#!/bin/sh # Public domain. Originally written by Karl Berry, 2021. # Test that a .fmt file built on one system can be used on another. version='$Id$' renice 20 $$ >/dev/null 2>&1 unset CDPATH LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL umask 077 # since we write in a tmp dir (unsafe still, but oh well) fmtutil_path=`cd /tmp && which fmtutil-sys 2>/dev/null` if test -z "$fmtutil_path"; then echo "$0: no fmtutil-sys in PATH, goodbye." >&2 exit 1 fi bindir=`dirname "$fmtutil_path"` mydir=`cd \`dirname $0\` && pwd` # Master/tlpkg/bin #echo "fmtutil_path=$fmtutil_path, bindir=$bindir, mydir=$mydir" Master=`cd "$bindir"/../.. && pwd` enginedir=`cd "$mydir"/../../../Build/source/Work/texk/web2c 2>/dev/null&& pwd` outdir=/tmp/fmtshare.`id -u` default_fmts="tex.fmt pdftex.fmt pdflatex.fmt xetex.fmt xelatex.fmt luatex.fmt euptex.fmt" # not lualatex or optex, see below fmts= remote= usage="Usage: $0 [OPTION]... RHOST:RDIR Build TeX .fmt files locally, then copy them to RHOST:RDIR and try to load them with the TeX engines there. That is, RDIR should be a web2c build directory with binaries; in TeX Live, /something/like/Build/source/Work/texk/web2c. The idea is to support testing for .fmts being sharable among different system architectures, as intended; for instance, 4-byte long vs. 8-byte long and BigEndian vs. LittleEndian. The further idea is to be able to test new binaries in the Build directory (since that's where the compiled sources change), while using support files from a Master directory (since that's where they are updated). fmtutil-sys is run locally (found using PATH) to discern the engine and full command line used for building the given .fmts. The remote execution is done with \"ssh -n RHOST && cd RDIR && ...\", so ssh has to be working. The default for the Build directory is to be relative to where this script is executed. The default for the Master directory is to be relative to where fmtutil-sys is found in PATH. These may or may not be the same. The output directory is not cleaned before starting, in case older logs are helpful in debugging new failures. Special case #1: unfortunately, lualatex.fmt cannot be easily tested, and it is omitted by default. Loading the fmt requires finding many Lua files, which are unlikely to be available on the remote machine. The script does not try to handle this. Special case #2: optex.fmt includes precompiled Lua code, which is not sharable across architectures. Therefore the .fmt isn't either. If users need this at some future time, the optex maintainer will consider. Options (must use --, must use space to separate option from value, sorry): --Master MDIR use MDIR for local support files [$Master] --enginedir EDIR use EDIR for local engine binaries [$enginedir] --outdir ODIR build locally in ODIR [$outdir] --fmt FMT build FMT; can be given more than once [$default_fmts] --help display this help and exit --version display version information and exit Doc: https://tug.org/texinfohtml/web2c.html#Hardware-and-memory-dumps Bug reports, discussion: tex-live@tug.org Version: $version" while test $# -gt 0; do case $1 in --Master) shift; Master=$1;; --enginedir) shift; enginedir=$1;; --fmt) shift; fmts="$fmts $1";; --outdir) shift; outdir=$1;; # --help) echo "$usage"; exit 0;; --version) echo "$version"; exit 0;; -*) echo "$0: goodbye, unrecognized option: $1" >&2; exit 1;; # *) if test -n "$remote"; then echo "$0: remote argument already seen: $remote" >&2 echo "$0: now have second: $1" >&2 exit 1 fi remote=$1;; esac shift done if test -z "$remote"; then echo "$0: no remote argument given, goodbye." >&2 exit 1 elif echo "$remote" | grep -v : >/dev/null; then echo "$0: remote argument must have form HOST:DIR, not like: $remote" >&2 exit 1 elif test `echo "$remote" | tr -cd : | wc -c` != 1 >/dev/null; then # not worth the fancier parsing until we need it. echo "$0: remote argument must have only one colon: $remote" >&2 exit 1 fi remotesys=`echo "$remote" | sed 's/:.*//'` remotedir=`echo "$remote" | sed 's/.*://'` # if test ! -d "$Master/texmf-dist/web2c"; then echo "$0: no texmf-dist/web2c subdir of Master: $Master" >&2 ls "$Master" >&2 exit 1 fi # if test ! -d "$enginedir"; then echo "$0: enginedir not a directory: $enginedir" >&2 ls "$enginedir" >&2 exit 1 fi # create output directory if needed. test -d "$outdir" || mkdir "$outdir" || exit 1 # default fmt list. test -z "$fmts" && fmts=$default_fmts # Our function to create a format locally: # mkfmt FMT ENGINEDIR MASTERDIR OUTDIR # Generates FMT using the binary from ENGINEDIR, # support files from MASTERDIR, and leaving FMT in OUTDIR. # # Leaves current directory as OUTDIR. # # On success, returns zero and outputs two lines to stdout: # 1) the full path to the newly-generated fmt file; and # 2) the basename of the engine binary that was used to build it. # # On failure, returns nonzero and outputs nothing to stdout; issues # diagnostics to stderr. # mkfmt () { fmt=$1 enginedir=$2 Master=$3 outdir=$4 # Our goal is to build a .fmt using a binary from the Build tree # while still using the support files from the Master tree. # The idea being that after changing the source and rebuilding the # binary, we want to easily test whether the new binary is ok. # # First, we run fmtutil-sys (assumed to be in PATH) without generating # anything (--dry-run), to garner the command line needed to build # FMT. # fcmd="fmtutil-sys --dry-run --no-engine-subdir --fmtdir $outdir --byfmt $fmt" ffot=$outdir/`basename $fmt .fmt`-fmtutil.fot # echo "$0: running: $fcmd" >"$ffot" if $fcmd >>"$ffot" 2>&1; then :; else echo "$0: could not get cmdline to build $fmt" >&2 echo "$0: fmtutil command failed: $fcmd" >&2 echo "$0: see transcript: $ffot" >&2 return 1 fi # Extract the build command from the fmtutil output, which has a line like: # fmtutil: running `pdftex -ini [more options] *pdfetex.ini' ... # We want what's between the quotes. Format names and options can't # contain quote or other special characters. lq='`' rq="'" ecmd=`sed -n "s/^fmtutil.*running $lq\(.*\)$rq.*/\1/p" "$ffot"` if test -z "$ecmd"; then echo "$0: could not extract cmdline to build $fmt" >&2 echo "$0: from fmtutil output; see: $ffot" >&2 return 1 fi # the needed engine better be in enginedir. engine=`echo "$ecmd" | awk '{print $1}'` # engine that was used if test ! -s "$enginedir/$engine"; then echo "$0: needed engine not in enginedir: $enginedir/$engine" >&2 return 1 fi # Generate everything in OUTDIR. cd "$outdir" || return 1 # Set environment variables so the given Master tree is used, and # prepend the given engine directory to PATH, and run the command. env="env PATH=$enginedir:$PATH \ TEXMFCNF=$Master/texmf-dist/web2c \ TEXMFROOT=$Master" efot=$outdir/`basename $fmt .fmt`-engine.fot echo "$0: running: $ecmd" >"$efot" if $env $ecmd >>"$efot" 2>&1 && test -s "$outdir/$fmt"; then sed -n '2p;q' "$efot" echo "$outdir/$fmt" echo "$engine" else echo "$0: could not build $fmt" >&2 echo "$0: engine command failed: $ecmd" >&2 echo "$0: see transcript: $efot" >&2 return 1 fi } # Loop over all given fmts. # for fmt in $fmts; do if echo "$fmt" | grep '\.fmt$' >/dev/null; then :; else echo "$0: fmt does not end with .fmt, goodbye: $fmt" >&2 exit 1 fi # first build fmt on local machine. set - `mkfmt "$fmt" "$enginedir" "$Master" "$outdir"` fmtfile=$1 engine=$2 # if test -z "$fmtfile"; then # error messages already given, but give another just to be sure. echo "$0: mkfmt failed: $fmt " \ "(enginedir $enginedir) (Master $Master) (outdir $outdir)" >&2 exit 1 elif test -z "$engine"; then echo "$0: should not happen, mkfmt returned fmtfile: $fmtfile" >&2 echo "$0: but no engine value?!" >&2 exit 1 elif test ! -s "$fmtfile"; then echo "$0: should not happen, returned fmtfile is empty: $fmtfile" >&2 exit 1 fi #echo "$0: (`date`)" echo "$0: built fmtfile: `ls -l $fmtfile`" echo "$0: with: $enginedir/$engine" # The TeX \command to exit a job immediately. Assume a LaTeX fmt # if "latex" is in the name, else plain (enough). if echo "$fmt" | grep latex >/dev/null; then endcmd='\stop' else endcmd='\end' fi # copy to remote machine. #echo "$0: copying $fmtfile to $remotesys:$remotedir..." scp -pq "$fmtfile" "$remotesys:$remotedir" || exit 1 # load on remote machine. echo "$0: running $engine in $remotesys:$remotedir..." # # On the remote side, we need to find a texmf.cnf or pdftex gets the # mysterious "Must increase the hyph_size"; assume the # TL source directory structure to find kpathsea/texmf.cnf. # # Do not try to dynamically create the .fmt. # remoteenv="env MKTEXFMT=0 TEXMFCNF=../../../texk/kpathsea" remotecmd="cd $remotedir && $remoteenv ./$engine -fmt=./$fmt '$endcmd'" # rfot=$outdir/`basename $fmt .fmt`-$remotesys.fot echo "$0: running on $remotesys: $remotecmd" >$rfot ssh -n $remotesys "$remotecmd" >$rfot 2>&1 if test $? -ne 0; then echo "$0: *** fmt load failed on $remotesys: $fmt" >&2 echo "$0: *** see transcript: $rfot" >&2 cat $rfot >&2 exit 1 else echo "$0: fmt load ok on $remotesys: $fmt" echo fi done exit 0