#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # Public domain. Originally written 2005, Karl Berry. # Check if a package in TL has any changes on CTAN. BEGIN { chomp ($mydir = `dirname $0`); # we are in Master/tlpkg/bin unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } use TeXLive::TLConfig qw/$RelocPrefix $RelocTree/; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLPDB; use File::Basename; my $tlpdb; my $Master; our %OPT; my @TLP_working = qw( 12many 2up ANUfinalexam AkkTeX Asana-Math ESIEEcv HA-prosper IEEEconf IEEEtran SIstyle SIunits Tabbing Type1fonts a0poster a2ping a4wide a5comb aastex abbr abc abstract abstyles accfonts achemso acmconf acronym acroterm active-conf addlines adforn adjmulticol adfsymbols adjustbox adobemapping adrconv advdate ae aeguill afthesis aguplus aiaa aichej akletter alg algorithm2e algorithmicx algorithms allrunes alnumsec alterqcm altfont ametsoc amsaddr amscls amsfonts amslatex-primer amsldoc-it amsldoc-vn amsmath amsmath-it amsrefs amstex amsthdoc-it animate anonchap answers antiqua antomega antt anyfontsize anysize aomart apa apa6e apacite apalike2 appendix apprends-latex ar arabi arabtex arabxetex archaic arcs arev around-the-bend arphic arrayjobx arsclassica arydshln asaetr ascelike ascii ascii-chart assignment astro asyfig asymptote-faq-zh-cn asymptote-by-example-zh-cn asymptote-manual-zh-cn attachfile augie auncial-new aurical authoraftertitle authorindex auto-pst-pdf autoarea automata avantgar b1encoding babel babelbib background bangtex barcodes bardiag barr bartel-chess-fonts bashful baskervald bbcard bbding bbm bbm-macros bbold bbold-type1 bclogo beamer beamer2thesis beamer-FUBerlin beamer-tut-pt beamerposter beamerthemejltree beamerthemenirma beebe begriff bengali bera berenisadf betababel beton bez123 bezos bgreek bib-fr bibarts biber bibhtml biblatex biblatex-apa biblatex-chem biblatex-chicago biblatex-dw biblatex-historian biblatex-ieee biblatex-mla biblatex-nature biblatex-philosophy biblatex-science bibleref bibleref-french bibleref-german bibleref-parse biblist bibtex bibtopic bibtopicprefix bibexport bibunits bidi bigfoot bigints binomexp biocon bizcard blacklettert1 blindtext blkarray block blockdraw_mp bloques blowup bodegraph boisik bold-extra boites boldtensors bondgraph bookest bookhands booklet booktabs booktabs-de booktabs-fr boolexpr boondox bophook borceux bosisio boxedminipage boxhandler bpchem bpolynomial bracketkey braille braket breakcites breakurl bullcntr bundledoc bussproofs bytefield c-pascal cachepic calctab calligra calrsfs cals calxxxx-yyyy cancel canoniclayout cantarell capt-of captcont captdef caption carlisle carolmin-ps cases casyl catchfilebetweentags catechis catoptions cbcoptic cbfonts cc-pl ccaption ccfonts ccicons cclicenses cd cd-cover cdpbundl cell cellspace censor cfr-lm changebar changelayout changepage changes chappg chapterfolder chbibref chem-journal chemarrow chembst chemcompounds chemcono chemexec chemfig chemmacros chemstyle cherokee chess chess-problem-diagrams chessboard chessfss chet chextras chicago chicago-annote chletter chngcntr chronology circ circuitikz cite cjhebrew cjk cjkpunct classicthesis clefval cleveref clock clrscode cm-super cm-unicode cmap cmbright cmcyr cmdstring cmdtrack cmll cmpica cmpj cmsd cmtiup codedoc codepage collcell collref colordoc colorinfo colorsep colortab colortbl colorwav colourchange combelow combine combinedgraphics comfortaa comma commath comment compactbib complexity comprehensive computational-complexity concmath concmath-fonts concprog confproc constants context-account context-algorithmic context-bnf context-chromato context-construction-plan context-degrade context-filter context-fixme context-french context-fullpage context-games context-gnuplot context-letter context-lettrine context-lilypond context-mathsets context-notes-zh-cn context-rst context-ruby context-simplefonts context-simpleslides context-top-ten context-typearea context-typescripts context-vim contour cooking cookybooky cool coollist coolstr cooltooltips coordsys courier-scaled courseoutline coursepaper coverpage covington cprotect crop crossreference crossword crosswrd cryst csbulletin csquotes csquotes-de csvsimple csvtools ctable ctex ctex-faq cursolatex cuisine currfile currvita curve curve2e curves custom-bib cutwin cv cweb-latex cyklop cyrillic dancers dashbox dashrule dashundergaps datatool dateiliste datenumber datetime dblfloatfix dcpic de-macro decimal dehyph-exptl delimtxt dfgproposal diagmac2 diagnose dichokey dictsym digiconfigs din1505 dinat dinbrief dingbat directory dirtree dirtytalk disser dk-bib dlfltxb dnaseq doc-pictex docmfp docmute doi doipubmed dot2texi dotarrow dotseqn dottex doublestroke dox dozenal dpfloat dprogress drac draftcopy draftwatermark dramatist dratex drawstack droid drs drv dtk dtxgallery dtxtut duerer duerer-latex duotenzor dvdcoll dviasm dviincl dvipdfmx-def dvipsconfig dyntree ean ean13isbn easy easy-todo easylist ebezier ebong ebsthesis ecc ecclesiastic ecltree economic ecv ed edfnotes edmac edmargin ednotes eemeir eepic egameps egplot eiad eiad-ltx eijkhout elbioimp electrum ellipsis elmath elpres elsarticle elteikthesis eltex elvish emptypage emulateapj emp encxvlna endfloat endheads endnotes engpron engrec engtlc enumitem enumitem-zref envbig environ envlab epigrafica epigram epigraph epiolmec eplain epsdice epsf epsincl epslatex-fr epspdf epspdfconversion epstopdf eqell eqlist eqname eqnarray eqparbox errata es-tex-faq erdc esdiff esint esint-type1 esk eskd eskdx eso-pic esstix esvect estcpmm etaremune etex-pkg etextools ethiop ethiop-t1 etoolbox etoolbox-de euenc eukdate euler eulervm euproposal euro europecv eurosym everyhook everypage exam examdesign examplep excludeonly exercise exp-testopt expdlist expl3 export expressg extarrows exteps extpfeil extract extsizes facsimile faktor fancybox fancyhdr fancyhdr-it fancynum fancypar fancyref fancytabs fancytooltips fancyvrb FAQ-en fbithesis fbs fdsymbol featpost fenixpar feyn feynmf fge fig4latex figbas figbib figflow figsize filecontents filehook fileinfo filemod findhyph fink finstrut first-latex-doc fix2col fixfoot fixlatvian fixme fixpdfmag fjodor flabels flacards flagderiv flashcards flashmovie flippdf float floatrow flowfram fltpage fltpoint fmp fmtcount fn2end fnbreak fncychap fncylab fnpara fntproof foekfont foilhtml fonetika font-change fontch fontinst fontools fontspec fonttable fontwrap footbib footmisc footnpag forarray forloop formlett formular fouridx fourier fouriernc fp fpl fragmaster fragments frame framed frankenstein frcursive free-math-font-survey frenchle frletter frontespizio ftcap ftnxtra fullblck functan fundus fwlw g-brief gaceta galois garrigues gastex gatech-thesis gauss gb4e gcard gchords gcite gene-logic genmisc genmpage gentium gentle geometry geometry-de german germbib germkorr getfiledate gfsartemisia gfsbaskerville gfsbodoni gfscomplutum gfsdidot gfsneohellenic gfsporson gfssolomos gillcm gincltex ginpenc gloss glossaries gmdoc gmdoc-enhance gmeometric gmiflink gmp gmutils gmverb gmverse gnu-freefont gnuplottex gost gradientframe grafcet graphics graphics-pln graphicx-psmin greek-inputenc greekdates greenpoint grfpaste grid gridset grverb gu guitar guitlogo hands hanging har2nat hardwrap harmony harpoon harvard harvmac hatching hc he-she hep hepnames hepparticles hepthesis hepunits here hexgame hhtensor histogr historische-zeitschrift hitec hpsdiss hrefhide hrlatex hvfloat hvindex hypdvips hyper hypernat hyperref hyperxmp hyph-utf8 hyphen-base hyphenat hyphenex hyplain ibygrk icsv idxlayout ieeepes ifmslide ifmtarg ifnextok ifplatform iftex ifxetex ijmart ijqc imac image-gallery imakeidx impatient impatient-fr import imtekda inconsolata inlinebib inlinedef inputtrc insbox installfont interactiveworkbook interfaces intro-scientific inversepath ionumbers iopart-num iso iso10303 isodate isodoc isomath isonums isorot isotope itnumpar iwhdp iwona jablantile jamtimes jeopardy jknapltx jmlr jneurosci jpsj junicode jura juraabbrev jurabib juramisc jurarsp js-misc kalender karnaugh kastrup kerkis kerntest keycommand keystroke kix kixfont knitting knittingpattern knuth koma-moderncvclassic koma-script kpfonts kurier l2picfaq l2tabu l2tabu-english l2tabu-french l2tabu-it l2tabu-spanish labbook labelcas labels lastpage latex latex-bib-ex latex-course latex-doc-ptr latex-notes-zh-cn latex-referenz latex-tabellen latex-tds latex-veryshortguide latex2e-help-texinfo latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish latex2man latex4wp latex4wp-it latexcheat latexcheat-esmx latexcheat-ptbr latexdiff latexmk latexmp lato layaureo layouts lazylist lcd lcg lcyw leading leaflet lecturer ledmac leftidx lettre lettrine levy lewis lexikon lfb lgreek lh libertine libgreek librarian libris limap linearA linegoal lineno linguex lipsum listbib listing listings listings-ext listliketab listofsymbols lithuanian liturg lkproof lm locality localloc logical-markup-utils logpap logreq lpic lps lsc lshort-bulgarian lshort-chinese lshort-czech lshort-dutch lshort-english lshort-finnish lshort-french lshort-german lshort-italian lshort-japanese lshort-korean lshort-mongol lshort-persian lshort-polish lshort-portuguese lshort-russian lshort-slovak lshort-slovenian lshort-spanish lshort-thai lshort-turkish lshort-ukr lshort-vietnamese ltabptch ltxdockit ltxindex ltxmisc ltxnew lua-alt-getopt luacode luainputenc lualatex-doc lualatex-math lualibs luamplib luaotfload luasseq luatexbase luatextra lxfonts ly1 macqassign mafr magaz magyar mailing mailmerge makebarcode makebox makecell makecirc makecmds makedtx makeglos makeplot manuscript margbib marginfix marginnote marvosym math-e mathabx mathabx-type1 mathalfa mathastext mathcomp mathdots mathexam mathmode mathspec mathspic mattens maybemath mbenotes mcaption mceinleger mcite mciteplus mdframed mdputu mdwtools memdesign memexsupp memoir MemoirChapStyles mentis menu metafont-beginners metago metalogo metaobj metaplot metatex metauml method metre mfnfss mfpic mfpic4ode mftinc mh mhchem mhequ microtype microtype-de midnight midpage mil3 miller minibox minipage-marginpar miniplot minitoc minted minutes mkgrkindex mkjobtexmf mkpattern mla-paper mlist mmap mnsymbol moderncv modref modroman mongolian-babel montex morefloats morehype moresize moreverb movie15 mp3d mparhack mpgraphics mpman-ru ms msc msg mslapa msuthesis mtgreek multenum multibbl multibib multicap multirow multido multiobjective munich musixguit musixtex muthesis mwcls mxedruli mychemistry mylatexformat nag namespc natbib nath nature navigator ncclatex ncctools nddiss needspace newcommand newfile newlfm newsletr newspaper newunicodechar newvbtm newverbs nextpage nfssext-cfr niceframe nicetext nih nkarta nlctdoc noitcrul nolbreaks nomencl nomentbl nonfloat nonumonpart nopageno nostarch notes notes2bib notoccite nrc ntgclass ntheorem ntheorem-vn nuc numericplots numname numprint oberdiek objectz ocgtools ocr-b ocr-b-outline ocr-latex octavo ofs ogham oldlatin oldstandard oldstyle onlyamsmath onrannual opcit optional ordinalpt orkhun ot-tableau othello oubraces outline outliner overpic pagecont pagenote pagerange pagesLTS paper papercdcase papermas papertex paralist parallel paratype paresse parrun parselines parskip passivetex patch patchcmd patgen2-tutorial path pauldoc pawpict pax pbox pb-diagram pdf14 pdf-forms-tutorial-de pdf-forms-tutorial-en pdf-trans pdfcomment pdfcprot pdfcrop pdfjam pdfmarginpar pdfpages pdfscreen pdfslide pdfsync pdftex-def pdftricks pdfx pecha perception perltex permute persian-bib petiteannonce pgf pgf-soroban pgf-umlsd pgfgantt pgfopts pgfplots phaistos philex philosophersimprint phonetic photo physymb piano picinpar pict2e pictex pictex2 piff pigpen pinlabel pitex pittetd pkfix pkfix-helper placeins placeins-plain plari plantslabels plates play plnfss plweb pmgraph pnas2009 poemscol polski poltawski polyglossia polynom polynomial polytable postcards poster-mac powerdot powerdot-FUBerlin ppr-prv pracjourn preprint prerex present presentations prettyref preview printlen proba probsoln procIAGssymp prodint productbox program progress progressbar properties protex protocol psbao pseudocode psfrag psfrag-italian psgo pslatex psnfss pspicture pst-2dplot pst-3d pst-3dplot pst-abspos pst-am pst-asr pst-bar pst-barcode pst-bezier pst-blur pst-bspline pst-calendar pst-circ pst-coil pst-cox pst-dbicons pst-diffraction pst-electricfield pst-eps pst-eucl pst-eucl-translation-bg pst-exa pst-fill pst-fr3d pst-fractal pst-fun pst-func pst-gantt pst-geo pst-grad pst-graphicx pst-infixplot pst-jtree pst-knot pst-labo pst-layout pst-lens pst-light3d pst-magneticfield pst-math pst-mirror pst-node pst-ob3d pst-optexp pst-optic pst-osci pst-pad pst-pdgr pst-platon pst-plot pst-poly pst-pdf pst-qtree pst-sigsys pst-solides3d pst-soroban pst-spectra pst-slpe pst-stru pst-support pst-text pst-thick pst-tree pst-tvz pst-uml pst-vowel pst-vue3d pst2pdf pstool pstricks pstricks-add pstricks-examples psu-thesis ptptex ptsans ptserif punknova purifyeps pxfonts pxgreeks qcm qobitree qstest qsymbols qtree quotchap quotmark r_und_s randbild randomwalk randtext rccol rcs rcs-multi rcsinfo realscripts rec-thy recipe recipecard recycle rectopma refcheck refman refstyle regcount register regstats relenc relsize resumemac revtex rjlparshap rlepsf rmpage robustcommand robustindex romande romanneg romannum rotating rotfloat rotpages roundbox rsc rsfs rsfso rtkinenc rtklage russ rvwrite ryethesis sageep sansmath sauerj sauterfonts savefnmark savesym savetrees scale scalebar schemabloc scientificpaper sciposter screenplay sdrt secdot section sectionbox sectsty selectp semantic semaphor seminar semioneside sepnum seqsplit serbian-lig serbianc setspace seuthesis sf298 sffms sfg sfmath sgame shade shadethm shadow shapepar shipunov shorttoc show2e showexpl showlabels showtags shuffle sidecap sides silence simplecd simplecv simplewick simplified-latex sitem siunitx skak skaknew skb skeycommand skeyval slantsc slideshow smalltableof smartref snapshot songbook sort-by-letters soton soul spanglish spanish spanish-mx sparklines spie sphack splines splitbib splitindex spot spotcolor spreadtab spverbatim srcltx stack stage standalone starfont statistik statex statex2 staves stdclsdv stdpage steinmetz stellenbosch stex stix stmaryrd stringstrings struktex sttools stubs sty2dtx suanpan subdepth subeqn subeqnarray subfig subfigmat subfigure subfloat substr subsupscripts sudoku sudokubundle suftesi sugconf supertabular susy svg-inkscape svgcolor svn svn-multi svn-prov svninfo swebib swimgraf syllogism syntax synproof syntrace synttree systeme t-angles t2 tableaux tablists tablor tabls tabto-generic tabto-ltx tabu tabularborder tabularcalc tabularew tabulars-e tabulary tabvar talk tamethebeast tapir tcldoc tdclock tdsfrmath technics ted templates-fenn templates-sommer tengwarscript tensor termcal termlist teubner tex-ewd tex-font-errors-cheatsheet tex-gyre tex-label tex-overview texapi texcount texdef texdiff texdirflatten texilikechaps texilikecover texloganalyser texlogos texmate texments texpower texshade textcase textfit textgreek textmerg textopo textpath textpos tfrupee thailatex theoremref thesis-titlepage-fhac thinsp thmbox thmtools threeddice threeparttable threeparttablex thumb thumbpdf thumbs thumby thuthesis ticket tikz-3dplot tikz-inet tikz-qtree tikz-timing timetable tipa tipa-de titlefoot titlepages titlepic titleref titlesec titling tkz-base tkz-berge tkz-doc tkz-euclide tkz-fct tkz-graph tkz-linknodes tkz-orm tkz-tab tocbibind tocloft tocvsec2 todo todonotes tokenizer toolbox tools topfloat totcount totpages toptesi trajan tree-dvips trfsigns trimspaces trivfloat trsym truncate tucv tufte-latex tugboat tugboat-plain turkmen turnstile turnthepage twoinone twoup txfonts txfontsb txgreeks type1cm typehtml typogrid uaclasses uafthesis ucdavisthesis ucs ucthesis uebungsblatt uiucthesis ulem ulqda umich-thesis uml umlaute umoline umthesis umtypewriter unamthesis underlin underscore undolabl uni-wtal-ger unicode-math unisugar units unitsdef universa uothesis uowthesis upca upmethodology upquote uri url urlbst urwchancal ushort ut-thesis uwthesis vancouver variations varindex varisize varsfromjobname varwidth vaucanson-g velthuis venn venturisadf verbasef verbatimbox verbatimcopy verbdef verse version versions vertbars vhistory visualfaq vmargin vntex volumes vpe vruler vwcol vxu wadalab wallpaper warning warpcol was widetable williams wnri wnri-latex wordlike wrapfig wsuipa xargs xcolor xcomment xdoc xecjk xecolour xecyr xeindex xepersian xesearch xetex-def xetex-devanagari xetex-itrans xetex-pstricks xetexfontinfo xetexref xfor xgreek xhfill xifthen xits xkeyval xlop xltxtra xmpincl xnewcommand xoptarg xpackages xq xskak xstring xtab xunicode xwatermark xyling xypdf xypic xypic-tut-pt xytree yafoot yagusylo yannisgr yax ydoc york-thesis youngtab yplan ytableau zed-csp ziffer zhmetrics zhspacing zwgetfdate zwpagelayout ); # these packages we do not expect to check. Once this list is complete, # we can start working on tlmgr list | grep shortdesc. my @TLP_no_check = ( "afm2pl", # not on CTAN "aleph", # binary "asymptote", # binary "bibtex", # binary "bibtex8", # binary "bibtexu", # binary "c90", # part of cjk "chktex", # binary "cjkutils", # binary "context", # binary+taco "ctib", # binary "ctie", # binary "cweb", # binary "detex", # binary "devnag", # binary "dnp", # part of cjk "dvi2tty", # binary "dvicopy", # binary "dvidvi", # binary "dviljk", # binary "dvipdfm", # binary "dvipdfmx", # binary "dvipng", # binary "dvipos", # binary "dvips", # binary "dvisvgm", # binary "enctex", # binary "etex", # binary "finbib", # missing on CTAN "fontname", # tl-update-auto "garuda-c90", # part of cjk "groff", # binary "gsftopk", # binary "ifluatex", # part of oberdiek "kpathsea", # binary "lacheck", # binary "latex-bin", # binary "latexconfig", # we maintain "lcdftypetools", # binary "luatex", # binary "makeindex", # binary "metafont", # binary "metapost", # binary "mfware", # binary "mltex", # binary "norasi-c90", # part of cjk "omega", # binary "omegaware", # binary "patgen", # binary "pdftex", # binary "powerdot", # stale generated files on CTAN "synctex", # binary "t1utils", # binary "tetex", # our sources "tex", # binary "tex4ht", # binary "texconfig", # our sources "texdoc", # binary "texinfo", # tl-update-auto "texlive.infra", # binary "texware", # binary "texworks", # binary "tie", # binary "ttfutils", # binary "xdvi", # binary "xetex", # binary "xetexconfig", # our sources "xindy", # binary ); exit (&main ()); sub main { chomp ($Master = `cd $mydir/../.. && pwd`); $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => $Master); die "Cannot find tlpdb in $Master!" unless defined $tlpdb; $OPT{"verbose"} = 0; if ($ARGV[0] eq "--verbose") { $OPT{"verbose"} = 1; shift @ARGV; } $OPT{"all"} = 0; if ($ARGV[0] eq "--all") { $OPT{"all"} = 1; shift @ARGV; } if ($ARGV[0] eq "--list-not-treated") { my @not_checked = (); for my $b (&normal_tlps ()) { if (! grep ($b eq $_, @TLP_working, @TLP_no_check)) { push (@not_checked, $b); } } print "" . (@not_checked+0) . " TL packages not checked against CTAN:\n"; print "@not_checked\n"; @ARGV = (); # no normal checks } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--check") { # check all/only those packages we have actually run through this mill. @ARGV = @TLP_working; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--check-all") { @ARGV = &normal_tlps (); } my $errcount = 0; for my $tlp (@ARGV) { print "checking $tlp..." if $OPT{"verbose"}; $errcount += &do_tlp ($tlp); } return $errcount; } # gives a list with only the 'normal' packages, # that is, excluding meta-packages and binary packages # (and hyphen for the moment) # sub normal_tlps { my @normal; my $non_normal = `ls $Master/bin`; $non_normal =~ s/\n/\$|/g; $non_normal .= '^0+texlive|^bin-|^collection-|^scheme-|^texlive-|^hyphen-'; foreach ($tlpdb->list_packages) { push (@normal, $_) unless (/$non_normal/); } return @normal; } # Return 1 if package needs updating, 0 if ok. # sub do_tlp { my ($tlpn) = @_; my $needed = 0; my $tlp = $tlpdb->get_package($tlpn); if (!defined($tlp)) { warn "$0: no package $tlpn\n"; return 1; } chomp (my $ctan_dir = `$mydir/tlpkginfo --prepare '$tlpn'`); if (! $ctan_dir) { warn "$0: oops, no CTAN directory for $tlpn, fix fix\n"; return (); } my @tl_files = (); push @tl_files, $tlp->runfiles; push @tl_files, $tlp->docfiles; push @tl_files, $tlp->srcfiles; if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@tl_files) { s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } } # we don't push bin files. my @tl_basefiles = (); # compare with CTAN after the loop my @compared = (); for my $file (@tl_files) { (my $basefile = $file) =~ s,^.*/,,; #warn "checking file $file -> $basefile\n"; push (@tl_basefiles, $basefile); # no point yet in comparing our pdfs, we have generated too many. # revisit this someday to see how many of ours are actually different. # However, for lshort translations, the pdf is often the only thing # we have to compare. next if $file =~ /\.pdf$/ && $file !~ /short/; my $tl_file = "$Master/$file"; if (! -e $tl_file) { warn "$tl_file: TL file missing\n"; next; } chomp (my @ctan_files = `find $ctan_dir/ -name $basefile`); #warn "ctan find $basefile: @ctan_files\n"; # the trailing / is so if we happen to hit a symlink on CTAN, it'll # go through. next if @ctan_files > 1; # if more than one file by same name, skip my $ctan_file = $ctan_files[0]; #warn "ctan file is $ctan_file\n"; if (! -e $ctan_file) { # maybe it'll be there with a case change in the name chomp (@ctan_files = `find $ctan_dir/ -iname $basefile`); next if @ctan_files > 1; # if more than one file by same name, skip $ctan_file = $ctan_files[0]; if (! -e $ctan_file) { # we generate lots of files, eg perlmacros.sty, so might skip. warn "$ctan_file: CTAN file missing\n" if $ctan_file && $ctan_file !~ /(cfg|dvi|sty|tex)$/; next; } } push (@compared, $basefile); if (&files_differ ($tl_file, $ctan_file)) { print "# $tlpn\ndiff $ctan_file $tl_file\n"; $needed = 1; last unless $OPT{"all"}; } } # unfortunately, we cannot do this. There are many PDF's on CTAN # which have no sources or otherwise problematic for TL. Perhaps one # day we could use the %moreclean hash from ctan2tds as an additional # filter, i.e., put all those ctan2tds tables in an external file. # # # check for PDF files on CTAN that we don't have. # my @ctan_pdf_needed = (); # chomp (my @ctan_files = `find $ctan_dir -name \*.pdf`); # for my $cfile (@ctan_files) { # (my $base_cfile = $cfile) =~ s,^.*/,,; # if (! grep { $_ eq $base_cfile } @tl_basefiles) { # push (@ctan_pdf_needed, $base_cfile); # } # } # if (@ctan_pdf_needed) { # if (! $needed) { # # if this is the first thing needed (no diffs), print package name. # print "# $tlpn\n"; # $needed = 1; # } # print "# new on ctan: @ctan_pdf_needed\n"; # } if (@compared == 0) { warn "\n$tlpn: no files to compare in $ctan_dir, fixme!\n"; warn " (tl_files = @tl_files)\n"; warn " (ctan_files = @ctan_files)\n"; } elsif ($needed == 0) { print "ok\n" if $OPT{"verbose"}; } print ((@compared + 0) . " compared (@compared)\n") if $OPT{"verbose"}; # clean up the tmpdir possibly created from tlpkginfo --prepare. chomp (my $ctan_root = `$mydir/tlpkginfo --ctan-root`); if ($ctan_dir !~ m,^$ctan_root, && ! $OPT{"no-clean"}) { system ("rm -rf $ctan_dir"); } return $needed; } # 0 if files are the same, 1 if they are different. # sub files_differ { my ($tl_file,$ctan_file) = @_; #warn "comparing $ctan_file $tl_file\n"; return system ("$mydir/cmp-textfiles $ctan_file $tl_file"); } # vim: set ts=8 sw=2 expandtab: