.TH PDFTOOLS "1" "December 2006" "pdftools 1.2" "ConTeXt" .de URL \\$2 \(laURL: \\$1 \(ra\\$3 .. .if \n[.g] .mso www.tmac .de EX .in +3 .nf .ft CW .. .de EE .in -3 .ft R .fi .. .SH NAME pdftools \- analyze PDF files, change image colors .PP .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBpdftools\fP [ \fIOPTION\fP ... ] [ ... ] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBpdftools\fP analyzes PDF files and changes image colors. It is used by the ConTeXt programs. The image-processing features are not documented here (since I don't understand what they do). .PP .SH "OPTIONS" .PP .IP "\fB--help\fP" Print the available options. .IP "\fB--analyzefile\fP" Print statistics about each PDF file, including size, number of xforms, annotations, links, etc. .IP "\fB--info\fP" Print, in XML format, information about the PDF files. It gives the number of pages, producer, author, subject, creation date, bounding boxes, ... See also \fBpdfinfo\fP(1). .IP "\fB--countpages\fP" Print the number of pages in each PDF file. .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBtexexec\fP(1), \fBpdfinfo\fP(1), \fBpdftk\fP(1) .PP The pdftools manual \f(CWmpdftools.pdf\fP available from .URL "http://www.pragma-ade.com/dir/general/manuals/" "PRAGMA ADE" . .PP .URL "http://www.contextgarden.net" "ConTeXt wiki" . .PP .URL "http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdf_reference.html" "The PDF specification" . .SH "AUTHOR" This (incomplete) manual page was written by Sanjoy Mahajan . It is in the public domain.