#!/usr/bin/env python # # This software is Copyright (c) 2010-2011 # Adam Maxwell. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # - Neither the name of Adam Maxwell nor the names of any # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # class TLPackage(object): """TeX Live Package Conceptually this is nothing more than a dictionary. It's able to convert itself to an sqlite3 row and a dictionary value. """ mirror = None def __init__(self): super(TLPackage, self).__init__() self.name = None self.category = None self.shortdesc = None self.longdesc = None self.catalogue = None self.relocated = 0 self.runfiles = [] self.runsize = None self.srcfiles = [] self.srcsize = None self.docfiles = [] self.docsize = None # maps keys (doc filenames) to maps of attributes (details, language) self.docfiledata = {} self.executes = [] self.postactions = [] # maps keys (arch name) to lists of files self.binfiles = {} # maps keys (arch name) to integer size self.binsize = {} self.depends = [] self.revision = None self.cataloguedata = {} self.extradata = {} def add_pair(self, key, value): """For data that I don't care about at the moment""" self.extradata[key] = value def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): s = "%s: %s\n srcsize=%s\n srcfiles=%s" % (self.name, self.shortdesc, self.srcsize, self.srcfiles) s += "\n binsize = %s\n binfiles = %s" % (self.binsize, self.binfiles) s += "\n docsize = %s\n docfiles = %s\n docfiledata = %s" % (self.docsize, self.docfiles, self.docfiledata) s += "\n runsize = %s\n runfiles = %s" % (self.runsize, self.runfiles) s += "\n depends = %s" % (self.depends) s += "\n longdesc = %s" % (self.longdesc) s += "\n cataloguedata = %s" % (self.cataloguedata) for k in self.extradata: s += "\n %s = %s" % (k, self.extradata[k]) return s def dictionary_value(self): """Returns a dictionary with name as key and attributes as key-value pairs.""" kv = {} kv["name"] = self.name if self.category: kv["category"] = self.category if self.revision: kv["revision"] = self.revision if self.shortdesc: kv["shortDescription"] = self.shortdesc if self.longdesc: kv["longDescription"] = self.longdesc if self.catalogue: kv["catalogue"] = self.catalogue if self.runfiles: kv["runFiles"] = self.runfiles if self.srcfiles: kv["sourceFiles"] = self.srcfiles if self.binfiles: kv["binFiles"] = self.binfiles if self.docfiles: kv["docFiles"] = self.docfiles if self.extradata: kv["extradata"] = self.extradata if self.docfiledata: kv["docFileData"] = self.docfiledata return kv def insert_in_packages(self, conn): """Inserts in an open SQLite3 database. Limited support.""" # c.execute("""CREATE table packages (name text, category text, revision real, shortdesc text, longdesc text, srcfiles blob, binfiles blob, docfiles blob)""") c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""INSERT into packages values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)""", (self.name, self.category, self.revision, self.shortdesc, self.longdesc, self.runfiles, self.srcfiles, self.docfiles)) conn.commit() def _attributes_from_line(line): """Parse an attribute line. Arguments: line -- a single line from the tlpdb Returns: A dictionary of attributes Example input lines: arch=x86_64-darwin size=1 details="Package introduction" language="de" """ key = None value = None chars = [] quote_count = 0 attrs = {} for c in line: if c == "=": if key == None: assert quote_count == 0, "possibly quoted key in line %s" % (line) key = "".join(chars) chars = [] else: chars.append(c) elif c == "\"": quote_count += 1 elif c == " ": # if quotes are matched, we've reached the end of a key-value pair if quote_count % 2 == 0: assert key != None, "no key found for %s" % (line) assert key not in attrs, "key already assigned for line %s" % (line) attrs[key] = "".join(chars) # reset parser state chars = [] key = None quote_count = 0 else: chars.append(c) else: chars.append(c) assert key != None, "no key found for %s" % (line) assert len(chars), "no values found for line %s" % (line) attrs[key] = "".join(chars) return attrs def packages_from_tlpdb(flat_tlpdb): """Creates a list of TLPackage objects from the given file-like object. Arguments: flat_tlpdb -- A file or file-like object, open for reading Returns: A list of TLPackage objects """ package = None package_index = 0 all_packages = [] index_map = {} last_key = None last_arch = None for line_idx, line in enumerate(flat_tlpdb): if line_idx == 0 and line.startswith("location-url\t"): TLPackage.mirror = line[len("location-url\t"):].strip() continue # comment lines; supported, but not currently used if line.startswith("#"): continue line = line.strip("\r\n") if len(line) == 0: all_packages.append(package) index_map[package.name] = package_index package_index += 1 package = None last_key = None last_arch = None else: # the first space token is a delimiter key, ignored, value = line.partition(" ") if package == None: assert key == "name", "first line must be a name" package = TLPackage() line_has_key = True if len(key) == 0: key = last_key line_has_key = False if key == "name": package.name = value elif key == "category": package.category = value elif key == "revision": package.revision = int(value) elif key == "relocated": package.relocated = int(value) elif key == "shortdesc": package.shortdesc = value.decode("utf-8") elif key == "longdesc": oldvalue = "" if package.longdesc == None else package.longdesc package.longdesc = oldvalue + " " + value.decode("utf-8") elif key == "depend": package.depends.append(value) elif key == "catalogue": package.catalogue = value elif key.startswith("catalogue-"): catkey = key[len("catalogue-"):] package.cataloguedata[catkey] = value elif key == "srcfiles": if line_has_key: attrs = _attributes_from_line(value) assert "size" in attrs, "missing size for %s : %s" % (package.name, key) package.srcsize = int(attrs["size"]) else: package.srcfiles.append(value) elif key == "binfiles": if line_has_key: attrs = _attributes_from_line(value) assert "arch" in attrs, "missing arch for %s : %s" % (package.name, key) last_arch = attrs["arch"] assert "size" in attrs, "missing size for %s : %s" % (package.name, key) package.binsize[last_arch] = int(attrs["size"]) else: oldvalue = package.binfiles[last_arch] if last_arch in package.binfiles else [] oldvalue.append(value) package.binfiles[last_arch] = oldvalue elif key == "docfiles": if line_has_key: attrs = _attributes_from_line(value) assert "size" in attrs, "missing size for %s : %s" % (package.name, key) package.docsize = int(attrs["size"]) else: values = value.split(" ") if len(values) > 1: package.docfiledata[values[0]] = _attributes_from_line(" ".join(values[1:])) package.docfiles.append(values[0]) elif key == "runfiles": if line_has_key: attrs = _attributes_from_line(value) assert "size" in attrs, "missing size for %s : %s" % (package.name, key) package.runsize = int(attrs["size"]) else: package.runfiles.append(value) elif key == "postaction": package.postactions.append(value) elif key == "execute": package.executes.append(value) else: package.add_pair(key, value) #assert False, "unhandled line %s" % (line) last_key = key return all_packages, index_map def _save_as_sqlite(packages, absolute_path): """Save a list of packages as an SQLite3 binary file. Arguments: packages -- a list of TLPackage objects absolute_path -- output path for the database An existing file at this path will be removed before writing, to ensure that you end up with a consistent database. This is mainly for symmetry with the plist writing method. Not all values are saved to sqlite. Notably runfiles and other dictionary types are not written at present, since they should probably be in a separate table. """ import sqlite3 import os import errno def _adapt_list(lst): if lst is None or len(lst) == 0: return None return buffer("\0".join(lst).encode("utf-8")) sqlite3.register_adapter(list, _adapt_list) sqlite3.register_adapter(tuple, _adapt_list) # plistlib will overwrite the previous file, so do the same with sqlite # instead of adding rows try: os.remove(absolute_path) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise e assert os.path.exists(absolute_path) == False, "File exists: %s" % (absolute_path) conn = sqlite3.connect(absolute_path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) c = conn.cursor() c.execute("""CREATE table packages (name text, category text, revision real, shortdesc text, longdesc text, runfiles blob, srcfiles blob, docfiles blob)""") for pkg in all_packages: pkg.insert_in_packages(conn) conn.close() def _save_as_plist(packages, path_or_file): """Save a list of packages as a Mac OS X property list. Arguments: packages -- a list of TLPackage objects path_or_file -- output file (path or a file-like object) for the database The root object of the output property list is a dictionary. Keys at present are "mirror" (may not exist) and "packages", which is a list of TLPackage dictionary values. """ import plistlib plist = {} # only for remote tlpdb if TLPackage.mirror: plist["mirror"] = TLPackage.mirror plist["packages"] = [] for pkg in all_packages: plist["packages"].append(pkg.dictionary_value()) plistlib.writePlist(plist, path_or_file) if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser import sys usage = "usage: %prog [options] [tlpdb_path or stdin]" parser = OptionParser() parser.set_usage(usage) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output_path", help="write tlpdb to FILE", metavar="FILE", action="store", type="string") parser.add_option("-f", "--format", dest="output_format", help="[sqlite3 | plist] (default is to guess from output file extension)", metavar="FORMAT", action="store", type="string") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # can't write sqlite3 to stdout (at least, not easily) if not options.output_path: if options.output_format == "sqlite3": sys.stderr.write("Must supply an output path for SQLite3\n") parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) exit(1) else: # either no format given or no output path given; in either case, this requires a plist format options.output_format = "plist" options.output_path = sys.stdout if not options.output_format: dot_idx = options.output_path.rfind(".") + 1 if dot_idx != -1: options.output_format = options.output_path[dot_idx:] if options.output_format not in ("sqlite3", "plist"): sys.stderr.write("Unable to guess output format from extension .%s\n" % (options.output_format)) parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) exit(1) else: sys.stderr.write("Must supply an output format or known output path extension\n") parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # "/usr/local/texlive/2011/tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb" flat_tlpdb = open(args[0], "r") if len(args) else sys.stdin all_packages, index_map = packages_from_tlpdb(flat_tlpdb) if options.output_format == "sqlite3": _save_as_sqlite(all_packages, options.output_path) elif options.output_format == "plist": _save_as_plist(all_packages, options.output_path) # pkg = all_packages[index_map["00texlive.installation"]] # for dep in pkg.depends: # if dep.startswith("opt_"): # key, ignored, value = dep[4:].partition(":") # print "%s = %s" % (key, value) #