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\edef\@tempsign{\if+\@tempsign -\else +\fi}%
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\@tempdima-28.64789\@tempdima \advance\@tempdima 45\p@
\edef\@anglei{\strip@pt\@tempdima}%%% pi / 4 - (arctan (tau / 2)) / 2
\edef\@angleii{\strip@pt\@tempdima}}%%% \@angleii = \@anglei - (pi/2)
\@tempdima\p@ \@tempdimb\p@
\@tempdimb \@xx\@tempdimb
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\advance\@tempdima \dimen@
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\@tempdimb \@xx\@tempdimb
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\@tempdimb \@xx\@tempdimb
\dimen@\@tempdimb \multiply\dimen@ 5 \divide\dimen@ 128
\dimen@\@tempdima \advance\dimen@-\@x\p@
\edef\@factori{\strip@pt\dimen@}%%% sqrt((tau/2)^2 + 1) - (tau/2)
\dimen@\@tempdima \advance\dimen@\@x\p@
\edef\@factorii{\strip@pt\dimen@}}%%% sqrt((tau/2)^2 + 1) + (tau/2)
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\slantbox{-12}{slant} \raisebox{-1.5pt}{\includegraphics[width=2.38em, bb=0 0 209 83]{slant.bmc}}
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{\BK coord\{\#1\}\{\#2\}\{\#3\}}:\hfill
\verb|\coord x1n|:\hfill $\left(x_1,\ldots,x_n\right)$
\keyin{\def\set#1#2#3{{\left\{#1_{#2},\ldots,#1_{#3}\right\}}} 0d 0a}
{\BK set\{\#1\}\{\#2\}\{\#3\}}:\hfill
\verb|\set a1n|:\hfill$\left\{a_1,\ldots,a_n\right\}$
\keyin{\newcommand{\setdef}[3][;]{{\left\{#2\,#1\,#3\right\}}} 0d 0a}
{\BK setdef\{\#1\}\{\#2\}}:\hfill
\keyin{\newcommand{\ang}[3][,]{{\left\langle#2#1#3\right\rangle}} 0d 0a}
{\BK ang\{\#1\}\{\#2\}}:\hfill
\verb|\ang\alpha\beta|:\hfill $\left\langle\alpha,\beta\right\rangle$
\verb/\ang[|]\alpha\beta/:\hfill $\left\langle\alpha|\beta\right\rangle$
%%%%%%%%%% equations %%%%%%%%%%%
a\red{&} =b+c-d\red{\\\\[-3pt]}
\red{&} \\quad +e-f\red{\\\\}
\red{&} =g+h
a& =b+c-d\\[-3pt]
& \quad +e-f\\
& =g+h
a_\{11\}\red{&} =b_\{11\}\red{&}
a_\{12\}\red{&} =b_\{12\}\red{\\\\}
a_\{21\}\red{&} =b_\{21\}\red{&}
a_\{22\}\red{&} =b_\{22\}+c_\{22\}
a_{11}& =b_{11}& a_{12}& =b_{12}\\
a_{21}& =b_{21}& a_{22}& =b_{22}+c_{22}
x\red{&} = y_1-y_2-\\cdots
\red{&&} \red{\\text\{}by Lemma\red{\}}\red{\\\\}
\red{&} = y'\\circ y^*
\red{&&} \red{\\text\{}by \red{\\eqref\{}eq1\red{\}\}}
x& = y_1-y_2-\cdots
&& \text{\rm by Lemma}\\
& = y'\circ y^*
&& \text{\rm by \eqref{eq1}}
x\red{&} = y_1-y_2-\\cdots
\red{&}\\qquad\red{&} \\text\{by Lemma\}\red{\\\\}
\red{&} = y'\\circ y^*
\red{&&} \\text\{by \\eqref\{eq1\}\}
x& = y_1-y_2-\cdots
&\qquad& \text{\rm by Lemma}\\
& = y'\circ y^*
&& \text{\rm by \eqref{eq1}}
a_\{11\}\red{&} =b_\{11\}\red{&}
a_\{12\}\red{&} =b_\{12\}\red{\\\\}
a_\{21\}\red{&} =b_\{21\}\red{&}
a_\{22\}\red{&} =b_\{22\}+c_\{22\}
a_{11}& =b_{11}& a_{12}& =b_{12}\\
a_{21}& =b_{21}& a_{22}& =b_{22}+c_{22}
%%%%%%%%% more equations %%%%%%%
x^2+y^2 &= z^2 \red{\\label\{}eqx\red{\}}\\\\
x^3+y^3 &= z^3 \red{\\notag}\\\\
x^4+y^4 &= z^4 \red{\\tag*\{}[4th]\red{\}}\\\\
x^5+y^5 &= z^5 \red{\\tag\{}\\ref\{eqx\}'\red{\}}
x^2+y^2 &= z^2 \label{eq:xy}\\
x^3+y^3 &= z^3 \notag\\
x^4+y^4 &= z^4 \tag*{[4th]}\\
x^5+y^5 &= z^5 \tag{\ref{eq:xy}'}
x^6+y^6 &= z^6\\\\
x^7+y^7 &= z^7
x^6+y^6 &= z^6\\
x^7+y^7 &= z^7
xy = c\\\\ x + y = b
\\end\{gathered\} \\qquad
c &= x(b-x)\\\\ &= -x^2+bx
\\end\{aligned\} \\]
x + y = b\\
xy = c
\end{gathered} \qquad
c &= x(b-x)\\
&= bx-x^2
\\quad \red{\\xleftarrow[}\\xi\red{]\{}b\\to\\infty\red{\}} \\quad
\\sum\red{\\nolimits}' a_n = \red{\\sideset\{}_1^2\red{\}\{}_3^4\red{\}}\\prod_k b_k
+ \\sideset\{\}\{'\}\\sum
_\{\red{\\substack\{}0\\le m\\le n\red{\\\\}0\\le n\\le\\infty\red{\}}\}c_n^m
\overset{*}U = \underset{*}X+\overset{a}{\underset{b}Z}
\quad \xrightarrow[\xi]{b\to\infty} \quad
\sum\nolimits' a_n = \sideset{_1^2}{_3^4}\prod_k b_k
+ \sideset{}{'}\sum
_{\substack{0\le m\le n\\0\le n\le\infty}}c_n^m
{\tt\BK DeclareMathOperator*\{\BK esssup\}\{ess\BK ,sup\}} \% Preamble
{\tt\BK DeclareMathOperator\{\BK Hom\}\{Hom\}} \% Preamble
{\tt\BK newcommand\{\BK abs\}[1]\{\BK lvert\#1\BK rvert\}}
{\tt\BK newcommand\{\BK norm\}[1]\{\BK lVert\#1\BK rVert\}}
\red{\\norm\{}f\red{\}}_\\infty = \red{\\esssup}_\{x\\in\\mathbb R^n\}\red{\\abs\{}f(x)\red{\}}
\\text\{ and \} \red{\\Hom}_R(A,B)^* = \red{\\Hom}_R(B^*,A^*)
\norm{f}_\infty = \esssup_{x\in\mathbb R^n}\abs{f(x)}
\text{ and } \Hom_R(A,B)^* = \Hom_R(B^*,A^*)
%%%%%%%%%%% AMS LaTeX %%%%%%%%%%
A \red{@>\{}up\red{\}>\{}d\red{\}>} B \red{@>>>} C \red{\\\\}
\red{@V\{}l\red{\}V\{}r\red{\}V} \red{@.} \red{@AAA} \red{\\\\}
D \red{@=} D \red{@>>>} E
A @>{up}>d> B @>>> C\\
@V{l}V{r}V @. @AAA \\ % @| @.
D @= D @>>> E
u & \\equiv v+1 \red{\\pmod}\{n^2\} \\\\
u & \\equiv v+1 \red{\\mod}\{n^2\} \\\\
u & \\equiv v+1 \red{\\pod}\{n^2\}
u & \equiv v+1 \pmod{n^2} \\
u & \equiv v+1 \mod{n^2} \\
u & \equiv v+1 \pod{n^2}
\red{\\cfrac} 1\red{\{}2+
\red{\\cfrac} 3\red{\{}4+
\cfrac 1{2+
\cfrac 3{4+
a & \red{\\cdots} & b & \red{\\cdots} & d \\\\
e & \red{\\cdots} & f & \red{\\cdots} & g \\\\
m & \red{\\hdotsfor\{}3\red{\}} & n
a & \cdots & b & \cdots & d\\
e & \cdots & f & \cdots & g\\
m & \hdotsfor{3} & n
\red{&} \red{&}i\red{&} \red{\\cr}
\red{&&}\\vdots\red{&} \red{\\cr}
j \red{&}\\cdots\red{&}1\red{&}\\phantom\{\\cdots\} \red{\\cr}
\red{&} \red{&}\\phantom\{\\vdots\}\red{\}} \\]
& &i& \cr
&&\vdots& \cr
j &\cdots&1&\phantom{\cdots}\cr
& &\phantom{\vdots}
\\[ Y(x)= \\begin\{\red{cases}\}
1 \red{&}\\text\{if $x>0$,\}\red{\\\\}
-1 \red{&}\\text\{if $x<0$\}
\\end\{cases\} \\]
\[ Y(x)=\begin{cases}
1 &\text{if $x>0$,}\\
-1 &\text{if $x<0$}
\end{cases} \]
%%%%%%%%%%% tabular %%%%%%%%%%%%
\\begin\{\red{tabular}\}\red{\{}|c||l|r|\red{\}} \\hline
\red{\\multicolumn\{}3\red{\}}\red{\{}|c|\red{\}\{}Rooms\red{\}}\\\\ \\hline
\\multicolumn\{1\}\{|c||\}\{Floor\} & Name &
\\multicolumn\{1\}\{c|\}\{Area\}\\\\ \\hline\\hline
1 & kitchen & $42 m^2$\\\\ \\hline
& study & $57 m^2$\\\\ \red{\\cline\{}2-3\red{\}}
2 & living & $120 m^2$\\\\ \\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c||}{Floor} &
Name &
1 & kitchen & $42 m^2$\\
& study & $57 m^2$\\
2 & living & $120 m^2$\\
\newcommand{\topsp}[1]{\vbox{\vbox to#1{}\vbox to1em{}}}
\keyin{\newcommand{\topsp}[1]{\vbox{\vbox to#1{}\vbox to1em{}}}}%
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\\begin\{\red{tabular}\}\{|l\red{@\{}\\ \\vrule width 2pt\\ \red{\}}c|r|\}
1 & 2 & 3\\\\[2mm] \\hline
A & B & C\\tbsp\{8mm\}\{4mm\}\\\\ \\hline
a-1 & b-2 & c-3\\\\ \\hline
\begin{tabular}{|l@{\ \vrule width 2pt\ }c|r|}
1 & 2 & 3\\[1mm] \hline
A & B & C\tbsp{8mm}{4mm}\\ \hline
a-1 & b-2 & c-3\\ \hline
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\\begin\{\red{tabular}\}\{|l|\red{p\{}40mm\red{\}}|\} \\hline
tabular & This is used for text. \\\\ \\hline
array & This is mainly used for equations.\\\\ \\hline
tabular & This is used for text.\\ \hline
array & This is mainly used for equations.\\ \hline
3 & 14259\\\\
$-$\\ 2 & 71828\\\\ \\hline
0 & 42431
3 & 14259\\
$-$\ 2 & 71828\\
0 & 42431
1234 & A & B\\\\ \\hline
1234 & A & B\\ \hline
%%%%%%% array, tabbing %%%%%
aaa \red{\\=} \\hspace\{10mm\} \red{\\=} cccc\red{\\kill}
aa \red{\\>} bb \red{\\>} cc\red{\\\\}
aaa \red{\\>} bbb \red{\\>} c
aaa \= \hspace{10mm} \= cccc\kill
aa \> bb \> cc\\
aaa \> bbb \> c
AA\red{\\=}BB\red{\\=}CC\red{\\=}DD\red{\\=}EE \red{\\kill}
a\red{\\>} b\red{\\>} c\red{\\>} d\red{\\>} e\red{\\+\\+\\+ \\\\}
a\red{\\>} b \red{\\\\}
\red{\\<\\<} a\red{\\>} b \red{\\\\}
a\red{\\>} b \red{\\`}g\red{\\- \\\\}
a\red{\\>} b \red{\\`}ggg \red{\\\\}
a\red{\\>} b\red{\\>} y\red{\\'} c \red{\\\\}
A\red{\\=}A\red{\\=}A\red{\\=\\kill \\\\ \\\\}
4\red{\\>}5\red{\\>}6\red{\\\\ \\\\}
\red{\\a=}\{O\}\red{\\>} \red{\\a'}\{a\}\red{\\>} \red{\\a`}\{e\}\red{\\\\}
AA \=BB \=CC \=DD\= EE\kill
a \> b \> c\> d \> e \+\+\+\\
a \> b \\
\<\< a \> b \\
a \> b \`g \-\\
a \> b \` ggg \\
a \> b \> y\' c \\
A\=A\=A\=\kill\\ \\
4\>5\>6\\ \\
\a={O} \> \a'{a} \> \a`{e} \\
\keyin{\usepackage{array}}{{\tt\BK usepackage\{array\}}}
\\begin\{\red{tabular}\}\{\red{!\{}\\vrule width 2pt\red{\}>\{}\\bfseries\red{\}}c\red{!}|%
\red{!\{}\\vrule width 2pt\red{\}}\}
\red{\\noalign\{}\\hrule height 2pt\red{\}}
Differential & (x^3)' = 3x^2
& Study in this week.\\par Review!\\\\ \\hline
Integral & \\int x^2\\,dx = \\frac23x^3 + C
& Study in this month. \\\\
\red{\\noalign\{}\\hrule height 2pt\red{\}}
\begin{tabular}{!{\vrule width 2pt}>{\bfseries}c|%
!{\vrule width 2pt}}
\noalign{\hrule height 2pt}
Differential & (x^3)'=3x^2 & Study in this week.\par Review!\\ \hline
Integral & \int x^2\,dx=\frac23x^3+C &Study in this month.\\
\noalign{\hrule height 2pt}
%%%%%%%%% longtable %%%%%%%%%%%
\quad\hfill{\textcolor{green}{\tt longtable \ dcolumn multirow}}\hfill\name{Hlt}{\Fer{Tab}}
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\\ \hline
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\\ \hline
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\Kyd{prechaptername} &
\raisebox{-3pt}{\includegraphics[width=1em, bb=0 0 82 84]{dai.bmc}}%
\\ \hline
\Kyd{postchaptername} &
\raisebox{-3pt}{\includegraphics[width=0.97em, bb=0 0 79 84]{shou.bmc}}%
\\ \hline
\Kyd{abstractname} & Abstract\\ \hline
\Kyd{appendixname} & Appendix\\ \hline
\Kyd{contentsname} & Contents\\ \hline
\Kyd{figurename} & Figure\\ \hline
\Kyd{tablename} & Table\\ \hline
\Kyd{listfigurename} & List of Figures\\ \hline
\Kyd{listtablename} & List of Tables\\ \hline
\Kyd{refname} & References\\ \hline
\Kyd{bibname} & Bibliography\\ \hline
\Kyd{indexname} & Index\\ \hline
\Kyd{seename} & see\\ \hline
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\red{\tt axis}, \red{\tt down}, \red{\tt inside}, \red{\tt outside},
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\verb| \bar{40.4}{7} \bar{34.5}{6}|\\
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% \\sethspace\{0\}
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\centerline{\rule{20pt}{10pt}\ \rm2003(max)}
%%%%%%% help %%%%%%%%
\hspace*{2em}\hfill\name{Help}{Help in this note}\hfill\Goto{top}{Top}
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\hspace{.8cm} Clik the left button on the mouse at the hot spot.
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\hspace{.8cm} HyperJump to the corresponding spot.
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{\sf L-Click} with [{\sf ALT}] at \textcolor{blue}{\sf blue letters}:\\
\hspace{.8cm} Append {\sf\color{red} command string} to
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In the above {\sf L-Click} at \textcolor{blue}{\sf blue letters}, the functions
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\string[{\sf PgDn}] o [{\sf N}]:\=Go to the Next page.\kill
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\centerline{\sf Character Codes}
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0d \keyin{ 0d}{CR}
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