [ 'Cuneiform_Numbers', 'Cuneiform_Numbers_And_Punctuation', ], 'currencysymbols' => [ 'Currency_Symbols', ], 'cypriotsyllabary' => [ 'Cypriot_Syllabary', ], 'cyrillic' => [ 'Cyrillic', ], 'cyrillicexta' => [ 'Cyrillic_Ext_A', 'Cyrillic_Extended_A', ], 'cyrillicextb' => [ 'Cyrillic_Ext_B', 'Cyrillic_Extended_B', ], 'cyrillicsup' => [ 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'Lycian', ], 'lydian' => [ 'Lydian', ], 'mahajani' => [ 'Mahajani', ], 'mahjong' => [ 'Mahjong', 'Mahjong_Tiles', ], 'malayalam' => [ 'Malayalam', ], 'mandaic' => [ 'Mandaic', ], 'manichaean' => [ 'Manichaean', ], 'mathalphanum' => [ 'Math_Alphanum', 'Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols', ], 'mathoperators' => [ 'Math_Operators', 'Mathematical_Operators', ], 'meeteimayek' => [ 'Meetei_Mayek', ], 'meeteimayekext' => [ 'Meetei_Mayek_Ext', 'Meetei_Mayek_Extensions', ], 'mendekikakui' => [ 'Mende_Kikakui', ], 'meroiticcursive' => [ 'Meroitic_Cursive', ], 'meroitichieroglyphs' => [ 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs', ], 'miao' => [ 'Miao', ], 'miscarrows' => [ 'Misc_Arrows', 'Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Arrows', ], 'miscmathsymbolsa' => [ 'Misc_Math_Symbols_A', 'Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_A', ], 'miscmathsymbolsb' => [ 'Misc_Math_Symbols_B', 'Miscellaneous_Mathematical_Symbols_B', ], 'miscpictographs' => [ 'Misc_Pictographs', 'Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs', ], 'miscsymbols' => [ 'Misc_Symbols', 'Miscellaneous_Symbols', ], 'misctechnical' => [ 'Misc_Technical', 'Miscellaneous_Technical', ], 'modi' => [ 'Modi', ], 'modifierletters' => [ 'Modifier_Letters', 'Spacing_Modifier_Letters', ], 'modifiertoneletters' => [ 'Modifier_Tone_Letters', ], 'mongolian' => [ 'Mongolian', ], 'mro' => [ 'Mro', ], 'music' => [ 'Music', 'Musical_Symbols', ], 'myanmar' => [ 'Myanmar', ], 'myanmarexta' => [ 'Myanmar_Ext_A', 'Myanmar_Extended_A', ], 'myanmarextb' => [ 'Myanmar_Ext_B', 'Myanmar_Extended_B', ], 'nabataean' => [ 'Nabataean', ], 'nb' => [ 'NB', 'No_Block', ], 'newtailue' => [ 'New_Tai_Lue', ], 'nko' => [ 'NKo', ], 'numberforms' => [ 'Number_Forms', ], 'ocr' => [ 'OCR', 'Optical_Character_Recognition', ], 'ogham' => [ 'Ogham', ], 'olchiki' => [ 'Ol_Chiki', ], 'olditalic' => [ 'Old_Italic', ], 'oldnortharabian' => [ 'Old_North_Arabian', ], 'oldpermic' => [ 'Old_Permic', ], 'oldpersian' => [ 'Old_Persian', ], 'oldsoutharabian' => [ 'Old_South_Arabian', ], 'oldturkic' => [ 'Old_Turkic', ], 'oriya' => [ 'Oriya', ], 'ornamentaldingbats' => [ 'Ornamental_Dingbats', ], 'osmanya' => [ 'Osmanya', ], 'pahawhhmong' => [ 'Pahawh_Hmong', ], 'palmyrene' => [ 'Palmyrene', ], 'paucinhau' => [ 'Pau_Cin_Hau', ], 'phagspa' => [ 'Phags_Pa', ], 'phaistos' => [ 'Phaistos', 'Phaistos_Disc', ], 'phoenician' => [ 'Phoenician', ], 'phoneticext' => [ 'Phonetic_Ext', 'Phonetic_Extensions', ], 'phoneticextsup' => [ 'Phonetic_Ext_Sup', 'Phonetic_Extensions_Supplement', ], 'playingcards' => [ 'Playing_Cards', ], 'psalterpahlavi' => [ 'Psalter_Pahlavi', ], 'pua' => [ 'PUA', 'Private_Use_Area', 'Private_Use', ], 'punctuation' => [ 'Punctuation', 'General_Punctuation', ], 'rejang' => [ 'Rejang', ], 'rumi' => [ 'Rumi', 'Rumi_Numeral_Symbols', ], 'runic' => [ 'Runic', ], 'samaritan' => [ 'Samaritan', ], 'saurashtra' => [ 'Saurashtra', ], 'sharada' => [ 'Sharada', ], 'shavian' => [ 'Shavian', ], 'shorthandformatcontrols' => [ 'Shorthand_Format_Controls', ], 'siddham' => [ 'Siddham', ], 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'Tags', ], 'taile' => [ 'Tai_Le', ], 'taitham' => [ 'Tai_Tham', ], 'taiviet' => [ 'Tai_Viet', ], 'taixuanjing' => [ 'Tai_Xuan_Jing', 'Tai_Xuan_Jing_Symbols', ], 'takri' => [ 'Takri', ], 'tamil' => [ 'Tamil', ], 'telugu' => [ 'Telugu', ], 'thaana' => [ 'Thaana', ], 'thai' => [ 'Thai', ], 'tibetan' => [ 'Tibetan', ], 'tifinagh' => [ 'Tifinagh', ], 'tirhuta' => [ 'Tirhuta', ], 'transportandmap' => [ 'Transport_And_Map', 'Transport_And_Map_Symbols', ], 'ucas' => [ 'UCAS', 'Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics', 'Canadian_Syllabics', ], 'ucasext' => [ 'UCAS_Ext', 'Unified_Canadian_Aboriginal_Syllabics_Extended', ], 'ugaritic' => [ 'Ugaritic', ], 'vai' => [ 'Vai', ], 'vedicext' => [ 'Vedic_Ext', 'Vedic_Extensions', ], 'verticalforms' => [ 'Vertical_Forms', ], 'vs' => [ 'VS', 'Variation_Selectors', ], 'vssup' => [ 'VS_Sup', 'Variation_Selectors_Supplement', ], 'warangciti' => [ 'Warang_Citi', ], 'yijing' => [ 'Yijing', 'Yijing_Hexagram_Symbols', ], 'yiradicals' => [ 'Yi_Radicals', ], 'yisyllables' => [ 'Yi_Syllables', ], }, 'bpt' => { 'c' => [ 'c', 'Close', ], 'n' => [ 'n', 'None', ], 'o' => [ 'o', 'Open', ], }, 'cased' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'ccc' => { 'a' => [ 'A', 'Above', 230, ], 'al' => [ 'AL', 'Above_Left', 228, ], 'ar' => [ 'AR', 'Above_Right', 232, ], 'ata' => [ 'ATA', 'Attached_Above', 214, ], 'atar' => [ 'ATAR', 'Attached_Above_Right', 216, ], 'atb' => [ 'ATB', 'Attached_Below', 202, ], 'atbl' => [ 'ATBL', 'Attached_Below_Left', 200, ], 'b' => [ 'B', 'Below', 220, ], 'bl' => [ 'BL', 'Below_Left', 218, ], 'br' => [ 'BR', 'Below_Right', 222, ], 'ccc10' => [ 'CCC10', 'CCC10', 10, ], 'ccc103' => [ 'CCC103', 'CCC103', 103, ], 'ccc107' => [ 'CCC107', 'CCC107', 107, ], 'ccc11' => [ 'CCC11', 'CCC11', 11, ], 'ccc118' => [ 'CCC118', 'CCC118', 118, ], 'ccc12' => [ 'CCC12', 'CCC12', 12, ], 'ccc122' => [ 'CCC122', 'CCC122', 122, ], 'ccc129' => [ 'CCC129', 'CCC129', 129, ], 'ccc13' => [ 'CCC13', 'CCC13', 13, ], 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'None', ], 'sml' => [ 'Sml', 'Small', ], 'sqr' => [ 'Sqr', 'Square', ], 'sub' => [ 'Sub', ], 'sup' => [ 'Sup', 'Super', ], 'vert' => [ 'Vert', 'Vertical', ], 'wide' => [ 'Wide', ], }, 'ea' => { 'a' => [ 'A', 'Ambiguous', ], 'f' => [ 'F', 'Fullwidth', ], 'h' => [ 'H', 'Halfwidth', ], 'n' => [ 'N', 'Neutral', ], 'na' => [ 'Na', 'Narrow', ], 'w' => [ 'W', 'Wide', ], }, 'ext' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'gc' => { 'c' => [ 'C', 'Other', ], 'cc' => [ 'Cc', 'Control', 'Cntrl', ], 'cf' => [ 'Cf', 'Format', ], 'cn' => [ 'Cn', 'Unassigned', ], 'co' => [ 'Co', 'Private_Use', ], 'cs' => [ 'Cs', 'Surrogate', ], 'l' => [ 'L', 'Letter', ], 'lc' => [ 'LC', 'Cased_Letter', ], 'll' => [ 'Ll', 'Lowercase_Letter', ], 'lm' => [ 'Lm', 'Modifier_Letter', ], 'lo' => [ 'Lo', 'Other_Letter', ], 'lt' => [ 'Lt', 'Titlecase_Letter', ], 'lu' => [ 'Lu', 'Uppercase_Letter', ], 'm' => [ 'M', 'Mark', 'Combining_Mark', ], 'mc' => [ 'Mc', 'Spacing_Mark', ], 'me' => [ 'Me', 'Enclosing_Mark', ], 'mn' => [ 'Mn', 'Nonspacing_Mark', ], 'n' => [ 'N', 'Number', ], 'nd' => [ 'Nd', 'Decimal_Number', 'Digit', ], 'nl' => [ 'Nl', 'Letter_Number', ], 'no' => [ 'No', 'Other_Number', ], 'p' => [ 'P', 'Punctuation', 'Punct', ], 'pc' => [ 'Pc', 'Connector_Punctuation', ], 'pd' => [ 'Pd', 'Dash_Punctuation', ], 'pe' => [ 'Pe', 'Close_Punctuation', ], 'pf' => [ 'Pf', 'Final_Punctuation', ], 'pi' => [ 'Pi', 'Initial_Punctuation', ], 'po' => [ 'Po', 'Other_Punctuation', ], 'ps' => [ 'Ps', 'Open_Punctuation', ], 's' => [ 'S', 'Symbol', ], 'sc' => [ 'Sc', 'Currency_Symbol', ], 'sk' => [ 'Sk', 'Modifier_Symbol', ], 'sm' => [ 'Sm', 'Math_Symbol', ], 'so' => [ 'So', 'Other_Symbol', ], 'z' => [ 'Z', 'Separator', ], 'zl' => [ 'Zl', 'Line_Separator', ], 'zp' => [ 'Zp', 'Paragraph_Separator', ], 'zs' => [ 'Zs', 'Space_Separator', ], }, 'gcb' => { 'cn' => [ 'CN', 'Control', ], 'cr' => [ 'CR', ], 'ex' => [ 'EX', 'Extend', ], 'l' => [ 'L', ], 'lf' => [ 'LF', ], 'lv' => [ 'LV', ], 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'Gamal', ], 'hah' => [ 'Hah', ], 'he' => [ 'He', ], 'heh' => [ 'Heh', ], 'hehgoal' => [ 'Heh_Goal', ], 'heth' => [ 'Heth', ], 'kaf' => [ 'Kaf', ], 'kaph' => [ 'Kaph', ], 'khaph' => [ 'Khaph', ], 'knottedheh' => [ 'Knotted_Heh', ], 'lam' => [ 'Lam', ], 'lamadh' => [ 'Lamadh', ], 'manichaeanaleph' => [ 'Manichaean_Aleph', ], 'manichaeanayin' => [ 'Manichaean_Ayin', ], 'manichaeanbeth' => [ 'Manichaean_Beth', ], 'manichaeandaleth' => [ 'Manichaean_Daleth', ], 'manichaeandhamedh' => [ 'Manichaean_Dhamedh', ], 'manichaeanfive' => [ 'Manichaean_Five', ], 'manichaeangimel' => [ 'Manichaean_Gimel', ], 'manichaeanheth' => [ 'Manichaean_Heth', ], 'manichaeanhundred' => [ 'Manichaean_Hundred', ], 'manichaeankaph' => [ 'Manichaean_Kaph', ], 'manichaeanlamedh' => [ 'Manichaean_Lamedh', ], 'manichaeanmem' => [ 'Manichaean_Mem', ], 'manichaeannun' => [ 'Manichaean_Nun', ], 'manichaeanone' => [ 'Manichaean_One', ], 'manichaeanpe' => [ 'Manichaean_Pe', ], 'manichaeanqoph' => [ 'Manichaean_Qoph', ], 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'Conditional_Japanese_Starter', ], 'cl' => [ 'CL', 'Close_Punctuation', ], 'cm' => [ 'CM', 'Combining_Mark', ], 'cp' => [ 'CP', 'Close_Parenthesis', ], 'cr' => [ 'CR', 'Carriage_Return', ], 'ex' => [ 'EX', 'Exclamation', ], 'gl' => [ 'GL', 'Glue', ], 'h2' => [ 'H2', ], 'h3' => [ 'H3', ], 'hl' => [ 'HL', 'Hebrew_Letter', ], 'hy' => [ 'HY', 'Hyphen', ], 'id' => [ 'ID', 'Ideographic', ], 'in' => [ 'IN', 'Inseparable', 'Inseperable', ], 'is' => [ 'IS', 'Infix_Numeric', ], 'jl' => [ 'JL', ], 'jt' => [ 'JT', ], 'jv' => [ 'JV', ], 'lf' => [ 'LF', 'Line_Feed', ], 'nl' => [ 'NL', 'Next_Line', ], 'ns' => [ 'NS', 'Nonstarter', ], 'nu' => [ 'NU', 'Numeric', ], 'op' => [ 'OP', 'Open_Punctuation', ], 'po' => [ 'PO', 'Postfix_Numeric', ], 'pr' => [ 'PR', 'Prefix_Numeric', ], 'qu' => [ 'QU', 'Quotation', ], 'ri' => [ 'RI', 'Regional_Indicator', ], 'sa' => [ 'SA', 'Complex_Context', ], 'sg' => [ 'SG', 'Surrogate', ], 'sp' => [ 'SP', 'Space', ], 'sy' => [ 'SY', 'Break_Symbols', ], 'wj' => [ 'WJ', 'Word_Joiner', ], 'xx' => [ 'XX', 'Unknown', ], 'zw' => [ 'ZW', 'ZWSpace', ], }, 'loe' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'lower' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'math' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'nchar' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'nfcqc' => { 'm' => [ 'M', 'Maybe', ], 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', ], }, 'nfdqc' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', ], }, 'nfkcqc' => { 'm' => [ 'M', 'Maybe', ], 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', ], }, 'nfkdqc' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', ], }, 'nt' => { 'de' => [ 'De', 'Decimal', ], 'di' => [ 'Di', 'Digit', ], 'none' => [ 'None', ], 'nu' => [ 'Nu', 'Numeric', ], }, 'nv' => { '-1/2' => [ '-1/2', ], 0 => [ 0, ], 1 => [ 1, ], '1/10' => [ '1/10', ], '1/16' => [ '1/16', ], '1/2' => [ '1/2', ], '1/3' => [ '1/3', ], '1/4' => [ '1/4', ], '1/5' => [ '1/5', ], '1/6' => [ '1/6', ], '1/7' => [ '1/7', ], '1/8' => [ '1/8', ], '1/9' => [ '1/9', ], 10 => [ 10, ], 100 => [ 100, ], 1000 => [ 1000, ], 10000 => [ 10000, ], 100000 => [ 100000, ], 1000000 => [ 1000000, ], 100000000 => [ 100000000, ], 10000000000 => [ 10000000000, ], 1000000000000 => [ 1000000000000, ], 11 => [ 11, ], '11/2' => [ '11/2', ], 12 => [ 12, ], 13 => [ 13, ], '13/2' => [ '13/2', ], 14 => [ 14, ], 15 => [ 15, ], '15/2' => [ '15/2', ], 16 => [ 16, ], 17 => [ 17, ], '17/2' => [ '17/2', ], 18 => [ 18, ], 19 => [ 19, ], 2 => [ 2, ], '2/3' => [ '2/3', ], '2/5' => [ '2/5', ], 20 => [ 20, ], 200 => [ 200, ], 2000 => [ 2000, ], 20000 => [ 20000, ], 21 => [ 21, ], 216000 => [ 216000, ], 22 => [ 22, ], 23 => [ 23, ], 24 => [ 24, ], 25 => [ 25, ], 26 => [ 26, ], 27 => [ 27, ], 28 => [ 28, ], 29 => [ 29, ], 3 => [ 3, ], '3/16' => [ '3/16', ], '3/2' => [ '3/2', ], '3/4' => [ '3/4', ], '3/5' => [ '3/5', ], '3/8' => [ '3/8', ], 30 => [ 30, ], 300 => [ 300, ], 3000 => [ 3000, ], 30000 => [ 30000, ], 31 => [ 31, ], 32 => [ 32, ], 33 => [ 33, ], 34 => [ 34, ], 35 => [ 35, ], 36 => [ 36, ], 37 => [ 37, ], 38 => [ 38, ], 39 => [ 39, ], 4 => [ 4, ], '4/5' => [ '4/5', ], 40 => [ 40, ], 400 => [ 400, ], 4000 => [ 4000, ], 40000 => [ 40000, ], 41 => [ 41, ], 42 => [ 42, ], 43 => [ 43, ], 432000 => [ 432000, ], 44 => [ 44, ], 45 => [ 45, ], 46 => [ 46, ], 47 => [ 47, ], 48 => [ 48, ], 49 => [ 49, ], 5 => [ 5, ], '5/2' => [ '5/2', ], '5/6' => [ '5/6', ], '5/8' => [ '5/8', ], 50 => [ 50, ], 500 => [ 500, ], 5000 => [ 5000, ], 50000 => [ 50000, ], 6 => [ 6, ], 60 => [ 60, ], 600 => [ 600, ], 6000 => [ 6000, ], 60000 => [ 60000, ], 7 => [ 7, ], '7/2' => [ '7/2', ], '7/8' => [ '7/8', ], 70 => [ 70, ], 700 => [ 700, ], 7000 => [ 7000, ], 70000 => [ 70000, ], 8 => [ 8, ], 80 => [ 80, ], 800 => [ 800, ], 8000 => [ 8000, ], 80000 => [ 80000, ], 9 => [ 9, ], '9/2' => [ '9/2', ], 90 => [ 90, ], 900 => [ 900, ], 9000 => [ 9000, ], 90000 => [ 90000, ], 'nan' => [ 'NaN', ], }, 'patsyn' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'patws' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'qmark' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'radical' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'sb' => { 'at' => [ 'AT', 'ATerm', ], 'cl' => [ 'CL', 'Close', ], 'cr' => [ 'CR', ], 'ex' => [ 'EX', 'Extend', ], 'fo' => [ 'FO', 'Format', ], 'le' => [ 'LE', 'OLetter', ], 'lf' => [ 'LF', ], 'lo' => [ 'LO', 'Lower', ], 'nu' => [ 'NU', 'Numeric', ], 'sc' => [ 'SC', 'SContinue', ], 'se' => [ 'SE', 'Sep', ], 'sp' => [ 'SP', 'Sp', ], 'st' => [ 'ST', 'STerm', ], 'up' => [ 'UP', 'Upper', ], 'xx' => [ 'XX', 'Other', ], }, 'sc' => { 'aghb' => [ 'Aghb', 'Caucasian_Albanian', ], 'arab' => [ 'Arab', 'Arabic', ], 'armi' => [ 'Armi', 'Imperial_Aramaic', ], 'armn' => [ 'Armn', 'Armenian', ], 'avst' => [ 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'Miao', ], 'prti' => [ 'Prti', 'Inscriptional_Parthian', ], 'rjng' => [ 'Rjng', 'Rejang', ], 'runr' => [ 'Runr', 'Runic', ], 'samr' => [ 'Samr', 'Samaritan', ], 'sarb' => [ 'Sarb', 'Old_South_Arabian', ], 'saur' => [ 'Saur', 'Saurashtra', ], 'shaw' => [ 'Shaw', 'Shavian', ], 'shrd' => [ 'Shrd', 'Sharada', ], 'sidd' => [ 'Sidd', 'Siddham', ], 'sind' => [ 'Sind', 'Khudawadi', ], 'sinh' => [ 'Sinh', 'Sinhala', ], 'sora' => [ 'Sora', 'Sora_Sompeng', ], 'sund' => [ 'Sund', 'Sundanese', ], 'sylo' => [ 'Sylo', 'Syloti_Nagri', ], 'syrc' => [ 'Syrc', 'Syriac', ], 'tagb' => [ 'Tagb', 'Tagbanwa', ], 'takr' => [ 'Takr', 'Takri', ], 'tale' => [ 'Tale', 'Tai_Le', ], 'talu' => [ 'Talu', 'New_Tai_Lue', ], 'taml' => [ 'Taml', 'Tamil', ], 'tavt' => [ 'Tavt', 'Tai_Viet', ], 'telu' => [ 'Telu', 'Telugu', ], 'tfng' => [ 'Tfng', 'Tifinagh', ], 'tglg' => [ 'Tglg', 'Tagalog', ], 'thaa' => [ 'Thaa', 'Thaana', ], 'thai' => [ 'Thai', ], 'tibt' => [ 'Tibt', 'Tibetan', ], 'tirh' => [ 'Tirh', 'Tirhuta', ], 'ugar' => [ 'Ugar', 'Ugaritic', ], 'vaii' => [ 'Vaii', 'Vai', ], 'wara' => [ 'Wara', 'Warang_Citi', ], 'xpeo' => [ 'Xpeo', 'Old_Persian', ], 'xsux' => [ 'Xsux', 'Cuneiform', ], 'yiii' => [ 'Yiii', 'Yi', ], 'zinh' => [ 'Zinh', 'Inherited', 'Qaai', ], 'zyyy' => [ 'Zyyy', 'Common', ], 'zzzz' => [ 'Zzzz', 'Unknown', ], }, 'scx' => { 'aghb' => [ 'Aghb', 'Caucasian_Albanian', ], 'arab' => [ 'Arab', 'Arabic', ], 'armi' => [ 'Armi', 'Imperial_Aramaic', ], 'armn' => [ 'Armn', 'Armenian', ], 'avst' => [ 'Avst', 'Avestan', ], 'bali' => [ 'Bali', 'Balinese', ], 'bamu' => [ 'Bamu', 'Bamum', ], 'bass' => [ 'Bass', 'Bassa_Vah', ], 'batk' => [ 'Batk', 'Batak', ], 'beng' => [ 'Beng', 'Bengali', ], 'bopo' => [ 'Bopo', 'Bopomofo', ], 'brah' => [ 'Brah', 'Brahmi', ], 'brai' => [ 'Brai', 'Braille', ], 'bugi' => [ 'Bugi', 'Buginese', ], 'buhd' => [ 'Buhd', 'Buhid', ], 'cakm' => [ 'Cakm', 'Chakma', ], 'cans' => [ 'Cans', 'Canadian_Aboriginal', ], 'cari' => [ 'Cari', 'Carian', ], 'cham' => [ 'Cham', ], 'cher' => [ 'Cher', 'Cherokee', ], 'copt' => [ 'Copt', 'Coptic', 'Qaac', ], 'cprt' => [ 'Cprt', 'Cypriot', ], 'cyrl' => [ 'Cyrl', 'Cyrillic', ], 'deva' => [ 'Deva', 'Devanagari', ], 'dsrt' => [ 'Dsrt', 'Deseret', ], 'dupl' => [ 'Dupl', 'Duployan', ], 'egyp' => [ 'Egyp', 'Egyptian_Hieroglyphs', ], 'elba' => [ 'Elba', 'Elbasan', ], 'ethi' => [ 'Ethi', 'Ethiopic', ], 'geor' => [ 'Geor', 'Georgian', ], 'glag' => [ 'Glag', 'Glagolitic', ], 'goth' => [ 'Goth', 'Gothic', ], 'gran' => [ 'Gran', 'Grantha', ], 'grek' => [ 'Grek', 'Greek', ], 'gujr' => [ 'Gujr', 'Gujarati', ], 'guru' => [ 'Guru', 'Gurmukhi', ], 'hang' => [ 'Hang', 'Hangul', ], 'hani' => [ 'Hani', 'Han', ], 'hano' => [ 'Hano', 'Hanunoo', ], 'hebr' => [ 'Hebr', 'Hebrew', ], 'hira' => [ 'Hira', 'Hiragana', ], 'hmng' => [ 'Hmng', 'Pahawh_Hmong', ], 'hrkt' => [ 'Hrkt', 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana', ], 'ital' => [ 'Ital', 'Old_Italic', ], 'java' => [ 'Java', 'Javanese', ], 'kali' => [ 'Kali', 'Kayah_Li', ], 'kana' => [ 'Kana', 'Katakana', ], 'khar' => [ 'Khar', 'Kharoshthi', ], 'khmr' => [ 'Khmr', 'Khmer', ], 'khoj' => [ 'Khoj', 'Khojki', ], 'knda' => [ 'Knda', 'Kannada', ], 'kthi' => [ 'Kthi', 'Kaithi', ], 'lana' => [ 'Lana', 'Tai_Tham', ], 'laoo' => [ 'Laoo', 'Lao', ], 'latn' => [ 'Latn', 'Latin', ], 'lepc' => [ 'Lepc', 'Lepcha', ], 'limb' => [ 'Limb', 'Limbu', ], 'lina' => [ 'Lina', 'Linear_A', ], 'linb' => [ 'Linb', 'Linear_B', ], 'lisu' => [ 'Lisu', ], 'lyci' => [ 'Lyci', 'Lycian', ], 'lydi' => [ 'Lydi', 'Lydian', ], 'mahj' => [ 'Mahj', 'Mahajani', ], 'mand' => [ 'Mand', 'Mandaic', ], 'mani' => [ 'Mani', 'Manichaean', ], 'mend' => [ 'Mend', 'Mende_Kikakui', ], 'merc' => [ 'Merc', 'Meroitic_Cursive', ], 'mero' => [ 'Mero', 'Meroitic_Hieroglyphs', ], 'mlym' => [ 'Mlym', 'Malayalam', ], 'modi' => [ 'Modi', ], 'mong' => [ 'Mong', 'Mongolian', ], 'mroo' => [ 'Mroo', 'Mro', ], 'mtei' => [ 'Mtei', 'Meetei_Mayek', ], 'mymr' => [ 'Mymr', 'Myanmar', ], 'narb' => [ 'Narb', 'Old_North_Arabian', ], 'nbat' => [ 'Nbat', 'Nabataean', ], 'nkoo' => [ 'Nkoo', 'Nko', ], 'ogam' => [ 'Ogam', 'Ogham', ], 'olck' => [ 'Olck', 'Ol_Chiki', ], 'orkh' => [ 'Orkh', 'Old_Turkic', ], 'orya' => [ 'Orya', 'Oriya', ], 'osma' => [ 'Osma', 'Osmanya', ], 'palm' => [ 'Palm', 'Palmyrene', ], 'pauc' => [ 'Pauc', 'Pau_Cin_Hau', ], 'perm' => [ 'Perm', 'Old_Permic', ], 'phag' => [ 'Phag', 'Phags_Pa', ], 'phli' => [ 'Phli', 'Inscriptional_Pahlavi', ], 'phlp' => [ 'Phlp', 'Psalter_Pahlavi', ], 'phnx' => [ 'Phnx', 'Phoenician', ], 'plrd' => [ 'Plrd', 'Miao', ], 'prti' => [ 'Prti', 'Inscriptional_Parthian', ], 'rjng' => [ 'Rjng', 'Rejang', ], 'runr' => [ 'Runr', 'Runic', ], 'samr' => [ 'Samr', 'Samaritan', ], 'sarb' => [ 'Sarb', 'Old_South_Arabian', ], 'saur' => [ 'Saur', 'Saurashtra', ], 'shaw' => [ 'Shaw', 'Shavian', ], 'shrd' => [ 'Shrd', 'Sharada', ], 'sidd' => [ 'Sidd', 'Siddham', ], 'sind' => [ 'Sind', 'Khudawadi', ], 'sinh' => [ 'Sinh', 'Sinhala', ], 'sora' => [ 'Sora', 'Sora_Sompeng', ], 'sund' => [ 'Sund', 'Sundanese', ], 'sylo' => [ 'Sylo', 'Syloti_Nagri', ], 'syrc' => [ 'Syrc', 'Syriac', ], 'tagb' => [ 'Tagb', 'Tagbanwa', ], 'takr' => [ 'Takr', 'Takri', ], 'tale' => [ 'Tale', 'Tai_Le', ], 'talu' => [ 'Talu', 'New_Tai_Lue', ], 'taml' => [ 'Taml', 'Tamil', ], 'tavt' => [ 'Tavt', 'Tai_Viet', ], 'telu' => [ 'Telu', 'Telugu', ], 'tfng' => [ 'Tfng', 'Tifinagh', ], 'tglg' => [ 'Tglg', 'Tagalog', ], 'thaa' => [ 'Thaa', 'Thaana', ], 'thai' => [ 'Thai', ], 'tibt' => [ 'Tibt', 'Tibetan', ], 'tirh' => [ 'Tirh', 'Tirhuta', ], 'ugar' => [ 'Ugar', 'Ugaritic', ], 'vaii' => [ 'Vaii', 'Vai', ], 'wara' => [ 'Wara', 'Warang_Citi', ], 'xpeo' => [ 'Xpeo', 'Old_Persian', ], 'xsux' => [ 'Xsux', 'Cuneiform', ], 'yiii' => [ 'Yiii', 'Yi', ], 'zinh' => [ 'Zinh', 'Inherited', 'Qaai', ], 'zyyy' => [ 'Zyyy', 'Common', ], 'zzzz' => [ 'Zzzz', 'Unknown', ], }, 'sd' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'sterm' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'term' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'uideo' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'upper' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'vs' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'wb' => { 'cr' => [ 'CR', ], 'dq' => [ 'DQ', 'Double_Quote', ], 'ex' => [ 'EX', 'ExtendNumLet', ], 'extend' => [ 'Extend', ], 'fo' => [ 'FO', 'Format', ], 'hl' => [ 'HL', 'Hebrew_Letter', ], 'ka' => [ 'KA', 'Katakana', ], 'le' => [ 'LE', 'ALetter', ], 'lf' => [ 'LF', ], 'mb' => [ 'MB', 'MidNumLet', ], 'ml' => [ 'ML', 'MidLetter', ], 'mn' => [ 'MN', 'MidNum', ], 'nl' => [ 'NL', 'Newline', ], 'nu' => [ 'NU', 'Numeric', ], 'ri' => [ 'RI', 'Regional_Indicator', ], 'sq' => [ 'SQ', 'Single_Quote', ], 'xx' => [ 'XX', 'Other', ], }, 'wspace' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'xidc' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, 'xids' => { 'n' => [ 'N', 'No', 'F', 'False', ], 'y' => [ 'Y', 'Yes', 'T', 'True', ], }, ); # Ordered (by code point ordinal) list of the ranges of code points whose # names are algorithmically determined. Each range entry is an anonymous hash # of the start and end points and a template for the names within it. @Unicode::UCD::algorithmic_named_code_points = ( { 'high' => 19893, 'low' => 13312, 'name' => 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 40908, 'low' => 19968, 'name' => 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 55203, 'low' => 44032, 'name' => '', }, { 'high' => 64109, 'low' => 63744, 'name' => 'CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 64217, 'low' => 64112, 'name' => 'CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 173782, 'low' => 131072, 'name' => 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 177972, 'low' => 173824, 'name' => 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 178205, 'low' => 177984, 'name' => 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-', }, { 'high' => 195101, 'low' => 194560, 'name' => 'CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-', }, , ); # The properties that as-is have two meanings, and which must be disambiguated %Unicode::UCD::ambiguous_names = ( 'cf' => 1, 'isc' => 1, 'lc' => 1, 'sc' => 1, ); # Keys are the prop-val combinations which are the default values for the # given property, expressed in standard loose form %Unicode::UCD::loose_defaults = ( 'age=na' => 1, 'age=unassigned' => 1, 'ahex=f' => 1, 'ahex=false' => 1, 'ahex=n' => 1, 'ahex=no' => 1, 'alpha=f' => 1, 'alpha=false' => 1, 'alpha=n' => 1, 'alpha=no' => 1, 'bc=l' => 1, 'bc=lefttoright' => 1, 'bidic=f' => 1, 'bidic=false' => 1, 'bidic=n' => 1, 'bidic=no' => 1, 'bidim=f' => 1, 'bidim=false' => 1, 'bidim=n' => 1, 'bidim=no' => 1, 'blk=nb' => 1, 'blk=noblock' => 1, 'bpt=n' => 1, 'bpt=none' => 1, 'cased=f' => 1, 'cased=false' => 1, 'cased=n' => 1, 'cased=no' => 1, 'ccc=0' => 1, 'ccc=notreordered' => 1, 'ccc=nr' => 1, 'ce=f' => 1, 'ce=false' => 1, 'ce=n' => 1, 'ce=no' => 1, 'ci=f' => 1, 'ci=false' => 1, 'ci=n' => 1, 'ci=no' => 1, 'cn' => 1, 'compex=f' => 1, 'compex=false' => 1, 'compex=n' => 1, 'compex=no' => 1, 'cwcf=f' => 1, 'cwcf=false' => 1, 'cwcf=n' => 1, 'cwcf=no' => 1, 'cwcm=f' => 1, 'cwcm=false' => 1, 'cwcm=n' => 1, 'cwcm=no' => 1, 'cwkcf=f' => 1, 'cwkcf=false' => 1, 'cwkcf=n' => 1, 'cwkcf=no' => 1, 'cwl=f' => 1, 'cwl=false' => 1, 'cwl=n' => 1, 'cwl=no' => 1, 'cwt=f' => 1, 'cwt=false' => 1, 'cwt=n' => 1, 'cwt=no' => 1, 'cwu=f' => 1, 'cwu=false' => 1, 'cwu=n' => 1, 'cwu=no' => 1, 'dash=f' => 1, 'dash=false' => 1, 'dash=n' => 1, 'dash=no' => 1, 'dep=f' => 1, 'dep=false' => 1, 'dep=n' => 1, 'dep=no' => 1, 'di=f' => 1, 'di=false' => 1, 'di=n' => 1, 'di=no' => 1, 'dia=f' => 1, 'dia=false' => 1, 'dia=n' => 1, 'dia=no' => 1, 'dt=none' => 1, 'ea=n' => 1, 'ea=neutral' => 1, 'ext=f' => 1, 'ext=false' => 1, 'ext=n' => 1, 'ext=no' => 1, 'gc=cn' => 1, 'gc=unassigned' => 1, 'gcb=other' => 1, 'gcb=xx' => 1, 'grbase=f' => 1, 'grbase=false' => 1, 'grbase=n' => 1, 'grbase=no' => 1, 'grext=f' => 1, 'grext=false' => 1, 'grext=n' => 1, 'grext=no' => 1, 'hex=f' => 1, 'hex=false' => 1, 'hex=n' => 1, 'hex=no' => 1, 'hst=na' => 1, 'hst=notapplicable' => 1, 'hyphen=f' => 1, 'hyphen=false' => 1, 'hyphen=n' => 1, 'hyphen=no' => 1, 'idc=f' => 1, 'idc=false' => 1, 'idc=n' => 1, 'idc=no' => 1, 'ideo=f' => 1, 'ideo=false' => 1, 'ideo=n' => 1, 'ideo=no' => 1, 'ids=f' => 1, 'ids=false' => 1, 'ids=n' => 1, 'ids=no' => 1, 'idsb=f' => 1, 'idsb=false' => 1, 'idsb=n' => 1, 'idsb=no' => 1, 'idst=f' => 1, 'idst=false' => 1, 'idst=n' => 1, 'idst=no' => 1, 'in=unassigned' => 1, 'innb' => 1, 'innoblock' => 1, 'iscn' => 1, 'isnb' => 1, 'isnoblock' => 1, 'isunassigned' => 1, 'isunknown' => 1, 'iszzzz' => 1, 'jg=nojoininggroup' => 1, 'joinc=f' => 1, 'joinc=false' => 1, 'joinc=n' => 1, 'joinc=no' => 1, 'jt=nonjoining' => 1, 'jt=u' => 1, 'lb=unknown' => 1, 'lb=xx' => 1, 'loe=f' => 1, 'loe=false' => 1, 'loe=n' => 1, 'loe=no' => 1, 'lower=f' => 1, 'lower=false' => 1, 'lower=n' => 1, 'lower=no' => 1, 'math=f' => 1, 'math=false' => 1, 'math=n' => 1, 'math=no' => 1, 'nb' => 1, 'nchar=f' => 1, 'nchar=false' => 1, 'nchar=n' => 1, 'nchar=no' => 1, 'nfcqc=y' => 1, 'nfcqc=yes' => 1, 'nfdqc=y' => 1, 'nfdqc=yes' => 1, 'nfkcqc=y' => 1, 'nfkcqc=yes' => 1, 'nfkdqc=y' => 1, 'nfkdqc=yes' => 1, 'noblock' => 1, 'nt=none' => 1, 'nv=nan' => 1, 'patsyn=f' => 1, 'patsyn=false' => 1, 'patsyn=n' => 1, 'patsyn=no' => 1, 'patws=f' => 1, 'patws=false' => 1, 'patws=n' => 1, 'patws=no' => 1, 'qmark=f' => 1, 'qmark=false' => 1, 'qmark=n' => 1, 'qmark=no' => 1, 'radical=f' => 1, 'radical=false' => 1, 'radical=n' => 1, 'radical=no' => 1, 'sb=other' => 1, 'sb=xx' => 1, 'sc=unknown' => 1, 'sc=zzzz' => 1, 'scx=unknown' => 1, 'scx=zzzz' => 1, 'sd=f' => 1, 'sd=false' => 1, 'sd=n' => 1, 'sd=no' => 1, 'sterm=f' => 1, 'sterm=false' => 1, 'sterm=n' => 1, 'sterm=no' => 1, 'term=f' => 1, 'term=false' => 1, 'term=n' => 1, 'term=no' => 1, 'uideo=f' => 1, 'uideo=false' => 1, 'uideo=n' => 1, 'uideo=no' => 1, 'unassigned' => 1, 'unknown' => 1, 'upper=f' => 1, 'upper=false' => 1, 'upper=n' => 1, 'upper=no' => 1, 'vs=f' => 1, 'vs=false' => 1, 'vs=n' => 1, 'vs=no' => 1, 'wb=other' => 1, 'wb=xx' => 1, 'wspace=f' => 1, 'wspace=false' => 1, 'wspace=n' => 1, 'wspace=no' => 1, 'xidc=f' => 1, 'xidc=false' => 1, 'xidc=n' => 1, 'xidc=no' => 1, 'xids=f' => 1, 'xids=false' => 1, 'xids=n' => 1, 'xids=no' => 1, 'zzzz' => 1, ); # All combinations of names that are suppressed. # This is actually for UCD.t, so it knows which properties shouldn't have # entries. If it got any bigger, would probably want to put it in its own # file to use memory only when it was needed, in testing. @Unicode::UCD::suppressed_properties = ( 'cjkaccountingnumeric', 'cjkcompatibilityvariant', 'cjkiicore', 'cjkirggsource', 'cjkirghsource', 'cjkirgjsource', 'cjkirgkpsource', 'cjkirgksource', 'cjkirgmsource', 'cjkirgtsource', 'cjkirgusource', 'cjkirgvsource', 'cjkothernumeric', 'cjkprimarynumeric', 'cjkrsunicode', 'expandsonnfc', 'expandsonnfd', 'expandsonnfkc', 'expandsonnfkd', 'fcnfkc', 'fcnfkcclosure', 'graphemelink', 'grlink', 'indicmatracategory', 'indicsyllabiccategory', 'inmc', 'insc', 'jamoshortname', 'jsn', 'kaccountingnumeric', 'kcompatibilityvariant', 'kiicore', 'kirggsource', 'kirghsource', 'kirgjsource', 'kirgkpsource', 'kirgksource', 'kirgmsource', 'kirgtsource', 'kirgusource', 'kirgvsource', 'kothernumeric', 'kprimarynumeric', 'krsunicode', 'oalpha', 'odi', 'ogrext', 'oidc', 'oids', 'olower', 'omath', 'otheralphabetic', 'otherdefaultignorablecodepoint', 'othergraphemeextend', 'otheridcontinue', 'otheridstart', 'otherlowercase', 'othermath', 'otheruppercase', 'oupper', 'sc=hrkt', 'sc=katakanaorhiragana', 'script=hrkt', 'script=katakanaorhiragana', 'scriptextensions=hrkt', 'scriptextensions=katakanaorhiragana', 'scx=hrkt', 'scx=katakanaorhiragana', 'unicoderadicalstroke', 'urs', 'xonfc', 'xonfd', 'xonfkc', 'xonfkd', , ); 1;