#!/usr/bin/env perl # $Id$ # Copyright 2008 Manuel Pegourie-Gonnard. # This file is licenced under the WTFPL version 2. # # Check there are no duplicated runtimes files. BEGIN { $^W = 1; ($mydir = $0) =~ s,/[^/]*$,,; unshift (@INC, "$mydir/.."); } use TeXLive::TLConfig qw/$RelocPrefix $RelocTree/; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLPDB; use File::Basename; # first, get and load the current texlive.tlpdb # chomp (my $Master = `cd $mydir/../.. && pwd`); $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new ("root" => "$Master"); die("Cannot find tlpdb in $Master!\n") unless defined($tlpdb); # build a list of all runtime files associated to 'normal' packages # (my $non_normal = `ls $Master/bin`) =~ s/\n/\$|/g; # binaries $non_normal .= '^0+texlive|^bin-|^collection-|^scheme-|^texlive-'; my @runtime_files = (); foreach my $tlpn ($tlpdb->list_packages) { next if ($tlpn =~ /$non_normal/); my $tlp = $tlpdb->get_package($tlpn); my @files = $tlp->runfiles; if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@files) { s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } } push @runtime_files, @files; } # build the duplicates list # my @duplicates = (""); # just to use $duplicates[-1] freely my $prev = ""; foreach my $f (sort map { basename($_) } @runtime_files) { push (@duplicates, $f) if (($f eq $prev) and not ($f eq $duplicates[-1])); $prev = $f; } shift @duplicates; # get rid of the fake 1st value # @duplicates = ('8r-base.map', 'aer.sty', 'lm-ec.map'); # for debugging # check if duplicates are different files # foreach my $f (@duplicates) { # assume tex4ht stuff is ok, and don't worry about Changes/README for now next if ($f =~ /(^Changes$|^README$|\.htf$|\.4hf$)/); # my @copies = grep (/\/$f$/, @runtime_files); # map files can be duplicated as long as copies don't concern the same engine if ($f =~ /\.map$/) { my $need_check = 0; my $prev_dir = ""; my @cop = @copies; # don't break the outside list map { s#^texmf-dist/fonts/map/(.*?)/.*#$1# } @cop; foreach my $dir (sort @cop ) { last if ($need_check = ($dir eq $prev_dir)); $prev_dir = $dir; } next unless $need_check; } # if all copies are identical, ok, else, complain my $diff = 0; for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@copies); $i++) { if ($diff = system ("diff -q --strip-trailing-cr " . "$Master/$copies[$i-1] $Master/$copies[$i] >/dev/null")) { print "# $f\ndiff $Master/$copies[$i-1] $Master/$copies[$i]\n"; last; } } print join ("\n", @copies), "\n" if ($diff and (scalar(@copies) > 2)); } ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End # vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: