#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # Copyright Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard, 2010-2016. WTFPL v2. # # Check that files in various formats are in good shape. # # The following formats are checked currently: pdf, pfb, tfm, vf, otf. # # For each format, there is one routine &check_ and an exclusion # 'list' (hash reference) $exclude_: the keys are either a # directory name if they have a trailing slash, or a file name. If a key # named '*base*' is present, then the paths are relative to this base, # otherwise to $tlroot. The values of the keys may be free or have a # special meaning depending on the associated check_ routine. # # Formats that might be added: # - afm with (afm2pl?) BEGIN { # $^W = 1; ($mydir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; $tlroot = "$mydir/../.."; unshift (@INC, "$tlroot/tlpkg"); } use File::Basename; use File::Temp; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long; use TeXLive::TLPDB; # Most of these breakages need to be reported upstream, or documented # that they are unavoidable. Add comments if you pursue any of them. # value has no meaning here my $exclude_otf = { '*base*' => 'texmf-dist/fonts/opentype', 'texmf-dist/doc/fonts/cm-unicode/Fontmap.CMU.otf' => 1, }; # 1 means pdfinfo issues errors but still exits successfully # 2 means pdfinfo exits non-zero # -1 means skip completely. my $exclude_pdf = { # 14nov11 author cannot fix: 'texmf-dist/doc/fonts/frcursive/frcursive.pdf' => 1, # 17apr14 unknown: 'texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-perspective/' => 1, # 2jul16+20dec15 "couldn't read xref table", but seems basically ok: 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/bookcover/figures/ekflogo.pdf' => 1, 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/ksp-thesis/ksp-thesis.pdf' => 1, # 4aug16 pdfinfo from xpdf 3.03 crashes (reported to derekn): 'texmf-dist/doc/latex/ocgx/demo-ocgx.pdf' => -1, # not a PDF file: 'texmf-dist/dvips/tetex/config.pdf' => -1, }; # the value has no meaning here my $exclude_pfb = { '*base*' => 'texmf-dist/fonts/type1', 'adobe/courier/' => 1, 'adobe/sourcecodepro/' => 1, # SourceCodePro-{Regular,BoldIt}.pfb, 10nov12 contacted 'arabi/arabeyes/' => 1, 'arabi/farsiweb/' => 1, 'arkandis/adfsymbols/' => 1, 'arkandis/libris/' => 1, 'arkandis/venturis/' => 1, 'arphic/bkaiu/' => 1, 'arphic/bsmiu/' => 1, 'arphic/gbsnu/' => 1, 'arphic/gkaiu/' => 1, 'gust/poltawski/' => 1, 'nowacki/iwona/' => 1, 'nowacki/kurier/' => 1, 'public/allrunes/' => 1, 'public/amsfonts/cm/' => 1, 'public/amsfonts/cmextra/' => 1, 'public/arev/' => 1, 'public/ascii-font/' => 1, 'public/aspectratio/' => 1, # 11feb12 reported to author 'public/augie/' => 1, 'public/aurical/' => 1, 'public/bbold-type1/' => 1, # old y&y fonts, won't be changing 'public/belleek/' => 1, 'public/bera/' => 1, 'public/brushscr/' => 1, 'public/burmese/' => 1, 'public/carolmin-ps/' => 1, 'public/chemarrow/' => 1, 'public/cjhebrew/' => 1, 'public/cm-super/' => 1, 'public/cm-unicode/cmunobi.pfb' => 1, 'public/cmcyr/' => 1, 'public/countriesofeurope/' => 1, # 22apr12 not reported 'public/cs/' => 1, 'public/doublestroke/' => 1, 'public/ebgaramond/' => 1, # 9jul14 bug in fontforge/t1lint, not reported 'public/epiolmec/' => 1, 'public/esstix/' => 1, # 12may11 author fixed some, others will remain 'public/ethiop-t1/' => 1, 'public/eurosym/' => 1, 'public/fbb/' => 1, # 23aug13 bluevalues, not fixable 'public/fira/' => 1, # 2015 author unable/unwilling 'public/foekfont/' => 1, 'public/fonetika/' => 1, 'public/fontawesome/' => 1, # 2015 author unable/unwilling 'public/fourier/' => 1, 'public/gfsartemisia/' => 1, 'public/gfsbaskerville/' => 1, 'public/gfsbodoni/' => 1, 'public/gfscomplutum/' => 1, 'public/gfsdidot/' => 1, 'public/gfsneohellenic/' => 1, 'public/gfssolomos/' => 1, 'public/hacm/' => 1, 'public/initials/' => 1, 'public/ipaex-type1/' => 1, # 20may13 too many to bother reporting 'public/itrans/' => 1, 'public/kerkis/' => 1, 'public/kpfonts/' => 1, 'public/libertine/' => 1, # 5jan13 maintainer declines to fix triviality 'public/libertinust1math/'=>1,# 7apr16 hint triviality not fixed 'public/linearA/' => 1, 'public/lm/' => 1, 'public/lxfonts/' => 1, 'public/marvosym/' => 1, 'public/mathabx-type1/' => 1, # 14jan11 wrote bnb/preining --karl 'public/mathdesign/mdpus/' => 1,# 3jan16 author informed long ago, no release 'public/mathpazo/' => 1, 'public/newpx/' => 1, # 21aug16 bluezones not worth fixing 'public/newtx/' => 1, # 21aug16 bluezones not worth fixing 'public/ocherokee/' => 1, 'public/oinuit/' => 1, 'public/old-arrows/' => 1, # 2015 author unable/unwilling 'public/omega/' => 1, 'public/phaistos/' => 1, 'public/pl/' => 1, 'public/playfair/' => 1, # 15mar14 known hinting issues 'public/pxfonts/' => 1, 'public/rsfs/' => 1, 'public/starfont/' => 1, # 4oct10 reported to author 'public/staves/' => 1, 'public/stmaryrd/' => 1, # blue values not defined, not maintained 'public/tabvar/' => 1, 'public/tex-gyre/' => 1, 'public/txfonts/' => 1, 'public/txfontsb/' => 1, 'public/wasy2-ps/' => 1, # too old, will not be updated 'public/xypic/' => 1, 'public/yhmath/' => 1, 'texmf-dist/doc/fonts/cm-unicode/Fontmap.CMU.pfb' => 1, 'uhc/umj/' => 1, 'urw/avantgar/' => 1, 'urw/bookman/' => 1, 'urw/courier/' => 1, 'urw/helvetic/' => 1, 'urw/ncntrsbk/' => 1, 'urw/palatino/' => 1, 'urw/symbol/' => 1, 'urw/times/' => 1, 'urw/zapfding/' => 1, 'vntex/arevvn/' => 1, 'vntex/comicsansvn/' => 1, 'vntex/txttvn/' => 1, 'vntex/urwvn/' => 1, 'vntex/vnr/' => 1, 'wadalab/dgj/' => 1, 'wadalab/dmj/' => 1, 'wadalab/mcj/' => 1, 'wadalab/mrj/' => 1, 'tlpkg/texworks/share/fonts/' => 1, # these come from gs }; # the value has no meaning here my $exclude_tfm = { '*base*' => 'texmf-dist/fonts/tfm', 'jknappen/ec/' => 1, 'jknappen/fc/' => 1, 'public/arev/' => 1, 'public/chess/' => 1, # original has extra bytes, not worth fixing 'public/cmcyr/' => 1, 'public/dozenal/' => 1, # wrote author 31oct12 'public/gfsbodoni/' => 1, # wrote author 12dec12 'public/japanese-otf/' => 1, # japanese tfm's 'public/malayalam/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdici/' => 1,# 3jan16 author informed long ago, no release 'public/mathdesign/mdpgd/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdpus/' => 1, 'public/wnri/' => 1, 'public/wsuipa/' => 1, }; # the value has no meaning here my $exclude_vf = { '*base*' => 'texmf-dist/fonts/vf', 'public/ae/' => 1, 'public/bgreek/' => 1, 'public/eco/' => 1, 'public/epigrafica/' => 1, 'public/fonts-tlwg/' => 1, # reported to author, early 2012 'public/gfsartemisia/' => 1, 'public/gfscomplutum/' => 1, 'public/gfsdidot/' => 1, 'public/gfsneohellenic/' => 1, 'public/gfsporson/' => 1, 'public/gfssolomos/' => 1, 'public/hfoldsty/' => 1, 'public/kerkis/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdbch/' => 1, #3jan16 author informed long ago, no release 'public/mathdesign/mdbch/' => 1, #3jan16 author informed long ago, no release 'public/mathdesign/mdici/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdpgd/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdpus/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdput/' => 1, 'public/mathdesign/mdugm/' => 1, 'public/sansmathfonts/' => 2, # 20may13 ok with cmssbx12.tfm from sauter 'public/txfontsb/' => 1, 'public/uppunctlm/' => 1, 'public/zefonts/' => 1, 'vntex/comicsansvn/' => 1, }; my $tmpdir = File::Temp::tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); my $opt_all = 0; my $opt_help = 0; TeXLive::TLUtils::process_logging_options (); GetOptions ("all" => \$opt_all, "help|?" => \$opt_help) or pod2usage (2); pod2usage ("-exitstatus" => 0, "-verbose" => 2) if $opt_help; exit(&main()); sub main { my @files = get_file_list(); for my $file (grep { /\.otf$/ } @files) { check_otf($file);} for my $file (grep { /\.pdf$/ } @files) { check_pdf($file); } for my $file (grep { /\.pfb$/ } @files) { check_pfb($file); } for my $file (grep { /\.tfm$/ } @files) { check_tfm($file); } for my $file (grep { /\.vf$/ } @files) { check_vf($file); } return 0; } # get the list of files in the database of a TL installation sub get_file_list { my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new(root => $tlroot); my @files = (); for my $tlpname ($tlpdb->list_packages) { my $tlp = $tlpdb->get_package($tlpname); push(@files, $tlp->docfiles, $tlp->runfiles, $tlp->srcfiles); } # [u]ptex font files use their own formats; don't bother checking, # or adding lots of individual entries to the exclude lists. @files = grep ($_ !~ m![-/]u?ptex(-fonts)?/!, @files); # It takes a long time (about an hour) to check every file. And there # is no value in checking unchanged files every day. So we filter the # file list (unless --all is given) by mtime ... unless this happens # to be the first of the month, when we'll check everything, just to # be reminded of anything that may have crept in. # if (! ($opt_all || `date +%d` == 1)) { my @filtered = (); for my $f (@files) { push (@filtered, $f) if (-M "$tlroot/$f" < 4); } @files = @filtered; } return @files; } # return the value in exclude list associated to a file, or undef sub exclude_value { my ($exclude, $file) = @_; my $base = $exclude->{'*base*'}; $file =~ s!^$base/!! if $base; (my $filedir = $file) =~ s![^/]*$!!; return $exclude->{$file} || $exclude->{$filedir}; } # the checking routines for each file type. sub check_pdf { my ($file) = @_; my $excl_val = exclude_value($exclude_pdf, $file) || 0; return if $excl_val < 0; # my $errfile = "$tmpdir/pdferr"; unlink($errfile); my $bad_exit = system("pdfinfo $tlroot/$file >/dev/null 2>$errfile"); my $badness = $bad_exit ? 2 : -s $errfile ? 1 : 0; return if $badness <= $excl_val; print "Bad PDF: $file\n" if $badness == 2; print "Damaged PDF: $file\n" if $badness == 1; } sub check_pfb { my ($file) = @_; return if defined exclude_value($exclude_pfb, $file); my $errfile = "$tmpdir/pfberr"; unlink($errfile); my $bad = system("t1lint -q $tlroot/$file"); print "Bad pfb: $file\n" if $bad; } sub check_tfm { my ($file) = @_; return if defined exclude_value($exclude_tfm, $file); my $outfile = "$tmpdir/tfmout.pl"; my $errfile = "$tmpdir/tfmerr"; unlink($errfile); system("tftopl $tlroot/$file $outfile 2>$errfile"); print "Bad tfm: $file\n" if -s $errfile; } sub check_vf { my ($file) = @_; return if defined exclude_value($exclude_vf, $file); (my $tfmfile = $file) =~ s!/vf/!/tfm/!; $tfmfile =~ s/\.vf$/.tfm/; return if defined exclude_value($exclude_tfm, $tfmfile); my $outfile = "$tmpdir/vfout.vp"; my $errfile = "$tmpdir/vferr"; unlink($errfile); system("vftovp $tlroot/$file $tlroot/$tfmfile $outfile 2>$errfile"); print "Bad vf: $file\n" if -s $errfile; } sub check_otf { my ($file) = @_; return if defined exclude_value($exclude_otf, $file); my $bad = system("otfinfo --info $tlroot/$file >/dev/null 2>&1"); print "Bad otf: $file\n" if $bad; } # vim: sw=2 expandtab