% % A new installer for TeX Live % Norbert Preining, Reinhard Kotucha, Siep Kroonenberg % Article presented on the 16th BachoTeX meeting, Bachotek ?? May 2008 % % Copyright 2007 Norbert Preining at al. % You can redistribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the % GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; % either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % %\documentclass{arstexnica} \documentclass{ltugproc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{marvosym} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{frame=lines,basicstyle=\ttfamily,showspaces=true,prebreak={\Righttorque},postbreak={\Lefttorque},breaklines} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} % should be loaded last because it patches other % packages. \newcommand{\tl}{\TeX~Live} \newcommand{\ctan}{CTAN} \newcommand{\tpm}{\texttt{tpm}} \newcommand{\tpms}{\tpm{}s} \newcommand{\tlpsrc}{\texttt{tlpsrc}} \newcommand{\tlpsrcs}{\tlpsrc{}s} \newcommand{\tlpobj}{\texttt{tlpobj}} \newcommand{\tlpobjs}{\tlpobj{}s} \newcommand{\tlpdb}{\texttt{tlpdb}} \newcommand{\tlpdbs}{\tlpdb{}s} \hypersetup{pdftitle={A new installer for \tl}, pdfauthor={R. Kotucha, S. Kroonenberg, N. Preining}, pdfsubject={A new installer for \tl}, pdfkeywords={TeX Live, installer, ...}} \hyphenation{infra-struc-ture} %\catcode`>=\active %\def>#1<{\texttt{#1}} \DefineShortVerb{\|} \begin{document} %\begin{article} %\selectlanguage{italian}% \title{A new installer for \tl}%%%\thanks{% % Article presented on the 16th Bacho\TeX meeting, Bachotek ?? May 2008}} \author{Reinhard Kotucha} \address{Marschnerstr.~25\\ 30167~Hannover, Germany} \netaddress{reinhard.kotucha@web.de} \author{Siep Kroonenberg} \address{Rijksuniversiteit Groningen\\ Department of Economics\\ P.O.~Box~800\\ 9700~AV~Groningen, the Netherlands} \netaddress{siepo@cybercomm.nl} \author{Norbert Preining} \address{Vienna University of Technology\\ Wiedner Hauptstr.\ 10\\ 1040 Wien, Austria} \netaddress{preining@logic.at} \begin{abstract} \tl\ has a new package infrastructure, primarily developed by Norbert Preining, and inspired by the Debian/Linux packaging system. We shall present a new \tl\ installer, based on the new package infrastructure. It includes a text based as well a graphical user interface. Among other new features, installing \tl\ from the internet is now possible. It should work on all platforms supported by \tl. \end{abstract} \maketitle \end{document} % % does not work in normal arstexnika mode, needs standalone, I leave % this up to the editors %\tableofcontents \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro} %\bibliographystyle{arstexnica} %\bibliography{atsample} \end{article} \end{document}