######################################################################## # A sample of the definition of vector fonts ######################################################################## # # The lines starting by # are ignored # %version = 2 # Versiong number of .vfn file # %vfont_list # Definition of Vector Fonts # 1) Font No. : From 1 up to 256(max) # 2) Path of vector fonts without extension # If WinAPI of Japanese Windows95/NT is used, indicate font name by # using the double quatations " " and moreover put @ at the top of # the font name for vertical writing # 3) w_adj Adjusting ratio is w_adj/1000 for width (may be omitted) # 200 - 2000(deault: 1000) # 4) h_adj Adjusting ratio is h_adj/1000 for height (may be omitted) # 200 - 2000(default: 1000) # 5) Set 1 if the characters in the second level are not used (may be # omitted, default 0) # # ','is used for separations between items # # Vec Font No. Vector Font Name w_adj h_adj no vf2 #-------------+----------------------------------+-----+-----+------ # 1, b:\vector\明朝, 1000, 1000, 0 # 2, b:\vector\ゴシック, 1000, 1000, 0 # 3, # 4, # 5, # # JG Font # 1, b:\vector\zmin0by, 1000, 1000, 0 # 2, b:\vector\zkgo0by, 1000, 1000, 0 # # Microsoft Windows TrueType Font under non-Japanese Windows95/NT # ^w: Windows system directory # ^x: directory of dviout # 1, c:\windows\fonts\msmincho, 1060, 1120, 0 2, c:\windows\fonts\msgothic, 1060, 1120, 0 # # Microsoft Windows TrueType Font under Japanese Windows95/NT WinAPI # 1, "MS 明朝", 1000, 1000, 0 # 2, "MS ゴシック", 1000, 1000, 0 # 3, "@MS 明朝", 1000, 1000, 0 # 4, "@MS ゴシック", 1000, 1000, 0 # # # TrueType Fonts for European Languages 1, "cmr10" # 2, "cmr8" # %jfm_list # Definiton of JFM files and the parameters to use them # # 1) JFM name # Filename of JFM file excluding point number at the tail # ex. min10.tfm -> min goth10.tfm -> goth # 2) Vec Font # Number of vector font to use # 3) Long face/Flat face # 4) Slanted face # 5) Draw sw # Way of drawing # [Nomal mode][Fine mode] # f -> "fill edge" # o -> "trace outline" # n -> f + o # [Fine mode] # If a number is indicated after n,f, the fonts with the width by # smaller than the number will be created under File mode # ex. n24 1 - 24 dot => Fine mode # >= 25 dot => Normal mode # 6) thin: # tpic normal mode & fine mode : adjustment to fill edge # not tpic normal mode : adjustment of the width of lines # xfat : adjustment of the width of lines in horizontal direction # yfat : adjustment of the width of lines in vertical direction # The separater is ';' # 7) novec # If fonts with some size are not used by the definition here, indicate # their size by dots separated by ';' # 8) f_goth # poor man's gothic # 0 or void: Use it for the fonts goth or the ones indicated by -G: # 1: stop using poor man's gothic # 2: use poor man's gothic # 9) rot # rotation of fonts # 0 or void: up 1: right 2: down 3: left # # # 5), 6), 7) have no meaning for fonts using WinAPI under Windows95/NT # They have different meaning as follows # xfat: adjusting the position parallel to baseline # yfat: adjusting the position of baseline # 1000 corresponds to the box size of a character(possible from # -2000 to 2000) # thin: code table # 0: BaKoMa fonts 1: Impress's Fonts for WinTeX 2: same as in TeX # # Vec long thin # JFM Font /slant Draw xfat # name No. flat sw yfat novec f_goth rot #--------+----+--+--+----+--------+-------+------+----- min, 2, a, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 goth, 2, a, a, n200, 100;0;0, , 1, 0 tmin, 2, a, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 1 tgoth, 2, a, a, n200, 100;0;0, , 1, 1 # ztminmaa, 1, a, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmba, 1, b, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmca, 1, c, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmda, 1, d, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmea, 1, e, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmga, 1, g, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmha, 1, h, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmia, 1, i, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmja, 1, j, a, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmab, 1, a, b, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmac, 1, a, c, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmad, 1, a, d, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmae, 1, a, e, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmaf, 1, a, f, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmag, 1, a, g, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmah, 1, a, h, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmai, 1, a, i, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmaj, 1, a, j, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmak, 1, a, k, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmal, 1, a, l, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # ztminmam, 1, a, m, n200, 100;0;0, , , 0 # # Europian Language TrueType font edefault, 2, a, a, n, 0;0;0, , 1, 0 # #end of dvioute.vfn