@echo off rem Copyright 2008-2009 Siep Kroonenberg, Tomasz M. Trzeciak. rem You may freely use, modify and/or distribute this file. rem First, check if this is DOS based system rem in DOS '^' is just a normal character if not ^x==x goto DOS rem Abort if we are running from UNC path if %~d0==\\ goto UNC rem use provided Perl set PERL5LIB=%~dp0tlpkg\tlperl\lib path %~dp0bin\win32;%path% rem start new command interperter with customized prompt and window title rem reuse console window of this interpreter and terminate it after that start /b "TL-SHELL" "%ComSpec%" /k "title TL-SHELL& prompt TL$S%prompt%" exit :UNC echo Cannot run from UNC path. echo Map network drive to a drive letter and rerun the script. echo You can use pushd/popd commands for temporary mapping. pause exit /b 1 :DOS echo DOS and Windows 9x systems are not supported. Sorry. echo Windows 2000 or newer is required. pause