.TH GFTODVI 1 "20 April 2007" "Web2C 2010/pretest" .\"===================================================================== .if n .ds MF Metafont .if t .ds MF M\s-2ETAFONT\s0 .if t .ds TX \fRT\\h'-0.1667m'\\v'0.20v'E\\v'-0.20v'\\h'-0.125m'X\fP .if n .ds TX TeX .ie t .ds OX \fIT\v'+0.25m'E\v'-0.25m'X\fP for troff .el .ds OX TeX for nroff .\" the same but obliqued .\" BX definition must follow TX so BX can use TX .if t .ds BX \fRB\s-2IB\s0\fP\*(TX .if n .ds BX BibTeX .\" LX definition must follow TX so LX can use TX .if t .ds LX \fRL\\h'-0.36m'\\v'-0.15v'\s-2A\s0\\h'-0.15m'\\v'0.15v'\fP\*(TX .if n .ds LX LaTeX .\"===================================================================== .SH NAME gftodvi \- make proof sheets from generic font files .SH SYNOPSIS .B gftodvi .RB [ \-overflow-label-offset=\fIreal\fP ] .RB [ \-verbose ] .I gf_file_name .\"===================================================================== .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is not meant to be exhaustive. The complete documentation for this version of \*(TX can be found in the info file or manual .IR "Web2C: A TeX implementation" . .PP The .B gftodvi program converts a generic font .RI ( gf ) file output by, for example, .BR mf (1), to a device independent (DVI) file (that can then be typeset using the same software that has already been written for \*(TX). The characters in the .I gf file will appear one per page, with labels, titles, and annotations as specified in Appendix H (Hardcopy Proofs) of .IR "The \*(MFbook" . .PP .B gftodvi uses other fonts in addition to the main .I gf file. A `gray' font is used to typeset the pixels that actually make up the character. (We wouldn't want all the pixels to be simply black, since then labels, key points, and other information would be lost.) A `title' font is used for the information at the top of the page. A `label' font is used for the labels on key points of the figure. A `slant' font is used to typeset diagonal lines, which otherwise have to be simulated using horizontal and vertical rules. The default gray, title, and label fonts are .IR gray , .IR cmr8 , and .IR cmtt10 , respectively; there is no default slant font. .PP To change the default fonts, you can give .BR special commands in your \*(MF source file, or you can change the fonts online. An online dialog ensues if you end the .I gf_file_name with a `/'. For example, .br .ti +2 gftodvi cmr10.300gf/ .br .ti +2 Special font substitution: grayfont black .br .ti +2 OK; any more? grayfontarea /home/art/don/ .br .ti +2 OK; any more? slantfont /home/fonts/slantimagen6 .br .ti +2 OK; any more? .br will use .I /home/art/don/black as the `gray' font and .I /home/fonts/slantimagen6 as the `slant' font (this name indicates a font for lines with slope 1/6 at the resolution of an Imagen printer). .PP The .I gf_file_name on the command line must be complete. Because the resolution is part of the extension, it would not make sense to append a default extension as is done with \*(TX or DVI-reading software. The output file name uses the same root as the .I gf file, with the .B .dvi extension added. For example, the input file .I cmr10.2602gf would become .IR cmr10.dvi . .\"===================================================================== .SH OPTIONS The argument to .B \-overflow-label-offset specifies the distance from the right edge of the character bounding box at which the overflow equations (if any) are typeset. The value is given in \*(TX points. The default is a little over two inches. .PP Without the .B \-verbose option, .B gftodvi operates silently. With it, a banner and progress report are printed on .IR stdout . .\"===================================================================== .SH ENVIRONMENT .B gftodvi looks for .I gf_file_name using the environment variable GFFONTS. If that is not set, it uses the variable TEXFONTS. If that is not set, it uses the system default. .PP See .BR tex (1) for the details of the searching. .\"===================================================================== .SH FILES .TP .I {gray.tfm,.\|.\|.} The default fonts. .TP .I {gray.mf,.\|.\|.} The \*(MF sources. .\"===================================================================== .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR tex (1), .BR mf (1). .br Donald E. Knuth, .I "The \*(MFbook" (Volume C of .IR "Computers and Typesetting" ), Addison-Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-13445-4. .br Donald E. Knuth et al., .IR \*(MFware . .\"===================================================================== .SH AUTHORS Donald E. Knuth wrote the program. It was published as part of the .I \*(MFware technical report, available from the \*(TX Users Group. Paul Richards ported it to Unix.