%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap %%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit) %%BeginResource: CMap (KSC-EUC-H) %%Title: (KSC-EUC-H Adobe Korea1 0) %%Version: 9.003 %%Copyright: ----------------------------------------------------------- %%Copyright: Copyright 1990-2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated. %%Copyright: All rights reserved. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or %%Copyright: without modification, are permitted provided that the %%Copyright: following conditions are met: %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistributions of source code must retain the above %%Copyright: copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following %%Copyright: disclaimer. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above %%Copyright: copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following %%Copyright: disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials %%Copyright: provided with the distribution. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: Neither the name of Adobe Systems Incorporated nor the names %%Copyright: of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote %%Copyright: products derived from this software without specific prior %%Copyright: written permission. %%Copyright: %%Copyright: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND %%Copyright: CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, %%Copyright: INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %%Copyright: MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE %%Copyright: DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR %%Copyright: CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, %%Copyright: SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT %%Copyright: NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; %%Copyright: LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) %%Copyright: HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN %%Copyright: CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR %%Copyright: OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS %%Copyright: SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. %%Copyright: ----------------------------------------------------------- %%EndComments /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 12 dict begin begincmap /CIDSystemInfo 3 dict dup begin /Registry (Adobe) def /Ordering (Korea1) def /Supplement 0 def end def /CMapName /KSC-EUC-H def /CMapVersion 9.003 def /CMapType 1 def /UIDOffset 100 def /XUID [1 10 25400] def /WMode 0 def 2 begincodespacerange <00> <80> endcodespacerange 1 beginnotdefrange <00> <1f> 8094 endnotdefrange 100 begincidrange <20> <7e> 8094 101 195 264 358 409 451 461 471 495 519 587 666 670 671 679 757 851 934 1020 1053 1086 1180 1274 1368 1462 1556 1650 1744 1838 1932 2026 2120 2214 2308 2402 2496 2590 2684 2778 2872 2966 3060 3154 3248 3342 3436 3530 4116 3577 3678 3582 7053 3598 3621 3715 3460 3761 7900 3785 3807 3802 3819 3900 3902 3990 3993 3946 3994 3946 4015 3708 4038 4131 4050 4083 4374 4156 4134 4375 4136 4376 4138 5800 4382 4386 4139 4387 4140 4391 4141 4394 4142 4396 4143 4399 4146 4403 4149 4406 endcidrange 100 begincidrange 4409 4150 4410 4151 4412 4419 4154 4420 4155 4424 4159 4511 4170 4513 4517 4173 4518 4524 4174 4525 4528 4535 4175 4541 4176 4545 4179 4547 4550 4180 4564 4566 4571 4576 4181 4604 4609 4185 4611 4186 4192 4286 4318 4355 4136 4376 4378 5800 4382 4139 4387 4192 4389 4469 4167 4492 4172 4512 4561 5552 4603 6424 4627 4653 4747 4841 4935 5151 4971 4922 5001 5027 7518 5031 5120 5079 5124 5109 5171 7607 5201 5211 5584 5302 5367 5303 7083 5321 5362 5366 5485 5372 5394 6001 5474 5487 5460 5499 5317 5562 endcidrange 100 begincidrange 5579 5673 7009 5757 7370 5766 5678 5773 5858 5874 5871 4425 5873 4427 5879 4429 5880 4431 5887 4435 5896 4436 5897 4437 5898 4439 5901 4442 4159 5936 4444 4447 5937 4449 5939 4450 5941 4453 5946 4455 5947 4458 5948 4459 5951 4463 5954 4160 5961 4465 5962 4161 5964 4468 5971 4469 5974 4470 5976 4162 5978 4471 5980 4472 5981 4474 4473 4475 5983 4476 5984 4478 6447 5985 4481 5987 4482 5460 5988 4483 4163 4166 5990 4485 5991 4487 5996 4488 6000 4489 4491 6002 4167 4493 6003 4494 6005 4495 6019 7783 endcidrange 100 begincidrange 6020 4497 4499 6024 4501 6027 4502 6028 4503 6029 4506 6031 4508 6042 4509 6046 4510 6047 5797 6063 6070 4551 6140 4553 4180 6147 4555 6152 5800 6153 4556 6154 4557 6156 4560 6162 4561 6166 4563 6197 7988 6239 6246 6123 6278 4577 6313 4183 6327 4579 6329 4581 6333 4582 6334 4584 6337 4586 6339 4588 4184 6340 4590 6355 4592 6356 4593 4595 6359 4596 6362 4599 6366 4600 5552 6368 4603 6373 6411 4614 4616 6416 4618 6418 5950 4620 4187 6422 4625 6424 4627 6426 4629 6427 4632 6432 4634 4636 6435 4188 endcidrange 67 begincidrange 6437 4638 6447 4640 6454 4642 6456 4644 6458 4645 6460 4647 6474 4650 6475 4653 6479 5351 6553 6569 6494 6627 6662 6756 6850 6944 5731 6972 5771 7032 7036 4191 7052 7129 6484 7135 6684 7205 7221 7315 4279 7398 7139 7399 7407 4247 7430 4266 7445 4340 7455 7498 7572 7556 5088 7576 7590 7709 3558 7684 3644 7751 7775 7869 3815 7877 7962 endcidrange endcmap CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end end %%EndResource %%EOF