# $Id$ # TeXLive::TLWinGoo.pm - Windows nastiness # Copyright 2008-2016 Siep Kroonenberg, Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # code for broadcast_env adapted from Win32::Env: # Copyright 2006 Oleg "Rowaa[SR13]" V. Volkov, all rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the same terms as Perl itself. package TeXLive::TLWinGoo; my $svnrev = '$Revision$'; my $_modulerevision; if ($svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /) { $_modulerevision = $1; } else { $_modulerevision = "unknown"; } sub module_revision { return $_modulerevision; } =pod =head1 NAME C -- Additional utilities for Windows =head2 SYNOPSIS use TeXLive::TLWinGoo; =head2 DIAGNOSTICS TeXLive::TLWinGoo::is_vista; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::is_seven; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::is_ten; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::admin; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::non_admin; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::reg_country; =head2 ENVIRONMENT AND REGISTRY TeXLive::TLWinGoo::expand_string($s); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::get_system_path; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::get_user_path; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::setenv_reg($env_var, $env_data); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::unsetenv_reg($env_var); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::adjust_reg_path_for_texlive($action, $texbindir, $mode); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::add_to_progids($ext, $filetype); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::remove_from_progids($ext, $filetype); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::register_extension($mode, $extension, $file_type); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::unregister_extension($mode, $extension); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::register_file_type($file_type, $command); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::unregister_file_type($file_type); =head2 ACTIVATING CHANGES IMMEDIATELY TeXLive::TLWinGoo::broadcast_env; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::update_assocs; =head2 SHORTCUTS TeXLive::TLWinGoo::desktop_path; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::add_desktop_shortcut($texdir, $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::add_menu_shortcut($place, $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::remove_desktop_shortcut($name); TeXLive::TLWinGoo::remove_menu_shortcut($place, $name); =head2 UNINSTALLER TeXLive::TLWinGoo::create_uninstaller; TeXLive::TLWinGoo::unregister_uninstaller; =head2 ADMIN: MAKE INSTALLATION DIRECTORIES READ-ONLY TeXLive::TLWinGoo::maybe_make_ro($dir); All exported functions return forward slashes. =head2 DESCRIPTION =over 4 =cut BEGIN { use Exporter; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $Registry); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORT = qw( &is_vista &is_seven &is_ten &admin &non_admin ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &admin_again ®_country &broadcast_env &update_assocs &expand_string &get_system_path &get_user_path &setenv_reg &unsetenv_reg &adjust_reg_path_for_texlive &add_to_progids &remove_from_progids ®ister_extension &unregister_extension ®ister_file_type &unregister_file_type &shell_folder &desktop_path &add_desktop_shortcut &add_menu_shortcut &remove_desktop_shortcut &remove_menu_shortcut &create_uninstaller &unregister_uninstaller &maybe_make_ro &get_system_env &get_user_env &is_a_texdir &tex_dirs_on_path ); if ($^O=~/^MSWin/i) { require Win32; require Win32::API; require Win32API::File; require File::Spec; require Win32::TieRegistry; Win32::TieRegistry->import( qw( $Registry REG_SZ REG_EXPAND_SZ REG_NONE KEY_READ KEY_WRITE KEY_ALL_ACCESS KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS ) ); $Registry->Delimiter('/'); $Registry->ArrayValues(0); $Registry->FixSzNulls(1); require Win32::OLE::NLS; require Win32::Shortcut; Win32::Shortcut->import( qw( SW_SHOWNORMAL SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE ) ); require Time::HiRes; } } # end BEGIN use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLUtils; TeXLive::TLUtils->import( qw( mkdirhier ) ); sub reg_debug { return if ($::opt_verbosity < 1); my $mess = shift; my $regerr = Win32API::Registry::regLastError(); if ($regerr) { debug("$regerr\n$mess"); } } my $is_win = ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i); # Win32: import some wrappers for API functions # failed to get Win32::API::More to work with raw API functions; # for now, use a tiny dll with perl-friendly wrappers # import failures return a null result; # call imported functions only if true/non-null my $SendMessage = 0; my $update_fu = 0; if ($is_win) { $SendMessage = new Win32::API('user32', 'SendMessageTimeout', 'LLPPLLP', 'L'); debug ("Import failure SendMessage\n") unless $SendMessage; $update_fu = new Win32::API('shell32', 'SHChangeNotify', 'LIPP', 'V'); debug ("Import failure assoc_notify\n") unless $update_fu; } =pod =back =head2 DIAGNOSTICS =over 4 =item C C returns the Windows version number as stored in the registry: 5.0 for Windows 2000, 5.1 for Windows XP and 6.0 for Vista. =cut my $windows_version = 0; my $windows_subversion = 0; if ($is_win) { #my @osver = Win32::GetOSVersion(); # deprecated #$windows_version = $osver[1]; #debug "Windows version $osver[0], major version $osver[1]\n"; my $ver = `ver`; chomp $ver; $ver =~ s/^[^0-9]*//; $ver =~ s/[^0-9.]*$//; ($windows_version = $ver) =~ s/\..*$//; ($windows_subversion = $ver) =~ s/^[^\.]*\.//; $windows_subversion =~ s/\..*$//; } =item C C returns 1 if windows version is >= 6.0, otherwise 0. =cut sub is_vista { return $windows_version >= 6; } =item C C returns 1 if windows version is >= 6.1, otherwise 0. =cut sub is_seven { return (($windows_version == 6 && $windows_subversion >= 1) || ($windows_version > 6)); } =item C C returns 1 if windows version is >= 10.0, otherwise 0. =cut sub is_ten { return $windows_version >= 10; } # permissions with which we try to access the system environment my $is_admin = 1; if ($is_win) { $is_admin = 0 unless Win32::IsAdminUser(); } sub KEY_FULL_ACCESS() { return KEY_WRITE() | KEY_READ(); } sub sys_access_permissions { return $is_admin ? KEY_FULL_ACCESS() : KEY_READ(); } sub get_system_env { return $Registry -> Open( "LMachine/system/currentcontrolset/control/session manager/Environment/", {Access => sys_access_permissions()}); } sub get_user_env { return $Registry -> Open("CUser/Environment", {Access => KEY_FULL_ACCESS()}); } =pod =item C Returns admin status, admin implying having full read-write access to the system environment. =cut # during processing of this source, $is_admin will get its correct value sub admin { return $is_admin; } =pod =item C Pretend not to have admin privileges, to enforce a user- rather than a system install. Currently only used for testing. =cut sub non_admin { debug("TLWinGoo: switching to user mode\n"); $is_admin = 0; } # just for testing; doesn't check actual user permissions sub admin_again { debug("TLWinGoo: switching to admin mode\n"); $is_admin = 1; } =pod =item C Two-letter country code representing the locale of the current user =cut sub reg_country { my $value = Win32::OLE::NLS::GetUserDefaultLangID(); return unless $value; $value = sprintf ("%04x", $value); my $lmkey = $Registry -> Open("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/MIME/Database/Rfc1766/", {Access => KEY_READ()}); return unless $lmkey; $lm = $lmkey->{"/$value"}; return unless $lm; debug("found lang codes value = $value, lm = $lm...\n"); if ($lm) { if ($lm =~ m/^zh-(tw|hk)$/i) { return ("zh", "tw"); } elsif ($lm =~ m/^zh/) { # for anything else starting with zh return, that is zh, zh-cn, zh-sg # and maybe something else return ("zh", "cn"); } else { my $lang = lc(substr $lm, 0, 2); my $area = lc(substr $lm, 3, 2); return($lang, $area); } } } =pod =back =head2 ENVIRONMENT AND REGISTRY Most settings can be made for a user and for the system. User settings override system settings. For admin users, the functions below affect both user- and system settings. For non-admin users, only user settings are changed. An exception is the search path: the effective searchpath consists of the system searchpath in front concatenated with the user searchpath at the back. Note that in a roaming profile network setup, users take only user settings with them to other systems, not system settings. In this case, with a TeXLive on the network, a nonadmin install makes the most sense. =over 4 =item C This function replaces substrings C<%env_var%> with their current values as environment variable and returns the result. =cut sub expand_string { my ($s) = @_; return Win32::ExpandEnvironmentStrings($s); } my $global_tmp = $is_win ? expand_string(get_system_env()->{'TEMP'}) : "/tmp"; sub is_a_texdir { my $d = shift; $d =~ s/\\/\//g; $d = $d . '/' unless $d =~ m!/$!; # don't consider anything under %systemroot% a texdir my $sr = uc($ENV{'SystemRoot'}); $sr =~ s/\\/\//g; $sr = $sr . '/' unless $sr =~ m!/$!; return 0 if index($d, $sr)==0; foreach $p (qw(luatex.exe mktexlsr.exe pdftex.exe tex.exe xetex.exe)) { return 1 if (-e $d.$p); } return 0; } =pod =item C Returns unexpanded system path, as stored in the registry, but with forward slashes. =cut sub get_system_path { my $value = get_system_env() -> {'/Path'}; # Remove terminating zero bytes; there may be several, at least # under w2k, and the FixSzNulls option only removes one. $value =~ s/[\s\x00]+$//; return $value; } =pod =item C Returns unexpanded user path, as stored in the registry, but with forward slashes. The user path often does not exist, and is rarely expandable. =cut sub get_user_path { my $value = get_user_env() -> {'/Path'}; return "" if not $value; $value =~ s/[\s\x00]+$//; return $value; } =pod =item C Set an environment variable $env_var to $env_data. $mode="user": set for current user. $mode="system": set for all users. Default: both if admin, current user otherwise. =cut sub setenv_reg { my $env_var = shift; my $env_data = shift; my $mode = @_ ? shift : "default"; die "setenv_reg: Invalid mode $mode" if ($mode ne "user" and $mode ne "system" and $mode ne "default"); die "setenv_reg: mode 'system' only available for admin" if ($mode eq "system" and !$is_admin); my $env; if ($mode ne "system") { $env = get_user_env(); $env->ArrayValues(1); $env->{'/'.$env_var} = [ $env_data, ($env_data =~ /%/) ? REG_EXPAND_SZ : REG_SZ ]; } if ($mode ne "user" and $is_admin) { $env = get_system_env(); $env->ArrayValues(1); $env->{'/'.$env_var} = [ $env_data, ($env_data =~ /%/) ? REG_EXPAND_SZ : REG_SZ ]; } } =pod =item C Unset an environment variable $env_var =cut sub unsetenv_reg { my $env_var = shift; my $env = get_user_env(); my $mode = @_ ? shift : "default"; #print "Unsetenv_reg: unset $env_var with mode $mode\n"; die "unsetenv_reg: Invalid mode $mode" if ($mode ne "user" and $mode ne "system" and $mode ne "default"); die "unsetenv_reg: mode 'system' only available for admin" if ($mode eq "system" and !$is_admin); delete get_user_env()->{'/'.$env_var} if $mode ne "system"; delete get_system_env()->{'/'.$env_var} if ($mode ne "user" and $is_admin); } =pod =item C Returns tex directories found on the search path. A directory is a TeX directory if it contains tex.exe or pdftex.exe. =cut sub tex_dirs_on_path { my ($path) = @_; my ($d, $d_exp); my @texdirs = (); foreach $d (split (';', $path)) { $d_exp = expand_string($d); if (is_a_texdir($d_exp)) { # tlwarn("Possibly conflicting [pdf]TeX program found at $d_exp\n"); push(@texdirs, $d_exp); }; } return @texdirs; } =pod =item C Edit system or user PATH variable in the registry. Adds or removes (depending on $action) $tlbindir directory to system or user PATH variable in the registry (depending on $mode). =cut # short path names should be unique sub short_name { my ($fname) = @_; return $fname unless $is_win; # GetShortPathName may return undefined, e.g. if $fname does not exist, # e.g. because of temporary unavailability of a network- or portable drive, # which should not be considered a real error my $shname = Win32::GetShortPathName ($fname); return (defined $shname) ? $shname : $fname; } sub adjust_reg_path_for_texlive { my ($action, $tlbindir, $mode) = @_; die("Unknown path action: $action\n") if ($action ne 'add') && ($action ne 'remove'); die("Unknown path mode: $mode\n") if ($mode ne 'system') && ($mode ne 'user'); debug("Warning: [pdf]tex program not found in $tlbindir\n") if (!is_a_texdir($tlbindir)); my $path = ($mode eq 'system') ? get_system_path() : get_user_path(); $tlbindir =~ s!/!\\!g; my $tlbindir_short = uc(short_name($tlbindir)); my ($d, $d_short, @newpath); my $tex_dir_conflict = 0; my @texdirs; foreach $d (split (';', $path)) { $d_short = uc(short_name(expand_string($d))); $d_short =~ s!/!\\!g; ddebug("adjust_reg: compare $d_short with $tlbindir_short\n"); if ($d_short ne $tlbindir_short) { push(@newpath, $d); if (is_a_texdir($d)) { $tex_dir_conflict++; push(@texdirs, $d); } } } if ($action eq 'add') { if ($tex_dir_conflict) { log("Warning: conflicting [pdf]tex program found on the $mode path ", "in @texdirs; appending $tlbindir to the front of the path.\n"); unshift(@newpath, $tlbindir); } else { push(@newpath, $tlbindir); } } if (@newpath) { debug("TLWinGoo: adjust_reg_path_for_texlive: calling setenv_reg in $mode\n"); setenv_reg("Path", join(';', @newpath), $mode); } else { debug("TLWinGoo: adjust_reg_path_for_texlive: calling unsetenv_reg in $mode\n"); unsetenv_reg("Path", $mode); } if ( ($action eq 'add') && ($mode eq 'user') ) { @texdirs = tex_dirs_on_path( get_system_path() ); return 0 unless (@texdirs); tlwarn("Warning: conflicting [pdf]tex program found on the system path ", "in @texdirs; not fixable in user mode.\n"); return 1; } return 0; } ### File types ### # Refactored from 2010 edition. New functionality: # add_to_progids for defining alternate filetypes for an extension. # Their associated programs show up in the `open with' right-click menu. ### helper subs ### # merge recursive hash refs such as occur in the registry sub hash_merge { my $target = shift; # the recursive hash ref to be modified by $mods my $mods = shift; # the recursive hash ref to be merged into $target my $k; foreach $k (keys %$mods) { if (ref($target->{$k}) eq 'HASH' and ref($mods->{$k}) eq 'HASH') { hash_merge($target->{$k}, $mods->{$k}); } else { $target->{$k} = $mods->{$k}; reg_debug ("at hash merge\n"); $target->Flush(); reg_debug ("at hash merge\n"); } } } # prevent catastrophies during testing; not to be used in production code sub getans { my $prompt = shift; my $ans; print STDERR "$prompt "; $ans = ; if ($ans =~ /^y/i) {print STDERR "\n"; return 1;} die "Aborting as requested"; } # delete a registry key recursively. # the key parameter should be a string, not a registry object. sub reg_delete_recurse { my $parent = shift; my $childname = shift; my $parentpath = $parent->Path; ddebug("Deleting $parentpath$childname\n"); my $child; if ($childname !~ '^/') { # subkey $child = $parent->Open ($childname, {Access => KEY_FULL_ACCESS()}); reg_debug ("at open $childname for all access\n"); return 1 unless defined($child); foreach my $v (keys %$child) { if ($v =~ '^/') { # value delete $child->{$v}; reg_debug ("at delete $childname/$v\n"); $child->Flush(); reg_debug ("at delete $childname/$v\n"); Time::HiRes::usleep(20000); } else { # subkey return 0 unless reg_delete_recurse ($child, $v); } } #delete $child->{'/'}; } delete $parent->{$childname}; reg_debug ("at delete $parentpath$childname\n"); $parent->Flush(); reg_debug ("at delete $parentpath$childname\n"); Time::HiRes::usleep(20000); return 1; } sub cu_root { my $k = $Registry -> Open("CUser", { Access => KEY_FULL_ACCESS(), Delimiter => '/' }); reg_debug ("at open HKCU for all access\n"); die "Cannot open HKCU for writing" unless $k; return $k; } sub lm_root { my $k = $Registry -> Open("LMachine", { Access => ($is_admin ? KEY_FULL_ACCESS() : KEY_READ()), Delimiter => '/' }); reg_debug ("at open HKLM\n"); die "Cannot open HKLM for ".($is_admin ? "writing" : "reading") unless $k; return $k; } sub do_write_regkey { my $keypath = shift; # modulo cu/lm my $keyhash = shift; # ref to a possibly nested hash; empty hash allowed my $remove_cu = shift; die "No regkey specified" unless $keypath && defined($keyhash); # for error reporting: my $hivename = $is_admin ? 'HKLM' : 'HKCU'; # split into parent and final subkey # remove initial slash from parent # ensure subkey ends with slash my ($parentpath, $keyname); if ($keypath =~ /^\/?(.+\/)([^\/]+)\/?$/) { ($parentpath, $keyname) = ($1, $2); $keyname .= '/'; debug ("key - $hivename - $parentpath - $keyname\n"); } else { die "Cannot determine final component of $keypath"; } my $cu_key = cu_root(); my $lm_key = lm_root(); # cu_root() and lm_root() already die upon failure my $parentkey; # make sure parent exists if ($is_admin) { $parentkey = $lm_key->Open($parentpath); reg_debug ("at open $parentpath; creating...\n"); if (!$parentkey) { # in most cases, this probably shouldn't happen for lm $parentkey = $lm_key->CreateKey($parentpath); reg_debug ("at creating $parentpath\n"); } } else { $parentkey = $cu_key->Open($parentpath); reg_debug ("at open $parentpath; creating...\n"); if (!$parentkey) { $parentkey = $cu_key->CreateKey($parentpath); reg_debug ("at creating $parentpath\n"); } } if (!$parentkey) { tlwarn "Cannot create parent of $hivename/$keypath\n"; return 0; } # create or merge key if ($parentkey->{$keyname}) { hash_merge($parentkey->{$keyname}, $keyhash); } else { $parentkey->{$keyname} = $keyhash; reg_debug ("at creating $keyname\n"); } if (!$parentkey->{$keyname}) { tlwarn "Failure to create $hivename/$keypath\n"; return 0; } if ($is_admin and $cu_key->{$keypath} and $remove_cu) { # delete possibly conflicting cu key tlwarn "Failure to delete $hivename/$keypath key\n" unless reg_delete_recurse ($cu_key->{$parentpath}, $keyname); } return 1; } # remove a registry key under HKCU or HKLM, depending on privilege level sub do_remove_regkey { my $keypath = shift; # key or value my $remove_cu = shift; my $hivename = $is_admin ? 'HKLM' : 'HKCU'; my $parentpath = ""; my $keyname = ""; my $valname = ""; # two successive delimiters: value. # *? = non-greedy match: want FIRST double delimiter if ($keypath =~ /^(.*?\/)(\/.*)$/) { ($parentpath, $valname) = ($1, $2); $parentpath =~ s!^/!!; # remove leading delimiter } elsif ($keypath =~ /^\/?(.+\/)([^\/]+)\/?$/) { ($parentpath, $keyname) = ($1, $2); $keyname .= '/'; } else { die "Cannot determine final component of $keypath"; } my $cu_key = cu_root(); my $lm_key = lm_root(); my ($parentkey, $k, $skv, $d); if ($is_admin) { $parentkey = $lm_key->Open($parentpath); } else { $parentkey = $cu_key->Open($parentpath); } reg_debug ("at opening $parentpath\n"); if (!$parentkey) { debug ("$hivename/$parentpath not present or not writable". " so $keypath not removed\n"); return 1; } if ($keyname) { #getans("Deleting $parentpath$keyname regkey? "); reg_delete_recurse($parentkey, $keyname); if ($parentkey->{$keyname}) { tlwarn "Failure to delete $hivename/$keypath\n"; return 0; } if ($is_admin and $cu_key->{$parentpath}) { reg_delete_recurse($cu_key->{$parentpath}, $keyname); if ($cu_key->{$parentpath}->{$keyname}) { tlwarn "Failure to delete HKCU/$keypath\n"; return 0; } } } else { delete $parentkey->{$valname}; reg_debug ("at deleting $valname\n"); if ($parentkey->{$valname}) { tlwarn "Failure to delete $hivename/$keypath\n"; return 0; } if ($is_admin and $cu_key->{$parentpath}) { delete $cu_key->{$parentpath}->{$valname}; reg_debug ("at deleting $valname\n"); if ($cu_key->{$parentpath}->{$valname}) { tlwarn "Failure to delete HKCU/$keypath\n"; return 0; } } } return 1; } # Effective default value of any key under Classes. # admin: HKLM; user: HKCU or otherwise HKLM # Reject if there is no corresponding key under classes sub current_filetype { my $extension = shift; my $filetype; if ($is_admin) { $filetype = lm_root()->{"Software/Classes/$extension//"}; # REG_SZ } else { # Mysterious failures on w7_64 => merge HKLM/HKCU info explicitly # rather than checking HKCR $filetype = cu_root()->{"Software/Classes/$extension//"}; if (!defined($filetype) or ($filetype eq "")) { $filetype = lm_root()->{"Software/Classes/$extension//"} }; } $filetype = "" unless defined($filetype); return $filetype; } ### now the exported file type functions ### =pod =item C Add $filetype to the list of alternate progids/filetypes of extension $ext. The associated program shows up in the `open with' right-click menu. =cut sub add_to_progids { my $ext = shift; my $filetype = shift; #$Registry->ArrayValues(1); #do_write_regkey("Software/Classes/$ext/OpenWithProgIds/", # {"/$filetype" => [0, REG_NONE()]}); #$Registry->ArrayValues(0); do_write_regkey("Software/Classes/$ext/OpenWithProgIds/", {"/$filetype" => ""}); } =pod =item C Remove $filetype from the list of alternate filetypes for $ext =cut sub remove_from_progids { my $ext = shift; my $filetype = shift; do_remove_regkey("Software/Classes/$ext/OpenWithProgIds//$filetype"); } =pod =item C Add registry entry to associate $extension with $file_type. Slashes are flipped where necessary. If $mode is 0, nothing is actually done. For $mode 1, the filetype for the extension is preserved, but only if there is a registry key under Classes for it. For $mode>0, the new filetype is always added to the openwithprogids list. For $mode 2, the filetype is always overwritten. The old filetype moves to the openwithprogids list if necessary. =cut sub register_extension { my $mode = shift; return 1 if $mode == 0; my $extension = shift; # ensure leading dot $extension = '.'.$extension unless $extension =~ /^\./; $extension = lc($extension); my $file_type = shift; my $regkey; my $old_file_type = current_filetype($extension); if ($old_file_type) { if ($is_admin) { if (not lm_root()->{"Software/Classes/$old_file_type/"}) { $old_file_type = ""; } } else { if ((not cu_root()->{"Software/Classes/$old_file_type/"}) and (not lm_root()->{"Software/Classes/$old_file_type/"})) { $old_file_type = ""; } } } # admin: whether to remove HKCU entry. admin never _writes_ to HKCU my $remove_cu = ($mode == 2) && admin(); # can do the following safely: debug ("Adding $file_type to OpenWithProgIds of $extension\n"); add_to_progids ($extension, $file_type); if ($old_file_type and $old_file_type ne $file_type) { if ($mode == 1) { debug ("Not overwriting $old_file_type with $file_type for $extension\n"); } else { debug("Linking $extension to $file_type\n"); debug ("Moving $old_file_type to OpenWithProgIds\n"); add_to_progids ($extension, $old_file_type); $regkey = {'/' => $file_type}; do_write_regkey("Software/Classes/$extension/", $regkey, $remove_cu); } } else { $regkey = {'/' => $file_type}; do_write_regkey("Software/Classes/$extension/", $regkey, $remove_cu); } } =pod =item C Reversal of register_extension. =cut sub unregister_extension { # we don't error check; we just do the best we can. my $mode = shift; return 1 if $mode == 0; # mode 1 and 2 treated identically: # only unregister if the current value is as expected my $extension = shift; my $file_type = shift; $extension = '.'.$extension unless $extension =~ /^\./; remove_from_progids($extension, $file_type); my $old_file_type = current_filetype("$extension"); if ($old_file_type ne $file_type) { debug("Filetype $extension now $old_file_type; not ours, so not removed\n"); return 1; } else { debug("unregistering extension $extension\n"); do_remove_regkey("Software/Classes/$extension//"); } } =pod =item C Add registry entries to associate $file_type with $command. Slashes are flipped where necessary. Double quotes should be added by the caller if necessary. =cut sub register_file_type { my $file_type = shift; my $command = shift; tlwarn "register_file_type called with empty command\n" unless $command; $command =~s!/!\\!g; debug ("Linking $file_type to $command\n"); my $keyhash = { "shell/" => { "open/" => { "command/" => { "/" => $command } } } }; do_write_regkey("Software/Classes/$file_type", $keyhash); } =pod =item C Reversal of register_file_type. =cut sub unregister_file_type { # we don't error check; we just do the best we can. # All our filetypes start with 'TL.' so we consider them # our own even if they have been tampered with. my $file_type = shift; debug ("unregistering $file_type\n"); do_remove_regkey("Software/Classes/$file_type/"); } =pod =back =head2 ACTIVATING CHANGES IMMEDIATELY =over 4 =item C Broadcasts system message that enviroment has changed. This only has an effect on newly-started programs, not on running programs and the processes they spawn. =cut sub broadcast_env() { if ($SendMessage) { use constant HWND_BROADCAST => 0xffff; use constant WM_SETTINGCHANGE => 0x001A; my $result = ""; my $ans = "12345678"; # room for dword $result = $SendMessage->Call(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, 'Environment', 0, 2000, $ans) if $SendMessage; debug("Broadcast complete; result: $result.\n"); } else { debug("No SendMessage available\n"); } } =pod =item C Notifies the system that filetypes have changed. =cut sub update_assocs() { use constant SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED => 0x8000000; use constant SHCNF_IDLIST => 0; if ($update_fu) { debug("Notifying changes in filetypes...\n"); $update_fu->Call (SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, 0, 0); debug("Done notifying\n"); } else { debug("No update_fu\n"); } } =pod =back =head2 SHORTCUTS =item C Add a shortcut, with name $name and icon $icon, pointing to program $prog with parameters $args (a string). Use a non-null batgui parameter if the shortcut starts a gui program via a batchfile. Then the inevitable command prompt will be hidden rightaway, leaving only the gui program visible. =item C Add a shortcut on the desktop. =item C Add a menu shortcut at place $place, relative to Start/Programs. =cut sub add_shortcut { my ($dir, $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui) = @_; # make sure $dir exists if ((not -e $dir) and (not -d $dir)) { mkdirhier($dir); } if (not -d $dir) { tlwarn ("Failed to create directory $dir for shortcut\n"); return; } # create shortcut debug "Creating shortcut $name for $prog in $dir\n"; my ($shc, $shpath, $shfile); $shc = new Win32::Shortcut(); $shc->{'IconLocation'} = $icon if -f $icon; $shc->{'Path'} = $prog; $shc->{'Arguments'} = $args; $shc->{'ShowCmd'} = $batgui ? SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE : SW_SHOWNORMAL; $shc->{'WorkingDirectory'} = '%USERPROFILE%'; $shfile = $dir; $shfile =~ s!\\!/!g; $shfile .= ($shfile =~ m!/$! ? '' : '/') . $name . '.lnk'; $shc->Save($shfile); } sub desktop_path() { return Win32::GetFolderPath( (admin() ? Win32::CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY : Win32::CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY), CREATE); } sub menu_path() { return Win32::GetFolderPath( (admin() ? Win32::CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS : Win32::CSIDL_PROGRAMS), CREATE); } sub add_desktop_shortcut { my ($name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui) = @_; add_shortcut (desktop_path(), $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui); } sub add_menu_shortcut { my ($place, $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui) = @_; $place =~ s!\\!/!g; my $shdir = menu_path() . ($place =~ m!^/!=~ '/' ? '' : '/') . $place; add_shortcut ($shdir, $name, $icon, $prog, $args, $batgui); } =pod =item C For uninstallation of an individual package. =item C For uninstallation of an individual package. =cut sub remove_desktop_shortcut { my $name = shift; unlink desktop_path().'/'.$name.'.lnk'; } sub remove_menu_shortcut { my $place = shift; my $name = shift; $place =~ s!\\!/!g; $place = '/'.$place unless $place =~ m!^/!; unlink menu_path().$place.'/'.$name.'.lnk'; } =pod =back =head2 UNINSTALLER =over 4 =item C Writes registry entries for add/remove programs which reference the uninstaller script and creates uninstaller batchfiles to finish the job. =cut sub create_uninstaller { # TEXDIR &log("Creating uninstaller\n"); my $td_fw = shift; $td_fw =~ s!\\!/!; my $td = $td_fw; $td =~ s!/!\\!g; my $tdmain = `"$td\\bin\\win32\\kpsewhich" -var-value=TEXMFMAIN`; $tdmain =~ s!/!\\!g; chomp $tdmain; my $uninst_fw = "$td_fw/tlpkg/installer"; my $uninst_dir = $uninst_fw; $uninst_dir =~ s!/!\\!g; mkdirhier("$uninst_fw"); # wasn't this done yet? if (! (open UNINST, ">", "$uninst_fw/uninst.bat")) { tlwarn("Failed to create uninstaller\n"); return 0; } print UNINST <nul 2>&1 if not errorlevel 1 1>nul 2>&1 taskkill /IM tl-tray-menu.exe /f copy \"$uninst_dir\\uninst2.bat\" \"\%TEMP\%\" rem pause \"\%TEMP\%\\uninst2.bat\" UNEND ; close UNINST; # We could simply delete everything under the root at one go, # but this might be catastrophic if TL doesn't have its own root. if (! (open UNINST2, ">$uninst_fw/uninst2.bat")) { tlwarn("Failed to complete creating uninstaller\n"); return 0; } print UNINST2 < Open((admin() ? "LMachine" : "CUser") . "/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/", {Access => KEY_FULL_ACCESS()}); if ($uninst_key) { $k = $uninst_key->CreateKey( "uninstall/TeXLive$::TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear/"); if ($k) { $k->{"/DisplayName"} = "TeX Live $::TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear"; $k->{"/UninstallString"} = "\"$td\\tlpkg\\installer\\uninst.bat\""; $k->{'/DisplayVersion'} = $::TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear; $k->{'/Publisher'} = 'TeX Live'; $k->{'/URLInfoAbout'} = "http://www.tug.org/texlive"; } } if (!$k and admin()) { tlwarn("Failed to register uninstaller\n". "You can still run $td\\tlpkg\\installer\\uninst.bat manually.\n"); return 0; } } } =pod =item C Removes TeXLive from Add/Remove Programs. =cut sub unregister_uninstaller { my ($w32_multi_user) = @_; my $regkey_uninst_path = ($w32_multi_user ? "LMachine" : "CUser") . "/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/uninstall/"; my $regkey_uninst = $Registry->Open($regkey_uninst_path, {Access => KEY_FULL_ACCESS()}); reg_delete_recurse( $regkey_uninst, "TeXLive$::TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear/") if $regkey_uninst; tlwarn "Failure to unregister uninstaller\n" if $regkey_uninst->{"TeXLive$::TeXLive::TLConfig::ReleaseYear/"}; } =pod =item C Write-protects a directory $dir recursively, using ACLs, but only if we are a multi-user install, and only if $dir is on an NTFS-formatted local fixed disk, and only on Windows Vista and later. It writes a log message what it does and why. =cut sub maybe_make_ro { my $dir = shift; debug ("Calling maybe_make_ro on $dir\n"); tldie "$dir not a directory\n" unless -d $dir; if (!admin()) { log "Not an admin install; not making read-only\n"; return 1; } if (!is_vista()) { log "Windows version $windows_version earlier than Vista;". " not making read-only\n"; return 1; } $dir = Cwd::abs_path($dir); # GetDriveType: check that $dir is on local fixed disk # need to feed GetDriveType the drive root my ($volume,$dirs,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($dir); debug "Split path: | $volume | $dirs | $file\n"; # GetDriveType won't handle UNC paths so handle this case separately if ($volume =~ m!^[\\/][\\/]!) { log "$dir on UNC network path; not making read-only\n"; return 1; } my $dt = Win32API::File::GetDriveType($volume); debug "Drive type $dt\n"; if ($dt ne Win32API::File::DRIVE_FIXED) { log "Not a local fixed drive; not making read-only\n"; return 1; } # FsType: test for NTFS, or, better, check whether ACLs are supported # FsType needs to be called for the current directory my $curdir = Cwd::getcwd(); debug "Current directory $curdir\n"; chdir $dir; my $newdir = Cwd::getcwd(); debug "New current directory $newdir\n"; tldie "Cannot cd to $dir, current dir is $newdir\n" unless lc($newdir) eq lc($dir); my ($fstype, $flags, $maxl) = Win32::FsType(); # of current drive if (!($flags & 0x00000008)) { log "$dir does not supports ACLs; not making read-only\n"; # go back to original directory chdir $curdir; return 1; } # ran out of excuses: do it # we use cmd /c # $dir now being the current directory, we can save ourselves # some quoting troubles by using . for $dir. # some 'well-known sids': # S-1-5-11 Authenticated users # S-1-5-32-545 Users # S-1-5-32-544 administrators # S-1-3-0 creator owner # S-1-3-1 creator group # useful explanations at http://timbolton.net/2010/06/23/ # /icacls-changing-permissions-on-files-and-folders # /reset is necessary for removing non-standard existing permissions my $cmd = 'cmd /c "icacls . /reset && icacls . /inheritance:r'. ' /grant:r *S-1-5-32-544:(OI)(CI)F /grant *S-1-3-0:(OI)(CI)F'. ' /grant *S-1-5-11:(OI)(CI)RX"'; log "Making read-only\n".`$cmd`."\n"; # go back to original directory chdir $curdir; return 1; } # needs a terminal 1 for require to succeed! 1; ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #