Tips on dviout

May, 2021

Installation of dviout (in Japanese)
Install check of TeX system in Windows (in Japanese)
dviout as a DVIware (in Japanese)presentation by dviout (in Japanese)

This document is depend on the default Key functions of dviout Ver.3.14.2(Dec. 5, 2002) or a later version.

The key function starting with Alt+F, Alt+J, Alt+S, Alt+D, Alt+V, Alt+N, Alt+P, Alt+O or Alt+H corresponds to the selection in the Menu bar using the mouse (From Ver.3.14.2 these key functions are also valid when the shape of the mouse cursor is a hand).

* In this document L-click and R-click mean the clicking of the left button of the mouse and that of the right button, respectively.
* Ctrl+\ or or Alt+OS (Option-Setup parameters...) shows [Property of DVIOUT].

  1. Execution of dviout
  2. Selecting from File (Alt+F) in the Menu bar
  3. Size of the paper
  4. Arranging the offset position in a page
  5. Magnification in the preview
  6. Arranging the contrast in the preview
  7. Arranging the Loupe
  8. More region for the preview in the screen
  9. Arranging the Tool bar
  10. Move to the previous page
  11. Move to the next page
  12. Functions to use the scroll button on the mouse
  13. Displaying several pages in the screen
  14. Measuring the size and the position in the preview window
  15. Cutting the preview window into an image data file and pasting it to an editor
  16. Arranging characters in Japanese fonts
  17. On/Off of special functions related fonts
  18. On/Off of other special functions
  19. Showing/Saving/Printing of related informations
  20. Informations related to specials
  21. Presentation Mode
  22. String search
  23. Jump between dviout and an editor -- source specials
  24. Jump to a file in the Disk or a resource in Internet -- HyperTeX
  25. Help editing a source file -- HyperTeX + dviout specials
  26. Printing
  27. Transform into PDF
  28. Embedding Font/Image etc. to DVI file
  29. Property of DVIOUT
  30. Key table (default)
Other hints (in Japanese)
  1. Execution of dviout
    Changing the filename dviout.exe
    * dvioute.exe : dviout starts in the mode of the non-Japanese Windows (Automatic selection in default)
    * dvioutj.exe : dviout starts in the mode of the Japanese Windows (Automatic selection in default)
    * windvi.exe, windvi32.exe, wdvipro.exe, wdvipro32.exe : It may be used as a replacement of the previewer in TeX for Windows by Impress
    Execute dviout with the maximized window
    Execute dviout with the parameter -Set=!m such as   dviout   -Set=!m   ...
    Arrange the maximal number of dviout to be simultaneously executed
    Alt+\ [System][multi]
    dviout doesn't start even if the icon of dviout is double clicked
    Such fact has not been reported but if it happens, execute dviout by the command line dviout -NULL and uninstall it by Option -> Uninstall and start it again and set the parameters
    dviout doesn't start even if the icon of DVI file is double clicked
    Do the initialization by Alt+OI [Next][Next][Finish]
  2. Selecting from File (Alt+F) in the Menu bar
    Start from the first page
    Start from the last page
    Open the folder where the file exists
    Erase the file from the list in the Menu bar
    Alt+I, Select from the list and [Hide]. It has an effect from the next dviout
    Selection from the list with more files
    Select by Alt+I. Then Ctrl/Shift are also valid
  3. Size of the paper
    Change the size of the paper
    Alt+PB5 means to change the size to B5. Here A3,..,A8, B3,...,B6 etc. are possible
    Changing between Portrait and Landscape
    Alt+PL (Paper-Landscape)
    Cut spaces around the paper
    Alt+NE (preseN-cut Edge), the resulting space is arranged by Ctrl+\ [Paper][Cut Edge]
    Show the size to be displayed
    Alt+H I I (Help-Info-Info) or Ctrl+\ [Paper] or Alt+VDO (to show grid, Alt+VDS to arrange it)
    Tell the size of the paper in LaTeX to dviout
    Write the following in the first page of TeX source text. It is recognized also by dvipsk and dvipdfmx.
  4. Arranging the offset position in a page
    Detail arrangement of the position
    Show and arrange the position
    Ctrl+\ [Paper] OX: or OY:
    Return to the default offset in TeX
    Show Grid
    Alt+VDO (View-griD-On), Alt+VDS (View griD-Scale) to arrange Grid
  5. Magnification in the preview
    or Alt+DZM (Display-siZe-Magnify) or Ctrl+Roll the scroll button of the mouse (downwards)
    or Alt+DZR (Display-siZe-Reduce) or Ctrl+Roll the scroll button of the mouse (upwards)
    Maximal size under the condition that the whole page is shown
    5 or Alt+DZF (Display-siZe-Fit)
    - This arrangement is accurate in the presentation mode
    Maximal size under the condition that the whole page is shown by only one of the vertical and horizontal scrolls
    6 or Alt+DZL (Display-siZe-fuLL)
    - This arrangement is accurate in the presentation mode
    Indicate the default size
    The current size is set to the default by Ctrl+\ [Display][Size][Save]
    Range of the arrangement of the size
    If the resolution (dpi) is bigger, then the range becomes wider and has more varieties but dviout works more slowly
    Arrange the magnification of text relative to the paper
    Ctrl+\ [Resolution][e:] arrange it by the unit 0.1%
    - This affects to the printing (Magnified/Reduced printing. The main purpose of this arrangement is for the printing)
    - If Ctrl+\ [Resolution][varf:] is On, the fixed size fonts such as PK fonts are also scaling by the inner routine of dviout
  6. Arranging the contrast in the preview
    Boundaries of characters or lines
    * Successive Alt+DNB, Alt+DNW (Display-coNtrast-Black/White)
    * Ctrl+\ [Display] and [contrast] in the top. [Save] to save the setting
    Brightness of the background of a page
    Ctrl+\ [Display][bright:]
    Interchanging White and Black
    Alt+DNV (Display-coNtrast-reVerse)
  7. Arranging the Loupe
    Change the magnification
    Alt+DLE (Magnify), Alt+DLA (Reduce) or use Ctrl+\ [Common]
    Change the size
    Alt+DLM (Bigger), Alt+DLD (Smaller) or use Ctrl+\ [Common]
    Show measure
    Alt+DLU or use Ctrl+\ [Common]
    Circle shape
    Ctrl+\ [Common][Shape][Circle], it works slower
    Erase the cursor in the Loupe
    Alt+DLR (Display-Loupe-Kill cursor)
    Arrange the loupe not to move outside the screen
    Ctrl+\ [Common][Edge view]
    Use another Loupe
    Ctrl+Left-Button gives another loupe
    The arrangement of this loupe is set by Ctrl+\ [Common]
  8. More region for the preview in the screen
    Show/Erase Scroll bar etc. in the frame of dviout
    * Alt+VS (View-Status bar) : Status bar in the bottom frame
    * Alt+VR (View-scRoll bar) : Scroll bar in the bottom/right frame
    * Alt+VP (View-Page slider): Page slider in the right frame
    * Alt+VT (View-Tool bar)   : Tool bar in the top frame
    * Alt+VB (View-move Button): Moving page buttons in Tool bar
    Preview in the full screen without a frame
    [Esc] : Toggle switch to the normal window
    - Pushing 6, the maximal magnification (the width of the paper coincides with that of screen if the height of the paper is relatively larger than its width)
    - Pushing 5, the maximal magnification (the whole page is in the screen)
    - By Alt+NY4 preceding to Presentation mode, the outside of the paper becomes black
    Preview on the screen of another computer
    DVI file can be previewed through LAN etc. Alt+OW (Option-Continuous reneW) may be on in this case
  9. Arranging the Tool bar
    Narrower Tool bar
    Erase moving page button by Alt+VB (View-move Button)
    Direction to move by Move page button in Tool bar
    Alt+VV (View-reVerse)
    Change 6 buttons (right to the button for Change Settings) in Tool bar
    Alt+VC (View-Change tool button), 6 buttons including . Functions can be attached to them by User
    Define functions to the buttons in the Tool bar
    By Ctrl+\ [Key][key:], functions can be defined to 6 buttons Button and User1-5 (Select functions by [Function] and by [Define] define it to and its left buttons, totally 6 buttons)
    Erase Tool bar
    Alt+VT (View-Tool bar)
  10. Move to the previous page
    Similar as in [Move to the next page].
    [Space], [PgDn], JE, JN, JD, Down-arrow, N, D,[Top] , should be replaced by [BackSpace], [PgUp], JV, JP, JU, Up-arrow, P, U, [Bottom],

  11. Move to the next page
    [Space] or Alt+JE
    Top of the next page
    [PgDn] or N or Alt+JN
    Same position in the next page
    Same as [Space] . Convenient when arrow keys are used for the scrolling
    Roll the scroll button of the mouse under pushing it
    Same as N. It is not necessary to move the mouse
    L-click of the mouse by pointing some spot
    * Lower space in Page scroll bar in the right frame
    * Moving page button in Tool bar (the direction changes by Alt+VV)
    * Arrow button to the right of the page-input windows in Tool bar
    * Button in the popup Menu in Presentation mode (It only appears when the cursor moves to the location of the Menu)
    Alt+JD, Alt+JD or D, D
    Bottom of the page -> Top of the next page
    - In most cases, only successive pushing of the key D shows the entire document.
    Button on the mouse in Presentation mode
    Alt+NBL(preseN-Button-Left) or Alt+NMR(preseN-Button-Right)
    - Convenient when the remote controller of the projector has the function of the buttons on the mouse
  12. Functions to use the scroll button on the mouse
    Scroll vertically in a page
    Rolling under pushing it
    Scroll pages
    - Pushing Shift, every 5 pages
    - Pushing Ctrl, every 10pages
    - Pushing Ctrl+Shift, every 50pages
    Rolling under pushing Shift
    Scroll pages
    Rolling under pushing Ctrl
  13. Displaying several pages in the screen
    Connect horizontally every two pages from the current page
    Alt+DT (Display-Two) or 7(Left ->Right) or Alt+DO(Right -> Left)
    Connect vertically every two pages from the current page
    Alt+DY or 0(Up -> Down). Whole pages are connected in Presentation mode
    Display 4 pages in the screen by reducing their size
    Alt+DS (Display-croSs) or 8. Scroll 4 pages together, Jump by R-click to the page
    Display thumbnail (16 pages) in the screen
    Alt+D6 (Display-16) or 9. Scroll 16 pages together, Jump by R-click to the page
  14. Measuring the size and the position in the preview window
    Loupe with Measure
    Alt+DLU (Display-Loupe-measUre) or Ctrl+\ [Common][Shape][Measure], Measured by every 4 pixel
    Show the real length corresponding to 1 pixel
    Alt+H I I shows the length corresponding to 1000 pixel
    Show the distance of two points and the position and the size of the indicated square
    After Ctrl+[, Shift+L/R-click determines the square and Alt+H I I
    Show Grid
    Alt+VDO (View-griD-On), Alt+VDS (View griD-Scale) to arrange Grid
    Accurate measuring
    Measure after magnifying by Alt+DZM (Display-siZe-Magnify) etc.
  15. Cutting the preview window into an image data file and pasting it to an editor (details in Japanese)
    Copy in the format of BMP
    After Ctrl+[, Shift+L/R-click determines the square and Alt+FSB cuts the square into Clipboard
    Copy in the format of EMF
    After Ctrl+[, Shift+L/R-click determines the square and Alt+FSE cuts the square into Clipboard
    BMP vs EMF
    * BMP : the image is just same as in the preview window. But colored characters and included images are omitted
    * EMF : this fits for characters displayed by TrueType fonts. Then it can be smoothly magnified and reduced. Colored characters and included images are valid
  16. Arranging characters in Japanese fonts
    Replace MS Mincho by other Japanese TrueType fonts
    * Alt+OJ gives the menu. This method is easy but only valid in the current dviout.
    * Ctrl+\ [WinJfont], check Japanese TT, select min(jis) in jfm and after [Change Font] select font in the dialog appeared, push [Ok] to quit the dialog and return to the preview window by [Define] [Ok]
    * One may indicate in the font mapping file. If the value of -ftt: equals ^x\map\, then the setting can be written in the file $ and it will not be overwritten by the version-up of dviout
    Arranging the size of Japanese characters
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][Adjust size s:] by the unit of 0.1%
    - To indicate different settings according to the fonts, define them by Ctrl+\ [WinJFont]
    Arranging the base line of Japanese fonts relative to that of European fonts
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][base line J:], by the unit of 0.1% of the character size
    Replacing some Japanese characters by other Japanese characters
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][JC:] and indicated the translation by character codes
    Keep the setting of the arrangement of Japanese TrueType fonts etc
    Setting in [Property of DVIOUT] by Ctrl+\ can be saved by Alt+OP [Save] with giving a title and comments
    - Later Alt+OP [Ok] reads and uses the setting
  17. On/Off of special functions related to fonts
              (On/Off in default)
    Vertical fonts
    Ctrl+\ [Font2][virtual:]
    Use embedded fonts(On)
    Alt+OF (Option-Font). To change the default see here
    Use European TrueType fonts(On)
    Ctrl+\ [Font2][ttf:] 1(On)/0(Off)
    Use inner jfm files(On)
    Ctrl+\ [Font2][Use inner jfm]. Use Japanese font metric kept in dviout for min*, goth*, tmin*, tgoth*, jis, jisg, jis-v, jisg-v
    Keep the location of fonts(On)
    Ctrl+\ [Font2][Keep Path]. Searching fonts takes time if this is Off
    On-demand fonts(On)
    If Ctrl+\ [Font2][OnDemand] is Off, all the fonts used in a DVI file are searched when it is opened
    - If this is Off, it takes a time to show the first page but the page scroll may be faster. Hence it may fit to a presentation using connected pages
    Substitution of Japanese fonts in NTTjTeX(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][ntt:]. Japanese fonts in NTTjTeX are replaced by those in pTeX by ASCII
    Scaling of non-scalable fonts(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [Resolution][varf:]. This is used for PK fonts if necessary (ex. Fit/Full in Presentation mode)
    Check Font ID(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [Font2][CheckFontID]. Check it between the DVI file and the installed TeX system
    Arrange the baseline by the jfm file(On)
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][Jbt:]. Arrange the baseline of the Japanese characters depending on the setting of depth/height in the corresponding jfm file
    Arrange the position by the jfm file(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [JFont2][Jgt:]. Arrange the horizontal position of the Japanese characters according to the values of glue/plus of the corresponding jfm file
  18. On/Off of other special functions
              (On/Off in default)
    Check renewal of DVI file(On)
    Ctrl+\ [System][Auto renew]. Renew Preview according to the renewal of DVI file when dviout Windows changes active
    Continuous check on renewal of DVI file(Off)
    Alt+OW (Continuous ReneW), check the renewal for every 0.5 sec and update the preview
    Alt+DG (Display-Graphics). If this is Off, the frames of included graphics are shown
    Colored characters or background(On)
    Alt+DC (Display-Color). If this is Off, colored characters become black and the background color is ignored
    tpic specials(On)
    Ctrl+\ [Graphic][tpic specials]
    Compatibility to dvips for tpic in tate mode of pTeX(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [Graphic][tpic specials][tate]. The coordinate is rotated by 90 degree as in the case of dvips in tate mode
    dviout specials(On)
    Alt+OV (Option-dViout). See here to change the default
    source specials(On)
    or Alt+OC (Option-sourCe). See here
    to change the default
    or Alt+JJ (Jump-hyperJump) or Ctrl+\ [HyperTeX][Disable Hyperjump]. See here
    to change the default
    Direct outer jump by HyperTeX(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [HyperTeX][Direct outerjump]. No dialog appears for outer jumps except to executable files etc.
    Seamless jump by HyperTeX(Off)
    Alt+NJ (preseN+Jump). No dialog appears for any jump by HyperTeX
    - Used, for example, in Presentation mode. Remark the security. Not possible to be On in default
    Check page-independence of color specials(On)
    Alt+OK (ChecK color specials), If it is broken, DVI file can be re-written to recover it.
    Animation cursor(On)
    Alt+VM (View-aniMation). Jumps for HyperTeX/source specials
    Show baselines(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [System][draw baseline]. Special purpose to check the type setting
    Type setting by boxes in place of characters(Off)
    Ctrl+\ [System][draw box]. Special purpose to check the type setting
    Show the frame of the image input from a file(Off)
    Alt+\ [Graphic][gbox:]
    Overwrite by the image input from a file(Off)
    Alt+\ [Graphic][gow:], If it is Off, then the image is merged. If it is On, then the image replaces the original.
    Clip the image input from a file(On)
    Alt+\ [Graphic][gclip:]. Clip by the BoundingBox
    Call a graphic editor for an included graphic file(On)
    Alt+JA (Jump grAphic), use Alt\ [Common][gsrc:] for the setting
    Generate an image data with the same dpi as in the preview(On)
    Alt+\ [Graphic][gfit:]. If it is On, the preview is better and fast but the Loupe is not good in quality
    Size of the image includes mag or not(Off)
    Alt+\ [Graphic][size includes mag]. It depends on Graphics packages
    Control display(dviout special `+<levels> from Ver.3.17.4)(On)
    Alt+DK (Kill stop level), Ctrl+U (valid), Ctrl+V (invalid), Ctrl+N (diplay)
  19. Showing/Saving/Printing of related informations
    Reserve/Print the information
    Show the information and use [Copy] or the mouse (indicate the region, R-click to copy it and paste it to an editor and then reserve/print)
    Information Window
    Change its size by Alt+V I L/U/A. The contents can be edited
    Version of dviout
    Ctrl+Q or Alt+HS (Help-System)
    Versions of TeX and Ghostscript
    Ctrl+Q or Alt+HS (Help-System)
    Information of the character at the mouse cursor
    Information of the image at the mouse cursor
    Information of the fonts
    Alt+HIF (Help-Info-Font)
    Information of the Mapping of fonts
    Alt+HIA (Help-Info-fontmAp)
    Information of key functions
    Alt+HIK (Help-Info-Key)
    Information of parameters
    Alt+HIP (Option-Info-Parameters)
    Information of the setting of parameters
    * Alt+OD (Option-nonDefault) : the list of settings which are different from the default settings
    * Alt+OA (Option-All) : the list of all settings
    The both format can be read by Alt+OR (Option-Read)
    Reserve and re-use the parameter settings
    Alt+OP [Save] (After Dec. 11, 2002)
  20. Informations related to specials
    URL of HyperTeX
    Alt+HIL (Help-Info-urL): List of URL's in the current page
    Anchors of HyperTeX
    Alt+HIC (Help-Info-anChor): List of anchors in the current page (green cross in the preview window)
    source specials
    Alt+HIR (Help-Info-souRce): List of source specials in the current page (red cross in the preview window)
    Embedded fonts
    Alt+HIM (Help-Info-eMbed): List of embedded fonts in the current DVI file
    Embedded files
    Alt+HIB (Help-Info-Buffer): List of embedded files in the current DVI file
    dviout.etf is the file of embedded fonts
    Precise information of embedded fonts
    Use the program etfdump in the package of dviout (eg. etfdump  test_b5x.dvi)
  21. Presentation Mode (details in Japanese)
    The following functions attached to keys are depend on dviout after Dec. 14, 2002.
    Change to Presentation mode in a simple (standard) way
    Shift+F6 (Same as Alt+NE [Esc] 6), usually the width of the effective region (= the region where characters are written) becomes equal to the width of the screen
    - Only vertical (or horizontal) scroll is necessary
    Quit from Presentation mode
    * Shift+F2: Return to the original mode
    * Alt+X or Alt+F4: Exit dviout
    * Ctrl+L and choose from the list
    Change into Presentation mode so that the effective region of the page is within the screen
    Shift+F5 (Same as Alt+NE [Esc] 5), it fits to the case when the shape of the paper (= the ratio of height and width) is close to that of the screen
    Change into Presentation mode with pages connected vertically
    Shift+F1 (Same as Alt+NE Alt+DY [Esc] 6), the whole pages is vertically connected to one page
    Choose from the menu
    Edit the prototype shown by Ctrl+L and use it
    Reversing black and white (white characters in the black background)
    After Alt+NY2 (preseN-tYpe-2 black screen), change into Presentation mode
    Cut the header and the page number of the page
    After Ctrl+[, indicate the region to be shown by Shift+L/R-click, cut by Alt+DGC and changes into Presentation mode
    Page scroll by the button on the screen
    Presentation menu with the title move (which appears when the cursor moves to the left bottom corner of the screen)
    - Push Shift+F12 if it doesn't appear or the title is different. Push [-] if necessary
    Draw lines with a menu
    Shift+F12, [+] or [-] if necessary
    The validity of the menu when Presentation mode starts
    Alt+NM (preseN-Menu)
    Setting the default menu when Presentation mode starts
    Save the setting of the presentation mode and others
    Erase the menu
    * Push [X] in System bar
    * By R-click System bar and select from the list
    * Click the menu and Alt+F4
    - If the menu is recovered later, the position and the type is kept
    Detail arrangement of the offset position to display
    Move the cover sheet
    * Under pushing the left button, move the mouse with the arrow cursor of two/four directions
       - If the shape of the mouse is a hand, R-click under pushing the left button
    * Next pause or page by [Space]
    Show thumbnail (16 pages)
    [9]. Scroll 16 pages at a time. Jump to the page by R-click
    Switch On/Off for display
    F5: On, F6: Off (this is cover sheet and it can be moved by the mouse or [Space])
    Control display (dviout special `+<levels> from Ver.3.17.4)
    - Ctrl+U (valid)
    - Ctrl+V (invalid)
    - Ctrl+N (diplay)
    L/R-click represents the function corresponding to [Space]
    Alt+NBL(left button), Alt+NBR(right button)
    List of key functions in Presentation mode
    Shift+F1 in Presentation mode
    Save the current setting of the presentation mode and others for the default of the later dviout
    Alt+NS (preseN-Save)
    - the settings of preseN-Presentation switch/Presentation Menu/Cover sheet/cover type/Use Mouse Button/status of the menu
    - the settings of switches for HyperTeX/dviout/source specials/embedding fonts are also saved
  22. String search
    Indicate the string to be searched
    * In the dialog appeared by or Ctrl+F, input the string and [Enter] or [search forward]
    * Input the string in the edit box in Tool bar and [Enter]
    * Click the arrow in the right of the edit box, select a string in the list/ [Enter]/Double clicking the left button
    - Japanese string is only possible in pTeX by ASCII.
    Search the same string as the former search (the string is shown in the edit box in Tool bar)
    or F3(search forwards), or Shift+F3(search backwards), or by Ctrl+F
    Search as words
    Set by Ctrl+F. Only valid for non-Japanese strings. The search is more accurate if this is set
    Distinguish Capital and Small letters
    Set by Ctrl+F
    The way to show the string in the preview window
    Set by Ctrl+\ [Search]
    Move the cursor to the string in the preview window
    Ctrl+\ [Search][points targets]
    Show all the corresponding string in a page
    Ctrl+\ [Search][All targets]
    Accurate search
    * Indicate longer string (may contain several words) and indicate the search by words
    * Set Ctrl+\ [Search][sFont:] to avoid the special fonts such as symbols to be searched
    Search by HyperTeX
    Indicate the anchor string after a space and #
    Search by the line number in the source file of TeX
    This is valid when source specials is effective. Indicate [a space, the line number, a space, the filename of the source]
    - For example, _235_foo.tex means the 235-th line in foo.tex ( _ represents a space)
    - If it is not necessary to indicate the filename, it is replaced by * (for example, _235_*)
    Search the string in the source file of TeX
    This is valid when source specials is effective. Indicate [a space, the line number/the string, a space, the filename]
    For example, _235/This_is_foo1.tex means ( _ represents a space) the string "This is" in the 235-th line of foo1.tex
    Search by the page number
    Indicate [a space, the page number] such as _23 ( _ is a space)
    Search URL
    Indicate [a space,=URL] (such as _= in the same way as in Indicate the string to be searched( _ represents a space)
  23. Jump between dviout and an editor -- source specials (details in Japanese)
       Here the setting in the editor and the parameter -src: of dviout should be correctly finished to use source specials and the DVI file is generated with the source special option (samples -src: for Hidemaru and WinShell are obtained by Alt+OP).
    Double clicking the left button at a character
    Jump to an editor. (If the shape of the mouse cursor is not an arrow, it may fail. In this case, it is can be changed into this by Ctrl+\)
    Double clicking the left button at an included graphic
    Jump to a graphic editor (according to the setting in Ctrl+\ [Common][-grsc:] where the correspondence between the extensions of graphic files and editors are defined).
    Shift+L-click at a character
    If Direct Jump to Editor (Alt+JC) is checked, jump directly to the editor and by [->src] otherwise
    Jump to the editor. It is not correct in some cases and not good for a multi-column document
    Jump from an editor
    - Usage of DDE is faster than the jump by the command line
    - Usage of the information of a string in the line gives a better result (a sample for Hidemaru: special\srcspecial.mac)
    Clarify the resulting spot by the jump from an editor
    Use Animation cursor (by Alt+VM if necessary)
    Minimize dviout in the Task bar of Desktop after calling an editor
    Insert < in top of the the setting of Ctrl+\ [Common][-src:]
    For TeX that doesn't support source specials
    It is possible to use source specials by the attached program srctex.exe
    Show the source specials
    Alt+HIR (Help-Info-souRce): List of source specials in the current page (red cross in the preview window)
  24. Jump to a file in the Disk or a resource in Internet -- HyperTeX
    Show the URL before the jump of HyperTeX
    * Move cursor at the hot spot, then it is shown in Status bar in the lower frame.
    * L-click under pushing Ctrl
    * Control by Ctrl+\ [HyperTeX][Direct outerjump] to jump outside the DVI file
    * Alt+HIL (Help-Info-urL) gives the list of URL's defined in the current page
    Jump directly by L-click without any dialog
    * Control by Ctrl+\ [HyperTeX][Direct outerjump] to jump outside the DVI file
    * A dialog usually appears in case of the jump to executable files etc. for the security but even in this case, the dialog can be cancelled by Alt+NJ (preseN-Jump). This may be useful in a presentation
    Clarify the resulting spot by the jump of HyperTeX in DVI file
    Alt+VM (View-aniMation), Animation cursor
    The way to show the hot spot
    Set by Ctrl+\ [HyperTeX]. The blue characters and underlines are default. - It is possible to be secret (eg. choose black character)
    Jump to URL or an image data file in Preview which does not correspond to HyperTeX
    Get URL by Shift+L-crick, edit it if necessary and [Execute]
    Input URL and Jump
    Search by URL
    URL of HyperTeX
    Alt+HIL (Help-Info-urL): List of URL's in the current page
    Anchors of HyperTeX
    Alt+HIC (Help-Info-anChor): List of anchors in the current page (green cross in the preview window)
  25. Help editing a source file -- HyperTeX + dviout specials
    As in the case TeX -> TeX Help, a use of HyperTeX dviout special `in or `input helps editing a source of TeX etc.
    Clicking the left button at a hotspot(from Ver.3.17)
    A string predefined is copied to Clipboard.
    Click the left button at a hotspot under pressing ALT(from Ver.3.17.3)
    A string predefined is appended to Clipboard.
    Click the left button at a hotspot under pressing CTRL(from Ver.3.17.3)
    * At the first time, the string is copied to an editor by activating it within 5 sec.
    * At the second time or later, the string is copied to the editor and the editor is activated.
    * If CTRL+ALT is pressed at the click (or the corresponding editor is closed), a new editor can be redefined.
    Convert the function of CTRL
    Alt+OE (Option -> Clipboard+Editor, from Ver.3.17.4) enables to copy also to an editor without pressing CTRL and not to copy to an editor with pressing CTRL.
  26. Printing
    Print by indicating page numbers
    After Ctrl+PO , input page numbers to be printed
    - For example, 3 8-12 40- means page 3, from 8 to 12, and from 40 to the end
    Print by indicating the region in the preview window
    Push [M] (Mark) in the start page, push [R] (Range) in the last page, then Ctrl+PS and Print them
    - If the region is not set, (push [S] if necessary) only the page displayed will be printed
    Print in the reverse order for paging
    Even pages or odd pages only
    Ctrl+P E (Even), or O (Odd)
    Magnified/Reduced printing
    Ctrl+P, change the value of 1000 at the bottom. It can be arranged by the unit of 0.1%
    Reducing the size A4 to A5 for a page and printing two pages in one sheet
    Ctrl+P, check [Unite 2 pages as] and [A4->A5], push [Setup] and select the paper to be landscape and A4 and then print
    - It is better to use TrueType fonts in place of PK fonts
    Overprint two pages in the same sheet
    Ctrl+P, check [Unite 2 pages as] and push the arrow button located in the right so that the value of W: changes into 0.00cmx2 and then Print
    Print huge letters
    There were an example printed a huge letter with size larger than 50cm x 50cm devided on severel sheets of papers by dviprt mode for LIPSIII of dviout.
    Change resolution between printing and preview
    Alt+OI, set it in the first sheet (this way is easiest).
    print by a PostScript printer
    Because of the Bugs of PostScript printer driver (in Japanese) etc. in Windows, it is better to set Ctrl+\, [Graphic], [automode(rep)] for -cmode:
  27. Transform into PDF
    Output to Acrobat Distiller from dviout
    Alt+FP [Setup] and select Acrobat Distiller and Print
    - Prefer to use TrueType fonts because the quality of PK fonts becomes worse when they are magnified
    - After displaying all the pages by dviout, in the font information by Alt+HIF, the font indicated by PK in the right end is PK font and that by WinAPI is the TrueType font (It is easy to see it under a wider width of the window of dviout) . So it is expected that no font is of the former one
    - BaKoMa CM/AMS TrueType fonts are installed by executing FixBKM.msi
    - Expand or winttf.lzh in the package of dviout in the TeX system, then various Windows TrueType (European/Japanese) fonts can be used
    - This fits to use various Windows Japanese TrueType fonts
    - The image data files except for WMF/EMF are not good for magnification
    - HyperTeX is not supported
    - Acrobat Distiller is a product of Adobe.
    Use dvipdfm(x)
    Alt+OP, select [Transform to a PDF by dvipdfm], push [Ok][Ok] and Print with checking [dviprt]
    (It is sufficient only to check [dviprt] or push after Ver.3.15.1)
    - Support the paper size, adjusting the origin, extracting pages etc.
    - If necessary, edit the corresponding parameter file by Alt+OP and [Edit]
    - It can include EPS file. Moreover JPEG/PNG files can be included as follows


    Here it is necessary to make .bb file ( by
         ebb  foo.jpg
         bmc  foo.jpg
    before making the DVI file.
    - Support HyperTeX
    - Alt+OP and select [Enable the generation of a PDF by dvipdfm <- Check dviprt in Print Dialogue], then the generation of a PDF by dvipdfm can be simply done through the Print dialog.
    - dvipdfmx can embed Japanese fonts (If they are embedded, the size of the file increases)
    - dvipdfm(x) is a free software (An old version doesn't support Japanese in pTeX. A newer version is better)

    Use dvipsk and Acrobat Distiller
    Alt+OP, select [transform into a PDF by dvipsk and Acrobat Distiller], get it by [Ok][Ok] and Print with checking [dviprt]
    - By Alt+OP, select [Edit] and arrange the parameter file so that it corresponds to the environment
    - The image data files can be included only if they are in EPS and therefore other image data files should have been transformed into EPS
    - Support HyperTeX
    - Most reliable for including EPS files
    - Acrobat Distiller is a product of Adobe
    dvipsk and ps2pdf (Ghostscript)
    - Use a new version of Ghostscript for Japanese fonts
    - dvipdfm(x) can not handle a DVI file with direct PostScript codes for dvips but dvipsk+ps2pdf can do it.
    Transform a rectangular region into PDF
    After Ctrl+[, Shift+L/R-click determines the rectangular region and Alt+F [Save as image][File...] and then save the image using the filename with the extension .pdf
    - Require dviout 3.16 and dvipdfmx 20040205 or after them
  28. Embedding Font/Image eyc. into DVI file
       dviout can embed Image data and character data into DVI file and then it is possible to preview/print it by dviout without Image data and Font files.
       DVIware different from dviout ignores this embedding and regards it as a usual DVI file.
    Embed Image data
    Alt+FI and check [Image File] and [Ok]
    The list of Image data are shown. Change it if necessary and push [Ok]
    Embed TrueType European font
    Alt+OP and select [Render truetype font by dviout]
    Alt+FI and check [TrueType Font], [Font Map/tfm/jfm] and [Virtual Font] and push [Ok]
    The list of fonts to be embedded is shown. Change it if necessary and push [Ok]
    Embed TrueType Japanese font
    Alt+OP and select [Render MS Mincho and MS Gothic by dviout]
    Alt+FI and check [TrueType Font(Japanese)], [Font Map/tfm/jfm] and [Virtual Font] and push [Ok]
    The list of fonts to be embedded is shown. Change it if necessary and push [Ok] - In this way, Japanese DVI file in pTeX can be shown under non-Japanese Windows without Japanese fonts
    Embed Image data and Font data etc.
    Embed them as similar as the above. Before the embedding, TrueType fonts should have been expanded by dviout not by WinAPI
    - PK fonts can be embedded in various indicated resolutions (the best resolution is selected and scaled for preview and printing)
    - test_b5x.dvi (initial.par, BaKoMa fonts and GT fonts) and sample\sample.dvi are samples
    Embed initial parameters
    Alt+OP and [Ok]. In the next dialog, check [initial.par] and write as in the format of the value of dviout specials `initial and push [Ok]
    - One can embed the parameter file named initial.par into DVI file as follows
        dviadd  initial.par  foo.dvi
    Embed a memo
    Together with writing of the initial parameter, if the line start with #, then the line is a comment line
    - One can write memo between the lines #rem and #end
    Display the embedded memo
    Alt+HIN, (the contents of initial.par are shown)
    Embed the supporting file for PSfrag
    In the use of PSfrag, a supporting file with the extension .pfi is created. It is convenient to embed it in DVI file for later use or for a different environment
    Detail information for embedded files
    See here

  29. Property of DVIOUT
       Property sheet of dviout is appeared by Alt+OS (Option-Set), which is to show and set all the parameter values of dviout.
    Meaning of each sheet
    [Help] in the sheet
    Meaning of each item or button
    L-Click [?] and then L-click the item or button
    Apply the change of setting to the current dviout
    [Apply] or [Ok] ([Ok] means to quit the property sheets)
    Define the change of setting as the default setting of dviout
    Avoid to read the setting of the value of specified parameters at the start up of dviout
    In the sheet of [REGISTRY], select the corresponding parameter and push [Ignore] to erase the mark + and [Save]
  30. Key table (default)
    The two letters surrounded by [  ] are a symbol of the corresponding function
    The keys written in the right of the symbol can be changed or erased by the user.
    Next Page               : PgDn, Alt+J N [JN],  N,  n
            +2              : Alt+JO6 [J6]
            +5              : Shift+SP, Shift+PgDn, Alt+JO7 [J7]
            +10             : Ctrl+SP, Ctrl+PgDn, Alt+JO8 [J8]
            +20             : Alt+JO9 [J9]
            +50             : Ctrl+Shift+SP, Ctrl+Shift+PgDn, Alt+JO0 [J0]
    Previous Page           : PgUp, Alt+J P [JP],  P,  p
            -2              : Alt+JO5 [J5]
            -5              : Shift+BS, Shift+PgUp, Alt+JO4 [J4]
            -10             : Ctrl+BS, Ctrl+PgUp, Alt+JO3 [J3]
            -20             : Alt+JO2 [J2]
            -50             : Ctrl+Shift+BS, Ctrl+Shift+PgUp, Alt+JO1 [J1]
    Head of next page       : SP, Shift+DownArrow, Alt+J E [JE]
    Foot of previous page   : BS, Shift+UpArrow, Alt+J V [JV]
    Top Page                : Ctrl+Home, Alt+J T [JT],  Ctrl+T
    Bottom Page             : Ctrl+End, Alt+J B [JB],  Ctrl+B
    Down to next page       : Alt+J D [JD],  D,  d
    Up to previous page     : Alt+J U [JU],  U,  u
    Scroll                  : Arrow Keys, Left Mouse Botton
     Scroll up              : Up    Arrow [!U]
     Scroll down            : Down  Arrow [!D]
     Scroll left            : Left  Arrow [!L]
     Scroll right           : Right Arrow [!R]
    Head of a Page          : Home [!H]
    Foot of a Page          : End [!E]
    Left of a Page          : [!X]
    Right of a page         : [!Y]
    Input Page Number       : Alt+J I [JI],  /
      absolute              :    <number>
      relative              :    +<number>, -<number>
      from the bottom       :    .[<number>]
        by page number      :        Enter
        by nombre           :        Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Enter
    Page History list       : Alt+J H [JH],  Ctrl+J
    Former History          : Alt+J F [JF],  <,  F,  f
    Latter History          : Alt+J L [JL],  >,  L,  l
    Quit History            : Alt+J Q [JQ],  Q,  q
    Mark page               : Alt+J M [JM],  M,  m
    Goto Mark               : Alt+J G [JG],  Ctrl+G
    Exchange Mark           : Alt+J X [JX],  Ctrl+X
    Mark range              : Alt+J R [JR],  R,  r
    File History list       : Alt+I, Alt+F H [FH]
    Last file               : Alt+J S [JS]
    Dialog for Search       : Alt+S F [SF],  Ctrl+F
    Upward Search           : Alt+S U [SU],  Ctrl+R,  SFn3
    Downward Search         : Alt+S D [SD],  Ctrl+S,  Fn3
     Magnify                : Alt+DSM [DM]
     Reduce                 : Alt+DSR [DR]
     Fit                    : Alt+DSF [DF],  5
     Full                   : Alt+DSL [DL],  6
    Maximize Window         : [!M]
     View 1                 : Alt+DR1 [D1],  1
     View 2                 : Alt+DR2 [D2],  2
     View 3                 : Alt+DR3 [D3],  3
     View 4                 : Alt+DR4 [D4],  4
     Blacker                : Alt+DTB [DB]
     Whiter                 : Alt+DTW [DW]
     Reverse                : Alt+DTV [DV]
      To Reverse            : [!V]
      To Normal             : [!W]
    Loupe                   : Right Mouse Botton
     Magnify                : Alt+DLG [DG]
     Reduce                 : Alt+DLD [DD]
     Bigger                 : Alt+DLE [DE]
     Smaller                : Alt+DLA [DA]
     Measure                : Alt+DLU [DU]
    two pages               : Alt+D T [DT],  7
    rev-two pages           : Alt+D W [DW]
    Y-two pages             : Alt+D Y [DY],  0
    cross pages             : Alt+D S [DS],  8
    16 pages                : Alt+D 6 [D6],  9
    one page                : [!Q]
    Landscape               : Alt+P L [PL]
    Region                  : Alt+DGN [DN],  Ctrl+[
    Recover:                : Alt+DGX [DX]
    Change Mouse            : Alt+\, Alt+D H [DH]
    Graphics                : Alt+D I [DI]
    Color special           : Alt+D C [DC],  Ctrl+C
    Color replace           : Alt+D P [DP]
    Valid display control   : [!0], CTRL+U
    Invalid diplay control  : [!1], CTRL+V
    HyperJump ON/OFF        : Alt+J J [JJ]
    HyperJump               : Left Mouse Button
         with inquiry       :     + Ctrl
    Open File               : Alt+F O [FO],  Ctrl+O
    Open last file          : Alt+F 1 [F1]
    reNew File              : Alt+F N [FN],  Ctrl+N
    reNew if necessary      : [!I]
    Print                   : Alt+F P [FP],  Ctrl+P
    Dviprt                  : Alt+F D [FD],  Ctrl+D
    Save as Image           : Alt+F S [FS]
    Exit & Save             : Alt+X, Alt+F4, Alt+F X [FX]
    Quit                    : Alt+F Q [FQ]
     Tool bar               : Alt+V T [VT]
     Status bar             : Alt+V S [VS]
     Page slider            : Alt+V P [VP]
     Scroll bar             : Alt+V R [VR]
     Erase bars             : [V0]
     Reverse Move Button    : Alt+V V [VV]
     Show Warning           : Alt+V W [VW]
     Change Tool Buttons    : Alt+V C [VC]
     Small Editor           : Alt+V E [VE]
    On/Off switch           : Alt+N N [NN]
     Presentation On        : [!P]
     Presentation Off       : [!N]
    Save settings           : Alt+N S [NS]
     Stop Draw              : [!A]
     Recover Draw           : [!B]
    Cut edge On/Off         : Alt+N E [NE]
    Cut edge On             : [!Z]
    Cut edge Off            : [!T]
    Quit Fit/Full           : [!F]
    Mouse Button to proceed
     Use left button        : Alt+NBL [NL]
     Use right button       : Alt+NBR [NR]
    Presentation type
     general screen         : Alt+NY0 [N0]
     white screen           : Alt+NY1 [N1]
     black screen           : Alt+NY2 [N2]
     white back             : Alt+NY3 [N3]
     black back             : Alt+NY4 [N4]
     renew background       : [!G]
     Draw line              : Alt+NDI [NI]
       box                  : Alt+NDX [NX]
       erase                : Alt+NDC [NC]
       red                  : Alt+NDD [ND]
       black                : Alt+NDK [NK]
       blue                 : Alt+NDB [NB]
       green                : Alt+NDG [NG]
       thick                : Alt+NDT [NT]
    Cover sheet
     On                     : Fn5(Presentation) Alt+NCO [NO]
     Off                    : Fn6(Presentation) Alt+NCF [NF]
     On for Pause           : Fn9(Presentation) Alt+NCP [NP]
     Suspend Cover sheet    : Fn7(Presentation) [!S]
     Return to Cover sheet  : Fn8(Presentation) [!C]
    Cover type
      bottom                : Alt+NV5 [N5]
      right                 : Alt+NV6 [N6]
      left                  : Alt+NV7 [N7]
      bottom + right        : Alt+NV8 [N8]
      bottom + left         : Alt+NV9 [N9]
    Macro 1                 : Alt+OC1 [O1],  SFn1
    Macro 2                 : Alt+OC2 [O2],  SFn2
    Macro 3                 : Alt+OC3 [O3],  SFn5
    Macro 4                 : Alt+OC4 [O4],  SFn6
    Macro 5                 : Alt+OC5 [O5],  SFn7
    dviout special ON/OFF   : Alt+O V [OV]
    source special ON/OFF   : Alt+O C [OC]
    Copy to Editor with CTRL    :     [!2]
    Copy to Editor without CTRL :     [!3]
    Online Help             : Alt+H H [HH],  Fn1
    Help TeX                : Alt+H X
    Troubles in dviout      : Alt+H D
    Tips on dviout          : Alt+H T
    Screen/File Info        : Alt+HII [HI]
    Font Info               : Alt+HIF [HF]
    Buffer Info             : Alt+HIB [HB]
    System Info             : Alt+H S [HS],  Ctrl+Q
    Parameter Info          : Alt+HIP [HP]
    Non-default Parameters  : Alt+O D [OD]
    Setup Parameters        : Alt+O S [OS],  Ctrl+\
    Choose Parameters       : Alt+O P [OP],  Ctrl+L
    Key table               : Alt+HIK [HK]
    About dviout            : Alt+H A [HA]
Key Table (default)
Ctrl+@ Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Last page Ctrl+C Color special On/Off
Ctrl+D Dviprt Ctrl+E Ctrl+F Search string Ctrl+G Goto the marked page
Ctrl+H Ctrl+I Ctrl+J History of pages Ctrl+K
Ctrl+L Choose Parameters Ctrl+M Ctrl+N Reopen DVI file Ctrl+O Open DVI file
Ctrl+P Print Ctrl+Q System Info. Ctrl+R Downward search Ctrl+S Upward search
Ctrl+T The first page Ctrl+U Valid display control Ctrl+V Invalid display control Ctrl+W
Ctrl+X The end of the previous page Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Z Ctrl+[ Define region of the sheet
Ctrl+\ Property of DVIOUT Ctrl+[ Ctrl+^ Ctrl+_
Space Top of the nest page ! " #
% $ & '
( ) * +
, - . / Input the page number
0 Show two pages vertically 1 View 1 2 View 2 3 View 3
4 View 4 5 Maximal size of the sheet in the screen 6 Maximal size of the screen in the sheet 7 Show two pages
8 Show 4 pages 9 Show 16 pages * ;
< The former page in the history = > The latter page in the history ?
@ A B C
D End of the page/Top of the next page E F The former page in the history G
L The latter page in the history M Mark the page N Next page O
P Previous page Q Quit from the history of pages R Set the region of pages S
T U Top of the page/End of the previous page V W
X Y Z [
\ ] ^ _
` a b c
d End of the page/Top of the next page e f The former page of the history g
h i j k
l The latter page of the history m Mark the page n Next page o
p The previous page q Quit from the history of pages r Set the region of pages s
t u Top of the page/Enf of the previous page v w
x y z {
| } ~
F1 Online Help F2 F3 Downward search F4
F5 F6 F7 F8
F9 F10 F11 F12
SF1 Macro 1 SF2 Macro 2 SF3 Upward search SF4
SF5 Macro 3 SF6 Macro 4 SF7 Macro 5 SF8
SF9 SF10 SF11 SF12
Button Dviprt User1 Redraw screen User2 The former page of the history User3 The latter page of the history
User4 Mark the page User5 Goto the marked page ESC Presentation On/Off Alt+\ Change the shape of the cursor
Alt+I History of files Alt+X Quit dviout with keeping the setting Alt+F4 Quit dviout with keeping the setting

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