How to interface tlmgr search with keywords new search interface: tlmgr search searches the normal way, i.e., pkg names, short/long desc tlmgr search --file searches the current --file way, i.e., the list of files of a package tlmgr search --taxonomy searches the taxonomy (keyword, functionality, characterization) tlmgr search --extended allows full searching (will maybe implemented later) ::= --global | --word | --list [keywords|functions|characterizations] ::= | ::= AND | OR | LEFT | RIGHT keyword= | function= | characterization= | package-name= | title= | description= | file= ::= | " > " ::= defaults = package-names=ARG OR titles=ARG OR descriptions=ARG AND -> conjunction OR -> disjunction LEFT|RIGHT -> parenthesis for grouping of and and or may contain wildcards and it is matched in a glob style (no re!!) example tlmgr search keyword=paragraph AND description=dropped should give back the lettrine package tlmgr search characterization=bibliography searches for all packages with characterization containing anywhere the string "bibliography" (case insensitive).