# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file is machine-generated by ..\lib\unicore\mktables from the Unicode # database, Version 8.0.0. Any changes made here will be lost! # !!!!!!! INTERNAL PERL USE ONLY !!!!!!! # This file is for internal use by core Perl only. The format and even the # name or existence of this file are subject to change without notice. Don't # use it directly. Use Unicode::UCD to access the Unicode character data # base. # The name this swash is to be known by, with the format of the mappings in # the main body of the table, and what all code points missing from this file # map to. $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToInPC'}{'format'} = 's'; # string $utf8::SwashInfo{'ToInPC'}{'missing'} = 'NA'; return <<'END'; 900 902 Top 903 Right 93A Top 93B Right 93C Bottom 93E Right 93F Left 940 Right 941 944 Bottom 945 948 Top 949 94C Right 94D Bottom 94E Left 94F Right 951 Top 952 Bottom 953 955 Top 956 957 Bottom 962 963 Bottom 981 Top 982 983 Right 9BC Bottom 9BE Right 9BF Left 9C0 Right 9C1 9C4 Bottom 9C7 9C8 Left 9CB 9CC Left_And_Right 9CD Bottom 9D7 Right 9E2 9E3 Bottom A01 A02 Top A03 Right A3C Bottom A3E Right A3F Left A40 Right A41 A42 Bottom A47 A48 Top A4B A4C Top A4D Bottom A70 A71 Top A75 Bottom A81 A82 Top A83 Right ABC Bottom ABE Right ABF Left AC0 Right AC1 AC4 Bottom AC5 Top AC7 AC8 Top AC9 Top_And_Right ACB ACC Right ACD Bottom AE2 AE3 Bottom B01 Top B02 B03 Right B3C Bottom B3E Right B3F Top B40 Right B41 B44 Bottom B47 Left B48 Top_And_Left B4B Left_And_Right B4C Top_And_Left_And_Right B4D Bottom B56 Top B57 Top_And_Right B62 B63 Bottom B82 Top BBE BBF Right BC0 Top BC1 BC2 Right BC6 BC8 Left BCA BCC Left_And_Right BCD Top BD7 Right C00 Top C01 C03 Right C3E C40 Top C41 C44 Right C46 C47 Top C48 Top_And_Bottom C4A C4D Top C55 Top C56 Bottom C62 C63 Bottom C81 Top C82 C83 Right CBC Bottom CBE Right CBF Top CC0 Top_And_Right CC1 CC4 Right CC6 Top CC7 CC8 Top_And_Right CCA CCB Top_And_Right CCC CCD Top CD5 CD6 Right CE2 CE3 Bottom D01 Top D02 D03 Right D3E D42 Right D43 D44 Bottom D46 D48 Left D4A D4C Left_And_Right D4D Top D57 Right D62 D63 Bottom D82 D83 Right DCA Top DCF DD1 Right DD2 DD3 Top DD4 Bottom DD6 Bottom DD8 Right DD9 Left DDA Top_And_Left DDB Left DDC Left_And_Right DDD Top_And_Left_And_Right DDE Left_And_Right DDF Right DF2 DF3 Right E30 Right E31 Top E32 E33 Right E34 E37 Top E38 E3A Bottom E40 E44 Visual_Order_Left E45 Right E47 E4E Top EB0 Right EB1 Top EB2 EB3 Right EB4 EB7 Top EB8 EB9 Bottom EBB Top EBC Bottom EC0 EC4 Visual_Order_Left EC8 ECD Top F18 F19 Bottom F35 Bottom F37 Bottom F39 Top F3E Right F3F Left F71 Bottom F72 Top F73 Top_And_Bottom F74 F75 Bottom F76 F79 Top_And_Bottom F7A F7E Top F7F Right F80 Top F81 Top_And_Bottom F82 F83 Top F84 Bottom F86 F87 Top F8D F97 Bottom F99 FBC Bottom FC6 Bottom 102B 102C Right 102D 102E Top 102F 1030 Bottom 1031 Left 1032 1036 Top 1037 Bottom 1038 Right 103A Top 103B Right 103D 103E Bottom 1056 1057 Right 1058 1059 Bottom 105E 1060 Bottom 1062 1064 Right 1067 106D Right 1071 1074 Top 1082 Bottom 1083 Right 1084 Left 1085 1086 Top 1087 108C Right 108D Bottom 108F Right 109A 109C Right 109D Top 1712 Top 1713 1714 Bottom 1732 Top 1733 1734 Bottom 1752 Top 1753 Bottom 1772 Top 1773 Bottom 17B6 Right 17B7 17BA Top 17BB 17BD Bottom 17BE Top_And_Left 17BF Top_And_Left_And_Right 17C0 Left_And_Right 17C1 17C3 Left 17C4 17C5 Left_And_Right 17C6 Top 17C7 17C8 Right 17C9 17D1 Top 17D3 Top 17DD Top 1920 1921 Top 1922 Bottom 1923 1924 Right 1925 1926 Top_And_Right 1927 1928 Top 1929 192B Right 1930 1931 Right 1932 Bottom 1933 1938 Right 1939 Bottom 193A Top 193B Bottom 19B0 19B4 Right 19B5 19B7 Visual_Order_Left 19B8 19B9 Right 19BA Visual_Order_Left 19BB 19C0 Right 19C8 19C9 Right 1A17 Top 1A18 Bottom 1A19 Left 1A1A Right 1A1B Top 1A55 Left 1A56 Bottom 1A57 Right 1A58 1A5A Top 1A5B 1A5E Bottom 1A61 Right 1A62 Top 1A63 1A64 Right 1A65 1A68 Top 1A69 1A6A Bottom 1A6B Top 1A6C Bottom 1A6D Right 1A6E 1A72 Left 1A73 1A7C Top 1A7F Bottom 1B00 1B03 Top 1B04 Right 1B34 Top 1B35 Right 1B36 1B37 Top 1B38 1B3A Bottom 1B3B Bottom_And_Right 1B3C Top_And_Bottom 1B3D Top_And_Bottom_And_Right 1B3E 1B3F Left 1B40 1B41 Left_And_Right 1B42 Top 1B43 Top_And_Right 1B44 Right 1B6B Top 1B6C Bottom 1B6D 1B73 Top 1B80 1B81 Top 1B82 Right 1BA1 Right 1BA2 1BA3 Bottom 1BA4 Top 1BA5 Bottom 1BA6 Left 1BA7 Right 1BA8 1BA9 Top 1BAA Right 1BAC 1BAD Bottom 1BE6 Top 1BE7 Right 1BE8 1BE9 Top 1BEA 1BEC Right 1BED Top 1BEE Right 1BEF 1BF1 Top 1BF2 1BF3 Right 1C24 1C26 Right 1C27 1C28 Left 1C29 Top_And_Left 1C2A 1C2B Right 1C2C Bottom 1C2D 1C33 Top 1C34 1C35 Left 1C36 Top 1C37 Bottom 1CD0 1CD2 Top 1CD4 Overstruck 1CD5 1CD9 Bottom 1CDA 1CDB Top 1CDC 1CDF Bottom 1CE0 Top 1CE1 Right 1CE2 1CE8 Overstruck 1CED Bottom 1CF4 Top A806 Top A80B Top A823 A824 Right A825 Bottom A826 Top A827 Right A880 A881 Right A8B4 A8C3 Right A8C4 Bottom A8E0 A8F1 Top A92B A92D Bottom A947 A949 Bottom A94A Top A94B A94E Bottom A94F A951 Top A952 A953 Right A980 A982 Top A983 Right A9B3 Top A9B4 A9B5 Right A9B6 A9B7 Top A9B8 A9B9 Bottom A9BA A9BB Left A9BC Top A9BD A9BF Right A9C0 Bottom_And_Right A9E5 Top AA29 AA2C Top AA2D Bottom AA2E Top AA2F AA30 Left AA31 Top AA32 Bottom AA33 Right AA34 Left AA35 AA36 Bottom AA43 Top AA4C Top AA4D Right AA7B Right AA7C Top AA7D Right AAB0 Top AAB1 Right AAB2 AAB3 Top AAB4 Bottom AAB5 AAB6 Visual_Order_Left AAB7 AAB8 Top AAB9 Visual_Order_Left AABA Right AABB AABC Visual_Order_Left AABD Right AABE AABF Top AAC1 Top AAEB Left AAEC Bottom AAED Top AAEE Left AAEF Right AAF5 Right ABE3 ABE4 Right ABE5 Top ABE6 ABE7 Right ABE8 Bottom ABE9 ABEA Right ABEC Right ABED Bottom 10A01 Overstruck 10A02 10A03 Bottom 10A05 Top 10A06 Overstruck 10A0C 10A0E Bottom 10A0F Top 10A38 Top 10A39 10A3A Bottom 11000 Right 11001 Top 11002 Right 11038 1103B Top 1103C 11041 Bottom 11042 11046 Top 11080 11081 Top 11082 Right 110B0 Right 110B1 Left 110B2 Right 110B3 110B4 Bottom 110B5 110B6 Top 110B7 110B8 Right 110B9 110BA Bottom 11100 11102 Top 11127 11129 Top 1112A 1112B Bottom 1112C Left 1112D Top 1112E 1112F Top_And_Bottom 11130 Top 11131 11132 Bottom 11134 Top 11173 Bottom 11180 11181 Top 11182 Right 111B3 Right 111B4 Left 111B5 Right 111B6 111BB Bottom 111BC 111BE Top 111BF Top_And_Right 111C0 Right 111CB Top 111CC Bottom 1122C 1122E Right 1122F Bottom 11230 11231 Top 11232 11233 Top_And_Right 11234 Top 11235 Right 11236 11237 Top 112DF Top 112E0 Right 112E1 Left 112E2 Right 112E3 112E4 Bottom 112E5 112E8 Top 112E9 112EA Bottom 11301 Top 11302 11303 Right 1133E 1133F Right 11340 Top 11341 11344 Right 11347 11348 Left 1134B 1134C Left_And_Right 1134D Right 11357 Right 11362 11363 Right 11366 1136C Top 11370 11374 Top 114B0 Right 114B1 Left 114B2 Right 114B3 114B8 Bottom 114B9 Left 114BA Top 114BB Top_And_Left 114BC Left_And_Right 114BD Right 114BE Left_And_Right 114BF 114C0 Top 114C1 Right 114C2 114C3 Bottom 115AF Right 115B0 Left 115B1 Right 115B2 115B5 Bottom 115B8 Left 115B9 Top_And_Left 115BA Left_And_Right 115BB Top_And_Left_And_Right 115BC 115BD Top 115BE Right 115BF 115C0 Bottom 115DC 115DD Bottom 11630 11632 Right 11633 11638 Bottom 11639 1163A Top 1163B 1163C Right 1163D Top 1163E Right 1163F Bottom 11640 Top 116AB Top 116AC Right 116AD Top 116AE Left 116AF Right 116B0 116B1 Bottom 116B2 116B5 Top 116B6 Right 116B7 Bottom 1171D Bottom 1171F Top 11720 11721 Right 11722 11723 Top 11724 11725 Bottom 11726 Left 11727 Top 11728 Bottom 11729 1172B Top END