#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # convert a set of tlpsrc files (given as arguments) into tlpdb # # Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. BEGIN { $^W = 1; chomp ($mydir = `dirname $0`); unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } use strict; use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLPSRC; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLPDB; use TeXLive::TLTREE; use TeXLive::TLUtils; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Path; my $opt_catalogue = ""; chomp (my $opt_master = `cd $::mydir/../.. && pwd`); my $help = 0; my $opt_nobinsplit = 0; my $opt_winwarning; my $opt_fromfiles = 0; my $opt_noautopatterns = 0; my $opt_norevisioncheck = 0; my $opt_tlpsrc_from_cmdline = 0; my $opt_output; TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options(); GetOptions( "master=s" => \$opt_master, # location of the TL tree "catalogue=s" => \$opt_catalogue, # location of the TeX Catalogue "no-bin-split!" => \$opt_nobinsplit, "no-autopatterns" => \$opt_noautopatterns, "no-revision-check" => \$opt_norevisioncheck, "from-files" => \$opt_fromfiles, "tlpsrc-from-cmdline" => \$opt_tlpsrc_from_cmdline, "with-win-pattern-warning" => \$opt_winwarning, "output=s" => \$opt_output, "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help; exit (&main ()); sub finish { my ($tlpdb, $pkgcount) = @_; if ($opt_output) { if (open(OUT, ">$opt_output")) { $tlpdb->writeout(\*OUT); info ("$0: wrote $pkgcount packages to $opt_output.\n"); } else { warn ("Cannot open $opt_output for writing"); exit 1; } } else { $tlpdb->save; info ("$0: wrote $pkgcount packages to ". $tlpdb->root . ".\n"); } exit(0); } sub main { if (! -d $opt_master) { die "$0: Master $opt_master not a directory, goodbye.\n"; } my $tlc = undef; if (! -d $opt_catalogue) { info ("$0: -c /Cat/a/logue not given, continuing without it.\n"); } else { require TeXLive::TeXCatalogue; # not at compile time, for now anyway. info ("$0: reading TeX Catalogue $opt_catalogue ...\n"); $tlc = TeXLive::TeXCatalogue->new ("location" => $opt_catalogue); } my $oldtlpdb; if (-r "$opt_master/$TeXLive::TLConfig::InfraLocation/texlive.tlpdb") { $oldtlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => $opt_master); } my ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount) = create_tlpdb($tlc); if (!defined($oldtlpdb)) { info("No checking on increasing revisions, no old tlpdb found\n"); finish($newtlpdb, $pkgcount); } if ($opt_norevisioncheck) { info("No checking on increasing revisions due to --no-revision-check\n"); finish($newtlpdb, $pkgcount); } # if compare_tlpdbs returns true then some reversed revisions have been # found. Only if we are starting from svn we can check in new changes # so do not recreate the tlpdb if $opt_fromfiles is unset if (compare_tlpdbs($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb) && !$opt_fromfiles) { # compare_tlpdbs checks in dummy changes to the tlpsrc files # now we check again and that should not give any changes! ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount) = create_tlpdb($tlc); if (compare_tlpdbs($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb)) { tlwarn("$0: That should not happen, after one iteration of compare_tlpdbs\nthe newly created tlpdb is still going backwards in time.\nPlease check output above!\n"); exit(1); } } # new $newtlpdb points to the right one finish ($newtlpdb, $pkgcount); } sub compare_tlpdbs { my ($oldtlpdb, $newtlpdb) = @_; # # check that revisions are actually going forward my $recheck = 0; for my $p ($newtlpdb->list_packages) { my $newrev = $newtlpdb->get_package($p)->revision; my $oldtlp = $oldtlpdb->get_package($p); if (defined($oldtlp)) { my $oldrev = $oldtlp->revision; if ($oldrev > $newrev) { # that is the bad case $recheck = 1; # here we should do a change to # $opt_master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/$p.tlpsrc # and commit it! tlwarn("$0: revision going backwards in $p!\n"); } } } return($recheck); } sub create_tlpdb { my $tlc = shift; if (defined($opt_winwarning)) { $::tlpsrc_pattern_warn_win = 1; } my $tlpsrc_dir = "$opt_master/tlpkg/tlpsrc"; if (!$opt_tlpsrc_from_cmdline) { # if not otherwise given use all tlpsrc files # if we're regenerating the whole thing, get all our tlpsrc files. chdir ($tlpsrc_dir) || die "chdir($tlpsrc_dir) failed: $!"; @ARGV = glob ("*.tlpsrc"); } info ("$0: reading Master $opt_master ...\n"); my $tltree = TeXLive::TLTREE->new ("svnroot" => $opt_master); if ($opt_fromfiles) { $tltree->init_from_files; } else { $tltree->init_from_svn; } info ("$0: updating from tlpsrc ...\n"); my $tldb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new; my $src_count = 0; foreach my $f (@ARGV) { next if ($f =~ m/^00texlive\.autopatterns/); $src_count++; my $tlsrc = new TeXLive::TLPSRC; $tlsrc->from_file ($f); my $tlp = $tlsrc->make_tlpobj ($tltree, $opt_master); (my $base_f = $f) =~ s/\.tlpsrc$//; warn "$f: package name " . $tlp->name . " does not match filename\n" if $tlp->name ne $base_f; if ($tlc) { # merge TeX Catalogue information $tlp->update_from_catalogue ($tlc); } # split bin packages off unless requested otherwise (no reason to so # request these days). unless ($opt_nobinsplit) { # packages which have already a .win32 extension or the # 00texlive.something package are NOT split, never! if ($tlp->name !~ m/\.win32/ && $tlp->name !~ m/^00texlive/) { my @binobjs = $tlp->split_bin_package; foreach my $binobj (@binobjs) { # we recompute the revision numbers of the binary packages # since that might be much smaller, and we don't want to # update every package only because one binary for one arch # was changed $binobj->recompute_revision ($tltree, $tltree->file_svn_lastrevision("tlpkg/tlpsrc/$f")); $tldb->add_tlpobj ($binobj); } # we have to recompute the revision of the package itself # since the binfiles have been removed and that might lower the # revision number $tlp->recompute_revision ($tltree, $tltree->file_svn_lastrevision("tlpkg/tlpsrc/$f")); } } if ($tlp->name eq "00texlive.config") { my @bar = $tlp->depends; for my $k (sort keys %TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBConfigs) { push @bar, "$k/" . $TeXLive::TLConfig::TLPDBConfigs{$k}; } # add the latest revision push @bar, "revision/".$tltree->revision; $tlp->depends (@bar); } $tldb->add_tlpobj ($tlp); } $tldb->root ($opt_master); # do set the option_archs from the dirs in Master/bin my @archs = $tltree->architectures; $tldb->setting("available_architectures", @archs); # reset options to what we have by default $tldb->add_default_options(); return($tldb, $src_count); } __END__ =head1 NAME tl-update-tlpdb - generate/update a TeX Live database from tlpsrc files =head1 SYNOPSIS tl-update-tlpdb [OPTION]... [TLPSRC]... =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-catalogue> I The location given by B<-catalogue> must point to a valid TeX Catalogue. No default value. If given, the generated tlpobj files will contain information gathered from the TeX Catalogue. =item B<-master> I The location I must point to a valid svn repository of TeX Live's Master directory. Defaults to C<../..> of C<$0>. =item B<-no-bin-split> Do NOT split files with binaries into several packages (one for the arch independent and one for each of the architectures with only the respective binaries). There is no reason to use this option. =item B<-tlpsrc-from-cmdline> by default, B recreates the tlpdb from all the tlpsrc files present in the current tree. If this option is given the tlpsrc have to be given on the command line. =item B<-output=filename> by default, B saves/updates the tlpdb in the default place. This option specifies the place where the output should go to. =item B<-with-win-pattern-warning> Normally, this program issues a warning for all patterns without a matching file, but does I warn for binpatterns when working on the win32 architecture. Giving this option makes it issues all warnings, i.e., also those where a binpattern on win32 does not hit. =item B<-from-files> Use find instead of svn -status to create the list of files. =item B<-no-revision-check> By default, B checks that in the generated tlpdb the revision numbers of packages are not going backward compared to the previous version. This option disables this check. =back The standard options B<-q>, B<-v>, and B<-logfile>=I are also accepted; see the C function in L for details. =head1 DESCRIPTION B converts TeX Live source package files (tlpsrc) files into a TeX Live package database (tlpdb). In addition if at the same location there is already a TLPDB, it compares the revision number of packages and checks if a package is going back in time (i.e., having a smaller revision number in the new tlpdb). In this case it commits a dummy change to the package's tlpsrc file to make sure that revisions are always increasing. If a TeX Catalogue hierarchy is specified, additional information from the catalogue are merged into the database (see L for the list of included information from the TeX Catalogue). =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #