.TH PSSELECT 1 "PSUtils Release 1 Patchlevel 17" .SH NAME psselect \- select pages from a PostScript file .SH SYNOPSIS .B psselect [ .B \-q ] [ .B \-e ] [ .B \-o ] [ .B \-r ] [ .B \-p\fIpages\fR ] [ .I pages ] [ .I infile [ .I outfile ] ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Psselect selects pages from a PostScript document, creating a new PostScript file. The input PostScript file should follow the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions. .PP The .I \-e option selects all of the even pages; it may be used in conjunction with the other page selection options to select the even pages from a range of pages. .PP The .I \-o option selects all of the odd pages; it may be used in conjunction with the other page selection options. .PP The .I \-p\fIpages\fR option specifies the pages which are to be selected. .I Pages is a comma separated list of page ranges, each of which may be a page number, or a page range of the form \fIfirst\fR-\fIlast\fR. If \fIfirst\fR is omitted, the first page is assumed, and if \fIlast\fR is omitted, the last page is assumed. The prefix character `_' indicates that the page number is relative to the end of the document, counting backwards. If just this character with no page number is used, a blank page will be inserted. .PP The .I \-r option causes .I psselect to output the selected pages in reverse order. .PP Psselect normally prints the page numbers of the pages rearranged; the .I \-q option suppresses this. .PP If any of the .I \-r, \-e, or .I \-o options are specified, the page range must be given with the .I \-p option. This is for backwards compatibility with previous versions. .SH NOTES The page number given to .I psselect is the number of the page counting from the start or end of the file, starting at one. The actual page number in the document may be different. .SH AUTHOR Copyright (C) Angus J. C. Duggan 1991-1995 .SH "SEE ALSO" psbook(1), psselect(1), pstops(1), epsffit(1), psnup(1), psresize(1), psmerge(1), fixscribeps(1), getafm(1), fixdlsrps(1), fixfmps(1), fixmacps(1), fixpsditps(1), fixpspps(1), fixtpps(1), fixwfwps(1), fixwpps(1), fixwwps(1), extractres(1), includeres(1) .SH TRADEMARKS .B PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. .SH BUGS .I Psselect does not accept all DSC comments.