#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id: tlmgrgui2.pl 15823 2009-10-18 01:41:28Z preining $ # # Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # GUI for tlmgr # version 2, completely rewritten GUI # # TODO: details window for a package should have a "Details" button # to show the list of files etc (like --list on tlmgr cmd line) # TODO: Fix return codes of execute_action sub items and execute_action # so that we can give a decent warning window $^W = 1; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::Dialog; use Tk::BrowseEntry; use Tk::ROText; use Tk::HList; use Tk::ItemStyle; #use TeXLive::Splashscreen; use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(setup_programs platform_desc win32 debug); use TeXLive::TLConfig; our $Master; our $tlmediatlpdb; our $tlmediasrc; our $localtlpdb; # defined in tlmgr.pl our $location; my $tlpdb_location; my $cmdline_location; # our %opts; # # the list of packages as shown by TixGrid # my %Packages; our $mw; sub update_status_box { update_status(join(" ", @_)); $mw->update; } sub init_hooks { push @::info_hook, \&update_status_box; push @::warn_hook, \&update_status_box; push @::debug_hook, \&update_status_box; push @::ddebug_hook, \&update_status_box; push @::dddebug_hook, \&update_status_box; } sub update_status { my ($p) = @_; $::progressw->insert("end", "$p"); $::progressw->see("end"); } # prepare for loading of lang.pl which expects $::lang and $::opt_lang $::opt_lang = $opts{"gui-lang"} if (defined($opts{"gui-lang"})); require("TeXLive/trans.pl"); our @update_function_list; $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title("TeX Live Manager $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear"); $mw->withdraw; # # default layout definitions # # priority 20 = widgetDefault # see Mastering Perl/Tk, 16.2. Using the Option Database $mw->optionAdd("*Button.Relief", "ridge", 20); # # does not work, makes all buttons exactely 10, which is not a good idea # I would like to have something like MinWidth 10... #$mw->optionAdd("*Button.Width", "10", 20); # # shortcuts for padding, expand/fill, and pack sides, anchors my @p_ii = qw/-padx 2m -pady 2m/; my @p_iii= qw/-padx 3m -pady 3m/; my @x_x = qw/-expand 1 -fill x/; my @x_y = qw/-expand 1 -fill y/; my @x_xy= qw/-expand 1 -fill both/; my @left = qw/-side left/; my @right= qw/-side right/; my @bot = qw/-side bottom/; my @a_w = qw/-anchor w/; my @a_c = qw/-anchor c/; # create a progress bar window $::progressw = $mw->Scrolled("ROText", -scrollbars => "e", -height => 4); $::progressw->pack(-fill => "x", @bot); my @critical_updates = (); init_hooks(); info(__("Loading local TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n"); our $localtlmedia = TeXLive::TLMedia->new ( $Master ); die("cannot setup TLMedia in $Master") unless (defined($localtlmedia)); $localtlpdb = $localtlmedia->tlpdb; die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb)); our @main_list; $tlpdb_location = $localtlpdb->option("location"); if (defined($opts{"location"})) { $cmdline_location = $opts{"location"}; } push @update_function_list, \&check_location_on_ctan; push @update_function_list, \&init_install_media; setup_programs("$Master/tlpkg/installer", $localtlmedia->platform); # # check that we can actually save the database # if (check_on_writable()) { $::we_can_save = 1; } else { $::we_can_save = 0; # here we should pop up a warning window!!! } $::action_button_state = ($::we_can_save ? "normal" : "disabled"); my $tlmgrrev = give_version(); chomp($tlmgrrev); our $top = $mw->Frame; my $menu = $mw->Menu(); my $menu_file = $menu->Menu(); my $menu_options = $menu->Menu(); my $menu_actions = $menu->Menu(); my $menu_help = $menu->Menu(); $menu->add('cascade', -label => "File", -menu => $menu_file); $menu->add('cascade', -label => "Options", -menu => $menu_options); $menu->add('cascade', -label => "Actions", -menu => $menu_actions); $menu->add('cascade', -label => "Help", -menu => $menu_help); $menu->add('separator'); $menu->add('command', -label => "Loaded repository: none", -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); }); # -activebackground => $menu->cget(-background)); # # FILE MENU # $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Load default repository:") . " $tlpdb_location", -command => sub { $location = $tlpdb_location; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); }); if (defined($cmdline_location)) { $menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load cmd line repository: $cmdline_location", -command => sub { $location = $cmdline_location; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); }); } $menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load default net repository: $TeXLiveURL", -command => sub { $location = $TeXLiveURL; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); }); $menu_file->add('command', -label => "Load other repository ...", -command => sub { menu_edit_location(); }); $menu_file->add('separator'); $menu_file->add('command', -label => __("Quit"), -command => sub { $mw->destroy; exit(0); }); # # OPTIONS MENU # $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("General ..."), -command => sub { do_general_settings(); }); $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Paper ..."), -command => sub { do_paper_settings(); }); $menu_options->add('command', -label => __("Architectures ..."), -command => sub { do_arch_settings(); }); $menu_options->add('separator'); $menu_options->add('checkbutton', -label => __("Debug"), -onvalue => ($::opt_verbosity == 0 ? 1 : $::opt_verbosity), -variable => \$::opt_verbosity); # # Actions menu # $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Re-initialize file database"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info("Running mktexlsr, this may take some time ...\n"); info(`mktexlsr 2>&1`); $mw->Unbusy; }); $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Re-create all formats"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info("Running fmtutil-sys --all, this may take some time ...\n"); for my $l (`fmtutil-sys --all 2>&1`) { info($l); $mw->update; } $mw->Unbusy; }); $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update font map database"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info("Running updmap-sys, this may take some time ...\n"); for my $l (`updmap-sys 2>&1`) { info($l); $mw->update; } $mw->Unbusy; }); if (!win32()) { $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Update symbolic links"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info("Updating symlinks ...\n"); execute_action_gui("path", "add"); $mw->Unbusy; }); $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove symbolic links"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info("Removing symlinks ...\n"); execute_action_gui("path", "remove"); $mw->Unbusy; }); } if (!win32()) { $menu_actions->add('separator'); $menu_actions->add('command', -label => __("Remove TeX Live %s ...", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Remove TeX Live %s", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear), -buttons => [ __("Ok"), __("Cancel") ], -cancel_button => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { my $b = shift; if ($b eq __("Ok")) { system("tlmgr", "uninstall", "--force"); $mw->Dialog(-text => __("Complete removal completed"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show; $mw->destroy; exit(0); } }); $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Really remove the complete TeX Live %s installation?\nYour last chance to change your mind!", $TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear))->pack(@p_iii); $sw->Show; }); } # # HELP MENU $menu_help->add('command', -label => __("About"), -command => sub { my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("About"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]); $sw->add("Label", -text => "TeX Live Manager (GUIv2) $tlmgrrev Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or higher In case of problems, please contact: texlive\@tug.org" )->pack(@p_iii); $sw->Show; }); $mw->configure(-menu => $menu); our $back_f1 = $mw->Frame(); # pack .top .back -side top -fill both -expand 1 $top->pack(-fill => 'x', @p_ii); $back_f1->pack(@x_xy); #require ("do_listframe.pl"); ######### SHOULD GO INTO A SEPARTE FILE ######################## # This needs to come first as we call update_grid rather early my $list_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Packages"); my $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0, -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click! -columns => 7, -header => 1, -separator => "/", -selectmode => "none"); # install screen my $top_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Display configuration"); $top_frame->pack(@x_x, @p_ii); my $filter_frame = $top_frame->Frame(); $filter_frame->pack; my $filter_status = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Status"); $filter_status->pack(@left, @p_ii); my $status_all = 0; my $status_only_installed = 1; my $status_only_not_installed = 2; my $status_only_updated = 3; my $status_value = 0; $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "all", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_all)->pack(@a_w); $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only installed", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_installed)->pack(@a_w); $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only uninstalled", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_not_installed)->pack(@a_w); $filter_status->Radiobutton(-text => "only updated", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$status_value, -value => $status_only_updated)->pack(@a_w); my $filter_category = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Category"); $filter_category->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii); my $show_packages = 1; my $show_collections = 1; my $show_schemes = 1; $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "packages", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$show_packages)->pack(@a_w); $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "collections", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$show_collections)->pack(@a_w); $filter_category->Checkbutton(-text => "schemes", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$show_schemes)->pack(@a_w); my $filter_match = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Match"); $filter_match->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii); my $match_all = 1; $filter_match->Radiobutton(-text => "all", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$match_all, -value => 1)->pack(@a_w); $filter_match->Radiobutton(-text => "matching:", -variable => \$match_all, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w); my $match_entry = $filter_match->Entry(-width => 15, -validate => 'key', )->pack(@a_w, -padx => '2m', @x_x); $match_entry->configure(-validate => 'key', -validatecommand => sub { $match_all = 0; update_grid(); return 1; }); my $filter_selection = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Selection"); $filter_selection->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii); my $selection_value = 0; $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "all", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 0)->pack(@a_w); $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "only selected", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 1)->pack(@a_w); $filter_selection->Radiobutton(-text => "only not selected", -command => \&update_grid, -variable => \$selection_value, -value => 2)->pack(@a_w); my $filter_button = $filter_frame->Labelframe(-text => "Action"); $filter_button->pack(@left, @x_y, @p_ii); #$filter_button->Button(-text => "Apply filters", # -command => sub { update_grid(); })->pack(@a_c, @p_ii); $filter_button->Button(-text => "Reset filters", -command => sub { $status_value = $status_all; $show_packages = 1; $show_collections = 1; $show_schemes = 1; $selection_value = 0; $match_all = 1; update_grid(); })->pack(@left, @a_c, @p_ii); ########## Packages ####################### #my $list_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Packages"); $list_frame->pack(@x_xy, @p_ii); #my $g = $list_frame->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => "se", -bd => 0, # -command => \&show_extended_info, # does not work, double click! # -columns => 7, -header => 1, # -separator => "/", # -selectmode => "none"); $g->pack(qw/-expand 1 -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3/); $g->focus; my $lighttext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray90', -selectbackground => 'gray90', -selectforeground => 'blue'); my $darktext = $g->ItemStyle('text', -background => 'gray70', -selectbackground => 'gray70', -selectforeground => 'blue'); my $f = $g->Frame(); my $bi = $f->Button(-padx => 1, -pady => 3, -text => 'all', -command => \&grid_select_all_shown); my $bii= $f->Button(-padx => 1, -pady => 3, -text => 'none', -command => \&grid_deselect_all_shown); $bi->pack(@left); $bii->pack(@right); my @htype = qw/-relief ridge/; $g->headerCreate(0, @htype, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $f); $g->headerCreate(1, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Package"); $g->headerCreate(2, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Local\nRevision"); $g->headerCreate(3, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Remote\nRevision"); $g->headerCreate(4, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Local\nVersion"); $g->headerCreate(5, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Remote\nVersion"); $g->headerCreate(6, @htype, -itemtype => 'text', -text => "Short Desc"); $g->columnWidth(4, -char => 10); $g->columnWidth(5, -char => 10); setup_list(); update_grid(); sub show_extended_info { my $p = shift; $g->selectionClear; $g->anchorClear; my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Details on:") . $p); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->Label(-text => "Package:")->grid( $sw->Label(-text => $p), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Label(-text => "Category:")->grid( $sw->Label(-text => $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->category), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Label(-text => "Short Desc:")->grid( $sw->Label(-wraplength => '500', -justify => 'left', -text => $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->shortdesc), -sticky => "nw"); # old version with ROText #my $t = $sw->Scrolled('ROText', -scrollbars => "oe", -height => 10, # -width => 50, -wrap => 'word', -relief => 'flat'); #$t->insert("1.0", $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->longdesc); #$sw->Label(-text => "Long Desc:")->grid($t, -sticky => 'nw'); $sw->Label(-text => "Long Desc:")->grid( $sw->Label(-wraplength => '500', -justify => 'left', -text => $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->longdesc), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Label(-text => "Installed:")->grid( $sw->Label(-text => ($Packages{$p}{'installed'} ? "Yes" : "No")), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Label(-text => "Local Revision:")->grid( $sw->Label(-text => $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'}), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Label(-text => "Remote Revision:")->grid( $sw->Label(-text => $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}), -sticky => "nw"); $sw->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -width => 10, -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->grid(-columnspan => 2); } sub grid_select_all_shown { update_grid(1); } sub grid_deselect_all_shown { update_grid(2); } sub update_grid { # select code # if not given just do nothing # if == 1 select all packages that will be shown # if == 2 deselect all packages that will be shown my $selectcode = shift; my @schemes; my @colls; my @packs; for my $p (sort keys %Packages) { if ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq "Scheme") { push @schemes, $p; } elsif ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq "Collection") { push @colls, $p; } else { push @packs, $p; } } $g->delete('all'); my $i = 0; my @displist; my $crit_match = 0; if (@critical_updates) { @displist = @critical_updates; $crit_match = 1; $lighttext->configure(-foreground => 'red'); $darktext->configure(-foreground => 'red'); } else { @displist = (@schemes, @colls, @packs); } for my $p (@displist) { if ($crit_match || MatchesFilters($p)) { if (defined($selectcode)) { if ($selectcode == 1) { $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 1; } elsif ($selectcode == 2) { $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0; } else { tlwarn("selectcode $selectcode not known, strange.\n"); } } $g->add($p); my $st = ($i%2 ? $lighttext : $darktext); $g->itemCreate($p, 0, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $Packages{$p}{'cb'}); $Packages{$p}{'cb'}->configure(-background => ($i%2?'gray90':'gray70')); $g->itemCreate($p, 1, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => $Packages{$p}{'displayname'}); $g->itemCreate($p, 2, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => ($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} || '')); $g->itemCreate($p, 3, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => ($Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'} || '')); $g->itemCreate($p, 4, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => ($Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} || '')); $g->itemCreate($p, 5, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => ($Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} || '')); $g->itemCreate($p, 6, -itemtype => 'text', -style => $st, -text => $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->shortdesc); $i++; } } } sub MatchesFilters { my $p = shift; # status if (( ($status_value == $status_all) ) || ( ($status_value == $status_only_installed) && (defined($Packages{$p}{'installed'})) && ($Packages{$p}{'installed'} == 1) ) || ( ($status_value == $status_only_not_installed) && ( !defined($Packages{$p}{'installed'}) || ($Packages{$p}{'installed'} == 0)) ) || ( ($status_value == $status_only_updated) && (defined($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'})) && (defined($Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'})) && ($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} < $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}))) { # do nothing, more checks have to be done } else { return 0; } # category if (($show_packages && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Other')) || ($show_collections && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Collection')) || ($show_schemes && ($Packages{$p}{'category'} eq 'Scheme')) ) { # do nothing, more checks have to be done } else { return 0; } # match if (!$match_all) { my $r = $match_entry->get; # check for match on string my $t = $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->shortdesc; $t |= ""; my $lt = $Packages{$p}{'tlp'}->longdesc; $lt |= ""; if (($p =~ m/$r/) || ($t =~ m/$r/) || ($lt =~ m/$r/)) { # do nothing, more checks have to be done } else { return 0; } } # selection if ($selection_value == 0) { # all -> maybe more checks } elsif ($selection_value == 1) { # only selected if ($Packages{$p}{'selected'}) { # do nothing, maybe more checks } else { # not selected package and only selected packages shown return 0; } } else { # only not selected if ($Packages{$p}{'selected'}) { # selected, but only not selected should be shown return 0; } # else do nothing } # # if we come down to here the package matches return 1; } ####### actions frame my $bot_frame = $back_f1->Labelframe(-text => "Actions"); $bot_frame->pack(@x_x, @p_ii); my $actions_frame = $bot_frame->Frame; $actions_frame->pack(); my $with_sel_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => "with selected"); $with_sel_frame->pack(@left, @p_ii); # # disable the with filter applied or not applied, it is too complicated, or? # # THIS VARIABLE HAS TO BE KEPT == 1 because the apply action checks # for that value!!! my $action_apply_filter = 1; #$with_sel_frame->Label(-text => "with filters")->pack(@left, @p_ii); # #$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "applied", # -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 1)->pack(@left, @p_ii); #$with_sel_frame->Radiobutton(-text => "not applied", # -variable => \$action_apply_filter, -value => 0)->pack(@left, @p_ii); # $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Install', -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { install_selected_packages(); } )->pack(@left, @p_ii); $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Update', -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { update_selected_packages(); } )->pack(@left, @p_ii); $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Remove', -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { remove_selected_packages(); } )->pack(@left, @p_ii); $with_sel_frame->Button(-text => 'Backup', -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { backup_selected_packages(); } )->pack(@left, @p_ii); my $with_all_frame = $actions_frame->Labelframe(-text => "with all"); $with_all_frame->pack(@left, @p_ii); $with_all_frame->Button(-text => 'Update all', -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { update_all_packages(); } )->pack(@a_c,@left,@p_ii); ######################## ARCH ########################### my @archsavail; my @archsinstalled; my %archs; my $currentarch; sub init_archs { if (!defined($tlmediatlpdb)) { @archsavail = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; } else { @archsavail = $tlmediatlpdb->available_architectures; } $currentarch = $localtlmedia->platform(); @archsinstalled = $localtlpdb->available_architectures; foreach my $a (@archsavail) { $archs{$a} = 0; if (grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) { $archs{$a} = 1; } } } sub do_arch_settings { my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Select architectures to support")); my %archsbuttons; init_archs(); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); my $subframe = $sw->Labelframe(-text => __("Select architectures to support")); $subframe->pack(-fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); foreach my $a (@archsavail) { $archsbuttons{$a} = $subframe->Checkbutton(-command => sub { check_on_removal($sw, $a); }, -variable => \$archs{$a}, -text => platform_desc($a) )->pack(-anchor => 'w'); } my $arch_frame = $sw->Frame; $arch_frame->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m"); $arch_frame->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { apply_arch_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); $arch_frame->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); } sub check_on_removal { my $arch_frame = shift; my $a = shift; if (!$archs{$a} && $a eq $currentarch) { # removal not supported $archs{$a} = 1; $arch_frame->Dialog(-title => "info", -text => __("Removals of the main architecture not possible!"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show; } } sub apply_arch_changes { my @todo_add; my @todo_remove; foreach my $a (@archsavail) { if (!$archs{$a} && grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) { push @todo_remove, $a; next; } if ($archs{$a} && !grep(/^$a$/,@archsinstalled)) { push @todo_add, $a; next; } } if (@todo_add) { execute_action_gui ( "arch", "add", @todo_add ); } if (@todo_remove) { execute_action_gui ( "arch", "remove", @todo_remove ); } if (@todo_add || @todo_remove) { reinit_local_tlpdb(); init_archs(); } } ########## CONFIG ################### # my @fileassocdesc; $fileassocdesc[0] = __("None"); $fileassocdesc[1] = __("Only new"); $fileassocdesc[2] = __("All"); my %defaults; my %changeddefaults; sub init_defaults_setting { for my $key (keys %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions) { if ($TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions{$key}->[0] eq "b") { $defaults{$key} = ($localtlpdb->option($key) ? 1 : 0); } else { $defaults{$key} = $localtlpdb->option($key); } } } sub do_general_settings { my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Default options")); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); init_defaults_setting(); %changeddefaults = (); for my $k (keys %defaults) { $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'} = $defaults{$k}; if ($TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBOptions{$k}->[0] eq "b") { $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = ($defaults{$k} ? __("Yes") : __("No")); } else { if ($k eq "file_assocs") { $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = $fileassocdesc[$defaults{$k}]; } else { $changeddefaults{$k}{'display'} = $defaults{$k}; } } } my @config_set_l; my @config_set_m; my @config_set_r; my $back_config_set = $sw->Labelframe(-text => __("Default options")); my $back_config_buttons = $sw->Frame(); $back_config_set->pack(-fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Default package repository"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"location"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { menu_default_location($sw); }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Create formats on installation"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"create_formats"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"), -command => sub { toggle_setting("create_formats"); }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install macro/font sources"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"install_srcfiles"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"), -command => sub { toggle_setting("install_srcfiles"); }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install macro/font docs"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"install_docfiles"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"), -command => sub { toggle_setting("install_docfiles"); }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Default backup directory"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory(); if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"backupdir"} ne $dir)) { # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!! $changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'value'} = $dir; $changeddefaults{"backupdir"}{'display'} = $dir; } }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Auto backup setting"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { select_autobackup($sw); }, -anchor => "w"); if (!win32()) { push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for programs"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory(); if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_bin"} ne $dir)) { # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!! $changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'value'} = $dir; $changeddefaults{"sys_bin"}{'display'} = $dir; } }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for info docs"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory(); if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_info"} ne $dir)) { # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!! $changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'value'} = $dir; $changeddefaults{"sys_info"}{'display'} = $dir; } }); push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Link destination for man pages"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { my $dir = $sw->chooseDirectory(); if (defined($dir) && ($defaults{"sys_man"} ne $dir)) { # see warning concerning UTF8 or other encoded dir names!! $changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'value'} = $dir; $changeddefaults{"sys_man"}{'display'} = $dir; } }); } if (win32()) { push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Create shortcuts in menu and on desktop"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"desktop_integration"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"), -command => sub { toggle_setting("desktop_integration"); }); if (admin()) { push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Install for all users"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{"w32_multi_user"}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Toggle"), -command => sub { toggle_setting("w32_multi_user"); }); } push @config_set_l, $back_config_set->Label(-text => __("Change file associations"), -anchor => "w"); push @config_set_m, $back_config_set->Label(-textvariable => \$changeddefaults{'file_assocs'}{'display'}); push @config_set_r, $back_config_set->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { select_file_assocs($sw); }, -anchor => "w"); } for my $i (0..$#config_set_l) { $config_set_l[$i]->grid( $config_set_m[$i], $config_set_r[$i], -padx => "1m", -pady => "1m", -sticky => "nwe"); } $back_config_buttons->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m"); $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { apply_settings_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); } sub apply_settings_changes { for my $k (keys %defaults) { if ($defaults{$k} ne $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'}) { $localtlpdb->option($k, $changeddefaults{$k}{'value'}); if ($k eq "location") { # change interface to program, too # set default tlpdb location $tlpdb_location = $changeddefaults{'location'}{'value'}; # change the menu entry in File->Load defualt... $menu_file->entryconfigure(1, -label => __("Load default repository:") . " $tlpdb_location"); } } } $localtlpdb->save; } ######## PAPER ######### my %papers; my %currentpaper; my %changedpaper; sub init_paper_xdvi { if (!win32()) { @{$papers{"xdvi"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("xdvi"); $currentpaper{"xdvi"} = ${$papers{"xdvi"}}[0]; } } sub init_paper_pdftex { @{$papers{"pdftex"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("pdftex"); $currentpaper{"pdftex"} = ${$papers{"pdftex"}}[0]; } sub init_paper_dvips { @{$papers{"dvips"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvips"); $currentpaper{"dvips"} = ${$papers{"dvips"}}[0]; } sub init_paper_dvipdfm { @{$papers{"dvipdfm"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvipdfm"); $currentpaper{"dvipdfm"} = ${$papers{"dvipdfm"}}[0]; } sub init_paper_context { if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package("bin-context"))) { @{$papers{"context"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("context"); $currentpaper{"context"} = ${$papers{"context"}}[0]; } } sub init_paper_dvipdfmx { @{$papers{"dvipdfmx"}} = TeXLive::TLPaper::get_paper_list("dvipdfmx"); $currentpaper{"dvipdfmx"} = ${$papers{"dvipdfmx"}}[0]; } my %init_paper_subs; $init_paper_subs{"xdvi"} = \&init_paper_xdvi; $init_paper_subs{"pdftex"} = \&init_paper_pdftex; $init_paper_subs{"dvips"} = \&init_paper_dvips; $init_paper_subs{"context"} = \&init_paper_context; $init_paper_subs{"dvipdfm"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfm; $init_paper_subs{"dvipdfmx"} = \&init_paper_dvipdfmx; sub init_all_papers { for my $p (keys %init_paper_subs) { &{$init_paper_subs{$p}}(); } } sub do_paper_settings { init_all_papers(); my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Paper options")); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); %changedpaper = %currentpaper; my $lower = $sw->Frame; $lower->pack(-fill => "both"); my $back_config_pap = $lower->Labelframe(-text => __("Paper options")); my $back_config_buttons = $sw->Frame(); my $back_config_pap_l1 = $back_config_pap->Label(-text => __("Default paper for all"), -anchor => "w"); my $back_config_pap_m1 = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => "A4", -command => sub { change_paper("all", "a4"); }); my $back_config_pap_r1 = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => "letter", -command => sub { change_paper("all", "letter"); }); $back_config_pap_l1->grid( $back_config_pap_m1, $back_config_pap_r1, -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m", -sticky => "nswe"); my (%l,%m,%r); foreach my $p (sort keys %papers) { if (($p eq "context") && !defined($localtlpdb->get_package("bin-context"))) { next; } $l{$p} = $back_config_pap->Label(-text => __("Default paper for") . " $p", -anchor => "w"); $m{$p} = $back_config_pap->Label(-textvariable => \$changedpaper{$p}, -anchor => "w"); $r{$p} = $back_config_pap->Button(-text => __("Change"), -command => sub { select_paper($sw,$p); }, -anchor => "w"); $l{$p}->grid( $m{$p}, $r{$p}, -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m", -sticky => "nsw"); } $back_config_pap->pack(-side => 'left', -fill => "both", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $back_config_buttons->pack(-padx => "10m", -pady => "5m"); $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Apply changes"), -state => $::action_button_state, -command => sub { apply_paper_changes(); $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); $back_config_buttons->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => "3m"); } # # this function is used to edit/change the default tlpdb repository # we also want to change the menu entry if we change that sub menu_default_location { my $mw = shift; my $val; my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Change default package repository")); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); $sw->Label(-text => __("New default package repository"))->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f1 = $sw->Frame; my $entry = $f1->Entry(-text => $val, -width => 50); $entry->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f2 = $sw->Frame; $f2->Button(-text => __("Choose Directory"), -command => sub { my $var = $sw->chooseDirectory; if (defined($var)) { $entry->delete(0,"end"); $entry->insert(0,$var); } })->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f2->Button(-text => __("Default net package repository"), -command => sub { $entry->delete(0,"end"); $entry->insert(0,$TeXLiveURL); })->pack(-side => "left",-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f1->pack; $f2->pack; my $f = $sw->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { $changeddefaults{'location'}{'value'} = $changeddefaults{'location'}{'display'} = $entry->get; $sw->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left',-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $sw->destroy })->pack(-side => 'right',-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f->pack(-expand => 'x'); $sw->bind('', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]); $sw->bind('', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]); } sub toggle_setting() { my ($key) = @_; my $old = $changeddefaults{$key}{'value'}; my $new = ($old ? 0 : 1); $changeddefaults{$key}{'display'} = ($new ? __("Yes") : __("No")); $changeddefaults{$key}{'value'} = $new; } sub apply_paper_changes { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); for my $k (keys %changedpaper) { if ($currentpaper{$k} ne $changedpaper{$k}) { execute_action_gui ( "paper", $k, "paper", $changedpaper{$k}); &{$init_paper_subs{$k}}(); } } $mw->Unbusy; } sub change_paper { my ($prog, $pap) = @_; if ($prog eq "all") { for my $k (keys %changedpaper) { $changedpaper{$k} = $pap; } } else { $changedpaper{$prog} = $pap; } } sub select_paper { my $back_config = shift; my $prog = shift; my $foo = $back_config->Toplevel(-title => __("Select paper format for") . " $prog"); $foo->transient($back_config); $foo->grab(); my $var = $changedpaper{$prog}; my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Default paper for") . " $prog", -variable => \$var); foreach my $p (sort @{$papers{$prog}}) { $opt->insert("end",$p); } $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f = $foo->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { change_paper($prog,$var); $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f->pack; $foo->bind('', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]); $foo->bind('', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]); } sub select_autobackup { my $mw = shift; my $foo = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Auto backup setting")); $foo->transient($mw); $foo->grab(); my $var = $defaults{"autobackup"}; my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Auto backup setting"), -variable => \$var); my @al; push @al, "-1 (" . __("keep arbitrarily many") . ")"; push @al, "0 (" . __("disable") . ")"; for my $i (1..100) { push @al, $i; } foreach my $p (@al) { $opt->insert("end",$p); } $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f = $foo->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { $var =~ s/ .*$//; $changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'value'} = $var; $changeddefaults{"autobackup"}{'display'} = $var; $foo->destroy; } )->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f->pack; $foo->bind('', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]); $foo->bind('', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]); } sub select_file_assocs { my $sw = shift; my $foo = $sw->Toplevel(-title => __("Change file associations")); $foo->transient($mw); $foo->grab(); my $var = $defaults{"file_assocs"}; my $opt = $foo->BrowseEntry(-label => __("Change file associations"), -variable => \$var); my @al; for my $i (0..2) { push @al, "$i $fileassocdesc[$i]"; } foreach my $p (@al) { $opt->insert("end",$p); } $opt->pack(-padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $f = $foo->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { $var = substr($var,0,1); $changeddefaults{"file_assocs"}{'display'} = $fileassocdesc[$var]; $changeddefaults{"file_assocs"}{'value'} = $var; $foo->destroy; } )->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $foo->destroy; })->pack(-side => "left", -padx => "2m", -pady => "2m"); $f->pack; $foo->bind('', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]); $foo->bind('', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]); } ################ END FUNCTIONS if ($opts{"load"}) { $location = $tlpdb_location; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); } info(__("Completed") . "\n"); $mw->deiconify; if (!$::we_can_save) { my $no_write_warn = $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning", -text => __("You don't have permissions to change the installation in any way,\nspecifically, the directory %s is not writable.\nPlease run this program as administrator, or contact your local admin.\n\nMost buttons will be disabled.", "$Master/tlpkg/"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show(); } Tk::MainLoop(); sub init_install_media { my $newroot = $location; if (defined($tlmediatlpdb) && ($tlmediatlpdb->root eq $newroot)) { # nothing to be done } else { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info(__("Loading remote TeX Live Database\nThis may take some time, please wait!") . "\n"); $tlmediasrc = TeXLive::TLMedia->new($newroot); info(__("Completed") . "\n"); $mw->Unbusy; if (!defined($tlmediasrc)) { # something went badly wrong, maybe the newroot is wrong? $mw->Dialog(-title => "warning", -text => __("Could not load the TeX Live Database from %s\nIf you want to install or update packages, please try with a different package repository!\n\nFor configuration and removal you don\'t have to do anything.", $newroot), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ])->Show; $tlmediatlpdb = undef; $tlmediasrc = undef; update_list_remote(); update_grid(); update_loaded_location_string("none"); } else { $tlmediatlpdb = $tlmediasrc->tlpdb; update_list_remote(); update_grid(); } } } sub set_text_win { my ($w, $t) = @_; $w->delete("0.0", "end"); $w->insert("0.0", "$t"); $w->see("0.0"); } sub install_selected_packages { my @foo = SelectedPackages(); if (@foo) { my @args = qw/install/; push @args, @foo; execute_action_gui(@args); reinit_local_tlpdb(); # now we check that the installation has succeeded by checking that # all packages in @_ are installed. Otherwise we pop up a warning window my $do_warn = 0; for my $p (@_) { if (!defined($localtlpdb->get_package($p))) { $do_warn = 1; last; } } give_warning_window(__("Installation"), @_) if $do_warn; } } sub SelectedPackages { my @ret; # first select those that are for my $p (keys %Packages) { next if !$Packages{$p}{'selected'}; if ($action_apply_filter) { if (MatchesFilters($p)) { push @ret, $p; } } else { push @ret, $p; } } return @ret; } sub update_all_packages { my @args = qw/update/; if (@critical_updates) { $opts{"self"} = 1; } else { $opts{"all"} = 1; } execute_action_gui(qw/update/); if (@critical_updates) { # terminate here immediately so that we are sure the auto-updater # is run immediately # make sure we exit in finish(0) $::gui_mode = 0; finish(0); } reinit_local_tlpdb(); } sub update_selected_packages { my @foo = SelectedPackages(); if (@foo) { my @args = qw/update/; # argument processing # in case we have critical updates present we do put the list of # critical updates into the argument instead of --all if (@critical_updates) { $opts{"self"} = 1; } push @args, @foo; execute_action_gui(@args); if (@critical_updates) { # terminate here immediately so that we are sure the auto-updater # is run immediately # make sure we exit in finish(0) $::gui_mode = 0; finish(0); } reinit_local_tlpdb(); } } sub remove_selected_packages { my @foo = SelectedPackages(); if (@foo) { my @args = qw/remove/; push @args, @foo; execute_action_gui(@args); reinit_local_tlpdb(); my $do_warn = 0; for my $p (@_) { if (defined($localtlpdb->get_package($p))) { $do_warn = 1; last; } } give_warning_window(__("Remove"), @_) if $do_warn; } } sub backup_selected_packages { my @foo = SelectedPackages(); if (@foo) { my @args = qw/backup/; push @args, @foo; execute_action_gui(@args); } } sub reinit_local_tlpdb { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); $localtlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => "$Master"); die("cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($localtlpdb)); setup_list(); update_grid(); $mw->Unbusy; } # # creates/updates the list of packages as shown in tix grid # sub setup_list { my @do_later; for my $p ($localtlpdb->list_packages()) { # collect packages containing a . for later # we want to ignore them in most cases but those where there is # no father package (without .) if ($p =~ m;\.;) { push @do_later, $p; next; } my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); # collect information about that package we will show $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p; $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} = $tlp->revision; $Packages{$p}{'installed'} = 1; $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0; $Packages{$p}{'tlp'} = $tlp; $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'}); if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") || ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category; } else { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other"; } if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) { $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; } } for my $p (@do_later) { my $s = $p; $s =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!; if (!defined($Packages{$s})) { my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($p); # collect information about that package we will show $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p; $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} = $tlp->revision; $Packages{$p}{'installed'} = 1; $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0; $Packages{$p}{'tlp'} = $tlp; $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'}); if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") || ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category; } else { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other"; } if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) { $Packages{$p}{'localcatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; } } } update_list_remote(); } sub update_list_remote { my @do_later_media; # clear old info from remote media for my $p (keys %Packages) { if (!$Packages{$p}{'installed'}) { delete $Packages{$p}; next; } delete $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}; delete $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'}; } if (defined($tlmediatlpdb)) { for my $p ($tlmediatlpdb->list_packages()) { if ($p =~ m;\.;) { push @do_later_media, $p; next; } my $tlp = $tlmediatlpdb->get_package($p); $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p; $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'} = $tlp->revision; # overwrite, we assume that the remove version is better ;-) $Packages{$p}{'tlp'} = $tlp; $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0 unless defined $Packages{$p}{'selected'}; $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'}) unless defined $Packages{$p}{'cb'}; if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") || ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category; } else { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other"; } if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) { $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; } } } for my $p (@do_later_media) { my $s = $p; $s =~ s!\.[^.]*$!!; if (!defined($Packages{$s})) { my $tlp = $tlmediatlpdb->get_package($p); # collect information about that package we will show $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = $p; $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'} = $tlp->revision; $Packages{$p}{'tlp'} = $tlp; $Packages{$p}{'selected'} = 0 unless defined $Packages{$p}{'selected'}; $Packages{$p}{'cb'} = $g->Checkbutton(-variable => \$Packages{$p}{'selected'}) unless defined $Packages{$p}{'cb'}; if (($tlp->category eq "Collection") || ($tlp->category eq "Scheme")) { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = $tlp->category; } else { $Packages{$p}{'category'} = "Other"; } if (defined($tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'})) { $Packages{$p}{'remotecatalogueversion'} = $tlp->cataloguedata->{'version'}; } } } # # check for critical updates my @critical = $localtlpdb->expand_dependencies("-no-collections", $localtlpdb, @TeXLive::TLConfig::CriticalPackagesList); @critical_updates = (); for my $p (@critical) { if (defined($Packages{$p}) && defined($Packages{$p}{'localrevision'}) && defined($Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}) && $Packages{$p}{'localrevision'} < $Packages{$p}{'remoterevision'}) { push @critical_updates, $p; } } if (@critical_updates) { my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Warning"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]); my $t = __("Updates for the tlmgr are present.\nInstallation and upgrades won't work without being forced.\nPlease select \"Update all\" button below.\nThe program will terminate after the update.\nThen you can restart the program for further updates."); $t .= "\n\n" . __("Please wait a bit after the program has terminated so that the update can be completed.") if win32(); $sw->add("Label", -text => $t)->pack(-padx => "3m", -pady => "3m"); $sw->Show; } # change display names for my $p (keys %Packages) { if ($p =~ m/^collection-documentation-(.*)$/) { $Packages{$p}{'displayname'} = "collection-doc-$1"; } } } sub menu_edit_location { my $key = shift; my $val; my $sw = $mw->Toplevel(-title => __("Load package repository")); $sw->transient($mw); $sw->grab(); $sw->Label(-text => __("Package repository:"))->pack(@p_ii); my $entry = $sw->Entry(-text => $location, -width => 30); $entry->pack(); my $f1 = $sw->Frame; $f1->Button(-text => __("Choose Directory"), -command => sub { my $var = $sw->chooseDirectory; if (defined($var)) { $entry->delete(0,"end"); $entry->insert(0,$var); } })->pack(@left, @p_ii); $f1->Button(-text => __("Default net package repository"), -command => sub { $entry->delete(0,"end"); $entry->insert(0,$TeXLiveURL); })->pack(@left, @p_ii); $f1->pack; my $f = $sw->Frame; my $okbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Ok"), -command => sub { $location = $entry->get; $sw->destroy; update_loaded_location_string(); run_update_functions(); })->pack(@left, @p_ii); my $cancelbutton = $f->Button(-text => __("Cancel"), -command => sub { $sw->destroy })->pack(@right, @p_ii); $f->pack(-expand => 1); $sw->bind('', [ $okbutton, 'Invoke' ]); $sw->bind('', [ $cancelbutton, 'Invoke' ]); } sub update_loaded_location_string { my $arg = shift; $arg || ($arg = $location); $menu->entryconfigure('end', -label => "Loaded repository: $arg"); } sub run_update_functions { foreach my $f (@update_function_list) { &{$f}(); } } sub check_location_on_ctan { # we want to check that if mirror.ctan.org # is used that we select a mirror once if ($location =~ m/$TeXLive::TLConfig::TeXLiveServerURL/) { $location = TeXLive::TLUtils::give_ctan_mirror(); } } sub execute_action_gui { $mw->Busy(-recurse => 1); info ("Executing action @_\n"); my $error_code = execute_action(@_); if ($error_code) { give_warning_window(@_); } info(__("Completed") . "\n"); $mw->Unbusy; } sub give_warning_window { my ($act, @args) = @_; my $sw = $mw->DialogBox(-title => __("Warning Window"), -buttons => [ __("Ok") ]); $sw->add("Label", -text => __("Running %s failed.\nPlease consult the log window for details.", "$act @args") )->pack(@p_iii); $sw->Show; } 1; __END__ ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #