#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # parse a TeXCatalogue v2 .xml dump containing keywords and # characterizations # # Copyright 2010, 2011 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. BEGIN { $^W = 1; chomp ($mydir = `dirname $0`); unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } use strict; use XML::Parser; use XML::XPath; use XML::XPath::XMLParser; use Text::Unidecode; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use TeXLive::TLUtils; my %taxonomy; my $tcfile; my $output; my $help = 0; TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options(); GetOptions( "input|catalogue=s" => \$tcfile, "output=s" => \$output, "help|?" => \$help) or pod2usage(1); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help; my $progname = TeXLive::TLUtils::basename($0); exit (&main()); sub main { my $io; if (!defined($tcfile)) { $io = \*STDIN; } else { -f $tcfile || die "$progname: argument to --input is not a file: $!\n"; open($io, "<", $tcfile) || die "Cannot open input file $tcfile: $!"; } parse_texcatalogue($io); $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; my $out; if (!defined($output)) { $out = \*STDOUT; } else { open($out, ">$output") || die "Cannot open output file $output: $!"; } chomp (my $date = `LC_ALL=C date`); chomp (my $progname = `basename $0`); print $out "# Generated $date by $progname.\n"; print $out Data::Dumper->Dump([\%taxonomy], ["taxonomy"]), $/; } # how to read in!!! #my $taxonomy; #my $foo = `cat tc-dump`; # the no strict "vars" is *ABSOLUT* necessary otherwise the file is not # evaluated, no idea why! #no strict "vars"; #eval "$foo"; #use strict "vars"; # #print_keywords($taxonomy->{'by-taxonomy'}{'keywords'}); #print "\n===================\nprimary characterizations\n"; #walk_cz_tree($taxonomy->{'by-taxonomy'}{'primary'}, "PRIM"); #print "\n===================\nsecondary characterizations\n"; #walk_cz_tree($taxonomy->{'by-taxonomy'}{'secondary'}, "SEC"); #print "\n===================\nfunctionality characterizations\n"; #walk_cz_tree($cz_pkg->{'by-taxonomy'}{'functionality'}, "BFUNC"); ##### only subs from here ########## sub parse_texcatalogue { my $io = shift; my $_parser = XML::Parser->new( ErrorContext => 2, ParseParamEnt => 1, NoLWP => 0 ); my $parser = new XML::XPath->new(ioref => $io, parser => $_parser) || die "Failed to parse input file $tcfile: $!"; # format of the data # $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'keyword'}{$package} = [ $kwi, $kwii,...]; # $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'primary'}{$package} = $primchar; # $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'secondary'}{$package'} = $secchar; # $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'functionality'}{$package} = [ $bfi, $bfii, ...]; # # post processing gives # $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'keyword'}{$keyword} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; # $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'primary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; # $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'secondary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; # $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'functionality'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; foreach my $e ($parser->find('/fullcat/catalogue/entry')->get_nodelist) { my $pkg = $parser->findvalue('./name',$e)->value(); #print "FOUND: $pkg\n"; my $n = $parser->find('./keyword',$e); for my $kw ($n->get_nodelist) { my $kwval = $parser->find('./@keyword',$kw)->string_value(); push @{$taxonomy{'by-package'}{'keyword'}{$pkg}}, $kwval; #print "keyword = $kwval\n"; } $n = $parser->find('./characterization',$e); for my $cz ($n->get_nodelist) { my $czdimnl = $parser->find('./@dimension',$cz); my $czdim = $czdimnl->string_value(); my $czvalnl = $parser->findvalue('.',$cz); my $czval = $czvalnl->value(); if (($czdim eq "primary") || ($czdim eq "secondary")) { # assume only one primary and one secondary function $taxonomy{'by-package'}{$czdim}{$pkg} = $czval; } else { # assume that it is always "functionality" push @{$taxonomy{'by-package'}{'functionality'}{$pkg}}, $czval; } #print "char dim = $czdim val=$czval\n"; } } # # do the keyword reshuffling for my $pkg (keys %{$taxonomy{'by-package'}{'keyword'}}) { for my $kw (@{$taxonomy{'by-package'}{'keyword'}{$pkg}}) { push @{$taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'keyword'}{$kw}}, $pkg; } } parse_characterizations('primary'); parse_characterizations('secondary'); parse_characterizations('functionality'); } sub parse_characterizations { my $what = shift; $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{$what} = {}; for my $pkg (keys %{$taxonomy{'by-package'}{$what}}) { my $value = $taxonomy{'by-package'}{$what}{$pkg}; my @charlist; if (!ref($value)) { @charlist = ($value); } else { @charlist = @$value; } for my $prim (@charlist) { # split the primary into levels sep by > my @levels = split(' > ', $prim); my $currentpointer; $currentpointer = $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{$what}; for my $l (@levels) { if (!defined($currentpointer->{$l})) { $currentpointer->{$l} = {}; } $currentpointer = $currentpointer->{$l} } push @{$currentpointer->{'_packages_'}}, $pkg; } } } sub print_keywords { my $kw_pkg = shift; for my $k (keys %$kw_pkg) { my @pkgl = @{$kw_pkg->{$k}}; if (@pkgl) { print "keyword = $k\n package = @pkgl\n"; } else { print "keyword = $k\n package = NO PACKAGE FOUND!\n"; } } } sub walk_cz_tree { my $cp = shift; my $prestring = shift; if (defined($cp->{'_packages_'})) { my @pkgs = sort @{$cp->{'_packages_'}}; print "$prestring\n"; print "--> @pkgs\n"; } for my $cz (keys %$cp) { if ($cz ne '_packages_') { my $nextstring = "$prestring > $cz"; my $np = $cp->{$cz}; &walk_cz_tree($np,$nextstring); } } } __END__ =head1 NAME parse-texcatalogue-keywords - parse the experimental TeX Catalogue =head1 SYNOPSIS parse-texcatalogue-keywords [--input ....] [--output ...] [--help|-h|-?] =head1 DESCRIPTION This program parses the XML data dump of the experimental new TeX Catalogue which includes various characterizations of packages, into keywords, functionalities, and classifications. It dumps this data in a textual representation of a perl hash, which can very easily be read back into a perl program. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<-input> from where to read the XML dump of the TeX Catalogue, defaults to STDIN. =item B<-output> where to write the data dump to, defaults to STDOUT. =item B<-help>, B<-h>, B<-?> prints out this help text. =back =head1 FORMAT OF THE DATA DUMP The following Perl expression explain in which way the data is saved into the dumped hash: $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'keyword'}{$package} = [ $kwi, $kwii,...]; List of keywords $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'primary'}{$package} = $primchar; Scalar containing the primary characterization. $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'secondary'}{$package'} = $secchar; Scalar containing the secondary characterization. $taxonomy{'by-package'}{'functionality'}{$package} = [ $bfi, $bfii, ...]; List of functionalities. Both the characterizations and functionalites are themselves subdivided into levels by the string separator " > " (without the quotes). To make these information more accessible the data is presented in a reverse way, too: $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'keyword'}{$keyword} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; List of packages with that keyword $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'primary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; $taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'secondary'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; taxonomy{'by-taxonomy'}{'functionality'}{$level1}{$level2}...{'_packages_'} = [ $pkg1, $pkg2, ...]; The B<_packages_> is literal and contains the list of packages for all the previous levels. The following code allows to read back the array into the hash referenced by C<$taxonomy> (attention, in this code this is a B to a hash! my $taxonomy; my $taxtext = `cat $path_to_data_dump`; no strict "vars"; eval "$taxtext"; use strict "vars"; return $taxonomy; =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #