-- File searching functions for texdoc. --[[ Copyright 2008, 2009 Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard Distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 or later. See texdoc.tlu for details. --]] local L = {} load_env(L, { 'export_symbols', 'os', 'string', 'table', 'lfs', 'kpse', 'io', 'ipairs', 'assert', 'error', 'tostring', 'setmetatable', 'deb_print', 'err_print', 'win32_hook', 'parse_zip', 'get_patterns', 'sort_doclist', 'docfile_quality', 'config', 'C', }) -- shared by all functions in this file local s_doclist ----------------------- docfile and doclist objects ------------------------ -- doclist = { -- [1] = docfile1, [2] = docfiles2, ..., -- inv = { realpath1 = index1, ... } -- } -- -- The inv subtable is such that for all i -- doclist.inv(doclist[i].realpath) == i local Doclist = {} Doclist.__index = Doclist -- create a new list of docfiles function Doclist:new() local dl = { inv = {} } setmetatable(dl, self) return dl end -- add a docfile to a list function Doclist:add(df) local index = self.inv[df.realpath] if index then self[index]:mergein(df) else local newindex = #self + 1 self[newindex] = df self.inv[df.realpath] = newindex end end -- stops a doclist function Doclist:stop() self.inv = nil end -- docfile = { -- name = filename (used for scoring only) -- tree = code of the tree, see below -- matches = {pattern1, pattern2, ...} -- } -- if tree > 1, this is the index of the tree in TEXDOCS -- if tree = 0, then name is relative to TLROOT (file found from tlpdb only) -- tree = - 1 if and only if file is a sty file. Here name is absolute. local Docfile = {} Docfile.__index = Docfile -- create a new docfile objet using initilisation info -- fields : name (relative to tree), tree, pattern function Docfile:new(info) df = {} setmetatable(df, self) -- get realpath, tree and prepare name df.tree = info.tree if info.tree > 0 then df.realpath = texdocs_tree_to_path(info.tree, info.name) elseif info.tree == 0 then error('Unimplemented') df.realpath = get_tlroot()..'/'..info.name info.name = string.gsub(info.name, '^texmf(-dist)?/doc/', '', 1) elseif info.tree == -1 then df.realpath = info.name else error('Internal error: bad tree number') end -- remove first component of name if at least two directory levels if info.tree > -1 then local name = string.match(info.name, '^..-/(.+/.+)$') if name then df.name = '/'..name else df.name = info.name end else df.name = info.name end -- initialise the list of matches if info.pattern then df.matches = { info.pattern } else df.matches = {} end return df end -- merge a second docfile objet into self function Docfile:mergein(df) if df.tree > self.tree then self.name = df.name self.tree = df.tree end for _, m in ipairs(df.matches) do table.insert(self.matches, m) end end -- from score.tlu Docfile.quality = docfile_quality ------------------ get results from TEXDOCS (à la kpse) ------------------- do -- scope of doc_roots local doc_roots -- doc_roots is a Lua version of kpse's TEXDOCS -- structure of the doc_roots variable: -- doc_roots[i] = { -- path = , -- index_mandatory = -- recursion_allowed = , -- } -- set the doc_roots list from kpse's $TEXDOCS function get_texdocs () doc_roots = {} local sep = (os.type == 'windows') and ';' or ':' local kpse_texdocs = kpse.expand_var("$TEXDOCS") -- expand the path and turn it into a lua list local raw_doc_roots = string.explode(kpse.expand_braces(kpse_texdocs), sep) local max = #raw_doc_roots + 1 for j, dir in ipairs(raw_doc_roots) do local i = max - j local dr = {} local n -- get path, !! and // values dir, n = string.gsub (dir, '//$', '') dr.recursion_allowed = (n == 1) dr.path, n = string.gsub (dir, '^!!', '') dr.index_mandatory = (n == 1) deb_print('texdocs', string.format( 'texdocs[%d] = %s (index_mandatory=%s, recursion_allowed=%s)', i, dr.path, tostring(dr.index_mandatory), tostring(dr.recursion_allowed))) -- decide if we should use a ls-R index, the filesystem, or do nothing local root, shift = lsr_root(dr.path) if root and shift and dr.recursion_allowed then dr.lsr = root dr.lsr_shift = shift deb_print('texdocs', string.format( 'texdocs[%d] using index: %s (shift=%s)', i, root, shift)) elseif not dr.index_mandatory and lfs.isdir(dr.path) then dr.searchfs = true deb_print('texdocs', string.format( 'texdocs[%d] using filesystem search', i)) end -- register this in docroots doc_roots[i] = dr end end -- return the real path from a texdocs tree number + relative path function texdocs_tree_to_path(tree, rel) if doc_roots == nil then get_texdocs() end return win32_hook(doc_roots[tree].path..'/'..rel) end -- find docfiles in texdocs directories function get_doclist_texdocs(patlist) if doc_roots == nil then get_texdocs() end for code, dr in ipairs(doc_roots) do if dr.lsr then scan_lsr(patlist, code, dr.lsr, dr.lsr_shift) elseif dr.searchfs then scan_tree(patlist, code, dr.path, '', dr.recursion_allowed) end end end end -- scope of doc_roots -- find a ls-R file in a parent directory an return it or nil function lsr_root (path) if not lfs.isdir (path) then return end local root, shift = path, '' if string.sub(root, -1) == '/' then root = string.sub(root, 1, -2) end while string.find(root, '/', 1, true) do if lfs.isfile(root..'/ls-R') then return root, shift end local last_comp = string.match(root, '^.*/(.*)$') -- /!\ cannot put last_comp in a regex: can contain special char root = string.sub(root, 1, - (#last_comp + 2)) shift = last_comp..'/'..shift end end -- scan a tree without ls-R file function scan_tree (patlist, code, base, cwd, recurse) deb_print('filesea', "Entering directory: "..cwd) for file in lfs.dir(base..'/'..cwd) do if file ~= '.' and file ~= '..' then local f = (cwd == '') and file or cwd..'/'..file if lfs.isdir(base..'/'..f) then if recurse then scan_tree(patlist, code, base, f, recurse) end else local df = process_file(patlist, file, f, code, true) if df then s_doclist:add(df) end end end end deb_print('filesea', "Leaving directory: "..cwd) end -- scan a ls-R file function scan_lsr(patlist, code, cwd, shift) local is_dir = {} -- is_dir[path] = true iff path is a dir local results = Doclist:new() local isdoc = false local current_dir local l = #shift local lsr = assert(io.open(cwd..'/ls-R', 'r')) local _ = lsr:read('*line') -- throw away first line (comment) local maybe_dir = true -- next line may be a directory while true do local line = lsr:read('*line') while line == '' do line, maybe_dir = lsr:read('*line'), true end if line == nil then break end -- EOF local dir_line = maybe_dir and string.match (line, '^%./(.*):$') if dir_line then maybe_dir = false -- next line may not be a dir if string.sub (dir_line, 1, l) == shift then isdoc = true current_dir = string.sub (dir_line, l+1) is_dir[current_dir] = true deb_print('lsrsea', 'Scanning directory: '..current_dir) elseif isdoc then deb_print('lsrsea', "Finished scanning: "..shift) break -- we're exiting the ./doc (or shift) dir, so it's over end elseif isdoc then local df = process_file(patlist, line, current_dir..'/'..line, code) if df then results:add(df) end end end lsr:close() -- add non-directories to the list for _, df in ipairs(results) do if not is_dir[df.name] then s_doclist:add(df) end end end -- says if file has a 'good' extenstion according to ext_list function check_ext(file) file = string.lower(file) -- remove zipext if applicable file = parse_zip(file) -- then do the normal thing for _, e in ipairs(config.ext_list) do if e == '*' then return true elseif (e == '') then if not string.find(file, '.', 1, true) then return true end else local dot_e = '.'..e if string.sub(file, -string.len(dot_e)) == dot_e then return true end end end return false end -- return a docfile object if file "matches", nil ortherwise function process_file(patlist, file, pathfile, code) deb_print('kpse', 'Processing file: '..pathfile) local docfile local pattern for _, pattern in ipairs(patlist) do if string.find(string.lower(pathfile), string.lower(pattern.name), 1, config.mode ~= 'regex') then local good_ext = check_ext(file) deb_print('kpse', string.format( "File '%s' matches '%s'; good_ext=%s", pathfile, pattern.name, tostring(good_ext))) if good_ext then local info = { name = pathfile, tree = code, pattern = pattern, } if docfile then docfile:mergein(Docfile:new(info)) else docfile = Docfile:new(info) end end end end return docfile end ---------------------------- look for sty files ---------------------------- -- add doclist entries for sty files in patlist function get_doclist_sty(patlist) for _, pat in ipairs(patlist) do local file = kpse.find_file(pat.name) if file then local df = Docfile:new({ name = file, tree = -1, pattern = pat, }) s_doclist:add(df) end end end ------------------------------ main function ------------------------------- -- find docfiles according to pattern function get_doclist(pattern) -- get patterns (inc. aliases) local normal, sty = normal_vs_sty(get_patterns(pattern)) -- initialise result list s_doclist = Doclist:new() -- get results get_doclist_sty(sty) get_doclist_texdocs(normal) -- finally, sort results sort_doclist(s_doclist, pattern) return s_doclist end -- separate sty patterns from the rest function normal_vs_sty(list) if config.mode == 'regex' then return list, {} end local normal, sty = {}, {} for _, p in ipairs(list) do if string.match(string.lower(p.name), '%.([^/.]*)$') == 'sty' then table.insert(sty, p) else table.insert(normal, p) end end return normal, sty end -- finally export a few symbols export_symbols(L, { 'get_doclist', })