# $Id$
# Public domain.  Originally written 2008, Karl Berry.
# Info about updating asymptote.
# Do not run this script.  It won't work.  It is necessary to run the
# commands one at a time and think about what is being done.  It's
# checked in so that when I get hit by a truck, at least the procedure I
# used will be available as a starting point.
# The script uses various paths and convenience variables that I define
# for myself; feel free to peruse tug.org:~karl/.bash_login, etc.
# --karl

ver=...   # the newly-released version, from revision.cc

test "x$1" = x--build || exit 1
renice +19 -p $$ >/dev/null 2>&1

if false && $update_sources_from_ctan; then
  # this part is about copying the sources from CTAN to TL.
  cd $B/source/utils/
  edit README for asymptote$ver
  (cd asymptote && make distclean; sup && sat)  # be sure no dregs
  \cp -arf /home/ftp/tex-archive/graphics/asymptote/ .

  cd asymptote
  # show list of new files to add:
  svn status | sed -n 's/^\?//p' | fgrep -v binaries
  svn add `!!`
  # show list of files to remove:
  diff -qr . /home/ftp/tex-archive/graphics/asymptote/ \
  | egrep -v ' differ' | egrep -v '\.svn'
  svn rm ...

  # final check and commit:
  svn status # don't worry about binaries.
  svn commit -m"asy $ver sources" . ../README
  exit $?

elif test "x$1" = x--build; then
  # this part is about building the i386-linux asymptote on tug.org.
  # Despite all the dire warnings above, this part actually can be run
  # as a script, because it's so often necessary to redo.
  set -e
  PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin; export PATH # system gcc for sake of shared libs
  #PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH		# need new gs to pass tests, but ok
  PATH=$lb:$PATH			# get our kpsewhich
  svn=/usr/local/bin/svn                # so we need our svn explicitly
  set -x
  cd /home/texlive/karl/Build/source/utils/asymptote
  $svn update
  $svn revert asy-keywords.el
  $svn status
  if test -f Makefile; then
    make clean
    $svn revert doc/asy-latex.pdf
    rm -f Makefile
  rm -rf config.cache config.h config.log config.status errors.temp
  rm -rf /tmp/ainst autom4te.cache
  # these configure options represent what is intended to be supported
  # in the x86_64-linux build.
  ./configure -C --prefix=/tmp/ainst \
    --with-latex=/tmp/ainst/latex --with-context=/tmp/ainst/context \
    --enable-fftw --enable-gl --enable-gsl \
    --enable-texlive-build CFLAGS=-g CXXFLAGS=-ansi
  make check
  make install-prebuilt
  test ! -r .git || mv dot.git .git
  exit 0

elif false && $update_runtime_from_ainst; then
  # this part is about copying the results of a successful build 
  # and install (from the previous section) into the Master/texmf runtime.
  cp="cp -afv"

  cd $xy
  $cp binaries/i386-win32/texlive/asy.exe $pg/asymptote/

  cd /tmp/ainst
  $cp share/info/{*/,}*.info $xist/doc/info
  $cp share/man/man1/asy.1 $xist/doc/man/man1/asy.1
  $cp share/man/man1/xasy.1x $xist/doc/man/man1/xasy.1
  $cp -r share/doc/asymptote $xist/doc
  $cp -r share/asymptote $xist
  $cp latex/asymptote/* $xist/tex/latex/asymptote/
  $cp context*/asymptote/* $xist/tex/context/third/asymptote/
  # also copy in i386-linux binaryfrom build machine.
  $cp bin/asy $lb/
  strip $lb/asy

  cd $xist/doc/man
  ci="$xu/README \
    $xy \
    $xb/i386-linux $lb $pg/asymptote/ \
    $xist/doc/info/  $xist/doc/man $xist/doc/asymptote \
    $xist/asymptote/ $xist/tex/*/asymptote"

  svn status $ci | sed -n 's/^\?//p'
  svn add `!!`

  cd /tmp/ainst
  diff -qr share/asymptote/ $xmf/asymptote/ | fgrep -v .svn
  #svn rm ...

  diff -qr share/doc/asymptote/ $xmf/doc/asymptote/ | fgrep -v .svn
  #svn rm ...

  svn status $ci  # just to see
  scom -m"asymptote $ver" $ci