real camerafactor=2; // Factor used for camera adjustment. pair viewportsize=0; // Horizontal and vertical viewport limits. restricted bool Aspect=true; restricted bool IgnoreAspect=false; typedef real[][] transform3; restricted transform3 identity4=identity(4); // A uniform 3D scaling. transform3 scale3(real s) { transform3 t=identity(4); t[0][0]=t[1][1]=t[2][2]=s; return t; } // Simultaneous 3D scalings in the x, y, and z directions. transform3 scale(real x, real y, real z) { transform3 t=identity(4); t[0][0]=x; t[1][1]=y; t[2][2]=z; return t; } transform3 shiftless(transform3 t) { transform3 T=copy(t); T[0][3]=T[1][3]=T[2][3]=0; return T; } // A coordinate in "flex space." A linear combination of user and true-size // coordinates. struct coord { real user,truesize; // Build a coord. static coord build(real user, real truesize) { coord c=new coord; c.user=user; c.truesize=truesize; return c; } // Deep copy of coordinate. Users may add coords to the picture, but then // modify the struct. To prevent this from yielding unexpected results, deep // copying is used. coord copy() { return build(user, truesize); } void clip(real min, real max) { user=min(max(user,min),max); truesize=0; } } struct coords2 { coord[] x,y; void erase() { x.delete(); y.delete(); } // Only a shallow copy of the individual elements of x and y // is needed since, once entered, they are never modified. coords2 copy() { coords2 c=new coords2; c.x=copy(x); c.y=copy(y); return c; } void append(coords2 c) { x.append(c.x); y.append(c.y); } void push(pair user, pair truesize) { x.push(,truesize.x)); y.push(,truesize.y)); } void push(coord cx, coord cy) { x.push(cx); y.push(cy); } void push(transform t, coords2 c1, coords2 c2) { for(int i=0; i < c1.x.length; ++i) { coord cx=c1.x[i], cy=c2.y[i]; pair tinf=shiftless(t)*(0,0); pair z=t*(cx.user,cy.user); pair w=(cx.truesize,cy.truesize); w=length(w)*unit(shiftless(t)*w); coord Cx,Cy; Cx.user=z.x; Cy.user=z.y; Cx.truesize=w.x; Cy.truesize=w.y; push(Cx,Cy); } } void xclip(real min, real max) { for(int i=0; i < x.length; ++i) x[i].clip(min,max); } void yclip(real min, real max) { for(int i=0; i < y.length; ++i) y[i].clip(min,max); } } struct coords3 { coord[] x,y,z; void erase() { x.delete(); y.delete(); z.delete(); } // Only a shallow copy of the individual elements of x and y // is needed since, once entered, they are never modified. coords3 copy() { coords3 c=new coords3; c.x=copy(x); c.y=copy(y); c.z=copy(z); return c; } void append(coords3 c) { x.append(c.x); y.append(c.y); z.append(c.z); } void push(triple user, triple truesize) { x.push(,truesize.x)); y.push(,truesize.y)); z.push(,truesize.z)); } void push(coord cx, coord cy, coord cz) { x.push(cx); y.push(cy); z.push(cz); } void push(transform3 t, coords3 c1, coords3 c2, coords3 c3) { for(int i=0; i < c1.x.length; ++i) { coord cx=c1.x[i], cy=c2.y[i], cz=c3.z[i]; triple tinf=shiftless(t)*(0,0,0); triple z=t*(cx.user,cy.user,cz.user); triple w=(cx.truesize,cy.truesize,cz.truesize); w=length(w)*unit(shiftless(t)*w); coord Cx,Cy,Cz; Cx.user=z.x; Cy.user=z.y; Cz.user=z.z; Cx.truesize=w.x; Cy.truesize=w.y; Cz.truesize=w.z; push(Cx,Cy,Cz); } } } bool operator <= (coord a, coord b) { return a.user <= b.user && a.truesize <= b.truesize; } bool operator >= (coord a, coord b) { return a.user >= b.user && a.truesize >= b.truesize; } // Find the maximal elements of the input array, using the partial ordering // given. coord[] maxcoords(coord[] in, bool operator <= (coord,coord)) { // As operator <= is defined in the parameter list, it has a special // meaning in the body of the function. coord best; coord[] c; int n=in.length; if(n == 0) return c; int first=0; // Add the first coord without checking restrictions (as there are none). best=in[first]; c.push(best); static int NONE=-1; int dominator(coord x) { // This assumes it has already been checked against the best. for(int i=1; i < c.length; ++i) if(x <= c[i]) return i; return NONE; } void promote(int i) { // Swap with the top coord x=c[i]; c[i]=best; best=c[0]=x; } void addmaximal(coord x) { coord[] newc; // Check if it beats any others. for(int i=0; i < c.length; ++i) { coord y=c[i]; if(!(y <= x)) newc.push(y); } newc.push(x); c=newc; best=c[0]; } void add(coord x) { if(x <= best) return; else { int i=dominator(x); if(i == NONE) addmaximal(x); else promote(i); } } for(int i=1; i < n; ++i) add(in[i]); return c; } typedef real scalefcn(real x); struct scaleT { scalefcn T,Tinv; bool logarithmic; bool automin,automax; void operator init(scalefcn T, scalefcn Tinv, bool logarithmic=false, bool automin=false, bool automax=false) { this.T=T; this.Tinv=Tinv; this.logarithmic=logarithmic; this.automin=automin; this.automax=automax; } scaleT copy() { scaleT dest=scaleT(T,Tinv,logarithmic,automin,automax); return dest; } }; scaleT operator init() { scaleT S=scaleT(identity,identity); return S; } typedef void boundRoutine(); struct autoscaleT { scaleT scale; scaleT postscale; real tickMin=-infinity, tickMax=infinity; boundRoutine[] bound; // Optional routines to recompute the bounding box. bool automin=false, automax=false; bool automin() {return automin && scale.automin;} bool automax() {return automax && scale.automax;} real T(real x) {return postscale.T(scale.T(x));} scalefcn T() {return scale.logarithmic ? postscale.T : T;} real Tinv(real x) {return scale.Tinv(postscale.Tinv(x));} autoscaleT copy() { autoscaleT dest=new autoscaleT; dest.scale=scale.copy(); dest.postscale=postscale.copy(); dest.tickMin=tickMin; dest.tickMax=tickMax; dest.bound=copy(bound); dest.automin=(bool) automin; dest.automax=(bool) automax; return dest; } } struct ScaleT { bool set; autoscaleT x; autoscaleT y; autoscaleT z; ScaleT copy() { ScaleT dest=new ScaleT; dest.set=set; dest.x=x.copy(); dest.y=y.copy(); dest.z=z.copy(); return dest; } }; struct Legend { string label; pen plabel; pen p; frame mark; bool above; void operator init(string label, pen plabel=currentpen, pen p=nullpen, frame mark=newframe, bool above=true) { this.label=label; this.plabel=plabel; this.p=(p == nullpen) ? plabel : p; this.mark=mark; this.above=above; } } pair rectify(pair dir) { real scale=max(abs(dir.x),abs(dir.y)); if(scale != 0) dir *= 0.5/scale; dir += (0.5,0.5); return dir; } pair point(frame f, pair dir) { pair m=min(f); pair M=max(f); return m+realmult(rectify(dir),M-m); } path[] align(path[] g, transform t=identity(), pair position, pair align, pen p=currentpen) { if(g.length == 0) return g; pair m=min(g); pair M=max(g); pair dir=rectify(inverse(t)*-align); if(basealign(p) == 1) dir -= (0,m.y/(M.y-m.y)); pair a=m+realmult(dir,M-m); return shift(position+align*labelmargin(p))*t*shift(-a)*g; } // Returns a transform for aligning frame f in the direction align transform shift(frame f, pair align) { return shift(align-point(f,-align)); } // Returns a copy of frame f aligned in the direction align frame align(frame f, pair align) { return shift(f,align)*f; } struct transformation { transform3 modelview; // For orientation and positioning transform3 projection; // For 3D to 2D projection bool infinity; void operator init(transform3 modelview) { this.modelview=modelview; this.projection=identity4; infinity=true; } void operator init(transform3 modelview, transform3 projection) { this.modelview=modelview; this.projection=projection; infinity=false; } transform3 compute() { return infinity ? modelview : projection*modelview; } transformation copy() { transformation T=new transformation; T.modelview=copy(modelview); T.projection=copy(projection); T.infinity=infinity; return T; } } struct projection { transform3 t; // projection*modelview (cached) bool infinity; bool absolute=false; triple camera; // Position of camera. triple up; // A vector that should be projected to direction (0,1). triple target; // Point where camera is looking at. triple normal; // Normal vector from target to projection plane. pair viewportshift; // Fractional viewport shift. real zoom=1; // Zoom factor. real angle; // Lens angle (for perspective projection). bool showtarget=true; // Expand bounding volume to include target? typedef transformation projector(triple camera, triple up, triple target); projector projector; bool autoadjust=true; // Adjust camera to lie outside bounding volume? bool center=false; // Center target within bounding volume? int ninterpolate; // Used for projecting nurbs to 2D Bezier curves. bool bboxonly=true; // Typeset label bounding box only. transformation T; void calculate() { T=projector(camera,up,target); t=T.compute(); infinity=T.infinity; ninterpolate=infinity ? 1 : 16; } triple vector() { return camera-target; } void operator init(triple camera, triple up=(0,0,1), triple target=(0,0,0), triple normal=camera-target, real zoom=1, real angle=0, pair viewportshift=0, bool showtarget=true, bool autoadjust=true, bool center=false, projector projector) {; this.up=up;; this.normal=normal; this.zoom=zoom; this.angle=angle; this.viewportshift=viewportshift; this.showtarget=showtarget; this.autoadjust=autoadjust;; this.projector=projector; calculate(); } projection copy() { projection P=new projection; P.t=t; P.infinity=infinity; P.absolute=absolute;; P.up=up;; P.normal=normal; P.zoom=zoom; P.angle=angle; P.viewportshift=viewportshift; P.showtarget=showtarget; P.autoadjust=autoadjust;; P.projector=projector; P.ninterpolate=ninterpolate; P.bboxonly=bboxonly; P.T=T.copy(); return P; } // Return the maximum distance of box(m,M) from target. real distance(triple m, triple M) { triple[] c={m,(m.x,m.y,M.z),(m.x,M.y,m.z),(m.x,M.y,M.z), (M.x,m.y,m.z),(M.x,m.y,M.z),(M.x,M.y,m.z),M}; return max(abs(c-target)); } // Move the camera so that the box(m,M) rotated about target will always // lie in front of the clipping plane. bool adjust(triple m, triple M) { triple v=camera-target; real d=distance(m,M); static real lambda=camerafactor*(1-sqrtEpsilon); if(lambda*d >= abs(v)) { camera=target+camerafactor*d*unit(v); calculate(); return true; } return false; } } projection currentprojection; struct light { real[][] diffuse; real[][] ambient; real[][] specular; pen background=nullpen; // Background color of the 3D canvas. real specularfactor; bool viewport; // Are the lights specified (and fixed) in the viewport frame? triple[] position; // Only directional lights are currently implemented. transform3 T=identity(4); // Transform to apply to normal vectors. bool on() {return position.length > 0;} void operator init(pen[] diffuse, pen[] ambient=array(diffuse.length,black), pen[] specular=diffuse, pen background=nullpen, real specularfactor=1, bool viewport=false, triple[] position) { int n=diffuse.length; assert(ambient.length == n && specular.length == n && position.length == n); this.diffuse=new real[n][]; this.ambient=new real[n][]; this.specular=new real[n][]; this.background=background; this.position=new triple[n]; for(int i=0; i < position.length; ++i) { this.diffuse[i]=rgba(diffuse[i]); this.ambient[i]=rgba(ambient[i]); this.specular[i]=rgba(specular[i]); this.position[i]=unit(position[i]); } this.specularfactor=specularfactor; this.viewport=viewport; } void operator init(pen diffuse=white, pen ambient=black, pen specular=diffuse, pen background=nullpen, real specularfactor=1, bool viewport=false...triple[] position) { int n=position.length; operator init(array(n,diffuse),array(n,ambient),array(n,specular), background,specularfactor,viewport,position); } void operator init(pen diffuse=white, pen ambient=black, pen specular=diffuse, pen background=nullpen, bool viewport=false, real x, real y, real z) { operator init(diffuse,ambient,specular,background,viewport,(x,y,z)); } void operator init(explicit light light) { diffuse=copy(light.diffuse); ambient=copy(light.ambient); specular=copy(light.specular); background=light.background; specularfactor=light.specularfactor; viewport=light.viewport; position=copy(light.position); } real[] background() {return rgba(background == nullpen ? white : background);} } light currentlight; triple min3(pen p) { return linewidth(p)*(-0.5,-0.5,-0.5); } triple max3(pen p) { return linewidth(p)*(0.5,0.5,0.5); } // A function that draws an object to frame pic, given that the transform // from user coordinates to true-size coordinates is t. typedef void drawer(frame f, transform t); // A generalization of drawer that includes the final frame's bounds. typedef void drawerBound(frame f, transform t, transform T, pair lb, pair rt); struct picture { // Three-dimensional version of drawer and drawerBound: typedef void drawer3(frame f, transform3 t, picture pic, projection P); typedef void drawerBound3(frame f, transform3 t, transform3 T, picture pic, projection P, triple lb, triple rt); // The functions to do the deferred drawing. drawerBound[] nodes; drawerBound3[] nodes3; bool uptodate=true; // The coordinates in flex space to be used in sizing the picture. struct bounds { coords2 point,min,max; bool exact=true; // An accurate picture bounds is provided by the user. void erase() { point.erase(); min.erase(); max.erase(); } bounds copy() { bounds b=new bounds; b.point=point.copy(); b.min=min.copy(); b.max=max.copy(); b.exact=exact; return b; } void xclip(real Min, real Max) { point.xclip(Min,Max); min.xclip(Min,Max); max.xclip(Min,Max); } void yclip(real Min, real Max) { point.yclip(Min,Max); min.yclip(Min,Max); max.yclip(Min,Max); } void clip(triple Min, triple Max) { xclip(Min.x,Max.x); yclip(Min.y,Max.y); } } struct bounds3 { coords3 point,min,max; bool exact=true; // An accurate picture bounds is provided by the user. void erase() { point.erase(); min.erase(); max.erase(); } bounds3 copy() { bounds3 b=new bounds3; b.point=point.copy(); b.min=min.copy(); b.max=max.copy(); b.exact=exact; return b; } } bounds bounds; bounds3 bounds3; // Transform to be applied to this picture. transform T; transform3 T3; // Cached user-space bounding box triple userMin,userMax; bool userSetx,userSety,userSetz; ScaleT scale; // Needed by graph Legend[] legend; pair[] clipmax; // Used by beginclip/endclip pair[] clipmin; // The maximum sizes in the x, y, and z directions; zero means no restriction. real xsize=0, ysize=0; real xsize3=0, ysize3=0, zsize3=0; // Fixed unitsizes in the x y, and z directions; zero means use // xsize, ysize, and zsize. real xunitsize=0, yunitsize=0, zunitsize=0; // If true, the x and y directions must be scaled by the same amount. bool keepAspect=true; // A fixed scaling transform. bool fixed; transform fixedscaling; void init() { userMin=userMax=(0,0,0); userSetx=userSety=userSetz=false; T3=identity(4); } init(); // Erase the current picture, retaining any size specification. void erase() { nodes.delete(); nodes3.delete(); bounds.erase(); bounds3.erase(); T=identity(); scale=new ScaleT; legend.delete(); init(); } bool empty2() { return nodes.length == 0; } bool empty3() { return nodes3.length == 0; } bool empty() { return empty2() && empty3(); } pair userMin() {return (userMin.x,userMin.y);} pair userMax() {return (userMax.x,userMax.y);} void userMinx(real x) { userMin=(x,userMin.y,userMin.z); userSetx=true; } void userMiny(real y) { userMin=(userMin.x,y,userMin.z); userSety=true; } void userMinz(real z) { userMin=(userMin.x,userMin.y,z); userSetz=true; } void userMaxx(real x) { userMax=(x,userMax.y,userMax.z); userSetx=true; } void userMaxy(real y) { userMax=(userMax.x,y,userMax.z); userSety=true; } void userMaxz(real z) { userMax=(userMax.x,userMax.y,z); userSetz=true; } void userCorners(pair c00, pair c01, pair c10, pair c11) { userMin=(min(c00.x,c01.x,c10.x,c11.x),min(c00.y,c01.y,c10.y,c11.y), userMin.z); userMax=(max(c00.x,c01.x,c10.x,c11.x),max(c00.y,c01.y,c10.y,c11.y), userMax.z); } void userCorners(triple c000, triple c001, triple c010, triple c011, triple c100, triple c101, triple c110, triple c111) { userMin=(min(c000.x,c001.x,c010.x,c011.x,c100.x,c101.x,c110.x,c111.x), min(c000.y,c001.y,c010.y,c011.y,c100.y,c101.y,c110.y,c111.y), min(c000.z,c001.z,c010.z,c011.z,c100.z,c101.z,c110.z,c111.z)); userMax=(max(c000.x,c001.x,c010.x,c011.x,c100.x,c101.x,c110.x,c111.x), max(c000.y,c001.y,c010.y,c011.y,c100.y,c101.y,c110.y,c111.y), max(c000.z,c001.z,c010.z,c011.z,c100.z,c101.z,c110.z,c111.z)); } void userCopy(picture pic) { userMin=(triple) pic.userMin; userMax=(triple) pic.userMax; userSetx=pic.userSetx; userSety=pic.userSety; userSetz=pic.userSetz; } typedef real binop(real, real); // Cache the current user-space bounding box x coodinates void userBoxX(real min, real max, binop m=min, binop M=max) { if(userSetx) { userMin=(m(userMin.x,min),userMin.y,userMin.z); userMax=(M(userMax.x,max),userMax.y,userMax.z); } else { userMin=(min,userMin.y,userMin.z); userMax=(max,userMax.y,userMax.z); userSetx=true; } } // Cache the current user-space bounding box y coodinates void userBoxY(real min, real max, binop m=min, binop M=max) { if(userSety) { userMin=(userMin.x,m(userMin.y,min),userMin.z); userMax=(userMax.x,M(userMax.y,max),userMax.z); } else { userMin=(userMin.x,min,userMin.z); userMax=(userMax.x,max,userMax.z); userSety=true; } } // Cache the current user-space bounding box z coodinates void userBoxZ(real min, real max, binop m=min, binop M=max) { if(userSetz) { userMin=(userMin.x,userMin.y,m(userMin.z,min)); userMax=(userMax.x,userMax.y,M(userMax.z,max)); } else { userMin=(userMin.x,userMin.y,min); userMax=(userMax.x,userMax.y,max); userSetz=true; } } // Cache the current user-space bounding box void userBox(pair min, pair max) { userBoxX(min.x,max.x); userBoxY(min.y,max.y); } // Cache the current user-space bounding box void userBox(triple min, triple max) { userBoxX(min.x,max.x); userBoxY(min.y,max.y); userBoxZ(min.z,max.z); } // Clip the current user-space bounding box void userClip(pair min, pair max) { userBoxX(min.x,max.x,max,min); userBoxY(min.y,max.y,max,min); } void add(drawerBound d, bool exact=false) { uptodate=false; if(!exact) bounds.exact=false; nodes.push(d); } void add(drawer d, bool exact=false, bool above=true) { uptodate=false; if(!exact) bounds.exact=false; nodes.push(new void(frame f, transform t, transform T, pair, pair) { d(f,t*T); }); } void add(drawerBound3 d, bool exact=false, bool above=true) { uptodate=false; if(!exact) bounds.exact=false; if(above) nodes3.push(d); else nodes3.insert(0,d); } void add(drawer3 d, bool exact=false, bool above=true) { add(new void(frame f, transform3 t, transform3 T, picture pic, projection P, triple, triple) { d(f,t*T,pic,P); },exact,above); } void clip(drawer d, bool exact=false) { bounds.clip(userMin,userMax); this.add(d,exact); } void clip(drawerBound d, bool exact=false) { bounds.clip(userMin,userMax); this.add(d,exact); } // Add a point to the sizing. void addPoint(pair user, pair truesize=0) { bounds.point.push(user,truesize); userBox(user,user); } // Add a point to the sizing, accounting also for the size of the pen. void addPoint(pair user, pair truesize=0, pen p) { addPoint(user,truesize+min(p)); addPoint(user,truesize+max(p)); } void addPoint(triple user, triple truesize=(0,0,0)) { bounds3.point.push(user,truesize); userBox(user,user); } void addPoint(triple user, triple truesize=(0,0,0), pen p) { addPoint(user,truesize+min3(p)); addPoint(user,truesize+max3(p)); } // Add a box to the sizing. void addBox(pair userMin, pair userMax, pair trueMin=0, pair trueMax=0) { bounds.min.push(userMin,trueMin); bounds.max.push(userMax,trueMax); userBox(userMin,userMax); } void addBox(triple userMin, triple userMax, triple trueMin=(0,0,0), triple trueMax=(0,0,0)) { bounds3.min.push(userMin,trueMin); bounds3.max.push(userMax,trueMax); userBox(userMin,userMax); } // Add a (user space) path to the sizing. void addPath(path g) { if(size(g) > 0) addBox(min(g),max(g)); } void addPath(path[] g) { for(int i=0; i < g.length; ++i) addPath(g[i]); } // Add a path to the sizing with the additional padding of a pen. void addPath(path g, pen p) { if(size(g) > 0) addBox(min(g),max(g),min(p),max(p)); } void size(real x, real y=x, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect) { if(!empty()) uptodate=false; xsize=x; ysize=y; this.keepAspect=keepAspect; } void size3(real x, real y=x, real z=y, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect) { if(!empty3()) uptodate=false; xsize3=x; ysize3=y; zsize3=z; this.keepAspect=keepAspect; } void unitsize(real x, real y=x, real z=y) { uptodate=false; xunitsize=x; yunitsize=y; zunitsize=z; } // The scaling in one dimension: x --> a*x + b struct scaling { real a,b; static scaling build(real a, real b) { scaling s=new scaling; s.a=a; s.b=b; return s; } real scale(real x) { return a*x+b; } real scale(coord c) { return scale(c.user) + c.truesize; } } // Calculate the minimum point in scaling the coords. real min(real m, scaling s, coord[] c) { for(int i=0; i < c.length; ++i) if(s.scale(c[i]) < m) m=s.scale(c[i]); return m; } // Calculate the maximum point in scaling the coords. real max(real M, scaling s, coord[] c) { for(int i=0; i < c.length; ++i) if(s.scale(c[i]) > M) M=s.scale(c[i]); return M; } // Calculate the min for the final frame, given the coordinate transform. pair min(transform t) { if(bounds.min.x.length == 0 && bounds.point.x.length == 0 && bounds.max.x.length == 0) return 0; pair a=t*(1,1)-t*(0,0), b=t*(0,0); scaling,b.x); scaling,b.y); return (min(min(min(infinity,xs,bounds.point.x),xs,bounds.min.x), xs,bounds.max.x), min(min(min(infinity,ys,bounds.point.y),ys,bounds.min.y), ys,bounds.max.y)); } // Calculate the max for the final frame, given the coordinate transform. pair max(transform t) { if(bounds.min.x.length == 0 && bounds.point.x.length == 0 && bounds.max.x.length == 0) return 0; pair a=t*(1,1)-t*(0,0), b=t*(0,0); scaling,b.x); scaling,b.y); return (max(max(max(-infinity,xs,bounds.point.x),xs,bounds.min.x), xs,bounds.max.x), max(max(max(-infinity,ys,bounds.point.y),ys,bounds.min.y), ys,bounds.max.y)); } // Calculate the min for the final frame, given the coordinate transform. triple min(transform3 t) { if(bounds3.min.x.length == 0 && bounds3.point.x.length == 0 && bounds3.max.x.length == 0) return (0,0,0); triple a=t*(1,1,1)-t*(0,0,0), b=t*(0,0,0); scaling,b.x); scaling,b.y); scaling,b.z); return (min(min(min(infinity,xs,bounds3.point.x),xs,bounds3.min.x), xs,bounds3.max.x), min(min(min(infinity,ys,bounds3.point.y),ys,bounds3.min.y), ys,bounds3.max.y), min(min(min(infinity,zs,bounds3.point.z),zs,bounds3.min.z), zs,bounds3.max.z)); } // Calculate the max for the final frame, given the coordinate transform. triple max(transform3 t) { if(bounds3.min.x.length == 0 && bounds3.point.x.length == 0 && bounds3.max.x.length == 0) return (0,0,0); triple a=t*(1,1,1)-t*(0,0,0), b=t*(0,0,0); scaling,b.x); scaling,b.y); scaling,b.z); return (max(max(max(-infinity,xs,bounds3.point.x),xs,bounds3.min.x), xs,bounds3.max.x), max(max(max(-infinity,ys,bounds3.point.y),ys,bounds3.min.y), ys,bounds3.max.y), max(max(max(-infinity,zs,bounds3.point.z),zs,bounds3.min.z), zs,bounds3.max.z)); } // Calculate the sizing constants for the given array and maximum size. real calculateScaling(string dir, coord[] coords, real size, bool warn=true) { access simplex; simplex.problem p=new simplex.problem; void addMinCoord(coord c) { // (a*user + b) + truesize >= 0: p.addRestriction(c.user,1,c.truesize); } void addMaxCoord(coord c) { // (a*user + b) + truesize <= size: p.addRestriction(-c.user,-1,size-c.truesize); } coord[] m=maxcoords(coords,operator >=); coord[] M=maxcoords(coords,operator <=); for(int i=0; i < m.length; ++i) addMinCoord(m[i]); for(int i=0; i < M.length; ++i) addMaxCoord(M[i]); int status=p.optimize(); if(status == simplex.problem.OPTIMAL) { return,p.b()).a; } else if(status == simplex.problem.UNBOUNDED) { if(warn) warning("unbounded",dir+" scaling in picture unbounded"); return 0; } else { if(!warn) return 1; bool userzero=true; for(int i=0; i < coords.length; ++i) { if(coords[i].user != 0) userzero=false; } if(userzero) return 1; warning("cannotfit","cannot fit picture to "+dir+"size "+(string) size +"...enlarging..."); return calculateScaling(dir,coords,sqrt(2)*size,warn); } } void append(coords2 point, coords2 min, coords2 max, transform t, bounds bounds) { // Add the coord info to this picture. if(t == identity()) { point.append(bounds.point); min.append(bounds.min); max.append(bounds.max); } else { point.push(t,bounds.point,bounds.point); // Add in all 4 corner points, to properly size rectangular pictures. point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.max); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.max); } } void append(coords3 point, coords3 min, coords3 max, transform3 t, bounds3 bounds) { // Add the coord info to this picture. if(t == identity4) { point.append(bounds.point); min.append(bounds.min); max.append(bounds.max); } else { point.push(t,bounds.point,bounds.point,bounds.point); // Add in all 8 corner points, to properly size cuboid pictures. point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.min,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.min,bounds.max); point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.max,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.min,bounds.max,bounds.max); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.min,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.min,bounds.max); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.max,bounds.min); point.push(t,bounds.max,bounds.max,bounds.max); } } // Returns the transform for turning user-space pairs into true-space pairs. transform scaling(real xsize, real ysize, bool keepAspect=true, bool warn=true) { if(xsize == 0 && xunitsize == 0 && ysize == 0 && yunitsize == 0) return identity(); coords2 Coords; append(Coords,Coords,Coords,T,bounds); real sx; if(xunitsize == 0) { if(xsize != 0) sx=calculateScaling("x",Coords.x,xsize,warn); } else sx=xunitsize; real sy; if(yunitsize == 0) { if(ysize != 0) sy=calculateScaling("y",Coords.y,ysize,warn); } else sy=yunitsize; if(sx == 0) { sx=sy; if(sx == 0) return identity(); } else if(sy == 0) sy=sx; if(keepAspect && (xunitsize == 0 || yunitsize == 0)) return scale(min(sx,sy)); else return scale(sx,sy); } transform scaling(bool warn=true) { return scaling(xsize,ysize,keepAspect,warn); } // Returns the transform for turning user-space pairs into true-space triples. transform3 scaling(real xsize, real ysize, real zsize, bool keepAspect=true, bool warn=true) { if(xsize == 0 && xunitsize == 0 && ysize == 0 && yunitsize == 0 && zsize == 0 && zunitsize == 0) return identity(4); coords3 Coords; append(Coords,Coords,Coords,T3,bounds3); real sx; if(xunitsize == 0) { if(xsize != 0) sx=calculateScaling("x",Coords.x,xsize,warn); } else sx=xunitsize; real sy; if(yunitsize == 0) { if(ysize != 0) sy=calculateScaling("y",Coords.y,ysize,warn); } else sy=yunitsize; real sz; if(zunitsize == 0) { if(zsize != 0) sz=calculateScaling("z",Coords.z,zsize,warn); } else sz=zunitsize; if(sx == 0) { sx=max(sy,sz); if(sx == 0) return identity(4); } if(sy == 0) sy=max(sz,sx); if(sz == 0) sz=max(sx,sy); if(keepAspect && (xunitsize == 0 || yunitsize == 0 || zunitsize == 0)) return scale3(min(sx,sy,sz)); else return scale(sx,sy,sz); } transform3 scaling3(bool warn=true) { return scaling(xsize3,ysize3,zsize3,keepAspect,warn); } frame fit(transform t, transform T0=T, pair m, pair M) { frame f; for(int i=0; i < nodes.length; ++i) nodes[i](f,t,T0,m,M); return f; } frame fit3(transform3 t, transform3 T0=T3, picture pic, projection P, triple m, triple M) { frame f; for(int i=0; i < nodes3.length; ++i) nodes3[i](f,t,T0,pic,P,m,M); return f; } // Returns a rigid version of the picture using t to transform user coords // into truesize coords. frame fit(transform t) { return fit(t,min(t),max(t)); } frame fit3(transform3 t, picture pic, projection P) { return fit3(t,pic,P,min(t),max(t)); } void add(void d(picture, transform), bool exact=false) { add(new void(frame f, transform t) { picture opic=new picture; d(opic,t); add(f,; },exact); } void add(void d(picture, transform3), bool exact=false, bool above=true) { add(new void(frame f, transform3 t, picture pic2, projection P) { picture opic=new picture; d(opic,t); add(f,opic.fit3(identity4,pic2,P)); },exact,above); } void add(void d(picture, transform3, transform3, triple, triple), bool exact=false, bool above=true) { add(new void(frame f, transform3 t, transform3 T, picture pic2, projection P, triple lb, triple rt) { picture opic=new picture; d(opic,t,T,lb,rt); add(f,opic.fit3(identity4,pic2,P)); },exact,above); } frame scaled() { frame f=fit(fixedscaling); pair d=size(f); static real epsilon=100*realEpsilon; if(d.x > xsize*(1+epsilon)) warning("xlimit","frame exceeds xlimit: "+(string) d.x+" > "+ (string) xsize); if(d.y > ysize*(1+epsilon)) warning("ylimit","frame exceeds ylimit: "+(string) d.y+" > "+ (string) ysize); return f; } // Calculate additional scaling required if only an approximate picture // size estimate is available. transform scale(frame f, real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepaspect=this.keepAspect) { if(bounds.exact) return identity(); pair m=min(f); pair M=max(f); real width=M.x-m.x; real height=M.y-m.y; real xgrow=xsize == 0 || width == 0 ? 1 : xsize/width; real ygrow=ysize == 0 || height == 0 ? 1 : ysize/height; if(keepAspect) { real[] grow; if(xsize > 0) grow.push(xgrow); if(ysize > 0) grow.push(ygrow); return scale(grow.length == 0 ? 1 : min(grow)); } else return scale(xgrow,ygrow); } // Calculate additional scaling required if only an approximate picture // size estimate is available. transform3 scale3(frame f, real xsize3=this.xsize3, real ysize3=this.ysize3, real zsize3=this.zsize3, bool keepaspect=this.keepAspect) { if(bounds3.exact) return identity(4); triple m=min3(f); triple M=max3(f); real width=M.x-m.x; real height=M.y-m.y; real depth=M.z-m.z; real xgrow=xsize3 == 0 || width == 0 ? 1 : xsize3/width; real ygrow=ysize3 == 0 || height == 0 ? 1 : ysize3/height; real zgrow=zsize3 == 0 || depth == 0 ? 1 : zsize3/depth; if(keepAspect) { real[] grow; if(xsize3 > 0) grow.push(xgrow); if(ysize3 > 0) grow.push(ygrow); if(zsize3 > 0) grow.push(zgrow); return scale3(grow.length == 0 ? 1 : min(grow)); } else return scale(xgrow,ygrow,zgrow); } // Return the transform that would be used to fit the picture to a frame transform calculateTransform(real xsize, real ysize, bool keepAspect=true, bool warn=true) { transform t=scaling(xsize,ysize,keepAspect,warn); return scale(fit(t),xsize,ysize,keepAspect)*t; } transform calculateTransform(bool warn=true) { if(fixed) return fixedscaling; return calculateTransform(xsize,ysize,keepAspect,warn); } transform3 calculateTransform3(real xsize=xsize3, real ysize=ysize3, real zsize=zsize3, bool keepAspect=true, bool warn=true, projection P=currentprojection) { transform3 t=scaling(xsize,ysize,zsize,keepAspect,warn); return scale3(fit3(t,null,P),keepAspect)*t; } pair min(real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect, bool warn=true) { return min(calculateTransform(xsize,ysize,keepAspect,warn)); } pair max(real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect, bool warn=true) { return max(calculateTransform(xsize,ysize,keepAspect,warn)); } triple min3(real xsize=this.xsize3, real ysize=this.ysize3, real zsize=this.zsize3, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect, bool warn=true, projection P) { return min(calculateTransform3(xsize,ysize,zsize,keepAspect,warn,P)); } triple max3(real xsize=this.xsize3, real ysize=this.ysize3, real zsize=this.zsize3, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect, bool warn=true, projection P) { return max(calculateTransform3(xsize,ysize,zsize,keepAspect,warn,P)); } // Returns the 2D picture fit to the requested size. frame fit2(real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect) { if(fixed) return scaled(); if(empty2()) return newframe; transform t=scaling(xsize,ysize,keepAspect); frame f=fit(t); transform s=scale(f,xsize,ysize,keepAspect); if(s == identity()) return f; return fit(s*t); } static frame fitter(string,picture,string,real,real,bool,bool,string,string, light,projection); frame fit(string prefix="", string format="", real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect, bool view=false, string options="", string script="", light light=currentlight, projection P=currentprojection) { return fitter == null ? fit2(xsize,ysize,keepAspect) : fitter(prefix,this,format,xsize,ysize,keepAspect,view,options,script, light,P); } // Fit a 3D picture. frame fit3(projection P=currentprojection) { if(settings.render == 0) return fit(P); if(fixed) return scaled(); if(empty3()) return newframe; transform3 t=scaling(xsize3,ysize3,zsize3,keepAspect); frame f=fit3(t,null,P); transform3 s=scale3(f,xsize3,ysize3,zsize3,keepAspect); if(s == identity4) return f; return fit3(s*t,null,P); } // In case only an approximate picture size estimate is available, return the // fitted frame slightly scaled (including labels and true size distances) // so that it precisely meets the given size specification. frame scale(real xsize=this.xsize, real ysize=this.ysize, bool keepAspect=this.keepAspect) { frame f=fit(xsize,ysize,keepAspect); transform s=scale(f,xsize,ysize,keepAspect); if(s == identity()) return f; return s*f; } // Copies the drawing information, but not the sizing information into a new // picture. Fitting this picture will not scale as the original picture would. picture drawcopy() { picture dest=new picture; dest.nodes=copy(nodes); dest.nodes3=copy(nodes3); dest.T=T; dest.T3=T3; dest.userCopy(this); dest.scale=scale.copy(); dest.legend=copy(legend); return dest; } // A deep copy of this picture. Modifying the copied picture will not affect // the original. picture copy() { picture dest=drawcopy(); dest.uptodate=uptodate; dest.bounds=bounds.copy(); dest.bounds3=bounds3.copy(); dest.xsize=xsize; dest.ysize=ysize; dest.xsize3=xsize; dest.ysize3=ysize3; dest.zsize3=zsize3; dest.keepAspect=keepAspect; dest.xunitsize=xunitsize; dest.yunitsize=yunitsize; dest.zunitsize=zunitsize; dest.fixed=fixed; dest.fixedscaling=fixedscaling; return dest; } // Add a picture to this picture, such that the user coordinates will be // scaled identically when fitted void add(picture src, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { // Copy the picture. Only the drawing function closures are needed, so we // only copy them. This needs to be a deep copy, as src could later have // objects added to it that should not be included in this picture. if(src == this) abort("cannot add picture to itself"); uptodate=false; picture srcCopy=src.drawcopy(); // Draw by drawing the copied picture. if(srcCopy.nodes.length > 0) nodes.push(new void(frame f, transform t, transform T, pair m, pair M) { add(f,,T*srcCopy.T,m,M),group,filltype,above); }); if(srcCopy.nodes3.length > 0) { nodes3.push(new void(frame f, transform3 t, transform3 T3, picture pic, projection P, triple m, triple M) { add(f,srcCopy.fit3(t,T3*srcCopy.T3,pic,P,m,M),group,above); }); } legend.append(src.legend); if(src.userSetx) userBoxX(src.userMin.x,src.userMax.x); if(src.userSety) userBoxY(src.userMin.y,src.userMax.y); if(src.userSetz) userBoxZ(src.userMin.z,src.userMax.z); append(bounds.point,bounds.min,bounds.max,srcCopy.T,src.bounds); append(bounds3.point,bounds3.min,bounds3.max,srcCopy.T3,src.bounds3); if(!src.bounds.exact) bounds.exact=false; if(!src.bounds3.exact) bounds3.exact=false; } } picture operator * (transform t, picture orig) { picture pic=orig.copy(); pic.T=t*pic.T; pic.userCorners(t*(pic.userMin.x,pic.userMin.y), t*(pic.userMin.x,pic.userMax.y), t*(pic.userMax.x,pic.userMin.y), t*(pic.userMax.x,pic.userMax.y)); pic.bounds.exact=false; return pic; } picture operator * (transform3 t, picture orig) { picture pic=orig.copy(); pic.T3=t*pic.T3; pic.userCorners(t*pic.userMin, t*(pic.userMin.x,pic.userMin.y,pic.userMax.z), t*(pic.userMin.x,pic.userMax.y,pic.userMin.z), t*(pic.userMin.x,pic.userMax.y,pic.userMax.z), t*(pic.userMax.x,pic.userMin.y,pic.userMin.z), t*(pic.userMax.x,pic.userMin.y,pic.userMax.z), t*(pic.userMax.x,pic.userMax.y,pic.userMin.z), t*pic.userMax); pic.bounds3.exact=false; return pic; } picture currentpicture; void size(picture pic=currentpicture, real x, real y=x, bool keepAspect=pic.keepAspect) { pic.size(x,y,keepAspect); } void size3(picture pic=currentpicture, real x, real y=x, real z=y, bool keepAspect=pic.keepAspect) { pic.size3(x,y,z,keepAspect); } void unitsize(picture pic=currentpicture, real x, real y=x, real z=y) { pic.unitsize(x,y,z); } void size(picture pic=currentpicture, real xsize, real ysize, pair min, pair max) { pair size=max-min; pic.unitsize(size.x != 0 ? xsize/size.x : 0, size.y != 0 ? ysize/size.y : 0); } void size(picture dest, picture src) { dest.size(src.xsize,src.ysize,src.keepAspect); dest.size3(src.xsize3,src.ysize3,src.zsize3,src.keepAspect); dest.unitsize(src.xunitsize,src.yunitsize,src.zunitsize); } pair min(picture pic, bool user=false) { transform t=pic.calculateTransform(); pair z=pic.min(t); return user ? inverse(t)*z : z; } pair max(picture pic, bool user=false) { transform t=pic.calculateTransform(); pair z=pic.max(t); return user ? inverse(t)*z : z; } pair size(picture pic, bool user=false) { transform t=pic.calculateTransform(); pair M=pic.max(t); pair m=pic.min(t); if(!user) return M-m; t=inverse(t); return t*M-t*m; } pair point(picture pic=currentpicture, pair dir, bool user=true) { pair z=pic.userMin()+realmult(rectify(dir),pic.userMax()-pic.userMin()); return user ? z : pic.calculateTransform()*z; } pair truepoint(picture pic=currentpicture, pair dir, bool user=true) { transform t=pic.calculateTransform(); pair m=pic.min(t); pair M=pic.max(t); pair z=m+realmult(rectify(dir),M-m); return user ? inverse(t)*z : z; } // Transform coordinate in [0,1]x[0,1] to current user coordinates. pair relative(picture pic=currentpicture, pair z) { return pic.userMin()+realmult(z,pic.userMax()-pic.userMin()); } void add(picture pic=currentpicture, drawer d, bool exact=false) { pic.add(d,exact); } typedef void drawer3(frame f, transform3 t, picture pic, projection P); void add(picture pic=currentpicture, drawer3 d, bool exact=false) { pic.add(d,exact); } void add(picture pic=currentpicture, void d(picture,transform), bool exact=false) { pic.add(d,exact); } void add(picture pic=currentpicture, void d(picture,transform3), bool exact=false) { pic.add(d,exact); } void begingroup(picture pic=currentpicture) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform) { begingroup(f); },true); } void endgroup(picture pic=currentpicture) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform) { endgroup(f); },true); } void Draw(picture pic=currentpicture, path g, pen p=currentpen) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { draw(f,t*g,p); },true); pic.addPath(g,p); } void _draw(picture pic=currentpicture, path g, pen p=currentpen, margin margin=NoMargin) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { draw(f,margin(t*g,p).g,p); },true); pic.addPath(g,p); } void Draw(picture pic=currentpicture, explicit path[] g, pen p=currentpen) { for(int i=0; i < g.length; ++i) Draw(pic,g[i],p); } void fill(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen p=currentpen, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { fill(f,t*g,p,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void latticeshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[][] p, bool copy=true) { if(copy) { g=copy(g); p=copy(p); } pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { latticeshade(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,p,t,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void axialshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen pena, pair a, pen penb, pair b, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { axialshade(f,t*g,stroke,pena,t*a,penb,t*b,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void radialshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen pena, pair a, real ra, pen penb, pair b, real rb, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { pair A=t*a, B=t*b; real RA=abs(t*(a+ra)-A); real RB=abs(t*(b+rb)-B); radialshade(f,t*g,stroke,pena,A,RA,penb,B,RB,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void gouraudshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, pair[] z, int[] edges, bool copy=true) { if(copy) { g=copy(g); p=copy(p); z=copy(z); edges=copy(edges); } pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { gouraudshade(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,p,t*z,edges,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void gouraudshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, int[] edges, bool copy=true) { if(copy) { g=copy(g); p=copy(p); edges=copy(edges); } pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { gouraudshade(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,p,edges,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void tensorshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[][] p, path[] b=g, pair[][] z=new pair[][], bool copy=true) { if(copy) { g=copy(g); p=copy(p); b=copy(b); z=copy(z); } pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { pair[][] Z=new pair[z.length][]; for(int i=0; i < z.length; ++i) Z[i]=t*z[i]; tensorshade(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,p,t*b,Z,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void tensorshade(frame f, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, path b=g.length > 0 ? g[0] : nullpath) { tensorshade(f,g,stroke,fillrule,new pen[][] {p},b); } void tensorshade(frame f, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, path b=g.length > 0 ? g[0] : nullpath, pair[] z) { tensorshade(f,g,stroke,fillrule,new pen[][] {p},b,new pair[][] {z}); } void tensorshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, path b=g.length > 0 ? g[0] : nullpath) { tensorshade(pic,g,stroke,fillrule,new pen[][] {p},b); } void tensorshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p, path b=g.length > 0 ? g[0] : nullpath, pair[] z) { tensorshade(pic,g,stroke,fillrule,new pen[][] {p},b,new pair[][] {z}); } // Smoothly shade the regions between consecutive paths of a sequence using a // given array of pens: void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen fillrule=currentpen, pen[] p) { path[] G; pen[][] P; string differentlengths="arrays have different lengths"; if(g.length != p.length) abort(differentlengths); for(int i=0; i < g.length-1; ++i) { path g0=g[i]; path g1=g[i+1]; if(length(g0) != length(g1)) abort(differentlengths); for(int j=0; j < length(g0); ++j) { G.push(subpath(g0,j,j+1)--reverse(subpath(g1,j,j+1))--cycle); P.push(new pen[] {p[i],p[i],p[i+1],p[i+1]}); } } tensorshade(pic,G,fillrule,P); } void functionshade(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, string shader, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { functionshade(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,shader); },true); pic.addPath(g); } void filldraw(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen fillpen=currentpen, pen drawpen=currentpen) { begingroup(pic); fill(pic,g,fillpen); Draw(pic,g,drawpen); endgroup(pic); } void clip(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.userClip(min(g),max(g)); pic.clip(new void(frame f, transform t) { clip(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,false); },true); } void beginclip(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool stroke=false, pen fillrule=currentpen, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.clipmin.push(min(g)); pic.clipmax.push(max(g)); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { beginclip(f,t*g,stroke,fillrule,false); },true); } void endclip(picture pic=currentpicture) { if(pic.clipmin.length > 0 && pic.clipmax.length > 0) pic.userClip(pic.clipmin.pop(),pic.clipmax.pop()); pic.clip(new void(frame f, transform) { endclip(f); },true); } void unfill(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { unfill(f,t*g,false); },true); } void filloutside(picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen p=currentpen, bool copy=true) { if(copy) g=copy(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { filloutside(f,t*g,p,false); },true); pic.addPath(g); } // Use a fixed scaling to map user coordinates in box(min,max) to the // desired picture size. transform fixedscaling(picture pic=currentpicture, pair min, pair max, pen p=nullpen, bool warn=false) { Draw(pic,min,p+invisible); Draw(pic,max,p+invisible); pic.fixed=true; return pic.fixedscaling=pic.calculateTransform(pic.xsize,pic.ysize, pic.keepAspect); } // Add frame src to frame dest about position with optional grouping. void add(frame dest, frame src, pair position, bool group=false, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { add(dest,shift(position)*src,group,filltype,above); } // Add frame src to picture dest about position with optional grouping. void add(picture dest=currentpicture, frame src, pair position=0, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { if(is3D(src)) { dest.add(new void(frame f, transform3, picture, projection) { add(f,src); // always add about 3D origin (ignore position) },true); dest.addBox((0,0,0),(0,0,0),min3(src),max3(src)); } else { dest.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { add(f,shift(t*position)*src,group,filltype,above); },true); dest.addBox(position,position,min(src),max(src)); } } // Like add(picture,frame,pair) but extend picture to accommodate frame. void attach(picture dest=currentpicture, frame src, pair position=0, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { transform t=dest.calculateTransform(); add(dest,src,position,group,filltype,above); pair s=size(; size(dest,dest.xsize != 0 ? s.x : 0,dest.ysize != 0 ? s.y : 0); } // Like add(picture,frame,pair) but align frame in direction align. void add(picture dest=currentpicture, frame src, pair position, pair align, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { add(dest,align(src,align),position,group,filltype,above); } // Like add(frame,frame,pair) but align frame in direction align. void add(frame dest, frame src, pair position, pair align, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { add(dest,align(src,align),position,group,filltype,above); } // Like add(picture,frame,pair,pair) but extend picture to accommodate frame; void attach(picture dest=currentpicture, frame src, pair position, pair align, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { attach(dest,align(src,align),position,group,filltype,above); } // Add a picture to another such that user coordinates in both will be scaled // identically in the shipout. void add(picture dest, picture src, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { dest.add(src,group,filltype,above); } void add(picture src, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { currentpicture.add(src,group,filltype,above); } // Fit the picture src using the identity transformation (so user // coordinates and truesize coordinates agree) and add it about the point // position to picture dest. void add(picture dest, picture src, pair position, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { add(dest,,position,group,filltype,above); } void add(picture src, pair position, bool group=true, filltype filltype=NoFill, bool above=true) { add(currentpicture,src,position,group,filltype,above); } // Fill a region about the user-coordinate 'origin'. void fill(pair origin, picture pic=currentpicture, path[] g, pen p=currentpen) { picture opic; fill(opic,g,p); add(pic,opic,origin); } void postscript(picture pic=currentpicture, string s) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform) { postscript(f,s); },true); } void postscript(picture pic=currentpicture, string s, pair min, pair max) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { postscript(f,s,t*min,t*max); },true); } void tex(picture pic=currentpicture, string s) { // Force TeX string s to be evaluated immediately (in case it is a macro). frame g; tex(g,s); size(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform) { tex(f,s); },true); } void tex(picture pic=currentpicture, string s, pair min, pair max) { frame g; tex(g,s); size(g); pic.add(new void(frame f, transform t) { tex(f,s,t*min,t*max); },true); } void layer(picture pic=currentpicture) { pic.add(new void(frame f, transform) { layer(f); },true); } void erase(picture pic=currentpicture) { pic.uptodate=false; pic.erase(); } void begin(picture pic=currentpicture, string name, string id="", bool visible=true) { if(!latex() || !pdf()) return; settings.twice=true; if(id == "") id=string(++ocgindex); tex(pic,"\begin{ocg}{"+name+"}{"+id+"}{"+(visible ? "1" : "0")+"}"); layer(pic); } void end(picture pic=currentpicture) { if(!latex() || !pdf()) return; tex(pic,"\end{ocg}"); layer(pic); } // For users of the LaTeX babel package. void deactivatequote(picture pic=currentpicture) { tex(pic,"\catcode`\"=12"); } void activatequote(picture pic=currentpicture) { tex(pic,"\catcode`\"=13"); }