#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # Copyright 2008-2019 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # # Create a .nsi file for the Windows updates. BEGIN { $^W = 1; ($mydir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } our $mydir; use strict; use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLUtils; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLPDB; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::Path; use Cwd; my $opt_help = 0; TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options(); GetOptions("help|?" => \$opt_help) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opt_help; exit (&main ()); sub main { chomp(my $Master = `cd $mydir/../.. && pwd`); my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new("root" => $Master); die("Cannot find tlpdb in $Master\n") unless defined($tlpdb); my $texliveinfra = $tlpdb->get_package("texlive.infra"); my $texliveinfraw32 = $tlpdb->get_package("texlive.infra.win32"); # my @allfiles = (); push(@allfiles, $texliveinfra->all_files); push(@allfiles, $texliveinfraw32->all_files) if defined $texliveinfraw32; # create the tlpobj files, but if we have to create the tlpobj/ dir, # don't leave it around after. my $tlpobjdir = "$InfraLocation/tlpobj"; my $abs_tlpobjdir = "$Master/$tlpobjdir"; my $rm_abs_tlpobjdir = 0; if (! -d $abs_tlpobjdir) { &TeXLive::TLUtils::mkdirhier($abs_tlpobjdir); $rm_abs_tlpobjdir = 1; } my $rev = 0; # get the highest rev of all our packages for my $p ($texliveinfra, $texliveinfraw32) { if (defined $p) { if ($p->revision > $rev) { $rev = $p->revision; } open(TMP,">$abs_tlpobjdir/$p->{'name'}.tlpobj") || die "open($abs_tlpobjdir/$p->{'name'}.tlpobj) failed: $!"; $p->writeout(\*TMP); close(TMP); push(@allfiles, "$tlpobjdir/$p->{'name'}.tlpobj"); } } # remove the tlpobj/ dir if we created it. if ($rm_abs_tlpobjdir) { TeXLive::TLUtils::rmtree($abs_tlpobjdir); } my %dirtofiles; for my $f (@allfiles) { if ($f !~ m!/!) { $f = "./$f"; } my ($dn,$fn) = TeXLive::TLUtils::dirname_and_basename($f); if (!defined($dirtofiles{$dn})) { @{$dirtofiles{$dn}} = (); } push @{$dirtofiles{$dn}}, $fn; } print <<'EOF'; !include "FileFunc.nsh" !insertmacro GetParent EOF print "!define REV \"r$rev\"\n"; print <<'EOF'; Page directory Page instfiles Name "TeX Live Manager Update ${REV}" OutFile "update-tlmgr-${REV}.exe" EOF print "InstallDir \"\$PROGRAMFILES\\texlive\\$TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear\"\n"; print <<'EOF'; RequestExecutionLevel "user" DirText "Setup will update the TeX Live Manager of your TeX Live installation in the following folder. \ To install in a different folder, click Browse and select another folder. \ Click Install to start the update." Function .onInit SearchPath $0 tlmgr.bat ${GetParent} $0 $1 ${GetParent} $1 $0 ${GetParent} $0 $1 ;MessageBox MB_OK "tlmgr=$1" StrCpy $INSTDIR $1 ;SetOutPath $1 FunctionEnd Function .onVerifyInstDir IfFileExists $INSTDIR\tlpkg\texlive.tlpdb PathGood Abort PathGood: FunctionEnd Section "MainGroup" #SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" #File /r tlupdates\*.* EOF my $mm = $Master; $mm =~ s!/!\\!g; for my $d (keys %dirtofiles) { my $dd = $d; $dd =~ s!/!\\!g; print " SetOutPath \"\$INSTDIR\\$dd\"\n"; for my $f (@{$dirtofiles{$d}}) { $f =~ s!/!\\!g; print " File $mm\\$dd\\$f\n"; } } print " ExecWait \'\"\$INSTDIR\\bin\\win32\\tlmgr.bat\" _include_tlpobj"; for my $p ($texliveinfra, $texliveinfraw32) { if (defined $p) { print " \"\$INSTDIR\\tlpkg\\tlpobj\\", $p->name, ".tlpobj\""; } } print "'\nSectionEnd\n"; return 0; } __END__ =head1 NAME tl-update-nsis - creates a .nsi file for tlmgr packages =head1 SYNOPSIS tl-update-nsis [OPTION]... =head1 OPTIONS Only the standard options B<-help> and B<-q>, B<-v>, and B<-logfile>=I are accepted; see the C function in L for details. =head1 DESCRIPTION Writes, to standard output, a C<.nsi> file that can be used with NSIS to create an update executable for Windows, to work around Windows' inability to overwrite open files, and for disaster recovery. It contains the tlmgr-related infrastructure files. L explains more. This is invoked by the C script, along with the sibling C which creates a similar disaster recovery executable for Unix. =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #