Beyond this manual

In this manual, the authors tried to give an overview over TEXworks and a concise introduction to get you started. TEXworks is constantly evolving and improving, however, so the information presented here will never be complete.

Additional, frequently updated documents are posted in the wiki hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/wiki. Particularly noteworthy are the following pages:

describes how to obtain and install dictionaries for the spell-checker on various systems. https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/wiki/SpellingDictionaries
provides a compilation of useful things to know at a glance, such as the % !TEX root construct. https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/wiki/TipsAndTricks
lists the configurations for several typesetting tools that are not included in TEXworks by default, such as latexmk or the dvips workflows. https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/wiki/AdvancedTypesettingTools

If you run into problems with TEXworks, it is advisable to browse the mailing list archives accessible via http://tug.org/pipermail/texworks/. If you use TEXworks regularly or are interested in learning about problems and solutions when using it for some other reason, you can also consider subscribing to the list at http://tug.org/mailman/listinfo/texworks to stay up-to-date. For the occasional post to the mailing list, you can also use the HelpEmail to mailing list menu item. Please make sure you replace the default subject by something describing your issue and to include all information that might help resolving it. That way, you are much more likely to get many helpful replies.

If you find a bug in TEXworks or want to suggest a new feature you would like to see in a future version, you should have a look at the issue list at GitHub (https://github.com/TeXworks/texworks/issues). Before posting a new item, please make sure that a similar report or request is not already on the list and that the issue list is indeed the right place, though. If in doubt, please ask on the mailing list first.

Happy TE Xing!