.TH TEXTOOLS "1" "January 2007" "textools 1.3.1" "ConTeXt" .de URL \\$2 \(laURL: \\$1 \(ra\\$3 .. .if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac .de EX .in +3 .nf .ft CW .. .de EE .in -3 .ft R .fi .. .SH NAME textools \- generate TeX map files, afm files, fix texmf trees .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBtextools\fP [ \fIOPTIONS\fP ... ] [ \fIpattern\fR or \fIname\fR \fRor \fIfromroot toroot\fR ] [ \fIMODIFIER OPTIONS\fP ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBtextools\fP processes map files, converts Mac files to DOS format, generates map files, fixes texmf trees, and performs a utility-belt worth of other tasks also useful in installing and maintaining the zillion auxilliary files that .BR tex (1) and its friends require. .SH OPTIONS The modifier options are listed after the options that they modify. .TP \fB--downcasefilenames\fP [\fB--recurse\fP] [\fB--force\fP] .TP \fB--encmake\fP \fIafmfile\fP \fIencodingname\fP .TP \fB--findfile\fP \fIfilename\fP [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--fixafmfiles\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--fixtexmftrees\fP [\fItexmfroot\fP] [\fB--force\fP] .TP \fB--hidemapnames\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--mactodos\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] Fixes newlines from Macintosh files so that the file is readable in DOS. .TP \fB--removemapnames\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--replacefile\fP \fIfilename\fP [\fB--force\fP] .TP \fB--restoremapnames\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--showfont\fP \fIfilename\fP .TP \fB--stripformfeeds\fP [\fB--recurse\fP] [\fB--force\fP] .TP \fB--tpmmake\fP \fItpmfile\fP Package files into a \fIt-modulename.tpm\fP file. Imagine this file structure: .EX tex/context/third/modulename/t-modulename.vim doc/context/third/modulename/modulename-doc.pdf doc/context/third/modulename/modulename-demo.pdf tpm/t-modulename.tpm .EE where \fIt-modulename.tpm\fP is a valid tpm file. When you run .EX textools --tpmmake t-modulename .EE the \fBtextools\fP command will replace file sizes declared in the tpm file with proper values and create a ZIP archive \fIt-modulename.zip\fP with the files specified by the tpm file. This command needs to be run in the root of the TEXMF tree. .TP \fB--unzipfiles\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .TP \fB--updatetree\fP \fIfromroot\fP \fItoroot\fP [\fB--force\fP \fB--nocheck\fP \fB--merge\fP \fB--delete\fP] .TP \fB--videmapnames\fP [\fIpattern\fP] [\fB--recurse\fP] .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP .BR texexec (1), .BR texmfstart (1). .PP .URL "http://www.contextgarden.net" "ConTeXt wiki" . .SH BUGS This manual page is incomplete because I have no clue what this program does. .SH "AUTHOR" .BR textools (1) is part of the .URL "http://www.contextgarden.net" "ConTeXt" " " suite of typesetting programs based on the .BR tex (1) family of typesetting programs. This manual page was written by Sanjoy Mahajan based on running \fBtextools --help\fP and with help from Mojca Miklavec. It is in the public domain.