\relax % LYc.etx -- install an LY1-encoded faked small-caps font % % This is used exclusively to install faked small-caps fonts; % real small caps fonts are installed using the default LY1.etx. % % This file is mostly a copy of t1c.etx \encoding % We define the parameters for LY1.etx to produce a c&sc font. \setcommand\lc#1#2{#1small} \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lctop#1#2{#1small} \setcommand\uctop#1#2{#1} \setcommand\lclig#1#2{#1small} \setcommand\uclig#1#2{#1spaced} \setcommand\digit#1{#1} % The default letter spacing is 1/10 of the design size, with small % caps 80% the size of large caps. \setint{smallcapsscale}{800} \ifisglyph{space}\then \setint{interword}{\width{space}} \else\ifisglyph{i}\then \setint{interword}{\width{i}} \else \setint{interword}{333} \fi\fi \ifisint{monowidth}\then \setint{smallcapsextraspace} {\div{\scale{\int{interword}}{\sub{1000}{\int{smallcapsscale}}}}{2}} \setint{smallcapsspacing}{0} \else \setint{smallcapsextraspace}{50} \setint{smallcapsspacing}{50} \fi \ifisint{capspacing}\then \setint{letterspacing}{\int{capspacing}} \fi % Then we call LY1.etx. \inputetx{LY1} \endencoding