%!PS-Adobe-2.0 % % Listing up all the kanji characters % Akira Tanaka modified for gs5.10-vflib-1.3. 1998/05/12 /LEFT 110 def /TOP 750 def /BOTTOM 50 def /SIZE 28 def /FONT_NAME /Ryumin-Light-H def /FONT_WIDTH 1000 def /FONT_DESCENT 120 def /FONT_ASCENT 880 def /FONT_HEIGHT FONT_ASCENT FONT_DESCENT add def % Initialize /FONT_WIDTH FONT_WIDTH 1000 div SIZE mul def /FONT_DESCENT FONT_DESCENT 1000 div SIZE mul def /FONT_ASCENT FONT_ASCENT 1000 div SIZE mul def /FONT_HEIGHT FONT_HEIGHT 1000 div SIZE mul def /NUM_FONT /Courier findfont SIZE scalefont def /NUM_WIDTH gsave NUM_FONT setfont (0) stringwidth pop def grestore /LINES TOP BOTTOM sub FONT_HEIGHT div cvi def /STR2 2 string def /NEWLINE { /ROW_CODE CODE 16 idiv 16 mul def /LINE LINE 1 add def LINE LINES eq { NEWPAGE } if /BASE_LINE TOP LINE FONT_HEIGHT mul sub FONT_ASCENT sub def % Draw Lines and Numbers gsave NUM_FONT setfont LEFT NUM_WIDTH 5 mul sub BASE_LINE moveto ROW_CODE 16 4 string cvrs show LEFT TOP LINE FONT_HEIGHT mul sub moveto 0 FONT_HEIGHT neg rlineto FONT_WIDTH 16 mul 0 rlineto 0 FONT_HEIGHT rlineto closepath stroke 0 1 15 { /COLUMN exch def LEFT FONT_WIDTH COLUMN 1 add mul add TOP LINE FONT_HEIGHT mul sub moveto 0 FONT_HEIGHT neg rlineto stroke LINE 0 eq { LEFT COLUMN FONT_WIDTH mul add FONT_WIDTH NUM_WIDTH sub 2 div add TOP FONT_DESCENT add moveto COLUMN 16 1 string cvrs show } if } for grestore } def /NEWPAGE { showpage /LINE 0 def } def % % List up Characters % FONT_NAME findfont SIZE scalefont setfont /LINE -1 def /ROW_CODE 0 def [[16#2121 16#227E] [16#2330 16#2658] [16#2721 16#2771] [16#2821 16#2841] [16#3021 16#4F53] [16#5021 16#7426]] { dup 0 get /FROM exch def 1 get /TO exch def FROM 1 TO { /CODE exch def CODE 256 mod dup 16#21 ge exch 16#7E le and { CODE 16 idiv 16 mul ROW_CODE ne { NEWLINE } if LEFT CODE 16 mod FONT_WIDTH mul add BASE_LINE moveto STR2 0 CODE 256 idiv put STR2 1 CODE 256 mod put STR2 show } if } for } forall showpage