#!/usr/bin/env perl ## getnonfreefonts ## Copyright 2006-2008 Reinhard Kotucha # # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 # of this license or (at your option) any later version. # The latest version of this license is in # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # The current maintainer is Reinhard Kotucha. my $TL_version='2008'; my $revision='2009-01-29'; use Getopt::Long; $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev=0; Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); $opt_lsfonts=0; $opt_force=0; sub usage { print <<'EOF'; Usage: getnonfreefonts[-sys] [-a|--all] [-d|--debug] [-f|--force] [-l|--lsfonts] [-v|--verbose] [--version] [-H|--http] [font1] [font2] ... getnonfreefonts installs fonts in $TEXMFHOME. getnonfreefonts-sys installs fonts in $TEXMFLOCAL. Options: -a|--all Install all fonts. -d|--debug Provide additional messages for debugging. -f|--force Install fonts even if they are installed already. -h|--help Print this message. -l|--lsfonts List all fonts available. -v|--verbose Be more verbose. -H|--http Use http instead of ftp (see manual). --version Print version number. EOF ; } @ARGS=@ARGV; GetOptions "all|a", "debug|d", "force|f", "help|h", "http|H", "lsfonts|l", "verbose|v", "version", "sys"; $^W=1 if $opt_debug; my $sys=($0=~/-sys$/)? 1:0; $sys=1 if $opt_sys; $sys=1 if (defined $ENV{'TEX_SYS_PROG'}); @allpackages=@ARGV; print "$TL_version\n" and exit 0 if $opt_version; if ($opt_help or !@ARGS) { print "\nThis is getnonfreefonts"; print '-sys' if ($sys); print ", version $TL_version.\n\n"; usage; } sub win32 { if ($^O=~/^MSWin(32|64)/i) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub message { my $message=shift; if ($message=~/^\[/) { print "$message\n"; } else { printf "%-60s", $message; } } sub debug_msg { my $message=shift; if ($opt_debug) { print STDERR "DEBUG: $message\n"; } } sub which { my $prog=shift; my @PATH; my $PATH=$ENV{'PATH'}; if (&win32) { my @PATHEXT=split ';', $ENV{'PATHEXT'}; push @PATHEXT, ''; # if argument contains an extension @PATH=split ';', $PATH; for my $dir (@PATH) { $dir=~s/\\/\//g; for my $ext (@PATHEXT) { if (-f "$dir/$prog$ext") { return "$dir/$prog$ext"; } } } } else { @PATH=split ':', $PATH; for my $dir (@PATH) { if (-x "$dir/$prog") { return "$dir/$prog"; } } } return 0; } sub expand_var { my $var=shift; if (win32) { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-var=$' . "$var |"; } else { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-var=\$' . "$var |"; } while () { chop; return "$_"; } close KPSEWHICH; } sub expand_braces { my $var=shift; my $pathsep; my $retstring; my @retlist; if (win32) { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-braces=$' . "$var |"; $pathsep=';'; } else { open KPSEWHICH, 'kpsewhich --expand-braces=\$' . "$var |"; $pathsep=':'; } $retstring=(); close KPSEWHICH; chop $retstring; @retlist=split $pathsep, $retstring; if ($opt_debug) { my $index=0; foreach my $entry (@retlist) { debug_msg "$var\[$index\]: '$entry'."; ++$index; } debug_msg "Extracting the first element of the list ($var\[0\]):"; debug_msg "$var\[0\]='$retlist[0]'."; } return "$retlist[0]"; } debug_msg "getnonfreefonts rev. $revision (TL $TL_version)."; # Determine the URL. my $getfont_url; if ($opt_http) { $getfont_url="http://tug.org/~kotucha/getnonfreefonts/getfont$TL_version"; } else { $getfont_url="ftp://tug.org/tex/getnonfreefonts/getfont$TL_version"; } ($opt_http)? debug_msg 'Download method: HTTP.':debug_msg 'Download method: FTP.'; debug_msg "Note that not all fonts are accessible via HTTP." if $opt_http; debug_msg "Try --html if your firewall blocks FTP." unless $opt_http; debug_msg "Using script '$getfont_url'."; if ($opt_debug) { for my $var qw(TMP TEMP TMPDIR) { if (defined $ENV{$var}) { debug_msg "Environment variable $var='$ENV{$var}'."; } else { debug_msg "Environment variable $var not set."; } } } # get TMP|TEMP|TMPDIR environment variable if (defined $ENV{'TMP'}) { $SYSTMP="$ENV{'TMP'}"; } elsif (defined $ENV{'TEMP'}) { $SYSTMP="$ENV{'TEMP'}"; } elsif (defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) { $SYSTMP="$ENV{'TMPDIR'}"; } else { $SYSTMP="/tmp"; } debug_msg "Internal variable SYSTMP set to '$SYSTMP'."; # Windows usually uses backslashes though forward slashes are probably # allowed. Perl always needs forward slashes. # We convert backslashes to forward slashes on Windows. if (win32) { $SYSTMP=~s/\\/\//g; debug_msg "Internal variable SYSTMP converted to '$SYSTMP'."; } sub check_tmpdir{ die "! ERROR: The temporary directory '$SYSTMP' doesn't exist.\n" unless (-d "$SYSTMP"); die "! ERROR: The temporary directory '$SYSTMP' is not writable.\n" unless (-w "$SYSTMP"); } if ($opt_debug) { debug_msg "Search for kpsewhich in PATH:"; my $kpsewhich=which "kpsewhich"; debug_msg "Found '$kpsewhich'."; } # Determine INSTALLROOT. $INSTALLROOTNAME=($sys)? 'TEXMFLOCAL':'TEXMFHOME'; $INSTALLROOT=expand_braces "$INSTALLROOTNAME"; # Remove trailing exclamation marks and double slashes. debug_msg "Removing leading \"!!\" and trailing \"//\"and set INSTALLROOT:"; $INSTALLROOT=~s/^!!//; $INSTALLROOT=~s/\/\/$//; debug_msg "INSTALLROOT='$INSTALLROOT'."; ($sys)? debug_msg "sys=true.":debug_msg "sys=false."; $INSTALLROOT=~s/\\/\//g if (win32); debug_msg "Internal variable INSTALLROOT converted to '$INSTALLROOT'."; sub check_installroot { mkdir "$INSTALLROOT" unless (-d "$INSTALLROOT"); die "! ERROR: The variable $INSTALLROOTNAME is not set.\n" unless length ("$INSTALLROOT") > 0; die "! ERROR: The install directory '$INSTALLROOT' doesn't " . "exist.\n" . " If this is the correct path, please create " . "this directory manually.\n" unless (-d "$INSTALLROOT"); die "! ERROR: The install directory '$INSTALLROOT' is not writable.\n" unless (-w "$INSTALLROOT"); } if ($opt_help or !@ARGS) { print <<"ENDUSAGE"; Directories: temporary: '$SYSTMP/getfont-' install: '$INSTALLROOT' ENDUSAGE check_tmpdir; check_installroot; exit 0; } check_tmpdir; check_installroot; my $tmpdir="$SYSTMP/getfont-$$"; debug_msg "Internal variable tmpdir set to '$tmpdir'."; mkdir "$tmpdir" or die "! ERROR: Can't mkdir '$tmpdir'."; chdir "$tmpdir" or die "! ERROR: Can't cd '$tmpdir'."; sub remove_tmpdir { chdir "$SYSTMP" or die "! ERROR: Can't cd '$SYSTMP'.\n"; opendir TMPDIR, "$tmpdir" or print "! ERROR: Can't read directory '$tmpdir'.\n"; @alltmps=readdir TMPDIR; closedir TMPDIR; foreach $file (@alltmps) { next if $file=~/^\./; unlink "$tmpdir/$file"; } rmdir "$tmpdir" or die "! ERROR: Can't remove directory '$tmpdir'.\n"; } # Signal handlers. my @common_signals=qw(INT ILL FPE SEGV TERM ABRT); my @signals_UNIX=qw(QUIT BUS PIPE); my @signals_Win32=qw(BREAK); if (win32) { @signals=(@common_signals, @signals_Win32); } else { @signals=(@common_signals, @signals_UNIX); } debug_msg "Supported signals: @signals."; foreach my $signal (@signals) { $SIG{"$signal"}=\&remove_tmpdir; } my $has_wget=0; if (win32) { $has_wget=1; ## shipped with TL. } elsif (which "wget") { $has_wget=1; ## wget is in PATH. } if ($opt_debug) { my @PATH; if (win32) { @PATH=split ';', $ENV{'PATH'}; } else { @PATH=split ':', $ENV{'PATH'}; } my $index=0; foreach my $dir (@PATH) { debug_msg "PATH\[$index\]: '$dir'."; ++$index; } } debug_msg "No wget binary found on your system, trying curl." unless ($has_wget); if ($has_wget) { debug_msg "Running 'wget $getfont_url'."; system ('wget', "$getfont_url") == 0 or die "! Error: Can't execute wget.\n"; } else { debug_msg "Running 'curl -O $getfont_url'."; system ('curl', '-O', "$getfont_url") == 0 or die "! Error: Can't execute curl.\n"; } # Download the fonts. my @getfont=('perl', "./getfont$TL_version", '--getnonfreefonts'); push @getfont, "--installroot=$INSTALLROOT"; push @getfont, '--lsfonts' if $opt_lsfonts; push @getfont, '--force' if $opt_force; push @getfont, '--debug' if $opt_debug; push @getfont, '--verbose' if $opt_verbose; push @getfont, '--sys' if $sys; push @getfont, '--all' if $opt_all; push @getfont, '--http' if $opt_http; push @getfont, '--use_curl' unless ($has_wget); push @getfont, @allpackages; debug_msg "Running '@getfont'."; system @getfont; # Evaluate the exit status. It will be 2 if something had been # installed and in this case we need to run texhash/updmap. my $exit_code=$?; my $exit_status=int($exit_code/256); if ($sys) { debug_msg "Info: Execute updmap-sys if exit status is 2."; } else { debug_msg "Info: Execute updmap if exit status is 2."; } debug_msg "Exit status of getfont$TL_version is $exit_status."; if ($exit_status==2) { print "\n"; system 'texhash', "$INSTALLROOT"; $updmap_command=($sys)? 'updmap-sys':'updmap'; @updmap=("$updmap_command"); push @updmap, '--quiet' unless $opt_verbose; print "\n"; message "Updating map files ($updmap_command)..."; system @updmap; message $?? '[failed]':'[done]'; } remove_tmpdir; __END__