#!/bin/sh -ex # $Id$ # Public domain. Originally written 2018, Karl Berry. # # Test tl-makeself-from-tlnt, e.g., with spaces in filenames. # First arg is TL installation in which to run the updater [/tmp/ki]; # second arg is test dir in which to create the updater [/tmp/krit]. # # Assumes $lc is set to the tlcritical dir; copies {archive,tlpkg} from # there to make the test directory in which we run makeself. # # Although having the source in a spaceful directory is not # needed, might as well test that too unless inconvenient. # to set up: testdir=${2-"/tmp/krit"} # spc" rm -rf "$testdir" mkdir "$testdir" rsync -a "$lc"/{archive,tlpkg} "$testdir" cd "$testdir" # because tl-makeself-* outputs to the current directory rm -f update*sh # remove previous attempts tl-makeself-from-tlnet "$testdir" ls -l "$testdir" # Using ../dev/profiles/TLspace.pro results in "/tmp/ki sp", # but most of the dev/profiles just install in /tmp/ki. tl=${1-"/tmp/ki"} # sp" cd "$tl" # Now try running the updater in the installed tree. PATH=$tl/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/bin "$testdir"/update-tlmgr-r*.sh --noprogress #-- --debug