#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # tlpsrc2container - create container file(s) for all tlpsrc arguments # Copyright 2007 Norbert Preining # # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. BEGIN { $^W = 1; chomp ($mydir = `dirname $0`); unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } use strict; use TeXLive::TLPSRC; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLTREE; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Path; my $opt_all = 0; chomp (my $opt_master = `cd $::mydir/../.. && pwd`); my $opt_catalogue = ""; my $opt_type = "zip"; my $opt_outputdir = "./zip"; our $opt_debug = 0; my $help = 0; GetOptions( "all!" => \$opt_all, "master=s" => \$opt_master, # location of the tree "catalogue=s" => \$opt_catalogue, # location of the TeX Catalogue "outputdir=s" => \$opt_outputdir, "type=s" => \$opt_type, "debug!", "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help; exit(&main ()); sub main { if (! -d "$opt_master") { die "$0: Master $opt_master not a directory, goodbye.\n"; } if (! -d "$opt_outputdir") { mkpath("$opt_outputdir") or die "Cannot mkdir $opt_outputdir!"; } # we have an relative zipdir, so we have to make it absolute my $cwd = &getcwd; if ("$opt_outputdir" !~ m@^/@) { $opt_outputdir = "$cwd/$opt_outputdir"; } my $tlc = undef; if (! -d $opt_catalogue) { warn "$0: -c /Cat/a/logue not given, continuing without it.\n"; } else { require TeXLive::TeXCatalogue; # not at compile time, for now anyway. warn "$0: reading TeX Catalogue tree $opt_catalogue ...\n"; $tlc = TeXLive::TeXCatalogue->new( "location" => $opt_catalogue ); } # if we're regenerating the whole thing, get all our tlpsrc files. if ($opt_all) { my $tlpsrc_dir = "$opt_master/tlpkg/tlpsrc"; chdir ($tlpsrc_dir) || die "chdir($tlpsrc_dir) failed: $!"; @ARGV = glob ("*.tlpsrc"); } warn "$0: reading Master tree $opt_master ...\n"; my $tltree = TeXLive::TLTREE->new( "svnroot" => $opt_master ); $tltree->init_from_svn; my $last = ""; my $src_count = 0; foreach my $f (@ARGV) { if ($opt_all) { # progress report my $first = lc (substr ($f, 0, 1)); if ($first ne $last) { print STDERR "$first "; $last = $first; } $src_count++; } my $tlsrc = new TeXLive::TLPSRC; $tlsrc->from_file($f); my $tlp = $tlsrc->make_tlpobj($tltree); if ($tlc) { # merge TeX Catalogue information $tlp->update_from_catalogue ($tlc); } $tlp->make_container($opt_type,$opt_master,$opt_outputdir); } warn "\n"; return 0; } __END__ =head1 NAME tlpsrc2container - create container file(s) from tlpsrc files =head1 SYNOPSIS tlpsrc2container [OPTION]... [TLPSRC]... =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-all> Generate container files for all .tlpsrc files in C. =item B<-outputdir> I The location where created container files are placed, defaults to ./zip. =item B<-master> I The location given by B<-master> must point to a valid svn repository of TeX Live Master direcory. Defaults to C<../..> of C<$0>. =item B<-catalogue> I The location given by B<-catalogue> must point to a valid TeX Catalogue. No default value. If given, the included tlpobj files will contain information gathered from the TeX Catalogue. =item B<-type> I Specifies the type of container to be used. C generates zip files, while C generates .tar.lzma files. =back The standard options C<-help> and C<-debug> are also accepted. See the tlpfiles documentation for details. =head1 DESCRIPTION To distribute packages over the network and on installation media the packages are wrapped into container files. These container are either simple zip files or tar.lzma file containing all the files of the package. B converts TeX Live Package Source files (tlpsrc) into container files containing all the files in the package. If a TeX Catalogue hierarchy is specified, additional information from the catalogue are merged into the database (see L for the list of included information from the TeX Catalogue). =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #