# $Id$ # TeXLive::TLcrypto.pm - handle checksums and signatures. # Copyright 2016-2017 Norbert Preining # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 # or any later version. package TeXLive::TLCrypto; use Digest::MD5; use TeXLive::TLConfig; use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(debug ddebug win32 which platform conv_to_w32_path tlwarn tldie); my $svnrev = '$Revision: 40650 $'; my $_modulerevision = ($svnrev =~ m/: ([0-9]+) /) ? $1 : "unknown"; sub module_revision { return $_modulerevision; } =pod =head1 NAME C -- checksums and cryptographic signatures =head1 SYNOPSIS use TeXLive::TLCrypto; # requires Digest::MD5 and Digest::SHA =head2 Setup TeXLive::TLCrypto::setup_checksum_method(); =head2 Checksums TeXLive::TLCrypto::tlchecksum($path); TeXLive::TLCrypto::verify_checksum($file, $url); =head2 Signatures TeXLive::TLCrypto::setup_gpg(); TeXLive::TLCrypto::verify_signature($file, $url); =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut BEGIN { use Exporter (); use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &tlchecksum &tl_short_digest &verify_checksum &setup_gpg &verify_signature ); } =pod =item C<< setup_checksum_method() >> Tries to find a checksum method: check usability of C, then the programs C, C, and C, in that order. On old-enough Macs, C is present but does not have the option C<-sha512>, while the separate program C does suffice. Returns the checksum method as a string, and also sets C<<$::checksum_method>>, or false if none found. =cut sub setup_checksum_method { # make it a noop if already defined # the checksum method could also be "" meaning that there # is none. We do not need to check again. Thus we check # on defined. return ($::checksum_method) if defined($::checksum_method); # default is no checksum $::checksum_method = ""; # for debugging # $::checksum_method = "sha512sum"; # return($::checksum_method); # try to load Digest::SHA, and if that fails, use our own slow modules eval { require Digest::SHA; Digest::SHA->import('sha512_hex'); debug("Using checksum method digest::sha\n"); $::checksum_method = "digest::sha"; }; if ($@ && ($^O !~ /^MSWin/i)) { # for unix like environments we test other programs (openssl, sha512sum, # shasum), too my $ret; # first for openssl dgst -sha512 # old MacOS openssl does not support -sha512! $ret = system("openssl dgst -sha512 >/dev/null 2>&1 /dev/null 2>&1 > Return checksum of C<$file>. =cut sub tlchecksum { my ($file) = @_; # this is here for the case that a script forgets to # set up the checksum method! if (!$::checksum_method) { setup_checksum_method(); } tldie("no checksum method available\n") if (!$::checksum_method); if (-r $file) { my ($out, $ret); if ($::checksum_method eq "openssl") { ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("openssl dgst -sha512 $file"); chomp($out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "sha512sum") { ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("sha512sum $file"); chomp($out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "shasum") { ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("shasum -a 512 $file"); chomp($out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "digest::sha") { open(FILE, $file) || die "open($file) failed: $!"; binmode(FILE); $out = Digest::SHA->new(512)->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest; close(FILE); $ret = 0; } else { tldie("unknown checksum program: $::checksum_method\n"); } if ($ret != 0) { tlwarn("tlchecksum: cannot compute checksum: $file\n"); return ""; } ddebug("tlchecksum: out = $out\n"); my $cs; if ($::checksum_method eq "openssl") { (undef,$cs) = split(/= /,$out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "sha512sum") { ($cs,undef) = split(' ',$out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "shasum") { ($cs,undef) = split(' ',$out); } elsif ($::checksum_method eq "digest::sha") { $cs = $out; } ddebug("tlchecksum: cs ===$cs===\n"); if (length($cs) != 128) { tlwarn("unexpected output from $::checksum_method: $out\n"); return ""; } return $cs; } else { tlwarn("tlchecksum: given file not readable: $file\n"); return ""; } } # sub tlchecksum { # my ($file) = @_; # if (-r $file) { # open(FILE, $file) || die "open($file) failed: $!"; # binmode(FILE); # my $cshash = $dig->new(512)->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest; # close(FILE); # return $cshash; # } else { # tlwarn("tlchecksum: given file not readable: $file\n"); # return ""; # } # } =pod =item C<< tl_short_digest($str) >> Return short digest (MD5) of C<$str>. =cut sub tl_short_digest { return (Digest::MD5::md5_hex(shift)); } # emacs-page =pod =item C<< verify_checksum($file, $checksum_url) >> Verifies that C<$file> has checksum C<$checksum_url>, and if gpg is available also verifies that the checksum is signed. Returns 0 on success, -1 on connection error, -2 on missing signature file, -3 if no gpg program is available, -4 if the pubkey is not available, 1 on checksum errors, and 2 on signature errors. In case of errors returns an informal message as second argument. =cut sub verify_checksum { my ($file, $checksum_url) = @_; # don't do anything if we cannot determine a checksum method # return -2 which is as much as missing signature return(-2) if (!$::checksum_method); my $checksum_file = TeXLive::TLUtils::download_to_temp_or_file($checksum_url); # next step is verification of tlpdb checksum with checksum file # existenc of checksum_file was checked above if (!$checksum_file) { return(-1, "download did not succeed: $checksum_url"); } # check the signature my ($ret, $msg) = verify_signature($checksum_file, $checksum_url); return ($ret, $msg) if ($ret != 0); # verify local data open $cs_fh, "<$checksum_file" or die("cannot read file: $!"); if (read ($cs_fh, $remote_digest, $ChecksumLength) != $ChecksumLength) { close($cs_fh); return(1, "incomplete read from $checksum_file"); } else { close($cs_fh); ddebug("found remote digest: $remote_digest\n"); } $local_digest = tlchecksum($file); ddebug("local_digest = $local_digest\n"); if ($local_digest ne $remote_digest) { return(1, "digest disagree"); } # we are still here, so checksum also succeeded debug("checksum of local copy identical with remote hash\n"); return(0); } # emacs-page =pod =item C<< setup_gpg() >> Tries to set up gpg command line C<$::gpg> used for verification of downloads. Checks for the environment variable C; if that envvar is not set, first C, then C, then, on Windows only, C is looked for. Further adaptation of the invocation of C can be done using the two enviroment variables C, which is passed to C with C<--homedir>, and C, which replaces the default arguments C<--no-secmem-warning --no-permission-warning>. Returns 1/0 on success/failure. =cut sub setup_gpg { my $master = shift; my $found = 0; my $prg; if ($ENV{'TL_GNUPG'}) { # if envvar is set, don't look for anything else. $prg = test_one_gpg($ENV{'TL_GNUPG'}); $found = 1 if ($prg); } else { # no envvar, look for gpg $prg = test_one_gpg('gpg'); $found = 1 if ($prg); # no gpg, look for gpg2 if (!$found) { $prg = test_one_gpg('gpg2'); $found = 1 if ($prg); } if (!$found) { # test also a shipped version from tlgpg my $p = "$master/tlpkg/installer/gpg/gpg." . ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i ? "exe" : platform()) ; debug("Testing for gpg in $p\n"); if (-r $p) { if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) { $prg = conv_to_w32_path($p); } else { $prg = "\"$p\""; } $found = 1; } } } return 0 if (!$found); # $prg is already properly quoted! # ok, we found one # Set up the gpg invocation: my $gpghome = ($ENV{'TL_GNUPGHOME'} ? $ENV{'TL_GNUPGHOME'} : "$master/tlpkg/gpg" ); $gpghome =~ s!/!\\!g if win32(); my $gpghome_quote = "\"$gpghome\""; # mind the final space for following args $::gpg = "$prg --homedir $gpghome_quote "; # # check for additional keyring # originally we wanted to use TEXMFSYSCONFIG, but gnupg on Windows # is so stupid that it *prepends* GNUPGHOME to paths starting with # a drive letter like c:/ # Thus we switch to using repository-keys.gpg in GNUPGHOME! my $addkr = "$gpghome/repository-keys.gpg"; if (-r $addkr) { debug("setup_gpg: using additional keyring $addkr\n"); $::gpg .= "--keyring repository-keys.gpg "; } if ($ENV{'TL_GNUPGARGS'}) { $::gpg .= $ENV{'TL_GNUPGARGS'}; } else { $::gpg .= "--no-secmem-warning --no-permission-warning --lock-never "; } debug("gpg command line: $::gpg\n"); return 1; } sub test_one_gpg { my $prg = shift; my $cmdline; debug("Testing for gpg in $prg\n"); if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/i) { # Perl on Windows somehow does not allow calling a program # without a full path - at least a call to "gpg" tells me # that "c:/Users/norbert/gpg" is not recognized ... # consequence - use which! $prg = which($prg); return "" if (!$prg); $prg = conv_to_w32_path($prg); $cmdline = "$prg --version >nul 2>&1"; } else { $cmdline = "$prg --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; } my $ret = system($cmdline); if ($ret == 0) { debug(" ... gpg ok! [$cmdline]\n"); return $prg; } else { debug(" ... gpg not ok! [$cmdline]\n"); return ""; } } # emacs-page =pod =item C<< verify_signature($file, $url) >> Verifies a download of C<$url> into C<$file> by cheking the gpg signature in C<$url.asc>. Returns 0 on success, -2 on missing signature file, 2 on signature error, -3 if no gpg is available, and -4 if a pubkey is missing. In case of errors returns an informal message as second argument. =cut sub verify_signature { my ($file, $url) = @_; my $signature_url = "$url.asc"; # if we have $::gpg set, we try to verify cryptographic signatures if ($::gpg) { my $signature_file = TeXLive::TLUtils::download_to_temp_or_file($signature_url); if ($signature_file) { my ($ret, $out) = gpg_verify_signature($file, $signature_file); if ($ret == 1) { # no need to show the output debug("cryptographic signature of $url verified\n"); return(0); } elsif ($ret == -1) { return(-4, $out); } else { return(2, <> Internal routine running gpg to verify signature C<$sig> of C<$file>. =cut sub gpg_verify_signature { my ($file, $sig) = @_; my ($file_quote, $sig_quote); if (win32()) { $file =~ s!/!\\!g; $sig =~ s!/!\\!g; } $file_quote = TeXLive::TLUtils::quotify_path_with_spaces ($file); $sig_quote = TeXLive::TLUtils::quotify_path_with_spaces ($sig); my ($status_fh, $status_file) = TeXLive::TLUtils::tl_tmpfile(); close($status_fh); my ($out, $ret) = TeXLive::TLUtils::run_cmd("$::gpg --status-file \"$status_file\" --verify $sig_quote $file_quote 2>&1"); if ($ret == 0) { debug("verification succeeded, output:\n$out\n"); return (1, $out); } else { open($status_fd, "<", $status_file) || die("Cannot open status file: $!"); while (<$status_fd>) { if (m/^\[GNUPG:\] NO_PUBKEY (.*)/) { close($status_fd); debug("missing pubkey $1\n"); return (-1, "missing pubkey $1"); } } return (0, $out); } } =back =cut 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO The modules L, L, etc., and the documentation in the repository: C. Also the standard modules L and L. =head1 AUTHORS AND COPYRIGHT This script and its documentation were written for the TeX Live distribution (L) and both are licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later. =cut ### Local Variables: ### perl-indent-level: 2 ### tab-width: 2 ### indent-tabs-mode: nil ### End: # vim:set tabstop=2 expandtab: #