@echo off rem Universal script launcher rem rem Originally written 2009 by Tomasz M. Trzeciak rem Public Domain rem Make environment changes local setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion rem Get program/script name if not defined TL_PROGNAME set TL_PROGNAME=%~n0 rem Check if this is 'sys' version of program set TEX_SYS_PROG= if /i "%TL_PROGNAME:~-4%"=="-sys" ( set TL_PROGNAME=%TL_PROGNAME:~0,-4% set TEX_SYS_PROG=true ) rem Reset command to execute set CMD_LN= set ERROR_MSG= rem Make sure our dir is on the search path; avoid trailing backslash set TL_ROOT=%~dp0? set TL_ROOT=%TL_ROOT:\bin\win32\?=% path %TL_ROOT%\bin\win32;%path% rem Check for kpsewhich availability if not exist "%TL_ROOT%\bin\win32\kpsewhich.exe" ( echo %~nx0: kpsewhich not found: "%~dp0kpsewhich.exe">&2 exit /b 1 ) rem Ask kpsewhich about root and texmfsys trees (the first line of output) rem and location of the script (the second line of output) rem (4NT shell acts wierd with 'if' statements in a 'for' loop, rem so better process this output further in a subroutine) for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=;" %%I in ( 'call "%~dp0kpsewhich.exe" --expand-var "$TEXMFSYSCONFIG/?;$TEXMFSYSVAR/?" --format texmfscripts ^ "%TL_PROGNAME%.pl" "%TL_PROGNAME%.lua" "%TL_PROGNAME%.tlu" "%TL_PROGNAME%.rb" ^ "%TL_PROGNAME%.py" "%TL_PROGNAME%.bat" "%TL_PROGNAME%.cmd" "%TL_PROGNAME%"' ) do ( call :setcmdenv "%%~I" "%%~J" if defined CMD_LN goto :doit ) if not defined ERROR_MSG set ERROR_MSG=no appropriate script or program found: %TL_PROGNAME% echo %~nx0: %ERROR_MSG%>&2 exit /b 1 :doit rem Unset program name variable and execute the command set TL_PROGNAME= %CMD_LN% %* rem Finish with goto :eof (it will preserve the last errorlevel) goto :eof REM SUBROUTINES :setcmdenv selfautoparent texmfsysconfig texmfsysvar rem If there is only one argument it must be a script name if "%~2"=="" goto :setcmd rem Otherwise, it is the first line from kpsewhich, so to set up the environment set PERL5LIB=%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlperl\lib set GS_LIB=%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\lib;%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\fonts path %TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlgs\bin;%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlperl\bin;%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\installer;%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\installer\wget;%path% if not defined TEX_SYS_PROG goto :eof rem Extra stuff for sys version set TEXMFCONFIG=%~1 set TEXMFCONFIG=%TEXMFCONFIG:/?=% set TEXMFVAR=%~2 set TEXMFVAR=%TEXMFVAR:/?=% rem For sys version we might have an executable in the bin dir, so check for it if exist "%TL_ROOT%\bin\win32\%TL_PROGNAME%.exe" set CMD_LN="%TL_ROOT%\bin\win32\%TL_PROGNAME%.exe" goto :eof :setcmd script rem Set command based on the script extension if /i "%~x1"==".bat" set CMD_LN=call "%~f1" if /i "%~x1"==".cmd" set CMD_LN=call "%~f1" if /i "%~x1"==".pl" set CMD_LN="%TL_ROOT%\tlpkg\tlperl\bin\perl.exe" "%~f1" if /i "%~x1"==".lua" set CMD_LN="%TL_ROOT%\bin\win32\texlua.exe" "%~f1" if /i "%~x1"==".tlu" set CMD_LN="%TL_ROOT%\bin\win32\texlua.exe" "%~f1" if defined CMD_LN goto :eof rem For other scripts we also check if their interpreter is available if /i "%~x1"==".rb" set CMD_LN=#!ruby if /i "%~x1"==".py" set CMD_LN=#!python rem For script w/o extension check its first line for #! if "%~x1"=="" set /p CMD_LN=<"%~f1" if not "%CMD_LN:~0,2%"=="#!" goto :noshebang call :shebang %CMD_LN:~2% if not defined CMD_LN goto :noshebang for %%I in (%CMD_LN%) do set CMD_LN=%%~$PATH:I if not defined CMD_LN goto :cmdnotfound set CMD_LN="%CMD_LN%" "%~f1" exit /b 0 :noshebang set ERROR_MSG=don't know how to execute script: "%~f1" set CMD_LN= exit /b 1 :cmdnotfound set ERROR_MSG=interpreter program not found (not distributed with TeX Live): %CMD_LN% set CMD_LN= exit /b 1 :shebang program [program] rem Only the two most common cases are considered: rem #!/path/to/program rem #!/usr/bin/env program set CMD_LN=%~n1.exe if /i "%CMD_LN%"=="env" set CMD_LN=%~n2.exe goto :eof