1. List of pdfTeX documentation files ===================================== pdftex-a.pdf (A4 format) pdftex-l.pdf (letter format) pdftex-s.pdf (screen format) pdftex-b.pdf (A5 booklet made from pdftex-a.pdf) pdftex-b-e.pdf (A5 booklet, even pages) pdftex-b-o.pdf (A5 booklet, odd pages) pdftex-syntax.txt 2. Installation =============== Untar or unzip the distribution file. Change to directory "manual". All files are built from pdftex-t.tex via the Makefile or the file makefiles.cmd. 2.1 Unix Style -------------- See the Makefile. To re-generate the manual PDFs from their sources, type: make allclean; make To get also the A5 booklet PDFs, type: make booklet Finally you might type: make clean to remove all unneeded stuff that has accumulated during processing. Only the sources, the PDFs, and file pdftex-syntax.txt will be kept. 2.2 Windows Style ----------------- Execute file makefiles.cmd. 3. How it's done ================ 3.1 Generating pdftex-syntax.txt from pdftex-t.tex -------------------------------------------------- pdftex-t.tex --> (awk -f syntaxform.awk) --> pdftex-syntax.txt 3.2 Generating title page of manual ----------------------------------- pdftex-w.tex --> (pdfetex) --> pdftex-w.pdf --> (expand, sed, fmt, grep) --> pdftex-t.txt $Id: README,v 1.22 2005/01/06 13:57:25 hahe Exp $