Specifications ============== 1) tlpsrc --------- one file *WITHOUT* empty lines (but beginning and end) every line looks like key value possible keys are name (must be first) category shortdesc longdesc catalogue runpattern srcpattern docpattern binpattern execute depend (NO continuation lines!) Interpretation: name name of the package category TLCore Package Documentation as well known from tpms if none specified it is Package catalogue name of the respective Catalogue entry, if missing, same as name (run|src|doc|bin)pattern (cheap/expensive means working time) current status: [PREFIX]TYPE PAT TYPE = t f d r PREFIX = + | +! | ! t word1 ... wordN wordL include all files below all dirs of the form word1/.../wordN/.../wordL/... (cheap) f string include file "string" where the LAST(!!!) entry (basename) of string can contain glob characters * and ? (but no other!) (cheap) d string include all files in and below the directory "string" (cheap) r regexp include all files matching /^regexp$/ (expensive) Note that if one of the patterns section is empty OR (!!!) all provided patterns have the prefix "+" (eg "+f ...."), then the following patterns are added: for runpattern: t texmf-dist topdir $tlp for type = Package (with topdir = bibtex, context, ... see tlsrc2tlp.pl) for docpattern: t texmf-dist doc $tlp for type = Package t texmf-doc doc $tlp for type = Documentation for srcpattern: t texmf-dist source $tlp for type = Package t texmf-doc source $tlp for type = Documentation for binpattern: NONE!! If the prefix contains a ! the pattern is negated, ie after all the files for positive patterns have been added, those matching the negative patterns are removed. execute free form is taken one to one into the tlp file depend is taken one to one into the tlp file made up of Type/Package where Type ::= TLCore | Documentation | Package shortdesc short one line desc is taken one to one into the tlp file if missing can be taken from Catalogue longdesc longer multiline dscription is taken one to one into the tlp file if missing can be taken from Catalogue all the lines of longdesc are concatenated 2) tlpobj file -------------- same format as tlpsrc, but the keys are name category revision shortdesc longdesc catalogue runfiles docfiles srcfiles binfiles execute depend ??? what am I missing ??? Interpretation bin|src|doc|runfiles MUST be saved in multi line entries with continuation lines intended by one (1) space. all of them must have the size tag size=......, in addition binfiles can have the arch tag arch=... /---------- |docfiles size=.... | file1 | file2 | ... For binfiles the architecture can be given on the binfile line: /------------ |binfiles arch=i386-solaris size=.... | file1 | file2 | file3 | ... Note that only *ONE* *files entry per tlp is allowed rest obvious revision maxmimum of all the last_changed_revisions of all contained files 3) tlpdb file ------------ concatenation of all the tlp files, separated by empty line(s)