#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # # Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # use strict; $^W = 1; my $svnrev = '$Revision: 11925 $'; $svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /; $::menurevision = $1; our %vars; our $tlpdb; our $texlive_release; our $MENU_INSTALL = 0; our $MENU_ABORT = 1; our $MENU_QUIT = 2; our $MENU_ALREADYDONE = 3; my $return = $MENU_INSTALL; require Tk; require Tk::Dialog; require Tk::DialogBox; require Tk::PNG; require Tk::ROText; require Tk::ProgressBar; require Tk::Font; use utf8; no utf8; # # my $tit; my $can; my $prv; my $nxt; my $img; my $dest; my $warning; my $mw; my $usedfont; my $fmain; my $fbuttons; my $ftitle; my $counter; my $lineskip; my $LEFT = 130; my $RIGHT = 50; my $TOP = 50; my $BOTTOM = 50; my $INF = 300; my $MWIDTH = 730; my $MHEIGHT = 480; my $TITLEHEIGHT = 30; my $BUTTONSHEIGHT = 50; my $INNERWIDTH = ($MWIDTH - $LEFT - $RIGHT); my $INNERHEIGHT = ($MHEIGHT - $TOP - $TITLEHEIGHT - $BOTTOM - $BUTTONSHEIGHT); require("translations/trans.pl"); # the main installer runs %{$::run_menu} $::run_menu = \&run_menu_wizard; ###################################################################### # From here on only function definitions # #################################################################### sub setup_hooks_wizard { @::info_hook = (); push @::info_hook, sub { return unless defined($mw); wizard_update_status(join(" ",@_)); $mw->update; }; @::warn_hook = (); push @::warn_hook, sub { return unless defined($mw); wizard_update_status(join(" ",@_)); $mw->update; }; @::install_packages_hook = (); push @::install_packages_hook, \&wizard_update_progressbar; push @::install_packages_hook, sub { $mw->update; }; } sub wizard_update_status { my ($p) = @_; $::progressw->insert("end", "$p"); $::progressw->see("end"); } sub wizard_update_progressbar { my ($n,$total) = @_; if (defined($n) && defined($total)) { $::progress->value(int($n*100/$total)); } } ################# WELCOME SCREEN ###################################### sub run_menu_wizard { $mw = Tk::MainWindow->new(-width => $MWIDTH, -height => $MHEIGHT); setup_hooks_wizard(); $dest = $vars{'TEXDIR'}; my $img = $mw->Photo(-format => 'png', -file => "$::installerdir/tlpkg/installer/texlive2009-wizard.png"); $mw->Label(-image => $img, -background => "#0078b8")->place(-x => 0, -y => 0); $ftitle = $mw->Frame(-height => $TITLEHEIGHT, -width => $INNERWIDTH); $ftitle->update; $ftitle->place(-x => $LEFT, -y => $TOP); $tit = $ftitle->Label(-text => __('TeX Live 2009 Installation')); $usedfont= $tit->cget("-font"); $lineskip = $usedfont->metrics("-linespace"); $tit->place(-x => 0, -y => 0); $counter = $ftitle->Label(-text => "1/5"); $counter->place(-x => $INNERWIDTH, -y => 0, -anchor => "ne"); $fmain = $mw->Frame(-height => $INNERHEIGHT, -width => $INNERWIDTH); #, -borderwidth => 1, -relief => "ridge"); $fmain->place(-x => $LEFT, -y => ($TOP + $TITLEHEIGHT)); $can = $mw->Button(-width => 10, -relief => "ridge", -text => __('Cancel'), -command => sub { $return = $MENU_ABORT; $mw->destroy; }); $nxt = $mw->Button(-width => 10, -relief => "ridge", -text => __('Next >')); $prv = $mw->Button(-width => 10, -relief => "ridge", -text => __('< Back')); $can->place(-x => $LEFT, -y => ($MHEIGHT - $BOTTOM), -anchor => "sw"); my $rb = $MWIDTH - $RIGHT; $nxt->place(-x => ($MWIDTH - $RIGHT) , -y => ($MHEIGHT - $BOTTOM), -anchor => "se"); reset_start(); Tk::MainLoop(); return($return); } sub reset_start { for ($fmain->children) { $_->destroy; } $counter->configure(-text => "1/5"); $prv->placeForget; my $inf = $fmain->Label(-text => __("Welcome to the installation of TeX Live 2009\nhttp://tug.org/texlive\n\nThis wizard will guide you through the installation.\n\nFor an advanced, customizable installation, please consult\nthe web pages or installation guide."), -justify => "left"); $inf->place(-x => 0, -y => 100); $nxt->configure(-text => __("Next >") , -command => \&ask_path ); $nxt->configure(-state => "normal"); } ################## PATH SCREEN ################################ sub ask_path { for ($fmain->children) { $_->destroy; } $counter->configure(-text => "2/5"); my $lab = $fmain->Label(-text => __('Destination folder:')); my $val = $fmain->Label(-textvar => \$dest); my $but = $fmain->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => \&change_path, -relief => "ridge", -width => 10); # texworks will be anyway installed in scheme-full #my $but_tw = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __("Install TeXworks front end'), # -variable => \$vars{"addon_editor"}); # # disable the "Advanced Configuration" button switching to the # perltk installer # #my $cb = $fmain->Button(-text => __("Advanced Configuration"), # -relief => "ridge", # -command => sub { $mw->destroy; # require("installer/install-menu-perltk.pl"); # setup_hooks_perltk(); # $return = run_menu_perltk(); # }); calc_depends(); $fmain->Label(-text => __("The destination folder will contain the installation.\nIt is strongly recommended to keep the year as the last component."), -justify => "left")->place(-x => 0, -y => 20); my $ytmp = 100; $lab->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp, -anchor => "w"); $ytmp += ($lineskip + 10); $val->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp, -anchor => "w"); $but->place(-x => $INNERWIDTH, -y => $ytmp, -anchor => "e"); $warning = $fmain->Label(-foreground => "red"); check_show_warning(); $ytmp += ($lineskip + 10); $warning->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp, -anchor => "w"); #if (win32()) { # $but_tw->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp + 60); #} #$cb->place(-x => $INNERWIDTH, -y => $INNERHEIGHT, -anchor => "se"); $fmain->Label(-text => __('disk space required') . ": $vars{'total_size'} MB", -justify => "left" )->place(-x => 0, -y => $fmain->height, -anchor => "sw"); $prv->configure(-text => __('< Back'), -command => \&reset_start ); $nxt->configure(-text => __('Next >'), -command => \&ask_options ); my $rb = $MWIDTH - $RIGHT; $rb -= $nxt->width; $rb -= 30; $prv->place(-x => $rb, -y => ($MHEIGHT - $BOTTOM), -anchor => "se"); } sub check_show_warning { if (TeXLive::TLUtils::texdir_check($vars{'TEXDIR'})) { $warning->configure(-text => ""); $nxt->configure(-state => "normal"); } else { $warning->configure(-text => __('(default not writable - please change!)')); $nxt->configure(-state => "disabled"); } } sub change_path { my $val = $dest; my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => "Changing TEXDIR"); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); $sw->Label(-text => __('Enter path for') . " TEXDIR: ")->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $entry = $sw->Entry(-textvariable => $val, -width => 60); $entry->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f = $sw->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __('Ok'), -width => 10, -relief => "ridge", -command => sub { $val = $entry->get; callback_change_texdir($val) ; $sw->destroy })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __('Cancel'), -relief => "ridge", -width => 10, -command => sub { $sw->destroy })->pack(-side => 'right', -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f->pack(-expand => 'x'); # bindings $sw->bind('' => [ $okbutton, 'Invoke']); $sw->bind('' => [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke']); } sub callback_change_texdir { my ($val) = @_; my $home = getenv('HOME'); if (win32()) { $home = getenv('USERPROFILE'); $home =~ s!\\!/!g; } $home ||= '~'; $val =~ s!\\!/!g; $vars{'TEXDIR'} = $val; $vars{'TEXDIR'} =~ s/^~/$home/; $vars{'TEXMFLOCAL'} =~ s/^~/$home/; $vars{'TEXMFSYSVAR'} =~ s/^~/$home/; $vars{'TEXMFSYSCONFIG'} =~ s/^~/$home/; # only if we set TEXDIR we set the others in parallel if ($vars{'TEXDIR'}=~/^(.*)\/$texlive_release$/) { $vars{'TEXMFLOCAL'}="$1/texmf-local"; $vars{'TEXMFSYSVAR'}="$1/$texlive_release/texmf-var"; $vars{'TEXMFSYSCONFIG'}="$1/$texlive_release/texmf-config"; } elsif ($vars{'TEXDIR'}=~/^(.*)$/) { $vars{'TEXMFLOCAL'}="$1/texmf-local"; $vars{'TEXMFSYSVAR'}="$1/texmf-var"; $vars{'TEXMFSYSCONFIG'}="$1/texmf-config"; } $vars{'TEXDIRW'}=$vars{'TEXDIR'}; $dest = $vars{'TEXDIR'}; check_show_warning(); } ################## OPTIONS SCREEN ################################ sub ask_options { for ($fmain->children) { $_->destroy; } $counter->configure(-text => "3/5"); my $inf = $fmain->Label(-text => __("This screen allows you to configure some options"), -justify => "left"); $inf->place(-x => 0, -y => 20); my $bletter = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __("Use letter size instead of A4 by default"), -variable => \$vars{"option_letter"}); my $bdesk = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __("Add shortcuts to menu and desktop"), -variable => \$vars{"option_desktop_integration"}); my $bassocs = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __('Change file associations'), -variable => \$vars{"option_file_assocs"}); my $bpath = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __('Adjust PATH setting in registry'), -variable => \$vars{"option_path"}); my $bmulti = $fmain->Checkbutton(-text => __('Installation for all users'), -variable => \$vars{"option_w32_multi_user"}); calc_depends(); my $ytmp = 60; $bletter->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp); if (win32()) { $ytmp += 50; $bdesk->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp); # now that we only create assocs if there aren't any other by default # we don't ask that anymore #$ytmp += 50; #$bassocs->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp); # disabled after discussion, PATH will be set up automatically # when using the wizard # $ytmp += 50; # $bpath->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp); if (admin()) { $ytmp += 50; $bmulti->place(-x => 0, -y => $ytmp); } } $prv->configure(-text => __('< Back'), -command => \&ask_path ); $nxt->configure(-text => __('Next >'), -command => \&ask_go ); my $rb = $MWIDTH - $RIGHT; $rb -= $nxt->width; $rb -= 30; $prv->place(-x => $rb, -y => ($MHEIGHT - $BOTTOM), -anchor => "se"); } ################## INSTALL SCREEN ############################# sub ask_go { for ($fmain->children) { $_->destroy; } $counter->configure(-text => "4/5"); my $inf = $fmain->Label(-justify => "left", -text => __("We are ready to install TeX Live 2009.\nThe following settings will be used.\nIf you want to change something please go back,\notherwise press the \"Install\" button.") . "\n\n" . __('Destination folder:') . " $dest"); $inf->place(-x => 0, -y => 100); $nxt->configure(-text => __('Install'), -command => \&wizard_installation_window); $prv->configure(-text => __('< Back'), -command => \&ask_path); } sub wizard_installation_window { for ($fmain->children) { $_->destroy; } $counter->configure(-text => "4/4"); # create a progress bar window # compute the height of the Text by the given font $::progressw = $fmain->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -wrap => "word"); # we want to have the progressbar about 20px wide, so compute how # many lines of the current font do fit into the remaining area my $lines = int( ($INNERHEIGHT - 20) / $lineskip); # it seems that on Windows the computation is not right, the # progress bar overwrites the last line of the text widget # remove one line here $lines-- if win32(); $::progressw->configure(-height => $lines); $::progressw->place(-x => 0, -y => 0, -width => $INNERWIDTH); # that is necessary otherwise the progressbar gets very strange dimensions $fmain->update; my $percent_done = 0; # compute the remaining space in pixel for the progressbar my $pw = $INNERHEIGHT - ($lines * $lineskip) - 5; # make sure that the line we remove above for Windows is not re-added # to the size of the progressbar. The 7 was found by trial and error $pw -= ($lineskip + 7) if win32(); $::progress = $fmain->ProgressBar(-variable => \$percent_done, -width => $pw, -length => $INNERWIDTH, -from => 0, -to => 110, -blocks => 10, -colors => [ 0, '#0078b8' ]); $::progress->place(-x => 0, -y => $INNERHEIGHT, -anchor => "sw"); # # change the buttons so that the Prev disappears, the Next becomes # Cancel, and the Cancel button disappears $prv->placeForget; $can->placeForget; $nxt->configure(-text => __('Cancel'), -command => sub { $return = $MENU_ABORT; $mw->destroy; }); calc_depends(); do_installation(); $::progress->value(110); $return = $MENU_ALREADYDONE; my $t = __("See TEXDIR/index.html for links to documentation.\nThe TeX Live web site (http://tug.org/texlive/) contains any updates and corrections. TeX Live is a joint project of the TeX user groups around the world; please consider supporting it by joining the group best for you. The list of groups is available on the web at http://tug.org/usergroups.html."); if (!win32()) { $t .= "\n\n" . __("Add TEXDIR/texmf/doc/man to MANPATH.\nAdd TEXDIR/texmf/doc/info to INFOPATH.\nMost importantly, add TEXDIR/bin/PLATFORM\nto your PATH for current and future sessions."); } $t .= "\n\n" . __('Welcome to TeX Live!'); $t =~ s/TEXDIR/$::vars{'TEXDIR'}/g; $t =~ s/PLATFORM/$::vars{'this_platform'}/g; $t =~ s/\\n/\n/g; my $linechar = $::progressw->index("end"); $::progressw->markSet("finaltext", $linechar); $::progressw->markGravity("finaltext", "left"); $::progressw->insert("end", "\n$t"); $::progressw->see("end"); $::progressw->tagAdd("centered", $linechar, "end"); $::progressw->tagConfigure("centered", -justify => "center"); $nxt->configure(-text => __('Finish'), -command => sub { $mw->destroy; }); } ################### END OF MODULE RETURN 1 FOR REQUIRE ########### 1; __END__ ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #