Installation of dviout for Windows Ver.3.19 May, 2021 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: Installation of dviout Installation of other packages A package for Windows TrueType fonts PSfrag Image data files in various formats Usage of Japanese TrueType fonts under non-Japanese Windows URL's -------------------- Installation of dviout --------------------- 0. Preceding the installation of dviout, install (some of) font files (including tfm files and PK files used by dviout) if possible. dviout will search the location of fonts in the installation procedure. If MikTeX system is solely used, dviout reads its font setting and therefore this step is unnecesary. If PostScript files (EPSF's) are used for figures, install Ghostscript and correctly set the environment variable GS_LIB. For example, suppose mktexpk is correctly supported and the default mode for the printer is set to execute METAFONT. PK files for some basic fonts are created by the command mktexpk cmr10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk cmr10 360 300 360/300 mktexpk line10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk line10 360 300 360/300 mktexpk lcircle10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk lcircle10 360 300 360/300 mktexpk msam10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk msam10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk eufm10 300 300 300/300 mktexpk eufm10 360 300 360/300 if the dpi of printer resolution equals 300. Then dviout will find the settings of the location of fonts (dviout will check the existence and the location of fonts cmr10, line10, lcircle10, msam10, eufm10, min10, tmin10). According to the mktexpk, the above command should be changed like mktexpk --dpi 360 --bdpi 300 --mag 360/300 cmr10 In the system of MikTeX, makepk is a replacement of mktexpk. 1. Make a directory (with any name as you like but c:\dviout is the default) for dviout and execute dviout. For example, in a CMD Window, type mkdir c:\dviout cd c:\dviout c: unzip d:\ dviout if d:\ is the package of dviout. Then you will be asked to install fundamental parameters. If you push [Yes] button, you will be guide to the steps corresponding to the following 2, 3, 4 and others. Otherwise you should do the following. Remark: If your operating system does not support Japanese language and you are asked to use the original font at the start up of dviout, please answer "No" to continue. 2. Set the resolution of fonts by dpi(dots par inch). We recommend to set the resolution matching to the printer usually used. DVI files are previewed by shrinking size of fonts and using gray scale. Select: Option (tool bar in dviout) -> Setup parameters -> Resolution Set the correct number of resolution dpi: push [Save], push [OK]. 3. Suppose font griph files are PK fonts and they are installed with names such as cmr10.300pk or *300*\...\ Then it is easy to set the parameter of dviout defining the location of fonts: Select: Option (tool bar in dviout) -> Setup parameters -> Font push [Guess], push [Save], push [OK]. If MikTeX will be solely used for TeX, then answer [Yes] for the question "Do you use MikTeX?" Note that -TEXPK: indicates the location of fonts (PK fonts). Use [Help] or "?" button to get more informations. In the case of a standard configuration of directories for fonts, for example, the setting such as -TEXROOT:^T\fonts -TEXPK:^r\tfm\\^s.^tfm;^r\pk\\^s.^dpk;^r\vf\\^s.vf;^r\tfm\\^s.tfm will be automatically done. Here "^r\pk\\^s.^dpk" is for PK fonts, "^r\tfm\\^s.^tfm" is for TrueType fonts and "^r\vf\\^s.vf" is for virtual fonts. In some case, "^r\pk\\^s.^dpk" may be changed to "^r\pk\cx\\^s.^dpk;^r\pk\modeless\\^s.^dpk". Here "cx" may be replaced by mode for printer used by METAFONT. The last ;^r\tfm\\^s.tfm is better to be removed if non Japanese TrueType font is installed. On the other hand, if TrueType fonts registered in Windows are solely used, then the parameter setting is as follows: Select: Option (tool bar in dviout) -> Setup parameters -> Font and set the location of tfm files to -TEXPK: as follows -TEXROOT:^T\fonts -TEXPK:^r\tfm\\^s.^tfm Similarly if TrueType fonts have priority than other fonts and morevoer Omega/lambda is used, the setting of -TEXPK: may be as follows -TEXROOT:^T\fonts -TEXPK:^r\tfm\\^s^tfm;^r\pk\\^s.^dpk;\r\vf\\^s.vf;\r\ovf\\^s.ovf If a Japanese TruType font is installed, it is better to add ;^r\tfm\\^s.tfm at the end of the definition of -TEXPK: Then validitate these settings: push [Save], push [OK]. Here "^r" in -TEXPK: is substituted by the setting of -TEXROOT: "^s" and "^d" are substituted by the font name such as "cmr10" and the resolution of the font under dpi, respectively, "^T" is substituted by the value of environment variable TEXMFMAIN or TEXMF and "\\" is any sequence of subdirectories as is similarly used in kpathsearch. ^s^tfm indicates the location of tfm/jfm files to use the TrueType fonts through the Windows system. This setting should be arranged according to your system. In case of MikTeX, PK fonts are stored as ...\dpi300\ and those parameters are, for example, one may set manually as -TEXROOT:c:\Local TEXMF\fonts;c:\texmf\fonts -TEXPK:^r\pk\\dpi^d\^;^r\tfm\\^s.^tfm;^r\vf\\^s.vf Here c:\Local TEXMF\fonts and c:\texm\fonts depend on the installation of MikTeX. MikTeX supports makepk.exe and dviout can use it after the setting: Select: Option (tool bar in dviout) -> Setup parameters -> Font2 push [gen:], push [Save], push [OK]. This is also valid if mktexpk or MakeTeXPK is supported. 4. If Goshscript is installed and the environment variable GS_LIB is correctly set, Select: Option (tool bar in dviout) -> Setup parameters -> Graphic push [gsx:], push [Save], push [OK]. 5. Now you are ready to preview and print DVI files. The DVI file test_org.dvi and sample\sample.dvi in the package of dviout is good for the first test of the preview. Select File -> Open a DVI file from Tool Bar. Previewing the DVI file, Select Display -> Size -> Magnify/Reduce, Display -> Contrast -> Blacker/Whiter to get a suitable result and Select: Option -> Setup parameters -> Display push [Save], push [OK]. to reserve it. The DVI file graphic\color\color.dvi is an another DVI file written in English. 6. Other options are also set from Option -> Setup parameters. Their explanation can be seen from On-line Help in English/Japanese. --- 7. You can get a precise information on dviout by On-line Help whose filename is dvioute.hlp (in English) or dviout.hlp (in Japanese). 8. Uninstallation of dviout for Windows can be done by the menu in dviout. ---------------- Installation of other packages ------------------ --- A package for Windows TrueType fonts --- font\ : A package to use Windows standard TrueType fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New, proportional Japanese fonts etc.) written by Otobe and Oshima font\ Japanese extended package. If the directories of TeX are standard, the package is installed as follows. In a MS-DOS Window, move to the directory where the subdirectory texmf exist. Unpack in the directory: unzip In dviout for Windows, select Option -> Setup Parameters... -> Font2 -> ttf: and indicate the file ^x\map\ and push [Flush], [Apply] and [OK]. Moreover move to the sheet [Font] and indicate tfm and vf files in TEXPK. For example: TEXROOT: ^T\fonts TEXPK: ^r\tfm\\^s.^tfm;^r\pk\cx\\^s.^dpk;^r\vf\\^s.vf Then [Save] and [OK] to quit the property sheet. To check the installation, preview the following sample file by dviout for Windows: ....\texmf\tex\latex\ttnfss\test.dvi See English.txt and the comments in contained in the package for more information. To install, unpack it in the same way as in the case of --- PSfrag --- If PSfrag is used, in PSfrag package and in PSfrag package Ver.2.* should be placed in a search path of Ghostscript. (See the URL of dviout for Windows given below.) --- Image data files in various formats --- To handle image data files other than EPS/PS/WMF/EMF/PBM/BMC such as JPEG/ TIFF/GIF/PNG/PCD etc., the corresponding Susie plug-in's (with the extension .spi) should be placed in the directry which should be indicated in Option -> Setup Parameters... -> Graphic -> spi: --- Usage of Japanese TrueType fonts under non-Japanese Windows --- See On-line Help: Help -> Help topics -> Q&A -> Font -> ? Will TrueType Japanese fonts be used in non-Japanese Windows ------------------------ URL's ------------------------ TeX system supporting pTeX (for Windows): Susie plug-in: dviout for Windows: CTAN: TeX Users Group subversion repository: TeX Users Group dviout Mailing List: Please report to for any errors or improvements.