# $Id$ # TeXLive::TLDownload.pm - module for abstracting the download modes # Copyright 2009 Norbert Preining # # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. package TeXLive::TLDownload; use TeXLive::TLUtils; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; my $svnrev = '$Revision$'; my $_modulerevision; if ($svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /) { $_modulerevision = $1; } else { $_modulerevision = "unknown"; } sub module_revision { return $_modulerevision; } # since Net::HTTP and Net::FTP are shipped by the same packages # we only test for Net::HTTP, if that fails, let us know ;-) our $net_lib_avail = 0; eval { require LWP; }; if ($@) { debug("LWP is not available, falling back to wget mode.\n"); $net_lib_avail = 0; } else { require LWP::UserAgent; require HTTP::Status; $net_lib_avail = 1; ddebug("LWP available, doing persistent downloads.\n"); } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => "texlive/lwp", keep_alive => 3, env_proxy => 1, ); $self->{'ua'} = $ua; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub get_file { my ($self, $url, $out, $size) = @_; # my $realout = $out; my ($outfh, $outfn); if ($out eq "|") { ($outfh, $outfn) = tempfile(); $realout = $outfn; } my $response = $self->{'ua'}->get($url, ':content_file' => $realout); if ($response->is_success) { if ($out ne "|") { return 1; } else { # seek to beginning of file seek $outfh, 0, 0; return $outfh; } } else { tlwarn("TLDownload::get_file: response error:\n"); tlwarn(" " . $response->status_line . "\n"); return; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME C -- TeX Live Download abstraction module =head1 SYNOPSIS use TeXLive::TLDownload; $TeXLive::TLDownload::net_lib_avail my $dl = TeXLive::TLDownload->new(); $dl->get_file($relpath, $output [, $expected_size ]); =head1 DESCRIPTION The C is a wrapper around the LWP modules that allows for persistent connections and different protocols. At load time it checks for the existence of the LWP module(s), and sets C<$TeXLive::TLDownload::net_lib_avail> accordingly. =head2 Using proxies Please see C for details, in a nut shell one can specify proxies by setting C_proxy> variables. =head1 SEE ALSO LWP =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #