# $Id$ # TeXLive::TLPDB.pm - tlpdb plain text database files. # Copyright 2007-2024 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. use strict; use warnings; package TeXLive::TLPDB; my $svnrev = '$Revision$'; my $_modulerevision = ($svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /) ? $1 : "unknown"; sub module_revision { return $_modulerevision; } =pod =head1 NAME C -- TeX Live Package Database (C) module =head1 SYNOPSIS use TeXLive::TLPDB; TeXLive::TLPDB->new (); TeXLive::TLPDB->new (root => "/path/to/texlive/installation/root"); $tlpdb->root("/path/to/root/of/texlive/installation"); $tlpdb->copy; $tlpdb->from_file($filename); $tlpdb->writeout; $tlpdb->writeout(FILEHANDLE); $tlpdb->as_json; $tlpdb->save; $tlpdb->media; $tlpdb->available_architectures(); $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); $tlpdb->needed_by($pkg); $tlpdb->remove_tlpobj($pkg); $tlpdb->get_package("packagename"); $tlpdb->list_packages ( [$tag] ); $tlpdb->expand_dependencies(["-only-arch",] $totlpdb, @list); $tlpdb->expand_dependencies(["-no-collections",] $totlpdb, @list); $tlpdb->find_file("filename"); $tlpdb->collections; $tlpdb->schemes; $tlpdb->updmap_cfg_lines; $tlpdb->fmtutil_cnf_lines; $tlpdb->language_dat_lines; $tlpdb->language_def_lines; $tlpdb->language_lua_lines; $tlpdb->package_revision("packagename"); $tlpdb->location; $tlpdb->platform; $tlpdb->is_verified; $tlpdb->verification_status; $tlpdb->config_src_container; $tlpdb->config_doc_container; $tlpdb->config_container_format; $tlpdb->config_release; $tlpdb->config_minrelease; $tlpdb->config_revision; $tlpdb->config_frozen; $tlpdb->options; $tlpdb->option($key, [$value]); $tlpdb->reset_options(); $tlpdb->add_default_options(); $tlpdb->settings; $tlpdb->setting($key, [$value]); $tlpdb->setting([-clear], $key, [$value]); $tlpdb->sizes_of_packages($opt_src, $opt_doc, $ref_arch_list [, @packs ]); $tlpdb->sizes_of_packages_with_deps($opt_src, $opt_doc, $ref_arch_list [, @packs ]); $tlpdb->install_package($pkg, $dest_tlpdb); $tlpdb->remove_package($pkg, %options); $tlpdb->install_package_files($file [, $file ]); TeXLive::TLPDB->listdir([$dir]); $tlpdb->generate_listfiles([$destdir]); $tlpdb->make_virtual; $tlpdb->is_virtual; $tlpdb->virtual_add_tlpdb($tlpdb, $tag); $tlpdb->virtual_remove_tlpdb($tag); $tlpdb->virtual_get_tags(); $tlpdb->virtual_get_tlpdb($tag); $tlpdb->virtual_get_package($pkg, $tag); $tlpdb->candidates($pkg); $tlpdb->virtual_candidate($pkg); $tlpdb->virtual_pinning( [ $pin_file_TLConfFile ] ); =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut use TeXLive::TLConfig qw($CategoriesRegexp $DefaultCategory $InfraLocation $DatabaseName $DatabaseLocation $MetaCategoriesRegexp $Archive $DefaultCompressorFormat %Compressors $CompressorExtRegexp %TLPDBOptions %TLPDBSettings $ChecksumExtension $RelocPrefix $RelocTree); use TeXLive::TLCrypto; use TeXLive::TLPOBJ; use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(dirname mkdirhier member wndws info log debug ddebug tlwarn basename download_file merge_into tldie system_pipe); use TeXLive::TLWinGoo; use Cwd 'abs_path'; my $_listdir; =pod =over 4 =item C<< TeXLive::TLPDB->new >> =item C<< TeXLive::TLPDB->new( [root => "$path"] ) >> C<< TeXLive::TLPDB->new >> creates a new C object. If the argument C is given it will be initialized from the respective location starting at $path. If C<$path> begins with C, C, C, C, C or C@I:>, the respective file is downloaded. The C<$path> can also start with C in which case it is treated as a file on the filesystem in the usual way. Returns an object of type C, or undef if the root was given but no package could be read from that location. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %params = @_; my $self = { root => $params{'root'}, tlps => $params{'tlps'}, verified => 0 }; my $verify = defined($params{'verify'}) ? $params{'verify'} : 0; ddebug("TLPDB new: verify=$verify\n"); $_listdir = $params{'listdir'} if defined($params{'listdir'}); bless $self, $class; if (defined($params{'tlpdbfile'})) { my $nr_packages_read = $self->from_file($params{'tlpdbfile'}, 'from-file' => 1, 'verify' => $verify); if ($nr_packages_read == 0) { # that is bad, we didn't read anything, so return undef. return undef; } return $self; } if (defined($self->{'root'})) { my $nr_packages_read = $self->from_file("$self->{'root'}/$DatabaseLocation", 'verify' => $verify); if ($nr_packages_read == 0) { # that is bad, we didn't read anything, so return undef. return undef; } } return $self; } sub copy { my $self = shift; my $bla = {}; %$bla = %$self; bless $bla, "TeXLive::TLPDB"; return $bla; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj) >> The C adds an object of the type TLPOBJ to the TLPDB. =cut sub add_tlpobj { my ($self,$tlp) = @_; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot add tlpobj to a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } $self->{'tlps'}{$tlp->name} = $tlp; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->needed_by($pkg) >> Returns an array of package names depending on $pkg. =cut sub needed_by { my ($self,$pkg) = @_; my @ret; for my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $tlp = $self->get_package($p); DEPENDS: for my $d ($tlp->depends) { # exact match if ($d eq $pkg) { push @ret, $p; last DEPENDS; # of the for loop on all depends } # if ($d =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { my $parent = $1; for my $a ($self->available_architectures) { if ($pkg eq "$parent.$a") { push @ret, $p; last DEPENDS; } } } } } return @ret; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->remove_tlpobj($pkg) >> Remove the package named C<$pkg> from the tlpdb. Gives a warning if the package is not present =cut sub remove_tlpobj { my ($self,$pkg) = @_; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot remove tlpobj from a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } if (defined($self->{'tlps'}{$pkg})) { delete $self->{'tlps'}{$pkg}; } else { tlwarn("TLPDB: package to be removed not found: $pkg\n"); } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->from_file($filename, @args) >> The C function initializes the C if the root was not given at generation time. See L for more information. It returns the actual number of packages (TLPOBJs) read from C<$filename>, and zero if there are problems (and gives warnings). =cut sub from_file { my ($self, $path, @args) = @_; my %params = @args; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot initialize a virtual tlpdb from_file\n"); return 0; } if (@_ < 2) { die "$0: from_file needs filename for initialization"; } my $root_from_path = dirname(dirname($path)); if (defined($self->{'root'})) { if ($self->{'root'} ne $root_from_path) { if (!$params{'from-file'}) { tlwarn("TLPDB: initialization from different location than original;\n"); tlwarn("TLPDB: hope you are sure!\n"); tlwarn("TLPDB: root=$self->{'root'}, root_from_path=$root_from_path\n"); } } } else { $self->root($root_from_path); } $self->verification_status($VS_UNKNOWN); my $retfh; my $tlpdbfile; my $is_verified = 0; # do media detection my $rootpath = $self->root; my $media; if ($rootpath =~ m,https?://|ftp://,) { $media = 'NET'; } elsif ($rootpath =~ m,$TeXLive::TLUtils::SshURIRegex,) { $media = 'NET'; } else { if ($rootpath =~ m,file://*(.*)$,) { $rootpath = "/$1"; } if ($params{'media'}) { $media = $params{'media'}; } elsif (! -d $rootpath) { # no point in going on if we don't even have a directory. tlwarn("TLPDB: not a directory, not loading: $rootpath\n"); return 0; } elsif (-d "$rootpath/texmf-dist/web2c") { $media = 'local_uncompressed'; } elsif (-d "$rootpath/texmf/web2c") { # older $media = 'local_uncompressed'; } elsif (-d "$rootpath/web2c") { $media = 'local_uncompressed'; } elsif (-d "$rootpath/$Archive") { $media = 'local_compressed'; } else { # we cannot find the right type, return zero, hope people notice tlwarn("TLPDB: Cannot determine type of tlpdb from $rootpath!\n"); return 0; } } $self->{'media'} = $media; # # actually load the TLPDB if ($path =~ m;^((https?|ftp)://|file:\/\/*); || $path =~ m;$TeXLive::TLUtils::SshURIRegex;) { debug("TLPDB.pm: trying to initialize from $path\n"); # now $xzfh filehandle is open, the file created # TLUtils::download_file will just overwrite what is there # on windows that doesn't work, so we close the fh immediately # this creates a short loophole, but much better than before anyway my $tlpdbfh; ($tlpdbfh, $tlpdbfile) = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpfile(); # same as above close($tlpdbfh); # if we have xz available we try the xz file my $xz_succeeded = 0 ; my $compressorextension = ""; if (defined($::progs{$DefaultCompressorFormat})) { # we first try the xz compressed file my ($xzfh, $xzfile) = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpfile(); close($xzfh); my $decompressor = $::progs{$DefaultCompressorFormat}; $compressorextension = $Compressors{$DefaultCompressorFormat}{'extension'}; my @decompressorArgs = @{$Compressors{$DefaultCompressorFormat}{'decompress_args'}}; debug("trying to download $path.$compressorextension to $xzfile\n"); my $ret = TeXLive::TLUtils::download_file("$path.$compressorextension", "$xzfile"); # better to check both, the return value AND the existence of the file if ($ret && (-r "$xzfile")) { # ok, let the fun begin debug("decompressing $xzfile to $tlpdbfile\n"); # xz *hopefully* returns 0 on success and anything else on failure # we don't have to negate since not zero means error in the shell # and thus in perl true if (!system_pipe($decompressor, $xzfile, $tlpdbfile, 1, @decompressorArgs)) { debug("$decompressor $xzfile failed, trying plain file\n"); unlink($xzfile); # the above command only removes in case of success } else { $xz_succeeded = 1; debug("found the uncompressed $DefaultCompressorFormat file\n"); } } } else { debug("no $DefaultCompressorFormat defined ...\n"); } if (!$xz_succeeded) { debug("TLPDB: downloading $path.$compressorextension didn't succeed, try $path\n"); my $ret = TeXLive::TLUtils::download_file($path, $tlpdbfile); # better to check both, the return value AND the existence of the file if ($ret && (-r $tlpdbfile)) { # do nothing } else { unlink($tlpdbfile); my $diemsg = <verification_status($status); } open($retfh, "<$tlpdbfile") || die "$0: open($tlpdbfile) failed: $!"; } else { if ($params{'verify'} && $media ne 'local_uncompressed') { my ($verified, $status) = TeXLive::TLCrypto::verify_checksum_and_check_return($path, $path); $is_verified = $verified; $self->verification_status($status); } open(TMP, "<$path") || die "$0: open($path) failed: $!"; $retfh = \*TMP; } my $found = 0; my $ret = 0; do { my $tlp = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $ret = $tlp->from_fh($retfh,1); if ($ret) { $self->add_tlpobj($tlp); $found++; } } until (!$ret); if (! $found) { debug("$0: Could not load packages from\n"); debug(" $path\n"); } $self->{'verified'} = $is_verified; close($retfh); return($found); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->writeout >> =item C<< $tlpdb->writeout(FILEHANDLE) >> The C function writes the database to C, or the file handle given as argument. =cut sub writeout { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot writeout a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } my $fd = (@_ ? $_[0] : *STDOUT); foreach (sort keys %{$self->{'tlps'}}) { TeXLive::TLUtils::dddebug("writeout: tlpname=$_ ", $self->{'tlps'}{$_}->name, "\n"); $self->{'tlps'}{$_}->writeout($fd); print $fd "\n"; } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->as_json >> The C function returns a JSON UTF8 encoded representation of the database, that is a JSON array of packages. If the database is virtual, a JSON array where each element is a hash with two keys, C giving the tag of the sub-database, and C giving the JSON of the database. =cut sub as_json { my $self = shift; my $ret = "{"; if ($self->is_virtual) { my $firsttlpdb = 1; for my $k (keys %{$self->{'tlpdbs'}}) { $ret .= ",\n" if (!$firsttlpdb); $ret .= "\"$k\":"; $firsttlpdb = 0; $ret .= $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$k}->_as_json; } } else { $ret .= "\"main\":"; $ret .= $self->_as_json; } $ret .= "}\n"; return($ret); } sub options_as_json { my $self = shift; die("calling _as_json on virtual is not supported!") if ($self->is_virtual); my $opts = $self->options; my @opts; for my $k (keys %TLPDBOptions) { my %foo; $foo{'name'} = $k; $foo{'tlmgrname'} = $TLPDBOptions{$k}[2]; $foo{'description'} = $TLPDBOptions{$k}[3]; $foo{'format'} = $TLPDBOptions{$k}[0]; $foo{'default'} = "$TLPDBOptions{$k}[1]"; # if ($TLPDBOptions{$k}[0] =~ m/^n/) { # if (exists($opts->{$k})) { # $foo{'value'} = $opts->{$k}; # $foo{'value'} += 0; # } # $foo{'default'} += 0; # } elsif ($TLPDBOptions{$k}[0] eq "b") { # if (exists($opts->{$k})) { # $foo{'value'} = ($opts->{$k} ? TeXLive::TLUtils::True() : TeXLive::TLUtils::False()); # } # $foo{'default'} = ($foo{'default'} ? TeXLive::TLUtils::True() : TeXLive::TLUtils::False()); # } elsif ($k eq "location") { # my %def; # $def{'main'} = $TLPDBOptions{$k}[1]; # $foo{'default'} = \%def; # if (exists($opts->{$k})) { # my %repos = TeXLive::TLUtils::repository_to_array($opts->{$k}); # $foo{'value'} = \%repos; # } # } elsif ($TLPDBOptions{$k}[0] eq "p") { # # strings/path # if (exists($opts->{$k})) { # $foo{'value'} = $opts->{$k}; # } # } else { # TREAT ALL VALUES AS STRINGS, otherwise not parsable JSON # treat as strings if (exists($opts->{$k})) { $foo{'value'} = $opts->{$k}; } # } push @opts, \%foo; } return(TeXLive::TLUtils::encode_json(\@opts)); } sub settings_as_json { my $self = shift; die("calling _as_json on virtual is not supported!") if ($self->is_virtual); my $sets = $self->settings; my @json; for my $k (keys %TLPDBSettings) { my %foo; $foo{'name'} = $k; $foo{'type'} = $TLPDBSettings{$k}[0]; $foo{'description'} = $TLPDBSettings{$k}[1]; # if ($TLPDBSettings{$k}[0] eq "b") { # if (exists($sets->{$k})) { # $foo{'value'} = ($sets->{$k} ? TeXLive::TLUtils::True() : TeXLive::TLUtils::False()); # } # } elsif ($TLPDBSettings{$k} eq "available_architectures") { # if (exists($sets->{$k})) { # my @lof = $self->available_architectures; # $foo{'value'} = \@lof; # } # } else { if (exists($sets->{$k})) { $foo{'value'} = "$sets->{$k}"; } # } push @json, \%foo; } return(TeXLive::TLUtils::encode_json(\@json)); } sub configs_as_json { my $self = shift; die("calling _as_json on virtual is not supported!") if ($self->is_virtual); my %cfgs; $cfgs{'container_split_src_files'} = ($self->config_src_container ? TeXLive::TLUtils::True() : TeXLive::TLUtils::False()); $cfgs{'container_split_doc_files'} = ($self->config_doc_container ? TeXLive::TLUtils::True() : TeXLive::TLUtils::False()); $cfgs{'container_format'} = $self->config_container_format; $cfgs{'release'} = $self->config_release; $cfgs{'minrelease'} = $self->config_minrelease; return(TeXLive::TLUtils::encode_json(\%cfgs)); } sub _as_json { my $self = shift; die("calling _as_json on virtual is not supported!") if ($self->is_virtual); my $ret = "{"; $ret .= '"options":'; $ret .= $self->options_as_json(); $ret .= ',"settings":'; $ret .= $self->settings_as_json(); $ret .= ',"configs":'; $ret .= $self->configs_as_json(); $ret .= ',"tlpkgs": ['; my $first = 1; foreach (keys %{$self->{'tlps'}}) { $ret .= ",\n" if (!$first); $first = 0; $ret .= $self->{'tlps'}{$_}->as_json; } $ret .= "]}"; return($ret); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->save >> The C functions saves the C to the file which has been set as location. If the location is undefined, die. =cut sub save { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot save a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } my $path = $self->location; mkdirhier(dirname($path)); my $tmppath = "$path.tmp"; open(FOO, ">$tmppath") || die "$0: open(>$tmppath) failed: $!"; $self->writeout(\*FOO); close(FOO); # on Windows the renaming sometimes fails, try to copy and unlink the # .tmp file. This we do for all archs, cannot hurt. # if we managed that one, we move it over TeXLive::TLUtils::copy ("-f", $tmppath, $path); unlink ($tmppath) or tlwarn ("TLPDB: cannot unlink $tmppath: $!\n"); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->media >> Returns the media code the respective installation resides on. =cut sub media { my $self = shift ; if ($self->is_virtual) { return "virtual"; } return $self->{'media'}; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->available_architectures >> The C functions returns the list of available architectures as set in the options section (i.e., using setting("available_architectures")) =cut sub available_architectures { my $self = shift; my @archs; if ($self->is_virtual) { for my $k (keys %{$self->{'tlpdbs'}}) { TeXLive::TLUtils::push_uniq \@archs, $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$k}->available_architectures; } return sort @archs; } else { return $self->_available_architectures; } } sub _available_architectures { my $self = shift; my @archs = $self->setting("available_architectures"); if (! @archs) { # fall back to the old method checking tex\.* my @packs = $self->list_packages; map { s/^tex\.// ; push @archs, $_ ; } grep(/^tex\.(.*)$/, @packs); } return @archs; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->get_package("pkgname") >> The C function returns a reference to the C object corresponding to the I, or undef. =cut sub get_package { my ($self,$pkg,$tag) = @_; if ($self->is_virtual) { if (defined($tag)) { if (defined($self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag})) { return $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag}{'tlp'}; } else { debug("TLPDB::get_package: package $pkg not found in repository $tag\n"); return; } } else { $tag = $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'target'}; if (defined($tag)) { return $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag}{'tlp'}; } else { return; } } } else { return $self->_get_package($pkg); } } sub _get_package { my ($self,$pkg) = @_; return undef if (!$pkg); if (defined($self->{'tlps'}{$pkg})) { my $ret = $self->{'tlps'}{$pkg}; return $self->{'tlps'}{$pkg}; } else { return undef; } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->media_of_package($pkg [, $tag]) >> returns the media type of the package. In the virtual case a tag can be given and the media of that repository is used, otherwise the media of the virtual candidate is given. =cut sub media_of_package { my ($self, $pkg, $tag) = @_; if ($self->is_virtual) { if (defined($tag)) { if (defined($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag})) { return $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}->media; } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::media_of_package: tag not known: $tag\n"); return; } } else { my (undef,undef,undef,$maxtlpdb) = $self->virtual_candidate($pkg); return $maxtlpdb->media; } } else { return $self->media; } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->list_packages >> The C function returns the list of all included packages. By default, for virtual tlpdbs only packages that are installable are listed. That means, packages that are only in subsidiary repositories but are not specifically pinned to it cannot be installed and are thus not listed. Adding "-all" argument lists also these packages. Finally, if there is another argument, the tlpdb must be virtual, and the argument must specify a tag/name of a sub-tlpdb. In this case all packages (without exceptions) from this repository are returned. =cut sub list_packages { my $self = shift; my $arg = shift; my $tag; my $showall = 0; if (defined($arg)) { if ($arg eq "-all") { $showall = 1; } else { $tag = $arg; } } if ($self->is_virtual) { if ($showall) { return (sort keys %{$self->{'packages'}}); } if ($tag) { if (defined($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag})) { return $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}->list_packages; } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::list_packages: tag not defined: $tag\n"); return 0; } } # we have to be careful here: If a package # is only present in a subsidiary repository # and the package is *not* explicitly # pinned to it, it will not be installable. # This is what we want. But in this case # we don't want it to be listed by default. # my @pps; for my $p (keys %{$self->{'packages'}}) { push @pps, $p if (defined($self->{'packages'}{$p}{'target'})); } return (sort @pps); } else { return $self->_list_packages; } } sub _list_packages { my $self = shift; return (sort keys %{$self->{'tlps'}}); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->expand_dependencies(["control",] $tlpdb, ($pkgs)) >> If the first argument is the string C<"-only-arch">, expands only dependencies of the form C<.>I. If the first argument is C<"-no-collections">, then dependencies between "same-level" packages (scheme onto scheme, collection onto collection, package onto package) are ignored. C<-only-arch> and C<-no-collections> cannot be specified together; has to be one or the other. The next (or first) argument is the target TLPDB, then a list of packages. In the virtual case, if a package name is tagged with C<@repository-tag> then all the dependencies will still be expanded between all included databases. Only in case of C<.>I dependencies the repository-tag is sticky. We return a list of package names, the closure of the package list with respect to the depends operator. (Sorry, that was for mathematicians.) =cut sub expand_dependencies { my $self = shift; my $only_arch = 0; my $no_collections = 0; my $first = shift; my $totlpdb; if ($first eq "-only-arch") { $only_arch = 1; $totlpdb = shift; } elsif ($first eq "-no-collections") { $no_collections = 1; $totlpdb = shift; } else { $totlpdb = $first; } my %install = (); my @archs = $totlpdb->available_architectures; for my $p (@_) { next if ($p =~ m/^\s*$/); my ($pp, $aa) = split('@', $p); $install{$pp} = (defined($aa) ? $aa : 0);; } my $changed = 1; while ($changed) { $changed = 0; my @pre_select = keys %install; ddebug("pre_select = @pre_select\n"); for my $p (@pre_select) { next if ($p =~ m/^00texlive/); my $pkg = $self->get_package($p, ($install{$p}?$install{$p}:undef)); if (!defined($pkg)) { ddebug("W: $p is mentioned somewhere but not available, disabling\n"); $install{$p} = 0; next; } for my $p_dep ($pkg->depends) { ddebug("checking $p_dep in $p\n"); my $tlpdd = $self->get_package($p_dep); if (defined($tlpdd)) { # before we ignored all deps of schemes and colls if -no-collections # was given, but this prohibited auto-install of new collections # even if the scheme is updated. # Now we suppress only "same-level dependencies", so scheme -> scheme # and collections -> collections and package -> package # hoping that this works out better # if ($tlpdd->category =~ m/$MetaCategoriesRegexp/) { if ($tlpdd->category eq $pkg->category) { # we ignore same-level dependencies if "-no-collections" is given ddebug("expand_deps: skipping $p_dep in $p due to -no-collections\n"); next if $no_collections; } } if ($p_dep =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { my $foo = "$1"; foreach $a (@archs) { # install .ARCH packages from the same sub repository as the # main packages $install{"$foo.$a"} = $install{$foo} if defined($self->get_package("$foo.$a")); } } elsif ($p_dep =~ m/^(.*)\.windows$/) { # a windows package should *only* be installed if we are installing # the windows arch if (grep(/^windows$/,@archs)) { $install{$p_dep} = 0; } } else { $install{$p_dep} = 0 unless $only_arch; } } } # check for newly selected packages my @post_select = keys %install; ddebug("post_select = @post_select\n"); if ($#pre_select != $#post_select) { $changed = 1; } } # create return list return map { $install{$_} eq "0"?$_:"$_\@" . $install{$_} } keys %install; #return(keys %install); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->find_file("filename") >> The C returns a list of packages:filename containing a file named C. =cut # TODO adapt for searching in *all* tags ??? sub find_file { my ($self,$fn) = @_; my @ret = (); for my $pkg ($self->list_packages) { for my $f ($self->get_package($pkg)->contains_file($fn)) { push (@ret, "$pkg:$f"); } } return @ret; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->collections >> The C function returns a list of all collection names. =cut sub collections { my $self = shift; my @ret; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { if ($self->get_package($p)->category eq "Collection") { push @ret, $p; } } return @ret; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->schemes >> The C function returns a list of all scheme names. =cut sub schemes { my $self = shift; my @ret; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { if ($self->get_package($p)->category eq "Scheme") { push @ret, $p; } } return @ret; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->package_revision("packagename") >> The C function returns the revision number of the package named in the first argument. =cut sub package_revision { my ($self,$pkg) = @_; my $tlp = $self->get_package($pkg); if (defined($tlp)) { return $tlp->revision; } else { return; } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->generate_packagelist >> The C prints TeX Live package names in the object database, together with their revisions, to the file handle given in the first (optional) argument, or C by default. It also outputs all available architectures as packages with revision number -1. =cut sub generate_packagelist { my $self = shift; my $fd = (@_ ? $_[0] : *STDOUT); foreach (sort $self->list_packages) { print $fd $self->get_package($_)->name, " ", $self->get_package($_)->revision, "\n"; } foreach ($self->available_architectures) { print $fd "$_ -1\n"; } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->generate_listfiles >> =item C<< $tlpdb->generate_listfiles($destdir) >> The C generates the list files for the old installers. This function will probably go away. =cut sub generate_listfiles { my ($self,$destdir) = @_; if (not(defined($destdir))) { $destdir = TeXLive::TLPDB->listdir; } foreach (sort $self->list_package) { my $tlp = $self->get_package($_); $self->_generate_listfile($tlp, $destdir); } } sub _generate_listfile { my ($self,$tlp,$destdir) = @_; my $listname = $tlp->name; my @files = $tlp->all_files; @files = TeXLive::TLUtils::sort_uniq(@files); &mkpath("$destdir") if (! -d "$destdir"); my (@lop, @lot); foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { my $subtlp = $self->get_package($d); if (defined($subtlp)) { if ($subtlp->is_meta_package) { push @lot, $d; } else { push @lop, $d; } } else { # pseudo-dependencies on $Package.ARCH can be ignored if ($d !~ m/\.ARCH$/) { tlwarn("TLPDB: package $tlp->name depends on $d, but this does not exist\n"); } } } open(TMP, ">$destdir/$listname") || die "$0: open(>$destdir/$listname) failed: $!"; # title and size information for collections and schemes in the # first two lines, marked with * if ($tlp->category eq "Collection") { print TMP "*Title: ", $tlp->shortdesc, "\n"; # collections references Packages, we have to collect the sizes of # all the Package-tlps included # What is unclear for me is HOW the size is computed for bin-* # packages. The collection-basic contains quite a lot of # bin-files, but the sizes for the different archs differ. # I guess we have to take the maximum? my $s = 0; foreach my $p (@lop) { my $subtlp = $self->get_package($p); if (!defined($subtlp)) { tlwarn("TLPDB: $listname references $p, but this is not in tlpdb\n"); } $s += $subtlp->total_size; } # in case the collection itself ships files ... $s += $tlp->runsize + $tlp->srcsize + $tlp->docsize; print TMP "*Size: $s\n"; } elsif ($tlp->category eq "Scheme") { print TMP "*Title: ", $tlp->shortdesc, "\n"; my $s = 0; # schemes size includes ONLY those packages which are directly # included and directly included files, not the size of the # included collections. But if a package is included in one of # the called for collections AND listed directly, we don't want # to count its size two times my (@inccol,@incpkg,@collpkg); # first we add all the packages tlps that are directly included @incpkg = @lop; # now we select all collections, and for all collections we # again select all non-meta-packages foreach my $c (@lot) { my $coll = $self->get_package($c); foreach my $d ($coll->depends) { my $subtlp = $self->get_package($d); if (defined($subtlp)) { if (!($subtlp->is_meta_package)) { TeXLive::TLUtils::push_uniq(\@collpkg,$d); } } else { tlwarn("TLPDB: collection $coll->name depends on $d, but this does not exist\n"); } } } # finally go through all packages and add the ->total_size foreach my $p (@incpkg) { if (!TeXLive::TLUtils::member($p,@collpkg)) { $s += $self->get_package($p)->total_size; } } $s += $tlp->runsize + $tlp->srcsize + $tlp->docsize; print TMP "*Size: $s\n"; } # dependencies and inclusion of packages foreach my $t (@lot) { # strange, schemes mark included collections via -, while collections # themselves mark deps on other collections with +. collections are # never referenced in Packages. if ($listname =~ m/^scheme/) { print TMP "-"; } else { print TMP "+"; } print TMP "$t\n"; } foreach my $t (@lop) { print TMP "+$t\n"; } # included files foreach my $f (@files) { print TMP "$f\n"; } # also print the listfile itself print TMP "$destdir/$listname\n"; # execute statements foreach my $e ($tlp->executes) { print TMP "!$e\n"; } # finish close(TMP); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->root([ "/path/to/installation" ]) >> The function C allows to read and set the root of the installation. =cut sub root { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot set/edit root of a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } if (@_) { $self->{'root'} = shift } return $self->{'root'}; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->location >> Return the location of the actual C file used. This is a read-only function; you cannot change the root of the TLPDB using this function. See C<00texlive.installation.tlpsrc> for a description of the special value C<__MASTER>. =cut sub location { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot get location of a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } return "$self->{'root'}/$DatabaseLocation"; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->platform >> returns the platform of this installation. =cut # deduce the platform of the referenced media as follows: # - if the $tlpdb->setting("platform") is there it overrides the detected # setting # - if it is not there call TLUtils::platform() sub platform { # try to deduce the platform my $self = shift; my $ret = $self->setting("platform"); #print STDERR "platform $ret set in tlpdb\n" if defined $ret; return $ret if defined $ret; # the platform setting wasn't found in the tlpdb, try TLUtils::platform #print STDERR "Setting platform to ",TeXLive::TLUtils::platform(), "\n"; return TeXLive::TLUtils::platform(); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->is_verified >> Returns 0/1 depending on whether the tlpdb was verified by checking the cryptographic signature. =cut sub is_verified { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot set/edit verified property of a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } if (@_) { $self->{'verified'} = shift } return $self->{'verified'}; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->verification_status >> Returns the id of the verification status. To obtain a textual representation us %TLCrypto::VerificationStatusDescription. =cut sub verification_status { my $self = shift; if ($self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot set/edit verification status of a virtual tlpdb\n"); return 0; } if (@_) { $self->{'verification_status'} = shift } return $self->{'verification_status'}; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->listdir >> The function C allows to read and set the packages variable specifying where generated list files are created. =cut sub listdir { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $_listdir = $_[0] } return $_listdir; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_src_container >> Returns 1 if the texlive config option for src files splitting on container level is set. See Options below. =cut sub config_src_container { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^container_split_src_files/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return 0; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_doc_container >> Returns 1 if the texlive config option for doc files splitting on container level is set. See Options below. =cut sub config_doc_container { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^container_split_doc_files/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return 0; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_container_format >> Returns the currently set default container format. See Options below. =cut sub config_container_format { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^container_format/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return ""; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_release >> Returns the currently set release. See Options below. =cut sub config_release { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^release/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return ""; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_minrelease >> Returns the currently allowed minimal release. See Options below. =cut sub config_minrelease { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^minrelease/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_frozen >> Returns true if the location is frozen. =cut sub config_frozen { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^frozen/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->config_revision >> Returns the currently set revision. See Options below. =cut sub config_revision { my $self = shift; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.config'); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.config'}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^revision/(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } } return ""; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->sizes_of_packages_with_deps ( $opt_src, $opt_doc, $ref_arch_list, [ @packs ] ) >> =item C<< $tlpdb->sizes_of_packages ( $opt_src, $opt_doc, $ref_arch_list, [ @packs ] ) >> These functions return a reference to a hash with package names as keys and the sizes in bytes as values. The sizes are computed for the list of package names given as the fourth argument, or all packages if not specified. The difference between the two functions is that the C<_with_deps> gives the size of packages including the size of all depending sizes. If anything has been computed one additional key is synthesized, C<__TOTAL__>, which contains the total size of all packages under consideration. In the case of C<_with_deps> this total computation does B count packages multiple times, even if they appear multiple times as dependencies. If the third argument is a reference to a list of architectures, then only the sizes for the binary packages for these architectures are used, otherwise all sizes for all architectures are summed. =cut sub sizes_of_packages { my ($self, $opt_src, $opt_doc, $arch_list_ref, @packs) = @_; return $self->_sizes_of_packages(0, $opt_src, $opt_doc, $arch_list_ref, @packs); } sub sizes_of_packages_with_deps { my ($self, $opt_src, $opt_doc, $arch_list_ref, @packs) = @_; return $self->_sizes_of_packages(1, $opt_src, $opt_doc, $arch_list_ref, @packs); } sub _sizes_of_packages { my ($self, $with_deps, $opt_src, $opt_doc, $arch_list_ref, @packs) = @_; @packs || ( @packs = $self->list_packages() ); my @exppacks; if ($with_deps) { # don't expand collection->collection dependencies #@exppacks = $self->expand_dependencies('-no-collections', $self, @packs); @exppacks = $self->expand_dependencies($self, @packs); } else { @exppacks = @packs; } my @archs; if ($arch_list_ref) { @archs = @$arch_list_ref; } else { # if nothing is passed on, we use all available archs @archs = $self->available_architectures; } my %tlpsizes; my %tlpobjs; my $totalsize = 0; foreach my $p (@exppacks) { $tlpobjs{$p} = $self->get_package($p); my $media = $self->media_of_package($p); if (!defined($tlpobjs{$p})) { warn "STRANGE: $p not to be found in ", $self->root; next; } # # in case we are calling the _with_deps variant, we always # compute *UNCOMPRESSED* sizes (not the container sizes!!!) if ($with_deps) { $tlpsizes{$p} = $self->size_of_one_package('local_uncompressed' , $tlpobjs{$p}, $opt_src, $opt_doc, @archs); } else { $tlpsizes{$p} = $self->size_of_one_package($media, $tlpobjs{$p}, $opt_src, $opt_doc, @archs); } $totalsize += $tlpsizes{$p}; } my %realtlpsizes; if ($totalsize) { $realtlpsizes{'__TOTAL__'} = $totalsize; } if (!$with_deps) { for my $p (@packs) { $realtlpsizes{$p} = $tlpsizes{$p}; } } else { # the case with dependencies # make three rounds: for packages, collections, schemes # size computations include only those from lower-levels # that is, scheme-scheme, collection-collection # does not contribute to the size for my $p (@exppacks) { next if ($p =~ m/scheme-/); next if ($p =~ m/collection-/); $realtlpsizes{$p} = $tlpsizes{$p}; } for my $p (@exppacks) { # only collections next if ($p !~ m/collection-/); $realtlpsizes{$p} = $tlpsizes{$p}; ddebug("=== $p adding deps\n"); for my $d ($tlpobjs{$p}->depends) { next if ($d =~ m/^collection-/); next if ($d =~ m/^scheme-/); ddebug("=== going for $d\n"); if (defined($tlpsizes{$d})) { $realtlpsizes{$p} += $tlpsizes{$d}; ddebug("=== found $tlpsizes{$d} for $d\n"); } else { # silently ignore missing defined packages - they should have # been computed by expand-dependencies debug("TLPDB.pm: size with deps: sub package not found main=$d, dep=$p\n"); } } } for my $p (@exppacks) { # only schemes next if ($p !~ m/scheme-/); $realtlpsizes{$p} = $tlpsizes{$p}; ddebug("=== $p adding deps\n"); for my $d ($tlpobjs{$p}->depends) { # should not be necessary, we don't have collection -> scheme deps next if ($d =~ m/^scheme-/); ddebug("=== going for $d\n"); if (defined($realtlpsizes{$d})) { $realtlpsizes{$p} += $realtlpsizes{$d}; ddebug("=== found $realtlpsizes{$d} for $d\n"); } else { # silently ignore missing defined packages - they should have # been computed by expand-dependencies debug("TLPDB.pm: size with deps: sub package not found main=$d, dep=$p\n"); } } } } return \%realtlpsizes; } sub size_of_one_package { my ($self, $media, $tlpobj, $opt_src, $opt_doc, @used_archs) = @_; my $size = 0; if ($media ne 'local_uncompressed') { # we use the container size as the measuring unit since probably # downloading will be the limiting factor $size = $tlpobj->containersize; $size += $tlpobj->srccontainersize if $opt_src; $size += $tlpobj->doccontainersize if $opt_doc; } else { # we have to add the respective sizes, that is checking for # installation of src and doc file $size = $tlpobj->runsize; $size += $tlpobj->srcsize if $opt_src; $size += $tlpobj->docsize if $opt_doc; my %foo = %{$tlpobj->binsize}; for my $k (keys %foo) { if (@used_archs && member($k, @used_archs)) { $size += $foo{$k}; } } # packages sizes are stored in blocks; transform that to bytes. $size *= $TeXLive::TLConfig::BlockSize; } return $size; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->install_package_files($f [, $f]) >> Install a package from a package file, i.e. a .tar.xz. Returns the number of packages actually installed successfully. =cut sub install_package_files { my ($self, @files) = @_; my $ret = 0; my $opt_src = $self->option("install_srcfiles"); my $opt_doc = $self->option("install_docfiles"); for my $f (@files) { # - create a tmp directory my $tmpdir = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpdir(); # - unpack everything there { my ($ret, $msg) = TeXLive::TLUtils::unpack($f, $tmpdir); if (!$ret) { tlwarn("TLPDB::install_package_files: $msg\n"); next; } } # we are still here, so the files have been unpacked properly # we need now to find the tlpobj in $tmpdir/tlpkg/tlpobj/ my ($tlpobjfile, $anotherfile) = <$tmpdir/tlpkg/tlpobj/*.tlpobj>; if (defined($anotherfile)) { # we found several tlpobj files, that is not allowed, stop tlwarn("TLPDB::install_package_files: several tlpobj files " . "($tlpobjfile, $anotherfile) in tlpkg/tlpobj/, stopping!\n"); next; } # - read the tlpobj from there my $tlpobj = TeXLive::TLPOBJ->new; $tlpobj->from_file($tlpobjfile); # we didn't die in this process, so that seems to be a proper tlpobj # (btw, why didn't I work on proper return values!?!) # # we are now ready for installation # if this package existed before, remove it from the tlpdb if ($self->get_package($tlpobj->name)) { $self->remove_package($tlpobj->name); } # code partially from TLPDB->not_virtual_install_package!!! my @installfiles = (); my $reloc = 1 if $tlpobj->relocated; foreach ($tlpobj->runfiles) { push @installfiles, $_; }; foreach ($tlpobj->allbinfiles) { push @installfiles, $_; }; if ($opt_src) { foreach ($tlpobj->srcfiles) { push @installfiles, $_; } } if ($opt_doc) { foreach ($tlpobj->docfiles) { push @installfiles, $_; } } # # remove the RELOC prefix, but do NOT replace it with RelocTree @installfiles = map { s!^$RelocPrefix/!!; $_; } @installfiles; # if the first argument of _install_data is scalar, it is the # place from where files should be installed if (!_install_data ($tmpdir, \@installfiles, $reloc, \@installfiles, $self)) { tlwarn("TLPDB::install_package_files: couldn't _install_data files: " . "@installfiles\n"); next; } _post_install_pkg ($self, $tlpobj); # remember that we installed this package correctly $ret++; } return $ret; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->install_package($pkg, $dest_tlpdb [, $tag]) >> Installs the package $pkg into $dest_tlpdb. Returns a reference to the package, or undef if failure. If C<$tag> is present and the tlpdb is virtual, tries to install $pkg from the repository tagged with $tag. =cut sub install_package { my ($self, $pkg, $totlpdb, $tag) = @_; if ($self->is_virtual) { if (defined($tag)) { if (defined($self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag})) { return $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}->install_package($pkg, $totlpdb); } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::install_package: package $pkg not found" . " in repository $tag\n"); return undef; } } else { my ($maxtag, $maxrev, $maxtlp, $maxtlpdb) = $self->virtual_candidate($pkg); return $maxtlpdb->install_package($pkg, $totlpdb); } } else { if (defined($tag)) { tlwarn("TLPDB: not a virtual tlpdb, ignoring tag $tag" . " on installation of $pkg\n"); } return $self->not_virtual_install_package($pkg, $totlpdb); } return undef; } sub not_virtual_install_package { my ($self, $pkg, $totlpdb) = @_; my $fromtlpdb = $self; my $ret; die("TLPDB not initialized, cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($fromtlpdb)); my $tlpobj = $fromtlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($tlpobj)) { tlwarn("TLPDB::not_virtual_install_package: cannot find package: $pkg\n"); return 0; } else { my $container_src_split = $fromtlpdb->config_src_container; my $container_doc_split = $fromtlpdb->config_doc_container; # get options about src/doc splitting from $totlpdb my $opt_src = $totlpdb->option("install_srcfiles"); my $opt_doc = $totlpdb->option("install_docfiles"); my $real_opt_doc = $opt_doc; my $reloc = 1 if $tlpobj->relocated; my $container; my @installfiles; my $root = $self->root; # make sure that there is no terminal / in $root, otherwise we # will get double // somewhere $root =~ s!/$!!; foreach ($tlpobj->runfiles) { # s!^!$root/!; push @installfiles, $_; } foreach ($tlpobj->allbinfiles) { # s!^!$root/!; push @installfiles, $_; } if ($opt_src) { foreach ($tlpobj->srcfiles) { # s!^!$root/!; push @installfiles, $_; } } if ($real_opt_doc) { foreach ($tlpobj->docfiles) { # s!^!$root/!; push @installfiles, $_; } } my $media = $self->media; my $container_is_versioned = 0; if ($media eq 'local_uncompressed') { $container = \@installfiles; } elsif ($media eq 'local_compressed') { for my $ext (map { $Compressors{$_}{'extension'} } keys %Compressors) { # request versioned containers when local (i.e., ISO image), # since the unversioned symlinks cannot be dereferenced # on Windows. my $rev = $tlpobj->revision; if (-r "$root/$Archive/$pkg.r$rev.tar.$ext") { $container_is_versioned = 1; $container = "$root/$Archive/$pkg.r$rev.tar.$ext"; } elsif (-r "$root/$Archive/$pkg.tar.$ext") { $container_is_versioned = 0; $container = "$root/$Archive/$pkg.tar.$ext"; } } if (!$container) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot find package $pkg.tar.$CompressorExtRegexp" . " in $root/$Archive\n"); return(0); } } elsif (&media eq 'NET') { # Since the NET server cannot be a Windows machine, # ok to request the unversioned file. $container = "$root/$Archive/$pkg.tar." . $Compressors{$DefaultCompressorFormat}{'extension'}; $container_is_versioned = 0; } my $container_str = ref $container eq "ARRAY" ? "[" . join (" ", @$container) . "]" : $container; ddebug("TLPDB::not_virtual_install_package: installing container: ", $container_str, "\n"); $self->_install_data($container, $reloc, \@installfiles, $totlpdb, $tlpobj->containersize, $tlpobj->containerchecksum) || return(0); # if we are installing from local_compressed or NET we have to fetch # respective source and doc packages $pkg.source and $pkg.doc and # install them, too if (($media eq 'NET') || ($media eq 'local_compressed')) { # we install split containers under the following conditions: # - the container were split generated # - src/doc files should be installed # (- the package is not already a split one (like .i386-linux)) # the above test has been removed because it would mean that # texlive.infra.doc.tar.xz # will never be installed, and we do already check that there # are at all src/doc files, which in split packages of the form # foo.ARCH are not present. And if they are present, than that is fine, # too (bin-foobar.windows.doc.tar.xz) # - there are actually src/doc files present if ($container_src_split && $opt_src && $tlpobj->srcfiles) { my $srccontainer = $container; if ($container_is_versioned) { $srccontainer =~ s/\.(r[0-9]*)\.tar\.$CompressorExtRegexp$/.source.$1.tar.$2/; } else { $srccontainer =~ s/\.tar\.$CompressorExtRegexp$/.source.tar.$1/; } $self->_install_data($srccontainer, $reloc, \@installfiles, $totlpdb, $tlpobj->srccontainersize, $tlpobj->srccontainerchecksum) || return(0); } if ($container_doc_split && $real_opt_doc && $tlpobj->docfiles) { my $doccontainer = $container; if ($container_is_versioned) { $doccontainer =~ s/\.(r[0-9]*)\.tar\.$CompressorExtRegexp$/.doc.$1.tar.$2/; } else { $doccontainer =~ s/\.tar\.$CompressorExtRegexp$/.doc.tar.$1/; } $self->_install_data($doccontainer, $reloc, \@installfiles, $totlpdb, $tlpobj->doccontainersize, $tlpobj->doccontainerchecksum) || return(0); } # # if we installed from NET/local_compressed and we got a relocatable container # make sure that the stray texmf-dist/tlpkg directory is removed # in USER MODE that should NOT be done because we keep the information # there, but for now do it unconditionally if ($tlpobj->relocated) { my $reloctree = $totlpdb->root . "/" . $RelocTree; my $tlpkgdir = $reloctree . "/" . $InfraLocation; my $tlpod = $tlpkgdir . "/tlpobj"; TeXLive::TLUtils::rmtree($tlpod) if (-d $tlpod); # we try to remove the tlpkg directory, that will succeed only # if it is empty. So in normal installations it won't be, but # if we are installing a relocated package it is texmf-dist/tlpkg # which will be (hopefully) empty rmdir($tlpkgdir) if (-d "$tlpkgdir"); } } # we don't want to have wrong information in the tlpdb, so remove the # src/doc files if they are not installed ... if (!$opt_src) { $tlpobj->clear_srcfiles; } if (!$real_opt_doc) { $tlpobj->clear_docfiles; } _post_install_pkg ($totlpdb, $tlpobj); } return 1; } # In TLPDB, Do post-install stuff for TLPOBJ: # - cancel relocation stuff # - write the tlpobj # - handle post-installation actions # sub _post_install_pkg { my ($tlpdb,$tlpobj) = @_; # if a package is relocatable we have to cancel the reloc prefix # and unset the relocated setting # before we save it to the local tlpdb if ($tlpobj->relocated) { if ($tlpdb->setting("usertree")) { $tlpobj->cancel_reloc_prefix; } else { $tlpobj->replace_reloc_prefix; } $tlpobj->relocated(0); } # we have to write out the tlpobj file since it is contained in the # archives (.tar.xz) but at DVD install time we don't have them my $tlpod = $tlpdb->root . "/tlpkg/tlpobj"; mkdirhier($tlpod); my $count = 0; my $tlpobj_file = ">$tlpod/" . $tlpobj->name . ".tlpobj"; until (open(TMP, $tlpobj_file)) { # The open might fail for no good reason on Windows. # Try again for a while, but not forever. if ($count++ == 100) { die "$0: open($tlpobj_file) failed: $!"; } select(undef, undef, undef, .1); # sleep briefly } $tlpobj->writeout(\*TMP); close(TMP); $tlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); $tlpdb->save; # # do postinstallation actions. # # Remember to do any postactions, including recording whether files # have changed. TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("enable", $tlpobj); # # If this was context, remember to do its cache. if ($tlpobj->name eq "context") { TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("context-cache", $tlpobj); } # # Run the post installation code in the postaction tlpsrc entries # in case we are on w32 and the admin did install for himself only # we switch off admin mode if (wndws() && admin() && !$tlpdb->option("w32_multi_user")) { non_admin(); } # for now desktop_integration maps to both installation # of desktop shortcuts and menu items, but we can split them if need be. &TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction("install", $tlpobj, $tlpdb->option("file_assocs"), $tlpdb->option("desktop_integration"), $tlpdb->option("desktop_integration"), $tlpdb->option("post_code")); } # _install_data # actually does the installation work # returns 1 on success and 0 on error # # if the first argument is a string, then files are taken from this directory # otherwise it is a tlpdb from where to install # sub _install_data { my ($self, $what, $reloc, $filelistref, $totlpdb, $whatsize, $whatcheck) =@_; my $target = $totlpdb->root; my $tempdir = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpdir(); my @filelist = @$filelistref; if (ref $what) { # determine the root from where we install # if the first argument $self is a string, then it should be the # root from where to install the files, otherwise it should be # a TLPDB object (installation from DVD) my $root; if (!ref($self)) { $root = $self; } else { $root = $self->root; } # if we are installing a reloc, add the RelocTree to the target if ($reloc) { if (!$totlpdb->setting("usertree")) { $target .= "/$RelocTree"; } } foreach my $file (@$what) { # @what is taken, not @filelist! # is this still needed? my $dn=dirname($file); mkdirhier("$target/$dn"); TeXLive::TLUtils::copy "$root/$file", "$target/$dn"; } # we always assume that copy will work return(1); } elsif ($what =~ m,\.tar\.$CompressorExtRegexp$,) { if ($reloc) { if (!$totlpdb->setting("usertree")) { $target .= "/$RelocTree"; } } my $ww = ($whatsize || ""); my $ss = ($whatcheck || ""); debug("TLPDB::_install_data: what=$what, target=$target, size=$ww, checksum=$ss, tmpdir=$tempdir\n"); my ($ret, $pkg) = TeXLive::TLUtils::unpack($what, $target, 'size' => $whatsize, 'checksum' => $whatcheck, 'tmpdir' => $tempdir); if (!$ret) { tlwarn("TLPDB::_install_data: $pkg for $what\n"); # $pkg is error msg return(0); } # remove the $pkg.tlpobj, we recreate it anyway again unlink ("$target/tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.tlpobj") if (-r "$target/tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.tlpobj"); return(1); } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::_install_data: don't know how to install $what\n"); return(0); } } =pod =item << $tlpdb->remove_package($pkg, %options) >> Removes a single package with all the files and the entry in the db; warns if the package does not exist. =cut # remove_package removes a single package with all files (including the # tlpobj files) and the entry from the tlpdb. sub remove_package { my ($self, $pkg, %opts) = @_; my $localtlpdb = $self; my $tlp = $localtlpdb->get_package($pkg); my $usertree = $localtlpdb->setting("usertree"); if (!defined($tlp)) { # we should not be called. tlwarn ("TLPDB::remove_package: package not present, ", "so nothing to remove: $pkg\n"); } else { my $currentarch = $self->platform(); if ($pkg eq "texlive.infra" || $pkg eq "texlive.infra.$currentarch") { log ("Not removing $pkg, it is essential!\n"); return 0; } # we have to chdir to $localtlpdb->root my $Master = $localtlpdb->root; chdir ($Master) || die "chdir($Master) failed: $!"; my @files = $tlp->all_files; # # also remove the .tlpobj file push @files, "tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.tlpobj"; # # and the ones from src/doc splitting if (-r "tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.source.tlpobj") { push @files, "tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.source.tlpobj"; } if (-r "tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.doc.tlpobj") { push @files, "tlpkg/tlpobj/$pkg.doc.tlpobj"; } # # some packages might be relocated, thus having the RELOC prefix # in user mode we just remove the prefix, in normal mode we # replace it with texmf-dist # since we don't have user mode if ($tlp->relocated) { for (@files) { if (!$usertree) { s:^$RelocPrefix/:$RelocTree/:; } } } # # we want to check that a file is only listed in one package, so # in case that a file to be removed is listed in another package # we will warn and *not* remove it my %allfiles; for my $p ($localtlpdb->list_packages) { next if ($p eq $pkg); # we have to skip the to be removed package for my $f ($localtlpdb->get_package($p)->all_files) { $allfiles{$f} = $p; } } my @goodfiles = (); my @badfiles = (); my @debugfiles = (); for my $f (@files) { # in usermode we have to add texmf-dist again for comparison if (defined($allfiles{$f})) { # this file should be removed but is mentioned somewhere, too # take into account if we got a warn list if (defined($opts{'remove-warn-files'})) { my %a = %{$opts{'remove-warn-files'}}; if (defined($a{$f})) { push @badfiles, $f; } else { # NO NOTHING HERE!!! # DON'T PUSH IT ON @goodfiles, it will be removed, which we do # NOT want. We only want to suppress the warning! push @debugfiles, $f; } } else { push @badfiles, $f; } } else { push @goodfiles, $f; } } if ($#debugfiles >= 0) { debug("The following files will not be removed due to the removal of $pkg.\n"); debug("But we do not warn on it because they are moved to other packages.\n"); for my $f (@debugfiles) { debug(" $f - $allfiles{$f}\n"); } } if ($#badfiles >= 0) { # warn the user tlwarn("TLPDB: These files would have been removed due to removal of\n"); tlwarn("TLPDB: $pkg, but are part of another package:\n"); for my $f (@badfiles) { tlwarn(" $f - $allfiles{$f}\n"); } } # # Run only the postaction code thing now since afterwards the # files will be gone ... if (defined($opts{'nopostinstall'}) && $opts{'nopostinstall'}) { &TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction("remove", $tlp, 0, # tlpdbopt_file_assocs, 0, # tlpdbopt_desktop_integration, menu part 0, # tlpdbopt_desktop_integration, desktop part $localtlpdb->option("post_code")); } # we want to check whether we can actually remove files # there might be various reasons that this fails, like texmf-dist # directory suddently becoming ro (for whatever definition of # suddenly). my (%by_dirs, %removed_dirs) = &TeXLive::TLUtils::all_dirs_and_removed_dirs (@goodfiles); my @removals = keys %removed_dirs; # we have already check for the existence of the dirs returned for my $d (keys %by_dirs) { if (! &TeXLive::TLUtils::dir_writable($d)) { tlwarn("TLPDB::remove_package: directories are not writable, cannot remove files: $d\n"); return 0; } } # now do the removal for my $entry (@goodfiles) { # sometimes the files might not be there: 1) we remove .tlpobj # explicitly above; 2) we're called from tl-update-containers # to update the network tlpdb, and that doesn't have an expanded # texmf-dist. next unless -e $entry; # unlink($entry) || tlwarn("TLPDB::remove_package: Could not unlink $entry: $!\n"); } for my $d (@removals) { rmdir($d) || tlwarn("TLPDB::remove_package: Could not rmdir $d: $!\n") } $localtlpdb->remove_tlpobj($pkg); TeXLive::TLUtils::announce_execute_actions("disable", $tlp); # should we save at each removal??? # advantage: the tlpdb actually reflects what is installed # disadvantage: removing a collection calls the save routine several times # still I consider it better that the tlpdb is in a consistent state $localtlpdb->save; # # Run the post installation code in the postaction tlpsrc entries # in case we are on w32 and the admin did install for himself only # we switch off admin mode if (wndws() && admin() && !$localtlpdb->option("w32_multi_user")) { non_admin(); } # # Run the post installation code in the postaction tlpsrc entries # the postaction code part cannot be evaluated now since the # files are already removed. # Again, desktop integration maps to desktop and menu links if (!$opts{'nopostinstall'}) { debug(" TLPDB::remove_package: running remove postinstall\n"); &TeXLive::TLUtils::do_postaction("remove", $tlp, $localtlpdb->option("file_assocs"), $localtlpdb->option("desktop_integration"), $localtlpdb->option("desktop_integration"), 0); } } return 1; } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->option($key [, $val]) >> =item C<< $tlpdb->setting($key [, $val]) >> Need to be documented =cut sub _set_option_value { my $self = shift; $self->_set_value_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'opt_', @_); } sub _set_setting_value { my $self = shift; $self->_set_value_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'setting_', @_); } sub _set_value_pkg { my ($self,$pkgname,$pre,$key,$value) = @_; my $k = "$pre$key"; my $pkg; if ($self->is_virtual) { $pkg = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package($pkgname); } else { $pkg = $self->{'tlps'}{$pkgname}; } my @newdeps; if (!defined($pkg)) { $pkg = new TeXLive::TLPOBJ; $pkg->name($pkgname); $pkg->category("TLCore"); push @newdeps, "$k:$value"; } else { my $found = 0; foreach my $d ($pkg->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^$k:!) { $found = 1; push @newdeps, "$k:$value"; } else { push @newdeps, $d; } } if (!$found) { push @newdeps, "$k:$value"; } } $pkg->depends(@newdeps); $self->add_tlpobj($pkg); } sub _clear_option { my $self = shift; $self->_clear_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'opt_', @_); } sub _clear_setting { my $self = shift; $self->_clear_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'setting_', @_); } sub _clear_pkg { my ($self,$pkgname,$pre,$key) = @_; my $k = "$pre$key"; my $pkg; if ($self->is_virtual) { $pkg = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package($pkgname); } else { $pkg = $self->{'tlps'}{$pkgname}; } my @newdeps; if (!defined($pkg)) { return; } else { foreach my $d ($pkg->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^$k:!) { # do nothing, we drop the value } else { push @newdeps, $d; } } } $pkg->depends(@newdeps); $self->add_tlpobj($pkg); } sub _get_option_value { my $self = shift; $self->_get_value_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'opt_', @_); } sub _get_setting_value { my $self = shift; $self->_get_value_pkg('00texlive.installation', 'setting_', @_); } sub _get_value_pkg { my ($self,$pkg,$pre,$key) = @_; my $k = "$pre$key"; my $tlp; if ($self->is_virtual) { $tlp = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package($pkg); } else { $tlp = $self->{'tlps'}{$pkg}; } if (defined($tlp)) { foreach my $d ($tlp->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^$k:(.*)$!) { return "$1"; } } return; } tlwarn("TLPDB: $pkg not found, cannot read option $key.\n"); return; } sub option_pkg { my $self = shift; my $pkg = shift; my $key = shift; if (@_) { $self->_set_value_pkg($pkg, "opt_", $key, shift); } my $ret = $self->_get_value_pkg($pkg, "opt_", $key); # special case for location == __MASTER__ if (defined($ret) && $ret eq "__MASTER__" && $key eq "location") { return $self->root; } return $ret; } sub option { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; if (@_) { $self->_set_option_value($key, shift); } my $ret = $self->_get_option_value($key); # special case for location == __MASTER__ if (defined($ret) && $ret eq "__MASTER__" && $key eq "location") { return $self->root; } return $ret; } sub setting_pkg { my $self = shift; my $pkg = shift; my $key = shift; if (@_) { if ($TLPDBSettings{$key}->[0] eq "l") { $self->_set_value_pkg($pkg, "setting_", $key, "@_"); } else { $self->_set_value_pkg($pkg, "setting_", $key, shift); } } my $ret = $self->_get_value_pkg($pkg, "setting_", $key); # check the types of the settings, and if it is a "l" return a list if ($TLPDBSettings{$key}->[0] eq "l") { my @ret; if (defined $ret) { @ret = split(" ", $ret); } else { tlwarn "TLPDB::setting_pkg: no $key, returning empty list\n"; @ret = (); } return @ret; } return $ret; } sub setting { my $self = shift; my $key = shift; if ($key eq "-clear") { my $realkey = shift; $self->_clear_setting($realkey); return; } if (@_) { if ($TLPDBSettings{$key}->[0] eq "l") { $self->_set_setting_value($key, "@_"); } else { $self->_set_setting_value($key, shift); } } my $ret = $self->_get_setting_value($key); # check the types of the settings, and if it is a "l" return a list if ($TLPDBSettings{$key}->[0] eq "l") { my @ret; if (defined $ret) { @ret = split(" ", $ret); } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::setting: no $key, returning empty list\n"); @ret = (); } return @ret; } return $ret; } sub reset_options { my $self = shift; for my $k (keys %TLPDBOptions) { $self->option($k, $TLPDBOptions{$k}->[1]); } } sub add_default_options { my $self = shift; for my $k (sort keys %TLPDBOptions) { # if the option is not set already, do set it to defaults if (! $self->option($k) ) { $self->option($k, $TLPDBOptions{$k}->[1]); } } } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->options >> Returns a reference to a hash with option names. =cut sub _keyshash { my ($self, $pre, $hr) = @_; my @allowed = keys %$hr; my %ret; my $pkg; if ($self->is_virtual) { $pkg = $self->{'tlpdbs'}{'main'}->get_package('00texlive.installation'); } else { $pkg = $self->{'tlps'}{'00texlive.installation'}; } if (defined($pkg)) { foreach my $d ($pkg->depends) { if ($d =~ m!^$pre([^:]*):(.*)!) { if (member($1, @allowed)) { $ret{$1} = $2; } else { tlwarn("TLPDB::_keyshash: Unsupported option/setting $d\n"); } } } } return \%ret; } sub options { my $self = shift; return ($self->_keyshash('opt_', \%TLPDBOptions)); } sub settings { my $self = shift; return ($self->_keyshash('setting_', \%TLPDBSettings)); } =pod =item C<< $tlpdb->format_definitions >> This function returns a list of references to hashes where each hash represents a parsed AddFormat line. =cut sub format_definitions { my $self = shift; my @ret; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @ret, $obj->format_definitions; } return(@ret); } =item C<< $tlpdb->fmtutil_cnf_lines >> The function C returns the list of a fmtutil.cnf file containing only those formats present in the installation. Every format listed in the tlpdb but listed in the arguments will not be included in the list of lines returned. =cut sub fmtutil_cnf_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @lines, $obj->fmtutil_cnf_lines(@_); } return(@lines); } =item C<< $tlpdb->updmap_cfg_lines ( [@disabled_maps] ) >> The function C returns the list of a updmap.cfg file containing only those maps present in the installation. A map file mentioned in the tlpdb but listed in the arguments will not be included in the list of lines returned. =cut sub updmap_cfg_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @lines, $obj->updmap_cfg_lines(@_); } return(@lines); } =item C<< $tlpdb->language_dat_lines ( [@disabled_hyphen_names] ) >> The function C returns the list of all lines for language.dat that can be generated from the tlpdb. Every hyphenation pattern listed in the tlpdb but listed in the arguments will not be included in the list of lines returned. =cut sub language_dat_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @lines, $obj->language_dat_lines(@_); } return(@lines); } =item C<< $tlpdb->language_def_lines ( [@disabled_hyphen_names] ) >> The function C returns the list of all lines for language.def that can be generated from the tlpdb. Every hyphenation pattern listed in the tlpdb but listed in the arguments will not be included in the list of lines returned. =cut sub language_def_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @lines, $obj->language_def_lines(@_); } return(@lines); } =item C<< $tlpdb->language_lua_lines ( [@disabled_hyphen_names] ) >> The function C returns the list of all lines for language.dat.lua that can be generated from the tlpdb. Every hyphenation pattern listed in the tlpdb but listed in the arguments will not be included in the list of lines returned. =cut sub language_lua_lines { my $self = shift; my @lines; foreach my $p ($self->list_packages) { my $obj = $self->get_package ($p); die "$0: No TeX Live package named $p, strange" if ! $obj; push @lines, $obj->language_lua_lines(@_); } return(@lines); } =back =head1 VIRTUAL DATABASES The purpose of virtual databases is to collect several data sources and present them in one way. The normal functions will always return the best candidate for the set of functions. More docs to be written if there is any demand. =over 4 =cut # # packages are saved: # $self->{'packages'}{$pkgname}{'tags'}{$tag}{'revision'} = $rev # $self->{'packages'}{$pkgname}{'tags'}{$tag}{'tlp'} = $tlp # $self->{'packages'}{$pkgname}{'target'} = $target_tag # sub is_virtual { my $self = shift; if (defined($self->{'virtual'}) && $self->{'virtual'}) { return 1; } return 0; } sub make_virtual { my $self = shift; if (!$self->is_virtual) { if ($self->list_packages) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot convert initialized tlpdb to virtual\n"); return 0; } $self->{'virtual'} = 1; } return 1; } sub virtual_get_tags { my $self = shift; return keys %{$self->{'tlpdbs'}}; } sub virtual_get_tlpdb { my ($self, $tag) = @_; if (!$self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot remove tlpdb from a non-virtual tlpdb!\n"); return 0; } if (!defined($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag})) { tlwarn("TLPDB::virtual_get_tlpdb: unknown tag: $tag\n"); return 0; } return $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}; } sub virtual_add_tlpdb { my ($self, $tlpdb, $tag) = @_; if (!$self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: cannot virtual_add_tlpdb to a non-virtual tlpdb!\n"); return 0; } $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag} = $tlpdb; for my $p ($tlpdb->list_packages) { my $tlp = $tlpdb->get_package($p); $self->{'packages'}{$p}{'tags'}{$tag}{'revision'} = $tlp->revision; $self->{'packages'}{$p}{'tags'}{$tag}{'tlp'} = $tlp; } $self->check_evaluate_pinning(); return 1; } sub virtual_remove_tlpdb { my ($self, $tag) = @_; if (!$self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB: Cannot remove tlpdb from a non-virtual tlpdb!\n"); return 0; } if (!defined($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag})) { tlwarn("TLPDB: virtual_remove_tlpdb: unknown tag $tag\n"); return 0; } for my $p ($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}->list_packages) { delete $self->{'packages'}{$p}{'tags'}{$tag}; } delete $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}; $self->check_evaluate_pinning(); return 1; } sub virtual_get_package { my ($self, $pkg, $tag) = @_; if (defined($self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag})) { return $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$tag}{'tlp'}; } else { tlwarn("TLPDB: virtual pkg $pkg not found in tag $tag\n"); return; } } =item C<< $tlpdb->candidates ( $pkg ) >> Returns the list of candidates for the given package in the format tag/revision If the returned list is empty, then the database was not virtual and no install candidate was found. If the returned list contains undef as first element, the database is virtual, and no install candidate was found. The remaining elements in the list are all repositories that provide that package. Note that there might not be an install candidate, but still the package is provided by a sub-repository. This can happen if a package is present only in the sub-repository and there is no explicit pin for that package in the pinning file. =cut sub is_repository { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift; if (!$self->is_virtual) { return ( ($tag eq $self->{'root'}) ? 1 : 0 ); } return ( defined($self->{'tlpdbs'}{$tag}) ? 1 : 0 ); } # returns a list of tag/rev sub candidates { my $self = shift; my $pkg = shift; my @ret = (); if ($self->is_virtual) { if (defined($self->{'packages'}{$pkg})) { my $t = $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'target'}; if (defined($t)) { push @ret, "$t/" . $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$t}{'revision'}; } else { $t = ""; # no target found, but maybe available somewhere else, # we return undef as first one push @ret, undef; } # make sure that we always check for main as repo my @repos = keys %{$self->{'packages'}{$pkg}}; for my $r (sort keys %{$self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}}) { push @ret, "$r/" . $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$r}{'revision'} if ($t ne $r); } } } else { my $tlp = $self->get_package($pkg); if (defined($tlp)) { push @ret, "main/" . $tlp->revision; } } return @ret; } =item C<< $tlpdb->candidate ( ) >> Returns either a list of four undef, if no install candidate is found, or the following information on the install candidate as list: the tag name of the repository, the revision number of the package in the candidate repository, the tlpobj of the package in the candidate repository, and the candidate repository's TLPDB itself. =cut # sub virtual_candidate { my ($self, $pkg) = @_; my $t = $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'target'}; if (defined($t)) { return ($t, $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$t}{'revision'}, $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$t}{'tlp'}, $self->{'tlpdbs'}{$t}); } return(undef,undef,undef,undef); } =item C<< $tlpdb->virtual_pinning ( [ $pinfile_TLConfFile] ) >> Sets or returns the C object for the pinning data. =cut sub virtual_pindata { my $self = shift; return ($self->{'pindata'}); } sub virtual_update_pins { my $self = shift; if (!$self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB::virtual_update_pins: Non-virtual tlpdb can't have pins.\n"); return 0; } my $pincf = $self->{'pinfile'}; my @pins; for my $k ($pincf->keys) { for my $v ($pincf->value($k)) { # we recompose the values into lines again, as we *might* have # options later, i.e., lines of the format # repo:pkg:opt push (@pins, $self->make_pin_data_from_line("$k:$v")); } } $self->{'pindata'} = \@pins; $self->check_evaluate_pinning(); return ($self->{'pindata'}); } sub virtual_pinning { my ($self, $pincf) = @_; if (!$self->is_virtual) { tlwarn("TLPDB::virtual_pinning: Non-virtual tlpdb can't have pins.\n"); return 0; } if (!defined($pincf)) { return ($self->{'pinfile'}); } $self->{'pinfile'} = $pincf; $self->virtual_update_pins(); return ($self->{'pinfile'}); } # # current format: # :[,,...][:] # only supported options for now is # revision # meaning that, if for the selected package there is no other # "non-revision" pinning, then all repo/package versions are compared # using normal revision comparison, and the biggest revision number wins. # That allows you to have the same package in several repos: # repo1:foo:revision # repo2:foo:revision # repo1:* # repo2:* # means that: # for package "foo" the revision numbers of "foo" in the repos "repo1", # "repo2", and "main" are numerically compared and biggest number wins. # for all other packages of "repo1" and "repo2", other repositories # are not considered. # # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!!! # # $pin{'repo'} = $repo; # $pin{'glob'} = $glob; # $pin{'re'} = $re; # $pin{'line'} = $line; # for debug/warning purpose sub make_pin_data_from_line { my $self = shift; my $l = shift; my ($a, $b, $c) = split(/:/, $l); my @ret; my %m; $m{'repo'} = $a; $m{'line'} = $l; if (defined($c)) { $m{'options'} = $c; } # split the package globs for (split(/,/, $b)) { # remove leading and terminal white space s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; my %mm = %m; $mm{'glob'} = $_; $mm{'re'} = glob_to_regex($_); push @ret, \%mm; } return @ret; } sub check_evaluate_pinning { my $self = shift; my @pins = (defined($self->{'pindata'}) ? @{$self->{'pindata'}} : ()); # # run through the pin lines and make sure that all the conditions # and requirements are obeyed my %pkgs = %{$self->{'packages'}}; # main:* my ($mainpin) = $self->make_pin_data_from_line("main:*"); # the default main:* is always considered to be matched $mainpin->{'hit'} = 1; push @pins, $mainpin; # # sort pins so that we first check specific lines without occurrences of # # special characters, and then those with special characters. # # The definitions are based on glob style rules, saved in $pp->{'glob'} # # so we simply check whether there is * or ? in the string # @pins = sort { # my $ag = $a->{'glob'}; # my $bg = $b->{'glob'}; # my $cAs = () = $ag =~ /\*/g; # number of * in glob of $a # my $cBs = () = $bg =~ /\*/g; # number of * in glob of $b # my $cAq = () = $ag =~ /\?/g; # number of ? in glob of $a # my $cBq = () = $bg =~ /\?/g; # number of ? in glob of $b # my $aVal = 2 * $cAs + $cAq; # my $bVal = 2 * $cBs + $cBq; # $aVal <=> $bVal # } @pins; for my $pkg (keys %pkgs) { PINS: for my $pp (@pins) { my $pre = $pp->{'re'}; if (($pkg =~ m/$pre/) && (defined($self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'tags'}{$pp->{'repo'}}))) { $self->{'packages'}{$pkg}{'target'} = $pp->{'repo'}; # register that this pin was hit $pp->{'hit'} = 1; last PINS; } } } # check that all pinning lines where hit # If a repository has a catch-all pin # foo:* # then we do not warn about any other pin (foo:abcde) not being hit. my %catchall; for my $p (@pins) { $catchall{$p->{'repo'}} = 1 if ($p->{'glob'} eq "*"); } for my $p (@pins) { next if defined($p->{'hit'}); next if defined($catchall{$p->{'repo'}}); tlwarn("tlmgr (TLPDB): pinning warning: the package pattern ", $p->{'glob'}, " on the line:\n ", $p->{'line'}, "\n does not match any package\n"); } } # implementation copied from Text/Glob.pm (copyright Richard Clamp). # changes made: # remove $strict_leading_dot and $strict_wildcard_slash if calls # and execute the code unconditionally, as we do not change the # default settings of 1 of these two variables. sub glob_to_regex { my $glob = shift; my $regex = glob_to_regex_string($glob); return qr/^$regex$/; } sub glob_to_regex_string { my $glob = shift; my ($regex, $in_curlies, $escaping); local $_; my $first_byte = 1; for ($glob =~ m/(.)/gs) { if ($first_byte) { $regex .= '(?=[^\.])' unless $_ eq '.'; $first_byte = 0; } if ($_ eq '/') { $first_byte = 1; } if ($_ eq '.' || $_ eq '(' || $_ eq ')' || $_ eq '|' || $_ eq '+' || $_ eq '^' || $_ eq '$' || $_ eq '@' || $_ eq '%' ) { $regex .= "\\$_"; } elsif ($_ eq '*') { $regex .= $escaping ? "\\*" : "[^/]*"; } elsif ($_ eq '?') { $regex .= $escaping ? "\\?" : "[^/]"; } elsif ($_ eq '{') { $regex .= $escaping ? "\\{" : "("; ++$in_curlies unless $escaping; } elsif ($_ eq '}' && $in_curlies) { $regex .= $escaping ? "}" : ")"; --$in_curlies unless $escaping; } elsif ($_ eq ',' && $in_curlies) { $regex .= $escaping ? "," : "|"; } elsif ($_ eq "\\") { if ($escaping) { $regex .= "\\\\"; $escaping = 0; } else { $escaping = 1; } next; } else { $regex .= $_; $escaping = 0; } $escaping = 0; } print "# $glob $regex\n" if debug; return $regex; } sub match_glob { print "# ", join(', ', map { "'$_'" } @_), "\n" if debug; my $glob = shift; my $regex = glob_to_regex $glob; local $_; grep { $_ =~ $regex } @_; } =pod =back =head1 OPTIONS Options regarding the full TeX Live installation to be described are saved in a package C<00texlive.config> as values of C lines. This special package C<00texlive.config> does not contain any files, only depend lines which set one or more of the following options: =over 4 =item C =item C These options specify that at container generation time the source and documentation files for a package have been put into a separate container named C and C. =item C> This option specifies a format for containers. The currently supported formats are C and C. But note that C is untested. =item C> This option specifies the current release. The first four characters must be a year. =item C> This option specifies the minimum release for which this repository is valid. =back To set these options the respective lines should be added to C<00texlive.config.tlpsrc>. =head1 SEE ALSO The modules L, L, L, L, etc., and the documentation in the repository: C. =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut 1; ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab autoindent: #