Imbedding files in a dvi file written by SHIMA, November 1999 sample.dvi contains some graphic files. 1. To list the graphic files, execute > dviadd sample in the command (MS-DOS) Window. To write the list in a file, execute > dviadd sample > file.txt dviout for Windows can list the files contained in the dvi file by [Help -> Buffer Info]. 2. To extract the graphic files from sample.dvi, execute > dviadd e sample 3. To change sample.dvi which contains no graphic files, execute > dviadd d sample sample.dvi contains Japanese characters and the font data is embedded in the DVI file as a file dviout.etf. It is extracted in the above. 5. After making file.txt and extracting the graphic files, one can make sample.dvi as follows. > platex sample > dviadd @file.txt sample Here the part after the file name of each line in file.txt is ignored.