#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # # Copyright 2008-2017 Norbert Preining # Copyright 2008 Reinhard Kotucha # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. use strict; $^W = 1; my $svnrev = '$Revision: 41176 $'; $svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /; $::menurevision = $1; require Tk; require Tk::ROText; require Tk::ProgressBar; use utf8; no utf8; sub installer_tracker { my $ret; # create a progress bar window $::sww = Tk::MainWindow->new; $::sww->Label(-text => __("Installation process"))->pack; #warn "Debug!! Creating text window"; $::progressw = $::sww->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -height => 18); #warn "Debug!! Created text window"; $::progressw->pack(-expand => 1, -fill => "both"); #warn "Debug!! Placed text window"; my $percent_done = 0; $::progress = $::sww->ProgressBar(-variable => \$percent_done, -width => 20, -length => 400, -from => 0, -to => 100, -blocks => 10, -colors => [ 0, '#0078b8' ]); $::progress->pack(-fill => "x"); #my $f = $::sww->Frame; my $b = $::sww->Button( -text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { do_cleanup(); $::sww->destroy; # POSIX::exit prevents Tk error message 'Tk::Error: ("after" script)' POSIX::exit(1); })->pack(-pady => "2m"); $b->focus(); # $f->pack; setup_hooks_perltk(); $ret = do_installation(); if (@::WARNLINES) { foreach my $t (@::WARNLINES) { update_status ($t); } } if ($::env_warns) { update_status($::env_warns); } $::progressw->tagConfigure('centered', -justify => 'center'); # basic welcome message foreach my $t (@::welcome_arr) { #my $s = shift @$t; $::progressw->insert("end", "$t\n", 'centered'); } $::progressw->insert("end", "\n"); # additional info if ($::LOGFILENAME) { $::progressw->insert ("end", "Logfile: $::LOGFILENAME"); } else { # do_cleanup sets $::LOGFILENAME to "" #if no logfile could be written $::progressw->insert ("end", "Cannot create logfile $::vars{'TEXDIR'}/install-tl.log: $!"); } if (@::WARNLINES or $::env_vars or !$::LOGFILENAME) { $::progressw->insert("end", "\n"); $::progressw->insert("end", __("Scroll back to inspect warnings")); } $::progressw->insert("end", "\n"); my $linechar = $::progressw->index("end"); $::progressw->see("end"); $::progressw->tagAdd("centered", $linechar, "end"); $::progressw->tagConfigure("centered", -justify => "center"); $b->configure( -text => __("Finish"), -command => sub { $::sww->destroy; return $ret; }); Tk::MainLoop(); return $ret; } # installer_tracker #sub tracked_installation { # # undo binding, since this should run only once # my $b = shift; # $b->bind('' => ''); # $ret = do_installation(); # $::sww->destroy; #} sub setup_hooks_perltk { @::info_hook = (); push @::info_hook, sub { update_status(join(" ",@_)); $::sww->update; }; push @::warn_hook, sub { return unless defined $::sww ; update_status(join(" ",@_)); }; @::install_packages_hook = (); push @::install_packages_hook, \&update_progressbar; push @::install_packages_hook, sub { return unless defined $::sww; $::sww->update; }; } sub update_status { my ($p) = @_; return unless defined $::progressw; $::progressw->insert("end", "$p"); $::progressw->see("end"); } sub update_progressbar { my ($n,$total) = @_; return unless defined $::progress; if (defined($n) && defined($total)) { $::progress->value(int($n*100/$total)); } }