\documentclass{slides} \usepackage{graphicx, color, myhyper} \def\pause{\special{pause}} \paperwidth=10.24in \paperheight=7.68in \textwidth=9in \textheight=6.6in \voffset=-.9in \hoffset=-.48in \title{Presentation with dviout% \special{dviout `keep y} % 1024 x 768, general screen, cover sheet On, cover bottom, Presentation; % Fit \special{dviout -e=0 -y=XGAP !AN0!w!p;!b!0df} \pagecolor[rgb]{1,1,0.8}% slightly yellow } \author{Toshio OSHIMA} \date{January 1, 2000} \pagestyle{plain} %%%%%% TEXT START %%%%%% \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{slide} \pagecolor[rgb]{1,1,0.8}% {\large \S0 Presentation by \TeX} Many technical documents including mathematical formulas are written by {\TeX} and they can be used for presentations by dviout for Windows. {\color{red} Hit [Space] key!} \special{dviout `+5-}% {\color{red}($\Rightarrow$ next page)} \special{dviout `+1-} Study the solution $u(x)$ of the Shr\"odinger equation \[ \left(-\frac12\sum_{1\le j\le n}\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_j^2} + \special{dviout `+2,4}\special{color push Red}\special{dviout `+1-} U(x) \special{dviout `+2,4}\special{color pop}\special{dviout `+1-} \right)u(x) = \lambda u(x) \] with the potential function \special{dviout `+2-} \[ U(x) = \sum_{1\le i < j\le n} \special{dviout `+2-3}\makebox[0pt]{$\hspace*{3cm}\frac{C}{(x_i - x_j)^2.}$} \special{dviout `+4-}\frac{C}{\sinh^2(x_i - x_j)}. \] \special{dviout `+3,5-} It can be written by \rlap{\special{dviout `+5-}Gauss hypergeometric function when $n=2$.}% {\special{dviout `+3}Bessel function when $n=2$.} \end{slide} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{slide} \pagecolor[rgb]{1,1,0.8}% One may try to present this document by a key or mouse operation. If it is displayed under a cover sheet, \begin{itemize} \item push [Space] key to proceed step by step, \item move the mouse under pushing its left button. \end{itemize} For this purpose, open \href{file:slisamp2.dvi}{slisamp2.dvi} (a sample with the slightly yellow background). Or open \href{file:slisamp3.dvi}{slisamp3.dvi} (without the cover sheet). Otherwise jump to \href{file:sample.dvi}{sample.dvi}. % after 30 seconds. Note that the [ESC] key is the toggle switch between the presentation mode and the normal mode. \end{slide} \end{document}