# $Id$ # TeXLive::TLMedia.pm - module for accessing TeX Live Media # Copyright 2008 Norbert Preining # # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. # package TeXLive::TLMedia; use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLPostActions; use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(copy win32 dirname mkdirhier conv_to_win_path basename download_file merge_into debug ddebug info); use TeXLive::TLPDB; use Cwd qw/abs_path/; sub new { my ($class, $location) = @_; my $media; # of no argument is given we assume NET and default URL if (!defined($location)) { return; } # no default by itself ... # $location = "$TeXLiveURL" unless (defined($location)); # do media autodetection if ($location =~ m,http://|ftp://,) { $media = 'NET'; } else { if (-d "$location/texmf/web2c") { $media = 'DVD'; } elsif (-d "$location/$DiskArchive") { $media = 'CD'; } else { # we cannot find the right type, return undefined, that should # make people notice return; } } debug("Loading $location/$InfraLocation/$DatabaseName ...\n"); my $tlpdb = TeXLive::TLPDB->new(root => "$location"); my (@all_c, @std_c, @lang_c, @lang_doc_c); my (@schemes); my %revs; foreach my $pkg ($tlpdb->list_packages) { my $tlpobj = $tlpdb->{'tlps'}{$pkg}; $revs{$tlpobj->name} = $tlpobj->revision; if ($tlpobj->category eq "Collection") { push @all_c, $pkg; if ($pkg =~ /collection-lang/) { push @lang_c, $pkg; } elsif ($pkg =~ /documentation/) { if ($pkg =~ /documentation-base/) { push @std_c, $pkg; } else { push @lang_doc_c, $pkg; } } else { push @std_c, $pkg; } } elsif ($tlpobj->category eq "Scheme") { push @schemes, $pkg; } } my (@systems); @systems = $tlpdb->available_architectures; $self->{'media'} = $media; $self->{'location'} = $location; $self->{'tlpdb'} = $tlpdb; $self->{'release'} = $tlpdb->config_release; @{ $self->{'all_collections'} } = @all_c; @{ $self->{'std_collections'} } = @std_c; @{ $self->{'lang_collections'} } = @lang_c; @{ $self->{'lang_doc_collections'} } = @lang_doc_c; @{ $self->{'schemes'} } = @schemes; @{ $self->{'systems'} } = @systems; %{ $self->{'pkgrevs'} } = %revs; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # sub install_package { my ($self, $pkg, $totlpdb, $nodepends, $nopostinstall, $fallbackmedia) = @_; my $fromtlpdb = $self->tlpdb; my $ret; die("TLMedia not initialized, cannot find tlpdb!") unless (defined($fromtlpdb)); my $tlpobj = $fromtlpdb->get_package($pkg); if (!defined($tlpobj)) { if (defined($fallbackmedia)) { if ($ret = $fallbackmedia->install_package($pkg,$totlpdb)) { debug("installed $pkg from fallback"); return $ret; } else { tlwarn("couldn't find $pkg"); return 0; } } else { tlwarn("couldn't find $pkg"); return 0; } } else { my $container_src_split = $fromtlpdb->config_src_container; my $container_doc_split = $fromtlpdb->config_doc_container; # get options about src/doc splitting from $totlpdb my $opt_src = $totlpdb->option_install_srcfiles; my $opt_doc = $totlpdb->option_install_docfiles; my $real_opt_doc = $opt_doc; if ($tlpobj->category =~ m/documentation/i) { # we do install documenation files for category Documentation # even if opt_doc is false $real_opt_doc = 1; } info("install: $pkg\n"); foreach my $h (@::install_packages_hook) { &$h("install: $package"); } my $container; my @installfiles; my $location = $self->location; foreach ($tlpobj->runfiles) { # s!^!$location/!; push @installfiles, $_; } foreach ($tlpobj->allbinfiles) { # s!^!$location/!; push @installfiles, $_; } if ($opt_src) { foreach ($tlpobj->srcfiles) { # s!^!$location/!; push @installfiles, $_; } } if ($real_opt_doc) { foreach ($tlpobj->docfiles) { # s!^!$location/!; push @installfiles, $_; } } my $media = $self->media; if ($media eq 'DVD') { $container = \@installfiles; } elsif ($media eq 'CD') { if (-r "$location/$DiskArchive/$pkg.zip") { $container = "$location/$DiskArchive/$pkg.zip"; } elsif (-r "$location/$DiskArchive/$pkg.tar.lzma") { $container = "$location/$DiskArchive/$pkg.tar.lzma"; } else { # for now only warn and return, should (?) be die!? tlwarn("Cannot find a package $pkg (.zip or .lzma) in $location/$DiskArchive\n"); next; } } elsif (&media eq 'NET') { $container = "$location/$NetArchive/$pkg.$DefaultContainerExtension"; } $self->_install_package($container,\@installfiles,$totlpdb); # if we are installing from CD or NET we have to fetch the respective # source and doc packages $pkg.source and $pkg.doc and install them, too if (($media eq 'NET') || ($media eq 'CD')) { # we install split containers under the following conditions: # - the container were split generated # - src/doc files should be installed # - the package is not already a split one (like .i386-linux) # - there are actually src/doc files present if ($container_src_split && $opt_src && ($pkg !~ m/\./) && $tlpobj->srcfiles) { my $srccontainer = $container; $srccontainer =~ s/(\.tar\.lzma|\.zip)$/.source$1/; $self->_install_package($srccontainer,\@installfiles,$totlpdb); } if ($container_doc_split && $real_opt_doc && ($pkg !~ m/\./) && $tlpobj->docfiles) { my $doccontainer = $container; $doccontainer =~ s/(\.tar\.lzma|\.zip)$/.doc$1/; $self->_install_package($doccontainer,\@installfiles,$totlpdb); } } # we don't want to have wrong information in the tlpdb, so remove the # src/doc files if they are not installed ... if (!$opt_src) { $tlpobj->clear_srcfiles; } if (!$real_opt_doc) { $tlpobj->clear_docfiles; } # we have to write out the tlpobj file since it is contained in the # archives (.tar.lzma) but at DVD install time we don't have them my $tlpod = $totlpdb->root . "/tlpkg/tlpobj"; mkdirhier( $tlpod ); open(TMP,">$tlpod/".$tlpobj->name.".tlpobj") or die("Cannot open tlpobj file for ".$tlpobj->name); $tlpobj->writeout(\*TMP); close(TMP); $totlpdb->add_tlpobj($tlpobj); $totlpdb->save; # compute the return value my %ret; merge_into(\%ret, $tlpobj->make_return_hash_from_executes("enable")); # now install all the depends if they are not already present # NOTE: installation of .ARCH dependencies is done in *ANY*CASE*, regardless # of the $nodepends setting foreach my $d ($tlpobj->depends) { if ($d =~ m/^(.*)\.ARCH$/) { my $foo = $1; foreach my $a ($totlpdb->available_architectures) { if (!defined($totlpdb->get_package("$foo.$a"))) { merge_into(\%ret, $self->install_package("$foo.$a", $totlpdb, $nodepends, $fallbackmedia)); } } } elsif ($d =~ m/^(.*).win32$/) { # install only of win32 is under the available archs if (TeXLive::TLUtils::member("win32",$totlpdb->available_architectures)) { merge_into(\%ret, $self->install_package($d, $totlpdb, $nodepends, $fallbackmedia)); } } else { if (!$nodepends) { if (!defined($totlpdb->get_package($d))) { # we have to install it! merge_into(\%ret, $self->install_package($d, $totlpdb, $nodepends, $fallbackmedia)); } } } } if (!$nopostinstall) { # do the postinstallation actions if (defined($PostInstall{$pkg})) { info("running post install action for $pkg\n"); &{$PostInstall{$pkg}}($totlpdb->root); } } return \%ret; } } sub _install_package { my ($self, $what, $filelistref, $totlpdb) = @_; my $media = $self->media; my $target = $totlpdb->root; my @filelist = @$filelistref; # we assume that $::progs has been set up! my $wget = $::progs{'wget'}; my $lzmadec = $::progs{'lzmadec'}; my $tar = $::progs{'tar'}; if (!defined($wget) || !defined($lzmadec) || !defined($tar)) { die "Programs have not been set up properly, strange!"; } if (ref $what) { # we are getting a ref to a list of files, so install from DVD my $location = $self->location; foreach my $file (@$what) { # @what is taken, not @filelist! # is this still needed? my $dn=dirname($file); mkdirhier("$target/$dn"); copy "$location/$file", "$target/$dn"; } } elsif ($what =~ m,\.tar.lzma$,) { # this is the case when we install from CD or the NET # # in all other cases we create temp files .tar.lzma (or use the present # one), lzmadec them, and then call tar my $fn = basename($what); mkdirhier("$target/temp"); my $lzmafile = "$target/temp/$fn"; my $tarfile = "$target/temp/$fn"; $tarfile =~ s/\.lzma$//; my $lzmafile_quote = $lzmafile; my $tarfile_quote = $tarfile; my $target_quote = $target; if (win32()) { $lzmafile =~ s!/!\\!g; $lzmafile_quote = "\"$lzmafile\""; $tarfile =~ s!/!\\!g; $tarfile_quote = "\"$tarfile\""; $target =~ s!/!\\!g; $target_quote = "\"$target\""; } if ($what =~ m,http://|ftp://,) { # we are installing from the NET # download the file and put it into temp if (!download_file($what, $lzmafile) || (! -r $lzmafile)) { die "Downloading $what did not succeed, please retry!"; } } else { # we are installing from CD # copy it to temp copy($what, "$target/temp"); } debug("Un-lzmaing $lzmafile to $tarfile\n"); system("$lzmadec < $lzmafile_quote > $tarfile_quote"); if (! -f $tarfile) { die "Unpacking $lzmafile did not succeed, please retry!"; } debug("Unpacking $tarfile\n"); system($tar,"-x","-C",$target,"-f",$tarfile); unlink($tarfile, $lzmafile); } else { die "Don't know how to install $what!\n"; } } # member access functions # sub media { my $self = shift ; return $self->{'media'}; } sub location { my $self = shift ; return $self->{'location'}; } sub tlpdb { my $self = shift ; return $self->{'tlpdb'}; } sub release { my $self = shift ; return $self->{'release'}; } sub all_collections { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'all_collections'} }; } sub std_collections { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'std_collections'} }; } sub lang_collections { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'lang_collections'} }; } sub lang_doc_collections { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'lang_doc_collections'} }; } sub schemes { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'schemes'} }; } sub systems { my $self = shift; return @{ $self->{'systems'} }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME C -- TeX Live Media module =head1 SYNOPSIS use TeXLive::TLMedia; my $tlnet = TeXLive::TLMedia->new('NET'); my $tlneo = TeXLive::TLMedia->new('NET','http://www.ctan.org/mirror/tl/'); my $tlcd = TeXLive::TLMedia->new('CD','/mnt/tl-cd/'); my $tldvd = TeXLive::TLMedia->new('DVD','/mnt/tl-dvd/'); =head1 DESCRIPTION missing =head1 MEMBER ACCESS FUNCTIONS scalars: media, location, tlpdb, release lists: all_collections, std_collections, lang_collections, lang_doc_collections, schemes, systems =back =head1 SEE ALSO The modules L, L, L, L, L. =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #