#! /usr/bin/env perl ############################################################################### # texdoctk v.0.6.0 (Nov 5, 2004) - GUI for TeX documentation access # Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Thomas Ruedas # This program is provided under the GNU Public License; see the file # README.texdoctk for details about requirements, installation, configuration, # and the full disclaimer. ############################################################################### use strict; use Tk; use Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::config('bundling'); use File::Basename; my $IsWin32 = ($^O =~ /MSWin32/i); if ($IsWin32) { require Win32::API; # Win32::API->import( qw( # &something # )); } # initialization of some internal variables $|=1; my $quiet=1; my $autoview; my $xfmt_viewer=1, my @tdcolors; my %butcol; my $srchentry; my $srchflag=0; my $srchtype; # 0 = database, 1 = texdoc my $tmpfno; # system variables my ($texmfmain,$texmfdist,$texmfdoc,$texmflocal,$texmfhome, $texdocpath,$distdocpath,$docdocpath,$localdocpath,$homedocpath, $datadir, $dvi_viewer,$dvips_conv,$ps_viewer,$pdf_viewer, $pdfps_conv,$html_viewer,$htmlps_conv,$htmlps_redir, $txt_viewer,$txtps_conv,$txtps_redir,$print_cmd); # defaults: unix values my $qq="'"; my $HomeEnv=$ENV{HOME}; my $TeXDocRcDefaults="texdocrc.defaults"; my $TempDir; $TempDir=$ENV{TMPDIR} or $TempDir="/tmp"; my $CmdConsole="xterm -e "; if ($IsWin32) { $qq = "\""; $HomeEnv = $ENV{'USERPROFILE'}; chomp $HomeEnv; $TeXDocRcDefaults = "texdocrc-win32.defaults"; $TempDir = &GetTempPath; $CmdConsole = "cmd /c "; } my $myrc="${HomeEnv}/.texdocrc"; # optional personal settings file my ($line,@dummy); my @tmpfiles; # read system-wide defaults from texdocrc.defaults my $sysrc=`kpsewhich --progname=texdoctk --format=${qq}other text files${qq} ${TeXDocRcDefaults}`; my $database=`kpsewhich --progname=texdoctk --format=${qq}other text files${qq} texdoctk.dat`; my $locdatabase=`kpsewhich --progname=texdoctk --format=${qq}other text files${qq} texdoctk-local.dat`; my $homedatabase=`kpsewhich --progname=texdoctk --format=${qq}other text files${qq} texdoctk-pers.dat`; chomp $locdatabase; chomp $homedatabase; chomp $sysrc; &readrc($sysrc,1); @dummy=split("/",$sysrc); pop @dummy; $datadir=join('/',@dummy); # possibly use personal settings instead of defaults if (-e $myrc) { &readrc($myrc,2); } # command line options GetOptions('v'=>\$quiet,'a'=>\$autoview); my $special=0; my @button; $button[17]="Miscellaneous"; my (@packname,@topic,@doc,@keywords,@maxind,%stydoc); # read database file my $i=-1; my $j; open(DATABASE,"$database") || &fatalmsg("Couldn't open database $database.\n"); while ($line = ) { LINETYPE: { ($line =~ /^\@/) && do { # category ++$i; if ($i == $#button) { pop @button; push @button,(substr($line,1,-1)); $special=1; } else { $button[$i]=substr($line,1,-1); } $j=0; last LINETYPE; }; ($line =~ /^(#|$)/) && do { # comment or empty line last LINETYPE; }; # list item @dummy=split(";",$line); $packname[$i][$j]=$dummy[0]; $topic[$i][$j]=$dummy[1]; $doc[$i][$j]=$dummy[2]; $keywords[$i][$j]=$dummy[3]; if ($doc[$i][$j] =~ /sty$/ && $keywords[$i][$j]) { $stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"}=substr($keywords[$i][$j],1,1); unless ($stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"} =~ /^\d$/) { $stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"}=0; } } $maxind[$i]=$j; ++$j; }; } close(DATABASE); # Read site-local and user's database(s) if it/they exist(s) foreach my $dbfile ($locdatabase,$homedatabase) { if (-e "$dbfile") { open(DATABASE,"$dbfile") || print "Couldn't open additional database $dbfile.\n"; $i=17; # local/user: if no category is specified in database, add to "Misc" while ($line = ) { LINETYPE: { ($line =~ /^\@/) && do { # category $i=&arrindex(@button,substr($line,1,-1)); if ($i >= $#button) { $i=$#button; pop @button; push @button,(substr($line,1,-1)); $special=1; } last LINETYPE; }; ($line =~ /^(#|$)/) && do { # comment or empty line last LINETYPE; }; # list item @dummy=split(";",$line); $j=&arrindex(@{$packname[$i]},$dummy[0]); if ($j > $#{$packname[$i]}) { $packname[$i][$j]=$dummy[0]; $topic[$i][$j]=$dummy[1]; $doc[$i][$j]=$dummy[2]; $keywords[$i][$j]=$dummy[3]; if ($doc[$i][$j] =~ /sty$/ && $keywords[$i][$j]) { $stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"}=substr($keywords[$i][$j],1,1); unless ($stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"} =~ /^\d$/) { $stydoc{"$doc[$i][$j]"}=0; } } $maxind[$i]=$j; ++$j; } }; } close(DATABASE); $special=1 if ($i == 17 && $j > 0); } } # Tk # hash table for toplevel windows; used to avoid multiple calls of same window my %tlwins; my %buttonlist; # create frames for main window: commands on top, frame for buttons below my $main=new MainWindow; $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'addr'}=$main; $main->resizable(0,0); $main->title("TeX Documentation Browser"); $main->bind('all',''=>\&clean_exit); $main->bind('all',''=>sub { $main->raise(); }); $main->bind('all',''=>\&helptext); $main->bind('all',''=>sub { $main->raise(); &mksrch; }); $main->bind('all',''=>\&settings); my $cmdframe=$main->Frame(-background=>"#ffcc99"); my $buttonframe=$main->Frame; $cmdframe->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x'); $buttonframe->pack(-side=>'bottom'); # normal cursor my $defcursor=$main->cget(-cursor); # make buttons for command frame my $Qbut=$cmdframe->Button(-text=>'Quit',%butcol, -command=>\&clean_exit)->pack(-side=>'left'); $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[0]=$Qbut; # define common default font for labels and text explicitly my $deffont=$Qbut->cget(-font); # ensure readability on high-res screens (suggested by R.Kotucha) $deffont='Helvetica -16 bold' if &x_resolution > 1200; $Qbut->configure(-font=>$deffont); $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[1]=$cmdframe->Button( -text=>'Database search', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>[\&mksrch, 0] )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[2]=$cmdframe->Button( -text=>'File search', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>[\&mksrch, 1] )->pack(-side=>'left'); $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[3]=$cmdframe->Button(-text=>'Help/About', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>\&helptext )->pack(-side=>'right'); $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[4]=$cmdframe->Button(-text=>'Settings', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>\&settings )->pack(-side=>'right'); # make buttons for category button frame my $lbut=0; my $l; foreach (@button) { $l=length $_; $lbut=$l if ( $l > $lbut) } my @catg; my ($i2,$i3); my $nbutt=scalar @button; my $ncols=$nbutt/3-1; foreach (0..$ncols) { $i=$_; $i2=$i+$nbutt/3; $i3=$i+2*$nbutt/3; $catg[$i]=$buttonframe->Button(-text=>$button[$i], -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -width=>$lbut, -command=>[\&tpslct,$i,\@dummy])->grid ($catg[$i2]=$buttonframe->Button(-text=>$button[$i2], -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -width=>$lbut, -command=>[\&tpslct,$i2,\@dummy]), $catg[$i3]=$buttonframe->Button(-text=>$button[$i3], -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -width=>$lbut, -command=>[\&tpslct,$i3,\@dummy])); } # disable last button (lower right) if no local specials are found in list my $ncat; if ($special == 0) { $catg[$#button]->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $ncat=$nbutt-1; } else { $ncat=$nbutt; } for ($i=0,$j=5; $i<@catg; ++$i,++$j) { $tlwins{'mainwindow'}{'buttons'}[$j]=$catg[$i]; } MainLoop; ########## SUBROUTINES ######################################################## # toplevel for selecting a topic of a category for viewing or printing sub tpslct { my($opt,@srchitems)=@_; my (@lbitems,@lbdocs,$dspselect,$docselect,$wtitle); if ($opt >= 0) { # main window buttons # see if toplevel window is already there if (Exists($tlwins{$opt}{'addr'})) { $tlwins{$opt}{'addr'}->deiconify(); $tlwins{$opt}{'addr'}->raise(); return; } for ($j=0; $j <= $maxind[$opt]; ++$j) { push @lbitems,$topic[$opt][$j]; push @lbdocs,$doc[$opt][$j]; } $wtitle=$button[$opt]; } else { # search results my $spec_wtitle=shift @srchitems; for ($j=0; $j < $#srchitems; $j+=2) { my $k=$j+1; push @lbitems,$topic[$srchitems[$j]][$srchitems[$k]]; push @lbdocs,$doc[$srchitems[$j]][$srchitems[$k]]; } $wtitle="Search results for $spec_wtitle"; } # toplevel window of category $opt with two frames my $tpwin=$main->Toplevel(-title=>$wtitle); $tlwins{$opt}{'addr'}=$tpwin; my $tpdsp=$tpwin->Frame(-relief=>'groove')->pack(-side=>'top'); my $tpslc=$tpwin->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); # selection frame with listbox and buttons # label for listbox my $tplabel=$tpslc->Label(-text=>'Topics', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -side=>'top'); # listbox with optional scrollbar my $tplist=$tpslc->Scrolled("Listbox", -font=>$deffont, -scrollbars=>'osoe', # -height=>0, -width=>0, -selectmode=>'single', -exportselection=>0, -cursor=>'hand2')->pack(-side=>'left', -fill=>'y', -expand=>1); $tplist->insert('end',@lbitems); # fill topics into listbox # buttons frame my $tpbframe=$tpslc->Frame(-borderwidth=>8); $tpbframe->pack(-side=>'right'); # make buttons for command frame my $n_buttons = 0; $tlwins{$opt}{'buttons'}[$n_buttons++]= $tpbframe->Button(-text=>'View', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ &viewslc($docselect,$tpbframe);}, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'top'); if (! $IsWin32) { $tlwins{$opt}{'buttons'}[$n_buttons++]= $tpbframe->Button(-text=>'Print', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ &prtslc($docselect,$tpbframe);}, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'top'); } $tlwins{$opt}{'buttons'}[$n_buttons++]= $tpbframe->Button(-text=>'Cancel', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ destroy $tpwin; undef $tlwins{$opt};}, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'bottom'); # if only 1 item is in the list (most likely in search results), select it if (scalar @lbitems == 1) { $tplist->selectionSet(0); $dspselect=$lbitems[0]; $docselect=$lbdocs[0]; &viewslc($docselect,$tpbframe) if ($autoview && $wtitle =~ /^Search results/); } # display frame my $dsplabel=$tpdsp->Label(-text=>'Selection:', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-anchor=>'w',, -fill=>'x', -side=>'left'); my $dspslc=$tpdsp->Label(-textvariable=>\$dspselect, -font=>$deffont, -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-anchor=>'w', -fill=>'x', -side=>'right'); # handle selection; only one selection possible $tplist->bind(''=>sub{my ($slctind)=$tplist->curselection(); $dspselect=$lbitems[$slctind]; $docselect=$lbdocs[$slctind];}); # key bindings $tplist->bind(''=>sub{ &viewslc($docselect,$tpbframe);}); $tpwin->bind(''=>sub{ &viewslc($docselect,$tpbframe);}); $tpwin->bind(''=>sub{ &prtslc($docselect,$tpbframe);}); $tpwin->bind(''=>sub{destroy $tpwin; undef $tlwins{$opt};}); $tplist->bind(''=>sub{ if ($docselect) { &showpath($docselect,$tpbframe); } else { &popmsg(2,"No selection;\nuse left mouse button.",$tpbframe); }}); } # view document selected in listbox sub viewslc { my($slc,$parframe)=@_; my $viewer; my $itype=-1; my $browser=0; my $styflag=0; unless (defined $slc) { &popmsg(2,"No selection was made.",$parframe); return; } $parframe->configure(-cursor=>'watch'); chomp $slc; my @dummy=split('\.',$slc); DOC_FORMAT: { # determine document type ($dummy[-1] =~ /dvi/) && do { $viewer=$dvi_viewer; last DOC_FORMAT; }; ($dummy[-1] =~ /ps/) && do { $viewer=$ps_viewer; last DOC_FORMAT; }; ($dummy[-1] =~ /pdf/) && do { $viewer=$pdf_viewer; last DOC_FORMAT; }; ($dummy[-1] =~ /txt/ || $dummy[-1] =~ /faq$/) && do { $viewer=($txt_viewer eq "TDK_OWN" || $txt_viewer =~ /xterm/) ? $txt_viewer : "${CmdConsole} $txt_viewer"; last DOC_FORMAT; }; ($dummy[-1] =~ /README/i || $dummy[-2] =~ /\/README$/i) && do { $viewer=($txt_viewer eq "TDK_OWN" || $txt_viewer =~ /xterm/) ? $txt_viewer : "${CmdConsole} $txt_viewer"; last DOC_FORMAT; }; ($dummy[-1] =~ /htm/) && do { $viewer=$html_viewer; if ($html_viewer =~ /netscape/i) { # check if Netscape is open my $lockfile="${HomeEnv}/.netscape/lock"; $browser=1 if (-e $lockfile || -l $lockfile); } elsif ($html_viewer =~ /mozilla/i) { # check if Mozilla is open my $mozcheck= `mozilla -remote 'openFile($texmfmain/doc/index.html)'`; $browser=1 unless ($?); } last DOC_FORMAT; }; # some packages have no normal documentation but useful info in the .sty ($dummy[-1] =~ /sty$/) && do { $viewer=($txt_viewer eq "TDK_OWN" || $txt_viewer =~ /xterm/) ? $txt_viewer : "${CmdConsole} $txt_viewer"; $slc="../tex/$slc"; # .sty files are in ${tex,local}docpath/../tex/ $styflag=1; last DOC_FORMAT; }; $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); if ($xfmt_viewer != 1) { &popmsg(2,"$dummy[-1]: not a known document format",$parframe); return; } }; if ($viewer eq "") { if ($xfmt_viewer == 1) { &popmsg(-1,'Unknown format; assuming plain text.',$parframe); $viewer=($txt_viewer eq "TDK_OWN" || $txt_viewer =~ /xterm/) ? $txt_viewer : "${CmdConsole} $txt_viewer"; } else { &popmsg(2,"$dummy[-1]: no viewer available/specified for this format", $parframe); $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); return; } } # build complete path and start viewer if file exists my $slcdoc; $slcdoc=&finddoc($slcdoc,$slc,$parframe); if ($slcdoc ne "") { # change to doc directory in case there are pictures my $docpath=substr($slcdoc,0,(rindex($slcdoc,'/',(length $slcdoc)))); chomp $slcdoc; chdir ($docpath); # try to get doc out of .sty file if ($styflag) { &popmsg(-1,'Trying to extract documentation out of .sty file; might be cluttered with program comments.', $parframe); $slcdoc=&stripsty($slcdoc,substr($slc,7)); } # for text files use built-in text viewer if set if ($IsWin32) { if ($viewer eq "TDK_OWN") { &ShellExecute('open', $slcdoc); $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); return; } else { system("$viewer $slcdoc"); } } else { if ($viewer eq "TDK_OWN") { &textview($slcdoc); $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); return; } if ($quiet == 0) { # show messages if ($browser == 0) { # normal viewers or new Netscape/Mozilla system("$viewer $slcdoc &"); } else { # open doc in existing Netscape/Mozilla window system("$viewer -remote 'openFile($slcdoc)' &"); &popmsg(-1,"Opening document in existing $viewer window.", $parframe); } } else { # viewer messages written to /dev/null instead of terminal if ($browser == 0) { # normal viewers or new Netscape/Mozilla system("perl -we 'use strict; \ my \$dump=\"\"; \ open(NULL,\">/dev/null\"); \ open (VIEWQ,\"$viewer $slcdoc |\"); \ while (\$dump=) { print NULL \$dump; } \ close(VIEWQ); \ close(NULL);' &"); } else { # open doc in existing window (Netscape or Mozilla) # not quiet; I didn't get an inline perl call like in # the other branch working system("$viewer -remote 'openFile($slcdoc)' &"); &popmsg(-1,"Opening document in existing $viewer window.", $parframe); } } } } $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); } # Tk widget for text document sub textview { my($txtfile)=@_; # see if toplevel window with this file is already there if (Exists($tlwins{$txtfile}{'addr'})) { $tlwins{$txtfile}{'addr'}->deiconify(); $tlwins{$txtfile}{'addr'}->raise(); return; } my $tfv_tk=$main->Toplevel(-title=>"Text file viewer"); $tfv_tk->resizable(0,1); $tlwins{$txtfile}{'addr'}=$tfv_tk; $tfv_tk->Label(-text=>"File: $txtfile", -font=>$deffont, -relief=>'ridge', -borderwidth=>3)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>10, -anchor=>'s'); my $txtbody=$tfv_tk->Scrolled("Text", -relief=>'flat', -font=>$deffont, -height=>20, -width=>80, -scrollbars=>"e")->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'y', -expand=>1); open(TXTFILE,"$txtfile"); while () { $txtbody->insert('end',$_); } close(TXTFILE); $txtbody->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $tlwins{$txtfile}{'buttons'}[0]= $tfv_tk->Button(-text=>'Close', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ destroy $tfv_tk; undef $tlwins{$txtfile}; })->pack(-side=>'bottom', -fill=>'x'); $tfv_tk->bind(''=>sub{destroy $tfv_tk; undef $tlwins{$txtfile}; }); } # print document selected in listbox sub prtslc { my($slc,$parframe)=@_; $tmpfno=&randname; my $pstmpfile="${TempDir}/texdoc_$tmpfno.ps"; push @tmpfiles,$pstmpfile; my $status; chomp $slc; unless (defined $slc) { &popmsg(2,"No selection was made.",$parframe); return; } if ($print_cmd eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No printer specified.",$parframe); return; } # build complete path and check existence of file my @dummy=split('\.',$slc); if ($dummy[-1] =~ /sty$/) { $slc="../tex/$slc"; # .sty files are in ${tex,local,home}docpath/../tex } my $slcdoc; $slcdoc=&finddoc($slcdoc,$slc,$parframe); return if ($slcdoc eq ""); # change to doc directory in case there are pictures my $docpath=substr($slcdoc,0,(rindex($slcdoc,'/',(length $slcdoc)))); chdir ($docpath); DOC_FORMAT: { # determine document type # convert dvi files to ps before printing ($dummy[-1] =~ /dvi/) && do { if ($dvips_conv eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No converter available for dvi->ps conversion.", $parframe); return; } &popmsg(-1,"Converting dvi to ps for printing and sending file to print...",$parframe); $status=system("$dvips_conv $slcdoc -o $pstmpfile"); if ($status != 0) { &popmsg(2,"Error: Conversion dvi->ps failed!",$parframe); } last DOC_FORMAT; }; # PostScript is printed directly ($dummy[-1] =~ /ps/) && do { &popmsg(-1,"Sending file to $print_cmd...",$parframe); $pstmpfile=$slcdoc; last DOC_FORMAT; }; # convert pdf files to ps before printing ($dummy[-1] =~ /pdf/) && do { if ($pdfps_conv eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No converter available for pdf->ps conversion.", $parframe); return; } &popmsg(-1,"Converting pdf to ps for printing and sending file to print...",$parframe); system("$pdfps_conv $slcdoc $pstmpfile"); last DOC_FORMAT; }; # convert html files to ps before printing ($dummy[-1] =~ /htm/) && do { if ($htmlps_conv eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No converter available for html->ps conversion.", $parframe); return; } &popmsg(-1,"Converting html to ps for printing and sending file to print...",$parframe); my $htmlps_redir_sign=($htmlps_redir == 1) ? ">" :""; system("$htmlps_conv $slcdoc $htmlps_redir_sign $pstmpfile"); last DOC_FORMAT; }; # convert txt files to ps before printing ($dummy[-1] =~ /txt/ || $dummy[-1] =~ /faq$/ || $dummy[-1] =~ /README/i) && do { if ($txtps_conv eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No converter available for txt->ps conversion.", $parframe); return; } &popmsg(-1,"Converting txt to ps for printing and sending file to print...",$parframe); my $txtps_redir_sign=($txtps_redir == 1) ? ">" :""; system("$txtps_conv $slcdoc $txtps_redir_sign $pstmpfile"); last DOC_FORMAT; }; # convert extracted comments from sty files to ps before printing ($dummy[-1] =~ /sty$/) && do { if ($txtps_conv eq "") { &popmsg(2,"No converter available for sty(txt)->ps conversion.", $parframe); return; } &popmsg(-1,"Converting sty(txt) to ps for printing and sending file to print...",$parframe); # try to get doc out of .sty file &popmsg(-1,'Trying to extract documentation out of .sty file; might be cluttered with program comments.', $parframe); $slcdoc=&stripsty($slcdoc,substr($slc,7)); my $txtps_redir_sign=($txtps_redir == 1) ? ">" :""; system("$txtps_conv $slcdoc $txtps_redir_sign $pstmpfile"); last DOC_FORMAT; }; &popmsg(2,"$dummy[-1]: cannot print document format",$parframe); return; }; system("$print_cmd $pstmpfile"); } # test existence and search a documentation which is not in specified place sub finddoc { my($slcdoc,$slc,$parframe)=@_; my ($dummy,$status); SLCDOCFIND: foreach ($texdocpath,$distdocpath,$docdocpath) { $slcdoc="$_/$slc"; if (-e $slcdoc) { # found where it should be return $slcdoc; } else { # see if the documentation file is in the local doc tree... my @srchslcdoc=($slcdoc); if ($localdocpath) { push @srchslcdoc,"$localdocpath/$slc"; return $srchslcdoc[-1] if (-e $srchslcdoc[-1]); } # ... or the user's doc tree... if ($homedocpath) { push @srchslcdoc,"$homedocpath/$slc"; return $srchslcdoc[-1] if (-e $srchslcdoc[-1]); } # ... otherwise proceed with searching $status=-1; # see if the documentation file is compressed CMPREND: foreach my $cmprtype ("gz","bz2","zip") { foreach (@srchslcdoc) { $dummy="$_.$cmprtype"; if (-e $dummy) { # yes, it is compressed $tmpfno=&randname; my $rawname=basename($slc,""); $slcdoc="${TempDir}/texdoc_$tmpfno$rawname"; push @tmpfiles,$slcdoc; my ($dcmp,$dcmp_opt); COMPRESS: { # determine compression type ($cmprtype eq "gz") && do { $dcmp="gzip"; $dcmp_opt="-cd"; last COMPRESS; }; ($cmprtype eq "bz2") && do { $dcmp="bzip2"; $dcmp_opt="-cd"; last COMPRESS; }; ($cmprtype eq "zip") && do { $dcmp="zip"; $dcmp_opt="-p"; last COMPRESS; }; }; # try to decompress $status=system("$dcmp $dcmp_opt $dummy > $slcdoc"); if ($status != 0) { # failure &popmsg(2, "$dcmp: Couldn't decompress file, cancelling.", $parframe); $slcdoc=""; return $slcdoc; } # last CMPREND; does not work, what we need is: return $slcdoc; } } } } } if ($status != 0) { $parframe->configure(-cursor=>'watch'); # try to find it elsewhere with kpsewhich my $rawname=basename($slc,""); $slcdoc=($slcdoc =~ /\.sty$/) ? `kpsewhich $rawname` : `kpsewhich --format=${qq}TeX system documentation${qq} $rawname`; if ($slcdoc eq "") { # nothing found; cancel &popmsg(2,"$rawname not found, cancelling.",$parframe); $slcdoc=""; } $parframe->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); } return $slcdoc; } # determine existence and show paths of files (Button-3) sub showpath { my ($docselect,$tpbframe)=@_; my $found=0; if ($docselect =~ /\.sty$/) { STYPATH: foreach my $fullpath ("$texmfmain/tex/$docselect", "$texmfdist/tex/$docselect", "$texmflocal/tex/$docselect", "$texmfhome/tex/$docselect") { if (-e $fullpath) { &popmsg(0,"Selected file:\n$fullpath",$tpbframe); $found=1; last STYPATH; } } if (!$found) { &popmsg(2,"Selected file:\n$docselect\ndoes not exist.",$tpbframe) } } else { DOCPATH: foreach my $fullpath ("$texdocpath/$docselect", "$distdocpath/$docselect", "$docdocpath/$docselect", "$localdocpath/$docselect", "$homedocpath/$docselect") { foreach ('','.gz','.bz2','.zip') { my $fullpathext="$fullpath$_"; if (-e $fullpathext) { &popmsg(0,"Selected file:\n$fullpathext",$tpbframe); $found=1; last DOCPATH; } } } if (!$found) { &popmsg(2,"Selected file:\n$docselect\ndoes not exist (neither in normal form nor compressed).",$tpbframe) } } } # make or destroy search entry widget sub mksrch { my ($type) = @_; if ($srchflag == 1) { if ($type == $srchtype) { destroy $srchentry; $srchflag=0; } else { $srchtype = $type; } } else { # get the search string $srchentry=$cmdframe->Entry(-cursor=>'xterm', -font=>$deffont, -width=>20, -takefocus=>1)->pack(-side=>'left'); $srchentry->focus(); $srchentry->bind(''=>[\&srchstr, $srchentry]); $srchflag=1; # key binding $srchentry->bind(''=>sub{destroy $srchentry; $srchflag=0;}); $srchentry->bind(''=>sub{destroy $srchentry; $srchflag=0;}); } } # search a string in @packname, @topic and @keywords sub srchstr { my ($i,$j,$string); my (@results,@reslist); $main->configure(-cursor=>'watch'); $string=$srchentry->get(); # search if ($string) { for ($i=0; $i<$ncat; ++$i) { for ($j=0; $j<$maxind[$i]+1; ++$j) { SRCH: { ($topic[$i][$j] =~ /$string/i) && do { push @results,($i,$j); last SRCH; }; (defined $keywords[$i][$j]) && do { if ($keywords[$i][$j] =~ /$string/i) { push @results,($i,$j); last SRCH; } }; ($packname[$i][$j] =~ /$string/i) && do { push @results,($i,$j); last SRCH; }; }; } } } else { # return full database $string='all database entries'; for ($i=0; $i<$ncat; ++$i) { for ($j=0; $j<$maxind[$i]+1; ++$j) { push @results,($i,$j); } } } # destroy entry widget and show results destroy $srchentry; $srchflag=0; if (scalar @results == 0) { &popmsg(0,"Search for $string: no matches found.\n". "Try `texdoc $string' in a command line.",$cmdframe); } else { # cancel multiple entries my ($omit,$pack1,$pack2); @reslist=($results[0],$results[1]); for ($i=0; $i<$#results; $i+=2) { $omit=0; $pack1=$packname[$results[$i]][$results[$i+1]]; for ($j=0; $j<$#reslist; $j+=2) { $pack2=$packname[$reslist[$j]][$reslist[$j+1]]; if ($pack1 eq $pack2) { $omit=1; last; } } if ($omit == 0) { push @reslist,($results[$i],$results[$i+1]); } } unshift @reslist,$string; &tpslct(-1,@reslist); } $main->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); } # extract documentation of .sty files; a flag in the @keywords array shows # where the doc is located: # -0-: no specific place; -1-: at end, behind \endinput; -2-: at beginning, # terminated by %%%%%%; -3-: at beginning, terminated with blank line sub stripsty { my ($slcdoc,$slc)=@_; my @stydoc; $tmpfno=&randname; my $tmpslcdoc="${TempDir}/texdoc_$tmpfno.txt"; push @tmpfiles,$tmpslcdoc; open (STY,"$slcdoc"); LOC: { ($stydoc{$slc} == 0) && do { # no specific place, suck in everything :-( while ($line = ) { push @stydoc,$line if ($line =~ /^%/); } last LOC; }; ($stydoc{$slc} == 1) && do { # at end, behind \endinput while ($line = ) { last if ($line =~ /^\s*\\endinput/ && !($line =~ /^%/)); } while ($line = ) { push @stydoc,$line; } last LOC; }; ($stydoc{$slc} == 2) && do { # up to a certain %%%%%%%, hopefully the 1st for (my $i=0; $i<9; ++$i) { $stydoc[$i]=; } # after the 8th line while ($line = ) { last if ($line =~ /^%{4,}/); push @stydoc,$line; } last LOC; }; ($stydoc{$slc} == 3) && do { # up to 1st blank/apparently empty line while ($line = ) { last if ($line =~ /^\s*$/); push @stydoc,$line; } last LOC; }; }; close(STY); open(TMPSTY,">$tmpslcdoc"); foreach (@stydoc) { print TMPSTY $_; } close(TMPSTY); return $tmpslcdoc; } # pop up a note or an error or warning message toplevel window sub popmsg { my($level,$msg,$parframe)=@_; my $degree; LEVEL: { ($level == -1) && do { $degree="Info"; last LEVEL; }; ($level == 0) && do { $degree="Note"; last LEVEL; }; ($level == 1) && do { return if ($quiet == 1); $degree="Warning"; last LEVEL }; ($level == 2) && do { $degree="Error"; last LEVEL; }; }; my $msgwin=$parframe->Toplevel(-title=>$degree); my $lbl=$msgwin->Label(-text=>uc($degree), -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x'); # get size of message text my @dummy=split("\n",$msg); my $nline=scalar @dummy; my $msgwidth=0; my $lline; foreach (@dummy) { $lline=length $_; if ($lline > $msgwidth) { $msgwidth=$lline; } } my $message=$msgwin->Text(-relief=>'flat', -font=>$deffont, -height=>$nline, -width=>$msgwidth)->pack(-side=>'top'); $message->insert('end',$msg); $message->configure(-state=>'disabled'); if ($level < 0) { # transient message window $msgwin->after(3000,sub{destroy $msgwin}); } else { # persistent message window $msgwin->Button(-text=>'Close', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{destroy $msgwin})->pack(-side=>'bottom', -fill=>'x'); $msgwin->bind(''=>sub{destroy $msgwin}); } } # show/change settings (don't show this to an expert :-/ ) sub settings { my ($homedocpath_tmp,$quiet_tmp,$autoview_tmp,$xfmt_viewer_tmp, $dvi_viewer_tmp,$dvips_conv_tmp, $ps_viewer_tmp,$pdf_viewer_tmp,$pdfps_conv_tmp, $html_viewer_tmp,$htmlps_conv_tmp,$htmlps_redir_tmp, $txt_viewer_tmp,$txtps_conv_tmp,$txtps_redir_tmp,$print_cmd_tmp)= ($homedocpath,$quiet,$autoview,$xfmt_viewer, $dvi_viewer,$dvips_conv,$ps_viewer, $pdf_viewer,$pdfps_conv,$html_viewer, $htmlps_conv,$htmlps_redir,$txt_viewer, $txtps_conv,$txtps_redir,$print_cmd); my @tdcolors_tmp=@tdcolors; # see if toplevel window is already there if (Exists($tlwins{"setmenu"}{'addr'})) { $tlwins{"setmenu"}{'addr'}->deiconify(); $tlwins{"setmenu"}{'addr'}->raise(); return; } my $setmenu=$main->Toplevel(-title=>'Settings'); $setmenu->resizable(0,0); $tlwins{"setmenu"}{'addr'}=$setmenu; # documentation path my $datlabel; $datlabel="Database file(s) used: teTeX"; $datlabel.=", local database" if (-e $locdatabase); $datlabel.=", user database" if (-e $homedatabase); my $docframe=$setmenu->Frame(-relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -expand=>1); my $docframestring="\nDistribution documentation root path(s):\n$texdocpath"; $docframestring.=", $distdocpath" if (-e $distdocpath); $docframestring.=", $docdocpath" if (length $docdocpath); if ($localdocpath && $localdocpath ne $texdocpath) { $docframestring.="\nLocal documentation root path: $localdocpath\n"; } $docframe->Label(-text=>"$docframestring", -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -fill=>'x', -expand=>1); if (defined $texmfhome && -d $texmfhome) { $homedocpath_tmp=basename($homedocpath_tmp,""); my $usrdocframe=$docframe->Frame(-relief=>'flat')->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x'); my $usrdoclabel=$usrdocframe->Label(-text=>"User's documentation root path: $texmfhome/", -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $usrdocentry=$usrdocframe->Entry(-textvariable=>\$homedocpath_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); } $docframe->Label(-text=>"$datlabel.", -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>2, -fill=>'x', -expand=>1); # General viewer behaviour my $genvframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'General viewer behaviour', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>6, -expand=>1); my $genvframe1=$genvframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $genvsub1=$genvframe1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>3); my $genvecbut=$genvsub1-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$quiet_tmp)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $genvelabel=$genvsub1->Label(-text=>'Suppress error messages', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $genvsub2=$genvframe1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $genvscbut=$genvsub2-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$autoview_tmp)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $genvslabel=$genvsub2->Label(-text=>'Autostart viewer for one-item listboxes', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $genvsub3=$genvframe1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $genvxcbut=$genvsub3-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$xfmt_viewer_tmp)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $genvxlabel=$genvsub3->Label(-text=>'Use text viewer for unknown file format', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); # colours of GUI my @tdcolors_d=@tdcolors_tmp; $tlwins{'setmenu'}{'buttons'}[0]= $genvframe->Button(-text=>'Change viewer colours', -command=>sub { @tdcolors_tmp=&popcolor($setmenu,@tdcolors_tmp); @tdcolors_d=@tdcolors_tmp; }, -font=>$deffont,%butcol)->pack(-side=>'right'); # DVI my $dviframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'DVI', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>6, -expand=>1); my $dvisub1=$dviframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $dvisub2=$dviframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>6); my $dvivlabel=$dvisub1->Label(-text=>'Viewer command', -anchor=>'w', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $dviventry=$dvisub1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$dvi_viewer_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $dviclabel=$dvisub2->Label(-text=>'DVI->PS converter command', -anchor=>'w', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $dvilbwidth=length 'DVI->PS converter command'; $dvivlabel->configure(-width=>1.1*$dvilbwidth); $dviclabel->configure(-width=>1.1*$dvilbwidth); my $dvicentry=$dvisub2->Entry(-textvariable=>\$dvips_conv_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); # PostScript my $psframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'PostScript', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>10, -expand=>1); my $psvlabel=$psframe->Label(-text=>'Viewer command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'); my $psventry=$psframe->Entry(-textvariable=>\$ps_viewer_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); # PDF my $pdfframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'PDF', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>6, -expand=>1); my $pdfsub1=$pdfframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $pdfsub2=$pdfframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>6); my $pdfvlabel=$pdfsub1->Label(-text=>'Viewer command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'); my $pdfventry=$pdfsub1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$pdf_viewer_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $pdfclabel=$pdfsub2->Label(-text=>'PDF->PS converter command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $pdfcentry=$pdfsub2->Entry(-textvariable=>\$pdfps_conv_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); # HTML my $htmlframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'HTML', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>6, -expand=>1); my $htmlsub1=$htmlframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $htmlsub2=$htmlframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>6); my $htmlvlabel=$htmlsub1->Label(-text=>'Viewer command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'); my $htmlventry=$htmlsub1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$html_viewer_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $htmlclabel=$htmlsub2->Label(-text=>'HTML->PS converter command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $htmlcentry=$htmlsub2->Entry(-textvariable=>\$htmlps_conv_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $htmlrlabel=$htmlsub2->Label(-text=>'Output redirect needed', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $htmlrcbut=$htmlsub2-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$htmlps_redir_tmp)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); # plain text my $txtframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'Plain text', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>6, -expand=>1); my $txtsub1=$txtframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w'); my $txtsub2=$txtframe->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top', -anchor=>'w', -ipady=>6); my $txtvlabel=$txtsub1->Label(-text=>'Viewer command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'); my $txtventry=$txtsub1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$txt_viewer_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $txt_view_flag; if ($txt_viewer_tmp eq "TDK_OWN") { $txt_view_flag=1; $txtventry->configure(-state=>'disabled'); } else { $txt_view_flag=0; $txtventry->configure(-state=>'normal'); } my $txtvilabel=$txtsub1->Label(-text=>"\tUse texdoctk\'s own viewer", -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $txtvcbut=$txtsub1-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$txt_view_flag, -command=>sub { if ($txt_view_flag == 1) { $txt_viewer_tmp="TDK_OWN"; $txtventry->configure(-state=>'disabled'); } else { $txt_viewer_tmp=$txt_viewer; $txtventry->configure(-state=>'normal'); $txtventry->focus(); } })->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $txtclabel=$txtsub2->Label(-text=>'Text->PS converter command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $txtcentry=$txtsub2->Entry(-textvariable=>\$txtps_conv_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $txtrlabel=$txtsub2->Label(-text=>'Output redirect needed', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); my $txtrcbut=$txtsub2-> Checkbutton(-variable=>\$txtps_redir_tmp)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'sw'); # printer my $prtframe=$setmenu->Frame(-label=>'Printer', -relief=>'groove', -borderwidth=>2)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x', -ipady=>10, -expand=>1); my $prtclabel=$prtframe->Label(-text=>'Command', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left', -anchor=>'w'); my $prtcentry=$prtframe->Entry(-textvariable=>\$print_cmd_tmp, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); # buttons and key bindings my $setbfr=$setmenu->Frame()->pack(-side=>'bottom'); $tlwins{'setmenu'}{'buttons'}[1]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'OK', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ $homedocpath="$texmfhome/$homedocpath_tmp"; ($quiet,$autoview,$xfmt_viewer, $dvi_viewer,$dvips_conv, $ps_viewer,$pdf_viewer, $pdfps_conv,$html_viewer, $htmlps_conv,$htmlps_redir, $txt_viewer,$txtps_conv,$txtps_redir,$print_cmd)= ($quiet_tmp,$autoview_tmp,$xfmt_viewer_tmp, $dvi_viewer_tmp,$dvips_conv_tmp, $ps_viewer_tmp, $pdf_viewer_tmp,$pdfps_conv_tmp, $html_viewer_tmp, $htmlps_conv_tmp,$htmlps_redir_tmp, $txt_viewer_tmp,$txtps_conv_tmp, $txtps_redir_tmp,$print_cmd_tmp); @tdcolors=@tdcolors_tmp; %butcol=('-background'=>$tdcolors[0], '-foreground'=>$tdcolors[1], '-activebackground'=>$tdcolors[2], '-activeforeground'=>$tdcolors[3]); foreach my $tlkey (keys %tlwins) { foreach (@{$tlwins{$tlkey}{'buttons'}}) { $_->configure(%butcol); } } if ($txt_viewer eq "" && defined $ENV{PAGER}) { $txt_viewer=$ENV{PAGER}; } destroy $setmenu}, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>10, -pady=>10); $tlwins{'setmenu'}{'buttons'}[2]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'Save', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{ $setmenu->configure(-cursor=>'watch'); &popmsg(-1,"Writing settings to $myrc",$setmenu); my $tdcolors_tmp=join(' ',@tdcolors_tmp); &writerc($homedocpath_tmp, $quiet_tmp,$autoview_tmp,$xfmt_viewer_tmp, $tdcolors_tmp, $dvi_viewer_tmp,$dvips_conv_tmp, $ps_viewer_tmp, $pdf_viewer_tmp,$pdfps_conv_tmp, $html_viewer_tmp, $htmlps_conv_tmp,$htmlps_redir_tmp, $txt_viewer_tmp,$txtps_conv_tmp, $txtps_redir_tmp,$print_cmd_tmp,$setmenu); $setmenu->configure(-cursor=>$defcursor); })->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>10); $tlwins{'setmenu'}{'buttons'}[3]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'Cancel', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{destroy $setmenu; undef $tlwins{"setmenu"}; })->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>10); $setmenu->bind(''=>sub{destroy $setmenu; undef $tlwins{"setmenu"};}); } # dialog toplevel for color settings sub popcolor { my ($parframe,@entryvar)=@_; # see if toplevel window is already there if (Exists($tlwins{'chngcol'}{'addr'})) { $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'addr'}->deiconify(); $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'addr'}->raise(); return; } my $dlgwin=$parframe->Toplevel(-title=>'Change colours'); $dlgwin->resizable(0,0); $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'addr'}=$dlgwin; # entry widgets for default/active back/foreground $dlgwin->Label(-text=>'Enter colours as names or RGB #xxxxxx values', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgdef=$dlgwin->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgact=$dlgwin->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgdef1=$dlgdef->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $dlgtfr0=$dlgdef1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgtfr1=$dlgdef1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgact1=$dlgact->Frame()->pack(-side=>'left'); my $dlgtfr2=$dlgact1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); my $dlgtfr3=$dlgact1->Frame()->pack(-side=>'top'); $dlgtfr0->Label(-text=>"Default background", -anchor=>'w', -width=>18, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr0->Entry(-textvariable=>\$entryvar[0], -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr1->Label(-text=>"Default foreground", -anchor=>'w', -width=>18, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr1->Entry(-textvariable=>\$entryvar[1], -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $deflabel=$dlgdef->Label(-text=>'Default', -relief=>'ridge', -width=>10, -height=>2)->pack(-side=>'right', -padx=>7); $dlgtfr2->Label(-text=>"Active background", -anchor=>'w', -width=>18, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr2->Entry(-textvariable=>\$entryvar[2], -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr3->Label(-text=>"Active foreground", -anchor=>'w', -width=>18, -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); $dlgtfr3->Entry(-textvariable=>\$entryvar[3], -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'left'); my $actlabel=$dlgact->Label(-text=>'Active', -background=>$entryvar[2], -foreground=>$entryvar[3], -relief=>'ridge', -width=>10, -height=>2)->pack(-side=>'right', -padx=>7); # buttons my $setbfr=$dlgwin->Frame()->pack(-side=>'bottom'); my $chngflag=0; $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'buttons'}[0]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'OK', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub { foreach (@entryvar) { # RGB form with leading # $_="#$_" if (/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/); } $chngflag=1 if (&colcheck($dlgwin,@entryvar)); }, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>5, -pady=>10); $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'buttons'}[1]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'Preview', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub { foreach (@entryvar) { # RGB form with leading # $_="#$_" if (/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/); } if (&colcheck($dlgwin,@entryvar)) { $deflabel-> configure(-background=>$entryvar[0], -foreground=>$entryvar[1]); $actlabel-> configure(-background=>$entryvar[2], -foreground=>$entryvar[3]); } }, -width=>6)->pack(-side=>'left', -padx=>5, -pady=>10); $tlwins{'chngcol'}{'buttons'}[2]= $setbfr->Button(-text=>'Cancel', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{destroy $dlgwin; undef $tlwins{'chngcol'}; })->pack(-side=>'right', -padx=>5, -pady=>10); $dlgwin->bind(''=>sub{destroy $dlgwin; undef $tlwins{'chngcol'}; }); $dlgwin->waitVariable(\$chngflag); destroy $dlgwin; undef $tlwins{'chngcol'}; return @entryvar; } # check colours set in popcolor; relies on the existence of X11's showrgb sub colcheck { my ($dlgwin,@entryvar)=@_; my $ecnt=0; foreach (@entryvar) { # all colours defined? last unless ($_); ++$ecnt; } &popmsg(2,'Some colours undefined.',$dlgwin) if ($ecnt != 4); my $defcol=0; if (`which showrgb`) { # test for proper name my @rgb=`showrgb`; my @norgb; foreach my $colour (@entryvar) { if ($colour =~ /^#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/ || grep /\b$colour\b/i,@rgb) { ++$defcol; } else { push @norgb,$colour; } } if ($defcol != 4) { my $norgb=join("\n",@norgb); &popmsg(2,"Some colours invalid:\n$norgb",$dlgwin); } } else { $defcol=4; } return ($ecnt == 4 && $defcol == 4) ? 1 : 0; } # write user's ~/.texdocrc sub writerc { use File::Copy qw/cp mv/; my ($homedocpath_tmp,$quiet_tmp,$autoview_tmp,$xfmt_viewer_tmp, $tdcolors_tmp, $dvi_viewer_tmp,$dvips_conv_tmp, $ps_viewer_tmp, $pdf_viewer_tmp,$pdfps_conv_tmp, $html_viewer_tmp, $htmlps_conv_tmp,$htmlps_redir_tmp, $txt_viewer_tmp,$txtps_conv_tmp, $txtps_redir_tmp,$print_cmd_tmp,$parframe)=@_; my $err=0; mv $myrc,"$myrc.save" if (-e $myrc); open(MYRC,">$myrc"); print MYRC "# user's .texdocrc, generated by program\n # root of user's doc directory (from \$HOMETEXMF) # can be left empty if \$TEXMFHOME is undefined HOMEDOCPATH=$homedocpath_tmp # general viewer behaviour (y or yes to make active) QUIET=$quiet_tmp AUTOVIEW=$autoview_tmp XFMT_VIEWER=$xfmt_viewer_tmp # button colours: default and active back-/foreground # names and RGB values are both allowed; use the form #xxxxxx for RGB TDCOLORS=$tdcolors_tmp # the following variables contain whole commands, i.e. options can be given # DVI settings DVI_VIEWER=$dvi_viewer_tmp DVIPS_CONV=$dvips_conv_tmp # PostScript handling PS_VIEWER=$ps_viewer_tmp # PDF handling PDF_VIEWER=$pdf_viewer_tmp PDFPS_CONV=$pdfps_conv_tmp # HTML handling HTML_VIEWER=$html_viewer_tmp HTMLPS_CONV=$htmlps_conv_tmp # HTMLPS_REDIR must be on, if the html->ps converter normally writes its output # to stdout instead of a file (e.g. as html2ps) (y or yes to make active) HTMLPS_REDIR=$htmlps_redir_tmp # Plain text handling # TDK_OWN is texdoctk's own text file viewer TXT_VIEWER=$txt_viewer_tmp TXTPS_CONV=$txtps_conv_tmp # TXTPS_REDIR must be on, if the txt->ps converter normally writes its output # to stdout instead of a file (e.g. as a2ps) (y or yes to make active) TXTPS_REDIR=$txtps_redir_tmp # printer PRINT_CMD=$print_cmd_tmp \n# end of config\n"; close(MYRC); } # help window (toplevel) sub helptext { # see if toplevel window is already there if (Exists($tlwins{"helptext"}{'addr'})) { $tlwins{"helptext"}{'addr'}->deiconify(); $tlwins{"helptext"}{'addr'}->raise(); return; } my $help=$main->Toplevel(-title=>'Help/About'); $help->resizable(0,1); $tlwins{'helptext'}{'addr'}=$help; $help->Label(-text=>"texdoctk TeX documentation browser v.0.6.0a (Nov 5, 2004)", -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top', -ipady=>10, -anchor=>'s'); my $helpbody=$help->Scrolled("Text", -relief=>'flat', -font=>$deffont, -height=>20, -width=>60, -scrollbars=>"e")->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'y', -expand=>1); my $pos=tell DATA; while () { $_ =~ s/\$sysrc/$sysrc/; last if (/^#/); $helpbody->insert('end',$_); } seek(DATA,$pos,0); $helpbody->configure(-state=>'disabled'); $tlwins{'helptext'}{'buttons'}[0]= $help->Button(-text=>'Close', -font=>$deffont,%butcol, -command=>sub{destroy $help; undef $tlwins{"helptext"}; })->pack(-side=>'bottom', -fill=>'x'); $help->bind(''=>sub{destroy $help; undef $tlwins{"helptext"};}); } # read config file; personal settings override the default settings sub readrc { my($rcfile,$icall)=@_; my ($var,$val); my $pathflag=0; my $pathflagl=0; my $pathflagh=0; my $tdcolors=''; # for backward compatibility of converter/printer options my ($dvips_opts,$pdfps_opts,$print_opts); # read defaults resp. local/personal settings CALL: { ($icall == 1) && do { open (RC,"$rcfile") || &fatalmsg("Couldn't open system-wide default config file ${TeXDocRcDefaults}.\n"); last CALL; }; ($icall == 2) && do { open (RC,"$rcfile") || &fatalmsg("Couldn't open personal config file ~/.texdocrc.\n"); last CALL; }; }; while ($line = ) { next if ($line =~ /^($|#)/); chomp $line; ($var,$val)=split("=",$line,2); RCVARS: { ($var =~ /texdocpath/i) && do { # TEXDOCPATH if (length $val > 0) { $pathflag=1; eval(join("",("\$",lc($var),"=\$val"))); } last RCVARS; }; ($var =~ /localdocpath/i) && do { # LOCALDOCPATH if (length $val > 0) { $pathflagl=1; eval(join("",("\$",lc($var),"=\$val"))); } last RCVARS; }; ($var =~ /homedocpath/i) && do { # HOMEDOCPATH if ($icall == 2 && length $val > 0) { # set only in ~/.texdocrc $pathflagh=1; eval(join("",("\$",lc($var),"=\$val"))); } last RCVARS; }; # other variables eval(join("",("\$",lc($var),"=\$val"))); }; } close(RC); # find texmf/doc, and possibly other distribution texmf trees if ($rcfile eq $sysrc || $pathflag == 1) { $texmfmain=`kpsewhich --expand-path=${qq}\$TEXMFMAIN${qq}`; chomp $texmfmain; $texdocpath="$texmfmain/$texdocpath"; $texmfdist=`kpsewhich --expand-path=${qq}\$TEXMFDIST${qq}`; chomp $texmfdist; $distdocpath=join('/',"$texmfdist",basename($texdocpath,"")) if (length $texmfdist); # TeXLive has this texmf-doc $texmfdoc=join('/',"$texmfmain-doc",basename($texdocpath,"")); if (-e $texmfdoc) { chomp $texmfdoc; $docdocpath="$texmfdoc/$docdocpath"; } } # find texmf-local/doc, if there is one if ($rcfile eq $sysrc || $pathflagl == 1) { $texmflocal=`kpsewhich --expand-path=${qq}\$TEXMFLOCAL${qq}`; chomp $texmflocal; if (length $texmflocal) { # if LOCALDOCPATH is not explicitly defined, it equals TEXDOCPATH unless (defined $localdocpath) { $localdocpath=basename($texdocpath,""); } $localdocpath="$texmflocal/$localdocpath"; } } # find user's $HOMETEXMF/doc, if there is one if ($icall == 2 || $pathflagh == 1) { $texmfhome=`kpsewhich --expand-path=${qq}\$HOMETEXMF${qq}`; chomp $texmfhome; if (length $texmfhome) { # if HOMEDOCPATH is not explicitly defined, it equals TEXDOCPATH unless (defined $homedocpath) { $homedocpath=basename($texdocpath,""); } $homedocpath="$texmfhome/$homedocpath"; } } # colours: create array @tdcolors=split(' ',$tdcolors); if (scalar @tdcolors != 4) { # if old texdocrc file is used if (!(-e $myrc) || (-e $myrc && $icall == 2)) { print "NOTE: Button colours not set in $rcfile; using defaults.\n"; @tdcolors=('#d9d9d9','Black','#ececec','red'); } } %butcol=('-background'=>$tdcolors[0], '-foreground'=>$tdcolors[1], '-activebackground'=>$tdcolors[2], '-activeforeground'=>$tdcolors[3]); # viewer: suppress viewer warnings/use $PAGER if no $txt_viewer is defined $quiet=($quiet =~ /y/i || $quiet eq "1") ? 1 : 0; if (!(defined $txt_viewer) && defined $ENV{PAGER}) { $txt_viewer=$ENV{PAGER}; } # viewer: autostart viewer if listbox of search results contains only 1 item $autoview=($autoview =~ /y/i || $autoview eq "1") ? 1 : 0; # viewer: use text viewer to open files with unrecognized format $xfmt_viewer=($xfmt_viewer =~ /y/i || $xfmt_viewer eq "1") ? 1 : 0; # converter: output redirection flags for HTML/Text->PS converters $htmlps_redir=($htmlps_redir =~ /(y|1)/i) ? 1 : 0; $txtps_redir=($txtps_redir =~ /(y|1)/i) ? 1 : 0; # for backward compatibility of converter/printer options $dvips_conv.=" $dvips_opts" if ($dvips_opts); $pdfps_conv.=" $pdfps_opts" if ($pdfps_opts); $print_cmd.=" $print_opts" if ($print_opts); } # determine resolution if xwininfo is available # slightly modified from a patch contributed by Reinhard Kotucha sub x_resolution { my $x_res; if ($IsWin32) { $x_res = &GetScreenWidth; } else { open(XINF,"xwininfo -root|") or return 1200; while () { chop; if (/Width:/) { ($x_res=$_)=/Width:\s+(\d+)/; last; } } close(XINF); } return $x_res; } # generate a random name for temporary files sub randname { my $namestr; my @chars=("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"); my $time=time; my $maxcnt=3+substr($time,-1); for (my $i=0; $i<=$maxcnt; $i++) { $namestr.=$chars[rand(51)] } my @tmp=split(/./,$time/$$); $namestr.=$tmp[1]; until (length($namestr) > 16) { $namestr.=int(rand(1000000)) } return $namestr; } # find index of an array entry sub arrindex { my @array=@_; my $item=pop @array; my $i=0; foreach (@array) { last if ($_ eq $item); ++$i; } return $i; } # clean up and exit sub clean_exit { foreach (@tmpfiles) { if (-e $_) { unlink $_; } } exit; } # alternative main window, launched for fatal error messages on startup sub fatalmsg { my($msg)=@_; print STDERR $msg; # also print to stderr # create frame for main window my $main=new MainWindow; $main->resizable(0,0); $main->title("TeX Documentation Browser"); $main->bind(''=>sub { exit }); $main->bind(''=>sub { exit }); my $msgframe=$main->Frame(-background=>"#ffcc99"); my $cmdframe=$main->Frame; $msgframe->pack(-side=>'top'); $cmdframe->pack(-side=>'bottom',-fill=>'x'); # make buttons for command frame my $Qbut=$cmdframe->Button(-text=>'Kill',%butcol, -command=>sub { exit })->pack(-fill=>'x'); # define common default font for labels and text explicitly my @deffont=$Qbut->configure(-font); # ensure readability on high-res screens (suggested by R.Kotucha) $deffont='Helvetica -16 bold' if &x_resolution > 1200; $Qbut->configure(-font=>$deffont); $msgframe->Label(-text=>'FATAL ERROR', -font=>$deffont)->pack(-side=>'top', -fill=>'x'); # get size of message text my @dummy=split("\n",$msg); my $nline=scalar @dummy; my $msgwidth=0; my $lline; foreach (@dummy) { $lline=length $_; if ($lline > $msgwidth) { $msgwidth=$lline; } } my $message=$msgframe->Text(-relief=>'flat', -font=>$deffont, -height=>$nline, -width=>$msgwidth)->pack(-side=>'top'); $message->insert('end',$msg); $message->configure(-state=>'disabled'); MainLoop; } if ($IsWin32) { sub GetScreenWidth { my $GetDeviceCaps = new Win32::API('gdi32', 'GetDeviceCaps', 'NN', 'N'); my $HORZRES = 8; # from WinGDI.h if(not defined $GetDeviceCaps) { die "Can't import API GetDeviceCaps: $!\n"; } return $GetDeviceCaps->Call(0, $HORZRES); } sub GetTempPath { my $GetTempPath = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', 'NP', 'N'); if(not defined $GetTempPath) { die "Can't import API GetTempPath: $!\n"; } my $lpBuffer = " " x 260; $GetTempPath->Call(80, $lpBuffer); } sub ShellExecute { my ($command, $file) = @_; my $ShellExecute = new Win32::API('shell32', 'ShellExecute', 'NPPPPN', 'N'); if(not defined $ShellExecute) { die "Can't import API ShellExecute: $!\n"; } $ShellExecute->Call(0, $command, $file, '', '', 0); } sub GetHomeDir { my $home = $ENV{'HOME'}; # Should check for CSIDL_... return $home; } } __END__ Many TeX programmers provide more or less detailed manuals for their programs or packages. They are usually available as .dvi, .ps, .pdf, .html or plain text files (sometimes included in the .sty files instead of a separate documentation file) and can be accessed with this browser, which is simply an interface to find a documentation more easily. It starts the respective viewer for reading the selected documentation making use of a database file which contains the path entries according to the current teTeX texmf/doc structure; additional usage of a system-wide local and of individual user texmf trees with corresponding databases is also possible. The documentations are grouped in several categories shown in the main window; pressing one of its buttons lists all documentations belonging to this topic. The topic window lets you select one documentation file, view or send it to the default printer. By right-clicking on the selected item you get the complete path of the file. The search button of the main window allows you to search the database for a string; it does not search file names. Enter the string and hit to start the search or to cancel. Just hitting without typing something in will show the full list of files in the database. Defaults for the documentation root directory, the viewers, the converters, certain options and the printer are set in the global configuration file $sysrc. However, each user can put a copy of it as .texdocrc into his home directory to modify them according to his needs; modification or generation of ~/.texdocrc can also be done with the Settings menu. Additionally, the settings can be changed temporarily with this menu. The following key shortcuts are defined for use with the browser: Quit browser Raise the Main window to the foreground Search a keyword in database (case insensitive) Cancel/close subwindow or search entry widget View selected document (topic windows) Print selected document (topic windows) Open settings menu Kill fatal error message window (same as ) Open this help Equivalent to button press; OK in selection menu and search Next/previous widget There are the following command line options: -a autostart viewer if a listbox of search results contains only one item; can also be set in a configuration file -v disable suppression of viewer messages sent to stderr and of certain permanent message popup windows, in case this was not set in a configuration file; default: off Some more information is available in the manpage of texdoctk. Comments and suggestions to: Thomas Ruedas tr@dlc.ku.dk or tex-k@tug.org # Local Variables: # mode: perl # auto-fill-hook: do-auto-fill # End: # vim: ts=8 sw=4 noexpandtab