.TH KPSEREADLINK 1 "4 January 1998" "Kpathsea 5.0.0" .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME kpsereadlink \- print contents of symbolic link .SH SYNOPSIS .B kpsereadlink .I file .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION If .I file is a symbolic link, print its contents (what it links to), and exit successfully. Exit with a failure otherwise. .PP On systems that do not support symbolic links, .B kpsereadlink will always fail. .\"===================================================================== .SH OPTIONS .B kpsereadlink accepts the following additional options: .TP .B --help .rb Print help message and exit. .TP .B --version .rb Print version information and exit. .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR readlink (2)