package Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing; use strict; use Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants qw( PGP_PKT_USER_ID PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_KEY PGP_PKT_SECRET_KEY PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY PGP_PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ); use Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer; use Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyBlock; use Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory; use Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler; use base qw( Crypt::OpenPGP::ErrorHandler ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $ring = bless { }, $class; $ring->init(@_); } sub init { my $ring = shift; my %param = @_; $ring->{_data} = $param{Data} || ''; if (!$ring->{_data} && (my $file = $param{Filename})) { local *FH; open FH, $file or return (ref $ring)->error("Can't open keyring $file: $!"); binmode FH; { local $/; $ring->{_data} = } close FH; } if ($ring->{_data} =~ /-----BEGIN/) { require Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour; my $rec = Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour->unarmour($ring->{_data}) or return (ref $ring)->error("Unarmour failed: " . Crypt::OpenPGP::Armour->errstr); $ring->{_data} = $rec->{Data}; } $ring; } sub save { my $ring = shift; my @blocks = $ring->blocks; my $res = ''; for my $block (@blocks) { $res .= $block->save; } $res; } sub read { my $ring = shift; return $ring->error("No data to read") unless $ring->{_data}; my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new; $buf->append($ring->{_data}); $ring->restore($buf); 1; } sub restore { my $ring = shift; my($buf) = @_; $ring->{blocks} = []; my($kb); while (my $packet = Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory->parse($buf)) { if (ref($packet) eq "Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate" && !$packet->is_subkey) { $kb = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyBlock->new; $ring->add($kb); } $kb->add($packet) if $kb; } } sub add { my $ring = shift; my($entry) = @_; push @{ $ring->{blocks} }, $entry; } sub find_keyblock_by_keyid { my $ring = shift; my($key_id) = @_; my $ref = $ring->{by_keyid}{$key_id}; unless ($ref) { my $len = length($key_id); my @kbs = $ring->find_keyblock( sub { substr($_[0]->key_id, -$len, $len) eq $key_id }, [ PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_KEY, PGP_PKT_SECRET_KEY, PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY, PGP_PKT_SECRET_SUBKEY ], 1 ); return unless @kbs; $ref = $ring->{by_keyid}{ $key_id } = \@kbs; } return wantarray ? @$ref : $ref->[0]; } sub find_keyblock_by_uid { my $ring = shift; my($uid) = @_; $ring->find_keyblock(sub { $_[0]->id =~ /$uid/i }, [ PGP_PKT_USER_ID ], 1 ); } sub find_keyblock_by_index { my $ring = shift; my($index) = @_; ## XXX should not have to read entire keyring $ring->read; ($ring->blocks)[$index]; } sub find_keyblock { my $ring = shift; my($test, $pkttypes, $multiple) = @_; $pkttypes ||= []; return $ring->error("No data to read") unless $ring->{_data}; my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new_with_init($ring->{_data}); my($last_kb_start_offset, $last_kb_start_cert, @kbs); while (my $pkt = Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory->parse($buf, [ PGP_PKT_SECRET_KEY, PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_KEY, @$pkttypes ], $pkttypes)) { if (($pkt->{__unparsed} && ($pkt->{type} == PGP_PKT_SECRET_KEY || $pkt->{type} == PGP_PKT_PUBLIC_KEY)) || (ref($pkt) eq 'Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate' && !$pkt->is_subkey)) { $last_kb_start_offset = $buf->offset; $last_kb_start_cert = $pkt; } next unless !$pkt->{__unparsed} && $test->($pkt); my $kb = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyBlock->new; ## Rewind buffer; if start-cert is parsed, rewind to offset ## after start-cert--otherwise rewind before start-cert if ($last_kb_start_cert->{__unparsed}) { $buf->set_offset($last_kb_start_offset - $last_kb_start_cert->{__pkt_len}); my $cert = Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory->parse($buf); $kb->add($cert); } else { $buf->set_offset($last_kb_start_offset); $kb->add($last_kb_start_cert); } { my $off = $buf->offset; my $packet = Crypt::OpenPGP::PacketFactory->parse($buf); last unless $packet; $buf->set_offset($off), last if ref($packet) eq "Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate" && !$packet->is_subkey; $kb->add($packet) if $kb; redo; } unless ($multiple) { return wantarray ? ($kb, $pkt) : $kb; } else { return $kb unless wantarray; push @kbs, $kb; } } @kbs; } sub blocks { $_[0]->{blocks} ? @{ $_[0]->{blocks} } : () } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing - Key ring object =head1 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing; my $ring = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->new( Filename => 'foo.ring' ); my $key_id = '...'; my $kb = $ring->find_keyblock_by_keyid($key_id); =head1 DESCRIPTION I provides keyring management and key lookup for I. A I, in this case, does not necessarily have to be a keyring file; a I object is just a collection of key blocks, where each key block contains exactly one master key, zero or more subkeys, some user ID packets, some signatures, etc. =head1 USAGE =head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->new( %arg ) Constructs a new I object and returns that object. This has the effect os hooking the object to a particular keyring, so that all subsequent methods called on the I object will use the data specified in the arguments to I. I<%arg> can contain: =over 4 =item * Data A block of data specifying the serialized keyring, presumably as read in from a file on disk. This data can be either in binary form or in ASCII-armoured form; if the latter it will be unarmoured automatically. This argument is optional. =item * Filename The path to a keyring file, or at least, a file containing a key (and perhaps other associated keyblock data). The data in this file can be either in binary form or in ASCII-armoured form; if the latter it will be unarmoured automatically. This argument is optional. =back =head2 $ring->find_keyblock_by_keyid($key_id) Looks up the key ID I<$key_id> in the keyring I<$ring>. I<$key_id> should be either a 4-octet or 8-octet string--it should I be a string of hexadecimal digits. If that is what you have, use I to convert it to an octet string: pack 'H*', $hex_key_id If a keyblock is found where the key ID of either the master key or subkey matches I<$key_id>, that keyblock will be returned. The definition of "match" depends on the length of I<$key_id>: if it is a 16-digit hex number, only exact matches will be returned; if it is an 8-digit hex number, any keyblocks containing keys whose last 8 hex digits match I<$key_id> will be returned. In scalar context, only the first keyblock found in the keyring is returned; in list context, all matching keyblocks are returned. In practice, duplicated key IDs are rare, particularly so if you specify the full 16 hex digits in I<$key_id>. Returns false on failure (C in scalar context, an empty list in list context). =head2 $ring->find_keyblock_by_uid($uid) Given a string I<$uid>, looks up all keyblocks with User ID packets matching the string I<$uid>, including partial matches. In scalar context, returns only the first keyblock with a matching user ID; in list context, returns all matching keyblocks. Returns false on failure. =head2 $ring->find_keyblock_by_index($index) Given an index into a list of keyblocks I<$index>, returns the keyblock (a I object) at that index. Accepts negative indexes, so C<-1> will give you the last keyblock in the keyring. =head1 AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTS Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and license information. =cut